'ic.category_id', 'visible_categories' => 'ic.category_id', 'visible_images' => $img_field ), $prefix_condition, $force_one_condition ); } /* * Execute custom notification query * * @param string action ('count' or 'info') * @param string type of query ('new_comments', 'unvalidated_comments', 'new_elements', 'updated_categories', 'new_users', 'waiting_elements') * @param string start (mysql datetime format) * @param string end (mysql datetime format) * * @return integer for action count * array for info */ function custom_notification_query($action, $type, $start, $end) { global $user; switch($type) { case 'new_comments': $query = ' FROM '.COMMENTS_TABLE.' AS c , '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic WHERE c.image_id = ic.image_id'; if (!empty($start)) { $query .= ' AND c.validation_date > \''.$start.'\''; } if (!empty($end)) { $query .= ' AND c.validation_date <= \''.$end.'\''; } $query .= get_std_sql_where_restrict_filter('AND').' ;'; break; case 'unvalidated_comments': $query = ' FROM '.COMMENTS_TABLE.' WHERE 1=1'; if (!empty($start)) { $query .= ' AND date> \''.$start.'\''; } if (!empty($end)) { $query .= ' AND date <= \''.$end.'\''; } $query .= ' AND validated = \'false\' ;'; break; case 'new_elements': $query = ' FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON image_id = id WHERE 1=1'; if (!empty($start)) { $query .= ' AND date_available > \''.$start.'\''; } if (!empty($end)) { $query .= ' AND date_available <= \''.$end.'\''; } $query .= get_std_sql_where_restrict_filter('AND', 'id').' ;'; break; case 'updated_categories': $query = ' FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON image_id = id WHERE 1=1'; if (!empty($start)) { $query .= ' AND date_available > \''.$start.'\''; } if (!empty($end)) { $query .= ' AND date_available <= \''.$end.'\''; } $query .= get_std_sql_where_restrict_filter('AND', 'id').' ;'; break; case 'new_users': $query = ' FROM '.USER_INFOS_TABLE.' WHERE 1=1'; if (!empty($start)) { $query .= ' AND registration_date > \''.$start.'\''; } if (!empty($end)) { $query .= ' AND registration_date <= \''.$end.'\''; } $query .= ' ;'; break; case 'waiting_elements': $query = ' FROM '.WAITING_TABLE.' WHERE validated = \'false\' ;'; break; default: // stop this function and return nothing return; break; } switch($action) { case 'count': switch($type) { case 'new_comments': $field_id = 'c.id'; break; case 'unvalidated_comments': $field_id = 'id'; break; case 'new_elements': $field_id = 'image_id'; break; case 'updated_categories': $field_id = 'category_id'; break; case 'new_users': $field_id = 'user_id'; break; case 'waiting_elements': $field_id = 'id'; break; } $query = 'SELECT count(distinct '.$field_id.') as CountId '.$query; list($count) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); return $count; break; case 'info': switch($type) { case 'new_comments': $fields = array('c.id'); break; case 'unvalidated_comments': $fields = array('id'); break; case 'new_elements': $fields = array('image_id'); break; case 'updated_categories': $fields = array('category_id'); break; case 'new_users': $fields = array('user_id'); break; case 'waiting_elements': $fields = array('id'); break; } $query = 'SELECT distinct '.implode(', ', $fields).' '.$query; $result = pwg_query($query); $infos = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($infos, $row); } return $infos; break; } //return is done on previous switch($action) } /** * new comments between two dates, according to authorized categories * * @param string start (mysql datetime format) * @param string end (mysql datetime format) * @param string forbidden categories (comma separated) * @return count comment ids */ function nb_new_comments($start, $end) { return custom_notification_query('count', 'new_comments', $start, $end); } /** * new comments between two dates, according to authorized categories * * @param string start (mysql datetime format) * @param string end (mysql datetime format) * @param string forbidden categories (comma separated) * @return array comment ids */ function new_comments($start, $end) { return custom_notification_query('info', 'new_comments', $start, $end); } /** * unvalidated at a precise date * * Comments that are registered and not validated yet on a precise date * * @param string start (mysql datetime format) * @param string end (mysql datetime format) * @return count comment ids */ function nb_unvalidated_comments($start, $end) { return custom_notification_query('count', 'unvalidated_comments', $start, $end); } /** * new elements between two dates, according to authorized categories * * @param string start (mysql datetime format) * @param string end (mysql datetime format) * @param string forbidden categories (comma separated) * @return count element ids */ function nb_new_elements($start, $end) { return custom_notification_query('count', 'new_elements', $start, $end); } /** * new elements between two dates, according to authorized categories * * @param string start (mysql datetime format) * @param string end (mysql datetime format) * @param string forbidden categories (comma separated) * @return array element ids */ function new_elements($start, $end) { return custom_notification_query('info', 'new_elements', $start, $end); } /** * updated categories between two dates, according to authorized categories * * @param string start (mysql datetime format) * @param string end (mysql datetime format) * @param string forbidden categories (comma separated) * @return count element ids */ function nb_updated_categories($start, $end) { return custom_notification_query('count', 'updated_categories', $start, $end); } /** * updated categories between two dates, according to authorized categories * * @param string start (mysql datetime format) * @param string end (mysql datetime format) * @param string forbidden categories (comma separated) * @return array element ids */ function updated_categories($start, $end) { return custom_notification_query('info', 'updated_categories', $start, $end); } /** * new registered users between two dates * * @param string start (mysql datetime format) * @param string end (mysql datetime format) * @return count user ids */ function nb_new_users($start, $end) { return custom_notification_query('count', 'new_users', $start, $end); } /** * new registered users between two dates * * @param string start (mysql datetime format) * @param string end (mysql datetime format) * @return array user ids */ function new_users($start, $end) { return custom_notification_query('info', 'new_users', $start, $end); } /** * currently waiting pictures * * @return count waiting ids */ function nb_waiting_elements() { return custom_notification_query('count', 'waiting_elements', '', ''); } /** * currently waiting pictures * * @return array waiting ids */ function waiting_elements() { return custom_notification_query('info', 'waiting_elements', $start, $end); } /** * There are new between two dates ? * * Informations : number of new comments, number of new elements, number of * updated categories. Administrators are also informed about : number of * unvalidated comments, number of new users (TODO : number of unvalidated * elements) * * @param string start date (mysql datetime format) * @param string end date (mysql datetime format) * * @return boolean : true if exist news else false */ function news_exists($start, $end) { return ( (nb_new_comments($start, $end) > 0) or (nb_new_elements($start, $end) > 0) or (nb_updated_categories($start, $end) > 0) or ((is_admin()) and (nb_unvalidated_comments($start, $end) > 0)) or ((is_admin()) and (nb_new_users($start, $end) > 0)) or ((is_admin()) and (nb_waiting_elements() > 0)) ); } /** * Formats a news line and adds it to the array (e.g. '5 new elements') */ function add_news_line(&$news, $count, $singular_fmt_key, $plural_fmt_key, $url='', $add_url=false) { if ($count > 0) { $line = l10n_dec($singular_fmt_key, $plural_fmt_key, $count); if ($add_url and !empty($url) ) { $line = ''.$line.''; } array_push($news, $line); } } /** * What's new between two dates ? * * Informations : number of new comments, number of new elements, number of * updated categories. Administrators are also informed about : number of * unvalidated comments, number of new users (TODO : number of unvalidated * elements) * * @param string start date (mysql datetime format) * @param string end date (mysql datetime format) * @param bool exclude_img_cats if true, no info about new images/categories * @param bool add_url add html A link around news * * @return array of news */ function news($start, $end, $exclude_img_cats=false, $add_url=false) { $news = array(); if (!$exclude_img_cats) { add_news_line( $news, nb_new_elements($start, $end), '%d new image', '%d new images', make_index_url(array('section'=>'recent_pics')), $add_url ); } if (!$exclude_img_cats) { add_news_line( $news, nb_updated_categories($start, $end), '%d category updated', '%d categories updated', make_index_url(array('section'=>'recent_cats')), $add_url ); } add_news_line( $news, nb_new_comments($start, $end), '%d new comment', '%d new comments', get_root_url().'comments.php', $add_url ); if (is_admin()) { add_news_line( $news, nb_unvalidated_comments($start, $end), '%d comment to validate', '%d comments to validate', get_root_url().'admin.php?page=comments', $add_url ); add_news_line( $news, nb_new_users($start, $end), '%d new user', '%d new users', get_root_url().'admin.php?page=user_list', $add_url ); add_news_line( $news, nb_waiting_elements(), '%d waiting element', '%d waiting elements', get_root_url().'admin.php?page=upload', $add_url ); } return $news; } /** * returns information about recently published elements grouped by post date * @param int max_dates maximum returned number of recent dates * @param int max_elements maximum returned number of elements per date * @param int max_cats maximum returned number of categories per date */ function get_recent_post_dates($max_dates, $max_elements, $max_cats) { global $conf, $user; $where_sql = get_std_sql_where_restrict_filter('WHERE', 'i.id', true); $query = ' SELECT date_available, COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS nb_elements, COUNT(DISTINCT category_id) AS nb_cats FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' i INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON id=image_id '.$where_sql.' GROUP BY date_available ORDER BY date_available DESC LIMIT '.$max_dates.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $dates = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($dates, $row); } for ($i=0; $i0) { // get some thumbnails ... $query = ' SELECT id, path, name, tn_ext, file FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' i INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON id=image_id '.$where_sql.' AND date_available=\''.$dates[$i]['date_available'].'\' AND tn_ext IS NOT NULL ORDER BY '.DB_RANDOM_FUNCTION.'() LIMIT '.$max_elements.' ;'; $dates[$i]['elements'] = array(); $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($dates[$i]['elements'], $row); } } if ($max_cats>0) {// get some categories ... $query = ' SELECT c.uppercats, COUNT(DISTINCT i.id) AS img_count FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' i INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON i.id=image_id INNER JOIN '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' c ON c.id=category_id '.$where_sql.' AND date_available=\''.$dates[$i]['date_available'].'\' GROUP BY category_id, c.uppercats ORDER BY img_count DESC LIMIT '.$max_cats.' ;'; $dates[$i]['categories'] = array(); $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($dates[$i]['categories'], $row); } } } return $dates; } /* Call function get_recent_post_dates but the parameters to be passed to the function, as an indexed array. */ function get_recent_post_dates_array($args) { return get_recent_post_dates ( (empty($args['max_dates']) ? 3 : $args['max_dates']), (empty($args['max_elements']) ? 3 : $args['max_elements']), (empty($args['max_cats']) ? 3 : $args['max_cats']) ); } /** * returns html description about recently published elements grouped by post date * @param $date_detail: selected date computed by get_recent_post_dates function */ function get_html_description_recent_post_date($date_detail) { global $conf; $description = ''; return $description; } /** * explodes a MySQL datetime format (2005-07-14 23:01:37) in fields "year", * "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second". * * @param string mysql datetime format * @return array */ function explode_mysqldt($mysqldt) { $date = array(); list($date['year'], $date['month'], $date['day'], $date['hour'], $date['minute'], $date['second']) = preg_split('/[-: ]/', $mysqldt); return $date; } /** * returns title about recently published elements grouped by post date * @param $date_detail: selected date computed by get_recent_post_dates function */ function get_title_recent_post_date($date_detail) { global $lang; $date = $date_detail['date_available']; $exploded_date = explode_mysqldt($date); $title = l10n_dec('%d new image', '%d new images', $date_detail['nb_elements']); $title .= ' ('.$lang['month'][(int)$exploded_date['month']].' '.$exploded_date['day'].')'; return $title; } ?>