'b')) returns /x?a=b * add_url_params('/x?cat_id=10', array('a'=>'b')) returns /x?cat_id=10&a=b * @param string url * @param array params * @return string */ function add_url_params($url, $params) { if ( !empty($params) ) { assert( is_array($params) ); $is_first = true; foreach($params as $param=>$val) { if ($is_first) { $is_first = false; $url .= ( strstr($url, '?')===false ) ? '?' :'&'; } else { $url .= '&'; } $url .= $param; if (isset($val)) { $url .= '='.$val; } } } return $url; } /** * build an index URL for a specific section * * @param array * @return string */ function make_index_URL($params = array()) { global $conf; $url = get_root_url().'index'; if ($conf['php_extension_in_urls']) { $url .= '.php'; } if ($conf['question_mark_in_urls']) { $url .= '?'; } $url.= make_section_in_URL($params); $url = add_well_known_params_in_url($url, $params); return $url; } /** * build an index URL with current page parameters, but with redefinitions * and removes. * * duplicate_index_URL(array('category' => 12), array('start')) will create * an index URL on the current section (categories), but on a redefined * category and without the start URL parameter. * * @param array redefined keys * @param array removed keys * @return string */ function duplicate_index_URL($redefined = array(), $removed = array()) { return make_index_URL( params_for_duplication($redefined, $removed) ); } /** * returns $page global array with key redefined and key removed * * @param array redefined keys * @param array removed keys * @return array */ function params_for_duplication($redefined, $removed) { global $page; if (count($removed) > 0) { $params = array(); foreach ($page as $page_item_key => $page_item_value) { if (!in_array($page_item_key, $removed)) { $params[$page_item_key] = $page_item_value; } } } else { $params = $page; } foreach ($redefined as $redefined_param => $redefined_value) { $params[$redefined_param] = $redefined_value; } return $params; } /** * create a picture URL with current page parameters, but with redefinitions * and removes. See duplicate_index_URL. * * @param array redefined keys * @param array removed keys * @return string */ function duplicate_picture_URL($redefined = array(), $removed = array()) { return make_picture_URL( params_for_duplication($redefined, $removed) ); } /** * create a picture URL on a specific section for a specific picture * * @param array * @return string */ function make_picture_URL($params) { global $conf; if (!isset($params['image_id'])) { die('make_picture_URL: image_id is a required parameter'); } $url = get_root_url().'picture'; if ($conf['php_extension_in_urls']) { $url .= '.php'; } if ($conf['question_mark_in_urls']) { $url .= '?'; } $url.= '/'; switch ( $conf['picture_url_style'] ) { case 'id-file': $url .= $params['image_id']; if ( isset($params['image_file']) ) { $url .= '-'.get_filename_wo_extension($params['image_file']); } break; case 'file': if ( isset($params['image_file']) and !is_numeric($params['image_file']) ) { $url .= get_filename_wo_extension($params['image_file']); } else { $url .= $params['image_id']; } break; default: $url .= $params['image_id']; } $url .= make_section_in_URL($params); $url = add_well_known_params_in_url($url, $params); return $url; } /** *adds to the url the chronology and start parameters */ function add_well_known_params_in_url($url, $params) { if ( isset($params['chronology_field']) ) { $url .= '/'. $params['chronology_field']; $url .= '-'. $params['chronology_style']; if ( isset($params['chronology_view']) ) { $url .= '-'. $params['chronology_view']; } if ( !empty($params['chronology_date']) ) { $url .= '-'. implode('-', $params['chronology_date'] ); } } if (isset($params['start']) and $params['start'] > 0) { $url.= '/start-'.$params['start']; } return $url; } /** * return the section token of an index or picture URL. * * Depending on section, other parameters are required (see function code * for details) * * @param array * @return string */ function make_section_in_URL($params) { $section_string = ''; $section_of = array( 'category' => 'categories', 'tags' => 'tags', 'list' => 'list', 'search' => 'search', ); foreach ($section_of as $param => $section) { if (isset($params[$param])) { $params['section'] = $section; } } if (!isset($params['section'])) { $params['section'] = 'categories'; } switch($params['section']) { case 'categories' : { if (!isset($params['category'])) { $section_string.= '/categories'; } else { $section_string.= '/category/'.$params['category']; } break; } case 'tags' : { if (!isset($params['tags']) or count($params['tags']) == 0) { die('make_section_in_URL: require at least one tag'); } $section_string.= '/tags'; foreach ($params['tags'] as $tag) { $section_string.= '/'.$tag['id']; if (isset($tag['url_name'])) { $section_string.= '-'.$tag['url_name']; } } break; } case 'search' : { if (!isset($params['search'])) { die('make_section_in_URL: require a search identifier'); } $section_string.= '/search/'.$params['search']; break; } case 'list' : { if (!isset($params['list'])) { die('make_section_in_URL: require a list of items'); } $section_string.= '/list/'.implode(',', $params['list']); break; } default : { $section_string.= '/'.$params['section']; } } return $section_string; } ?>