$conf['send_bcc_mail_webmaster'], 'mail_allow_html' => $conf['mail_allow_html'], 'mail_theme' => $conf['mail_theme'], 'use_smtp' => !empty($conf['smtp_host']), 'smtp_host' => $conf['smtp_host'], 'smtp_user' => $conf['smtp_user'], 'smtp_password' => $conf['smtp_password'], 'smtp_secure' => $conf['smtp_secure'], 'email_webmaster' => get_mail_sender_email(), 'name_webmaster' => get_mail_sender_name(), ); return $conf_mail; } /** * Returns an email address with an associated real name * @param string name * @param string email */ function format_email($name, $email) { $cvt_email = trim(preg_replace('#[\n\r]+#s', '', $email)); $cvt_name = trim(preg_replace('#[\n\r]+#s', '', $name)); if ($cvt_name!="") { $cvt_name = '"'.addcslashes($cvt_name,'"').'"'.' '; } if (strpos($cvt_email, '<') === false) { return $cvt_name.'<'.$cvt_email.'>'; } else { return $cvt_name.$cvt_email; } } /** * Returns the mail and the name from a formatted address * @since 2.6 * @param string|array $input * @return array */ function unformat_email($input) { if (is_array($input)) { if (!isset($input['name'])) { $input['name'] = ''; } return $input; } if (preg_match('/(.*)<(.*)>.*/', $input, $matches)) { return array( 'email' => trim($matches[2]), 'name' => trim($matches[1]), ); } else { return array( 'email' => trim($input), 'name' => '', ); } } /** * Return a clean array of hashmaps (email, name) from various inputs * - comma separated list * - array of emails * - single hashmap (email[, name]) * @since 2.6 * * @param mixed $data * @return string[][] */ function get_clean_recipients_list($data) { if (empty($data)) { return array(); } else if (is_array($data)) { $values = array_values($data); if (!is_array($values[0])) { $keys = array_keys($data); if (is_int($keys[0])) { // simple array of emails foreach ($data as &$item) { $item = array( 'email' => $item, 'name' => '', ); } unset($item); } else { // hashmap of one recipient $data = array(unformat_email($data)); } } else { // array of hashmaps $data = array_map('unformat_email', $data); } } else { $data = explode(',', $data); $data = array_map('unformat_email', $data); } return $data; } /** * Returns an email address list with minimal email string * @param string $email_list - comma separated * @return string */ function get_strict_email_list($email_list) { $result = array(); $list = explode(',', $email_list); foreach ($list as $email) { if (strpos($email, '<') !== false) { $email = preg_replace('/.*<(.*)>.*/i', '$1', $email); } $result[] = trim($email); } return implode(',', array_unique($result)); } /** * Return an new mail template * @param string $email_format - text/html or text/plain * @return Template */ function &get_mail_template($email_format) { $template = new Template(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'themes', 'default', 'template/mail/'.$email_format); return $template; } /** * Return string email format (text/html or text/plain) * @param bool is_html * @return string */ function get_str_email_format($is_html) { return ($is_html ? 'text/html' : 'text/plain'); } /** * Switch language to specified language * All entries are push on language stack * @param string $language */ function switch_lang_to($language) { global $switch_lang, $user, $lang, $lang_info, $language_files; // explanation of switch_lang // $switch_lang['language'] contains data of language // $switch_lang['stack'] contains stack LIFO // $switch_lang['initialisation'] allow to know if it's first call // Treatment with current user // Language of current user is saved (it's considered OK on firt call) if (!isset($switch_lang['initialisation']) and !isset($switch_lang['language'][$user['language']])) { $switch_lang['initialisation'] = true; $switch_lang['language'][$user['language']]['lang_info'] = $lang_info; $switch_lang['language'][$user['language']]['lang'] = $lang; } // Change current infos $switch_lang['stack'][] = $user['language']; $user['language'] = $language; // Load new data if necessary if (!isset($switch_lang['language'][$language])) { // Re-Init language arrays $lang_info = array(); $lang = array(); // language files load_language('common.lang', '', array('language'=>$language) ); // No test admin because script is checked admin (user selected no) // Translations are in admin file too load_language('admin.lang', '', array('language'=>$language) ); // Reload all plugins files (see load_language declaration) if (!empty($language_files)) { foreach ($language_files as $dirname => $files) foreach ($files as $filename) load_language($filename, $dirname, array('language'=>$language) ); } trigger_action('loading_lang'); load_language('lang', PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.PWG_LOCAL_DIR, array('language'=>$language, 'no_fallback'=>true, 'local'=>true) ); $switch_lang['language'][$language]['lang_info'] = $lang_info; $switch_lang['language'][$language]['lang'] = $lang; } else { $lang_info = $switch_lang['language'][$language]['lang_info']; $lang = $switch_lang['language'][$language]['lang']; } } /** * Switch back language pushed with switch_lang_to function */ function switch_lang_back() { global $switch_lang, $user, $lang, $lang_info; if (count($switch_lang['stack']) > 0) { // Get last value $language = array_pop($switch_lang['stack']); // Change current infos if (isset($switch_lang['language'][$language])) { $lang_info = $switch_lang['language'][$language]['lang_info']; $lang = $switch_lang['language'][$language]['lang']; } $user['language'] = $language; } } /** * Send a notification email to all administrators * current user (if admin) is not notified * @param string|array $subject * @param string|array $content * @param boolean $send_technical_details - send user IP and browser * @return boolean */ function pwg_mail_notification_admins($subject, $content, $send_technical_details=true) { if (empty($subject) or empty($content)) { return false; } global $conf, $user; if (is_array($subject) or is_array($content)) { switch_lang_to(get_default_language()); if (is_array($subject)) { $subject = l10n_args($subject); } if (is_array($content)) { $content = l10n_args($content); } switch_lang_back(); } $tpl_vars = array(); if ($send_technical_details) { $tpl_vars['TECHNICAL'] = array( 'username' => stripslashes($user['username']), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'user_agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], ); } return pwg_mail_admins( array( 'subject' => '['. $conf['gallery_title'] .'] '. $subject, 'mail_title' => $conf['gallery_title'], 'mail_subtitle' => $subject, 'content' => $content, 'content_format' => 'text/plain', ), array( 'filename' => 'notification_admin', 'assign' => $tpl_vars, ) ); } /** * Send a email to all administrators * current user (if admin) is excluded * @see pwg_mail() * @since 2.6 * * @param array $args - as in pwg_mail() * @param array $tpl - as in pwg_mail() * @return boolean */ function pwg_mail_admins($args=array(), $tpl=array()) { if (empty($args['content']) and empty($tpl)) { return false; } global $conf, $user; $return = true; // get admins (except ourself) $query = ' SELECT u.'.$conf['user_fields']['username'].' AS name, u.'.$conf['user_fields']['email'].' AS email FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' AS u JOIN '.USER_INFOS_TABLE.' AS i ON i.user_id = u.'.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' WHERE i.status in (\'webmaster\', \'admin\') AND u.'.$conf['user_fields']['email'].' IS NOT NULL AND i.user_id <> '.$user['id'].' ORDER BY username ;'; $admins = array_from_query($query); if (empty($admins)) { return $return; } switch_lang_to(get_default_language()); $return = pwg_mail($admins, $args, $tpl); switch_lang_back(); return $return; } /** * Send an email to a group * @see pwg_mail() * * @param int $group_id * @param array $args - as in pwg_mail() * @option string language_selected - filters users of the group by language * @param array $tpl - as in pwg_mail() * @return boolean */ function pwg_mail_group($group_id, $args=array(), $tpl=array()) { if (empty($group_id) or ( empty($args['content']) and empty($tpl) )) { return false; } global $conf; $return = true; // get distinct languages of targeted users $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT language FROM '.USER_GROUP_TABLE.' AS ug INNER JOIN '.USERS_TABLE.' AS u ON '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = ug.user_id INNER JOIN '.USER_INFOS_TABLE.' AS ui ON ui.user_id = ug.user_id WHERE group_id = '.$group_id.' AND '.$conf['user_fields']['email'].' <> ""'; if (!empty($args['language_selected'])) { $query .= ' AND language = \''.$args['language_selected'].'\''; } $query .= ' ;'; $languages = array_from_query($query, 'language'); if (empty($languages)) { return $return; } foreach ($languages as $language) { // get subset of users in this group for a specific language $query = ' SELECT u.'.$conf['user_fields']['username'].' AS name, u.'.$conf['user_fields']['email'].' AS email FROM '.USER_GROUP_TABLE.' AS ug INNER JOIN '.USERS_TABLE.' AS u ON '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = ug.user_id INNER JOIN '.USER_INFOS_TABLE.' AS ui ON ui.user_id = ug.user_id WHERE group_id = '.$group_id.' AND '.$conf['user_fields']['email'].' <> "" AND language = \''.$language.'\' ;'; $users = array_from_query($query); if (empty($users)) { continue; } switch_lang_to($language); $return&= pwg_mail(null, array_merge( $args, array('Bcc' => $users) ), $tpl ); switch_lang_back(); } return $return; } /** * sends an email, using Piwigo specific informations * * @param string|string[] $to * @param array $args * o from: sender [default value webmaster email] * o Cc: array of carbon copy receivers of the mail. [default value empty] * o Bcc: array of blind carbon copy receivers of the mail. [default value empty] * o subject [default value 'Piwigo'] * o content: content of mail [default value ''] * o content_format: format of mail content [default value 'text/plain'] * o email_format: global mail format [default value $conf_mail['default_email_format']] * o theme: theme to use [default value $conf_mail['mail_theme']] * o mail_title: main title of the mail [default value $conf['gallery_title']] * o mail_subtitle: subtitle of the mail [default value subject] * @param array $tpl - use these options to define a custom content template file * o filename * o dirname (optional) * o assign (optional) * * @return boolean */ function pwg_mail($to, $args=array(), $tpl=array()) { global $conf, $conf_mail, $lang_info, $page; if (empty($to) and empty($args['Cc']) and empty($args['Bcc'])) { return true; } if (!isset($conf_mail)) { $conf_mail = get_mail_configuration(); } include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'); $mail = new PHPMailer; foreach (get_clean_recipients_list($to) as $recipient) { $mail->addAddress($recipient['email'], $recipient['name']); } $mail->WordWrap = 76; $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; // Compute root_path in order have complete path set_make_full_url(); if (empty($args['from'])) { $from = array( 'email' => $conf_mail['email_webmaster'], 'name' => $conf_mail['name_webmaster'], ); } else { $from = unformat_email($args['from']); } $mail->setFrom($from['email'], $from['name']); $mail->addReplyTo($from['email'], $from['name']); // Subject if (empty($args['subject'])) { $args['subject'] = 'Piwigo'; } $args['subject'] = trim(preg_replace('#[\n\r]+#s', '', $args['subject'])); $mail->Subject = $args['subject']; // Cc if (!empty($args['Cc'])) { foreach (get_clean_recipients_list($args['Cc']) as $recipient) { $mail->addCC($recipient['email'], $recipient['name']); } } // Bcc $Bcc = get_clean_recipients_list(@$args['Bcc']); if ($conf_mail['send_bcc_mail_webmaster']) { $Bcc[] = get_webmaster_mail_address(); } if (!empty($Bcc)) { foreach ($Bcc as $recipient) { $mail->addBCC($recipient['email'], $recipient['name']); } } // theme if (empty($args['theme']) or !in_array($args['theme'], array('clear','dark'))) { $args['theme'] = $conf_mail['mail_theme']; } // content if (!isset($args['content'])) { $args['content'] = ''; } // try to decompose subject like "[....] ...." if (!isset($args['mail_title']) and !isset($args['mail_subtitle'])) { if (preg_match('#^\[(.*)\](.*)$#', $args['subject'], $matches)) { $args['mail_title'] = $matches[1]; $args['mail_subtitle'] = $matches[2]; } } if (!isset($args['mail_title'])) { $args['mail_title'] = $conf['gallery_title']; } if (!isset($args['mail_subtitle'])) { $args['mail_subtitle'] = $args['subject']; } // content type if (empty($args['content_format'])) { $args['content_format'] = 'text/plain'; } $content_type_list = array(); if ($conf_mail['mail_allow_html'] and @$args['email_format'] != 'text/plain') { $content_type_list[] = 'text/html'; } $content_type_list[] = 'text/plain'; $contents = array(); foreach ($content_type_list as $content_type) { // key compose of indexes witch allow to cache mail data $cache_key = $content_type.'-'.$lang_info['code']; if (!isset($conf_mail[$cache_key])) { // instanciate a new Template if (!isset($conf_mail[$cache_key]['theme'])) { $conf_mail[$cache_key]['theme'] = get_mail_template($content_type); trigger_action('before_parse_mail_template', $cache_key, $content_type); } $template = &$conf_mail[$cache_key]['theme']; $template->set_filename('mail_header', 'header.tpl'); $template->set_filename('mail_footer', 'footer.tpl'); $template->assign( array( 'GALLERY_URL' => get_gallery_home_url(), 'GALLERY_TITLE' => isset($page['gallery_title']) ? $page['gallery_title'] : $conf['gallery_title'], 'VERSION' => $conf['show_version'] ? PHPWG_VERSION : '', 'PHPWG_URL' => defined('PHPWG_URL') ? PHPWG_URL : '', 'CONTENT_ENCODING' => get_pwg_charset(), 'CONTACT_MAIL' => $conf_mail['email_webmaster'], ) ); if ($content_type == 'text/html') { if ($template->smarty->template_exists('global-mail-css.tpl')) { $template->set_filename('global-css', 'global-mail-css.tpl'); $template->assign_var_from_handle('GLOBAL_MAIL_CSS', 'global-css'); } if ($template->smarty->template_exists('mail-css-'. $args['theme'] .'.tpl')) { $template->set_filename('css', 'mail-css-'. $args['theme'] .'.tpl'); $template->assign_var_from_handle('MAIL_CSS', 'css'); } } } $template = &$conf_mail[$cache_key]['theme']; $template->assign( array( 'MAIL_TITLE' => $args['mail_title'], 'MAIL_SUBTITLE' => $args['mail_subtitle'], ) ); // Header $contents[$content_type] = $template->parse('mail_header', true); // Content // Stored in a temp variable, if a content template is used it will be assigned // to the $CONTENT template variable, otherwise it will be appened to the mail if ($args['content_format'] == 'text/plain' and $content_type == 'text/html') { // convert plain text to html $mail_content = '
'. nl2br( preg_replace( '/(https?:\/\/([-\w\.]+[-\w])+(:\d+)?(\/([\w\/_\.\#-]*(\?\S+)?[^\.\s])?)?)/i', '$1', htmlspecialchars($args['content']) ) ). '
'; } else if ($args['content_format'] == 'text/html' and $content_type == 'text/plain') { // convert html text to plain text $mail_content = strip_tags($args['content']); } else { $mail_content = $args['content']; } // Runtime template if (isset($tpl['filename'])) { if (isset($tpl['dirname'])) { $template->set_template_dir($tpl['dirname'] .'/'. $content_type); } if ($template->smarty->template_exists($tpl['filename'] .'.tpl')) { $template->set_filename($tpl['filename'], $tpl['filename'] .'.tpl'); if (!empty($tpl['assign'])) { $template->assign($tpl['assign']); } $template->assign('CONTENT', $mail_content); $contents[$content_type].= $template->parse($tpl['filename'], true); } else { $contents[$content_type].= $mail_content; } } else { $contents[$content_type].= $mail_content; } // Footer $contents[$content_type].= $template->parse('mail_footer', true); } // Undo Compute root_path in order have complete path unset_make_full_url(); // Send content to PHPMailer if (isset($contents['text/html'])) { $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Body = move_css_to_body($contents['text/html']); if (isset($contents['text/plain'])) { $mail->AltBody = $contents['text/plain']; } } else { $mail->isHTML(false); $mail->Body = $contents['text/plain']; } if ($conf_mail['use_smtp']) { // now we need to split port number if (strpos($conf_mail['smtp_host'], ':') !== false) { list($smtp_host, $smtp_port) = explode(':', $conf_mail['smtp_host']); } else { $smtp_host = $conf_mail['smtp_host']; $smtp_port = 25; } $mail->IsSMTP(); // enables SMTP debug information (for testing) 2 - debug, 0 - no message $mail->SMTPDebug = 0; $mail->Host = $smtp_host; $mail->Port = $smtp_port; if (!empty($conf_mail['smtp_secure']) and in_array($conf_mail['smtp_secure'], array('ssl', 'tls'))) { $mail->SMTPSecure = $conf_mail['smtp_secure']; } if (!empty($conf_mail['smtp_user'])) { $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $conf_mail['smtp_user']; $mail->Password = $conf_mail['smtp_password']; } } $ret = true; $pre_result = trigger_event('before_send_mail', true, $to, $args, $mail); if ($pre_result) { $ret = $mail->send(); if (!$ret and is_admin()) { trigger_error('Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo, E_USER_WARNING); } } return $ret; } /** * @deprecated 2.6 */ function pwg_send_mail($result, $to, $subject, $content, $headers) { if (is_admin()) { trigger_error('pwg_send_mail function is deprecated', E_USER_NOTICE); } if (!$result) { return pwg_mail($to, array( 'content' => $content, 'subject' => $subject, )); } else { return $result; } } /** * Moves CSS rules contained in the