$page['get_icon_cache']['sql_recent_date'] ) { if ( !isset($page['get_icon_cache']['_icons_'] ) ) { $icons = array(false => 'recent', true => 'recent_by_child' ); $title = l10n('recent_image').' '.$user['recent_period'] .' '.l10n('days'); foreach ($icons as $key => $icon) { $icon_url = get_themeconf('icon_dir').'/'.$icon.'.png'; $size = getimagesize( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$icon_url ); $icon_url = get_root_url().$icon_url; $output = '(!)'; $page['get_icon_cache']['_icons_'][$key] = $output; } } $page['get_icon_cache'][$date] = true; } if (! $page['get_icon_cache'][$date] ) return ''; return $page['get_icon_cache']['_icons_'][$is_child_date]; } function create_navigation_bar( $url, $nb_element, $start, $nb_element_page, $clean_url = false ) { global $lang, $conf; $pages_around = $conf['paginate_pages_around']; $start_str = $clean_url ? '/start-' : ( ( strstr($url, '?')===false ? '?':'&') . 'start=' ); $navbar = ''; // current page detection if (!isset($start) or !is_numeric($start) or (is_numeric($start) and $start < 0)) { $start = 0; } // navigation bar useful only if more than one page to display ! if ($nb_element > $nb_element_page) { // current page and last page $cur_page = ceil($start / $nb_element_page) + 1; $maximum = ceil($nb_element / $nb_element_page); // link to first page ? if ($cur_page != 1) { $navbar.= '' .l10n('first_page') .''; } else { $navbar.= l10n('first_page'); } $navbar.= ' | '; // link on previous page ? if ($start != 0) { $previous = $start - $nb_element_page; $navbar.= ''; } else { $navbar.= l10n('previous_page'); } $navbar.= ' |'; if ($cur_page > $pages_around + 1) { $navbar.= ' 1'; if ($cur_page > $pages_around + 2) { $navbar.= ' ...'; } } // inspired from punbb source code for ($i = $cur_page - $pages_around, $stop = $cur_page + $pages_around + 1; $i < $stop; $i++) { if ($i < 1 or $i > $maximum) { continue; } else if ($i != $cur_page) { $temp_start = ($i - 1) * $nb_element_page; $navbar.= ' ' .'' .$i .''; } else { $navbar.= ' ' .'' .$i .''; } } if ($cur_page < ($maximum - $pages_around)) { $temp_start = ($maximum - 1) * $nb_element_page; if ($cur_page < ($maximum - $pages_around - 1)) { $navbar.= ' ...'; } $navbar.= ' '.$maximum.''; } $navbar.= ' | '; // link on next page ? if ($nb_element > $nb_element_page and $start + $nb_element_page < $nb_element) { $next = $start + $nb_element_page; $navbar.= ''; } else { $navbar.= l10n('next_page'); } $navbar.= ' | '; // link to last page ? if ($cur_page != $maximum) { $temp_start = ($maximum - 1) * $nb_element_page; $navbar.= '' .l10n('last_page') .''; } else { $navbar.= l10n('last_page'); } } return $navbar; } /** * returns the list of categories as a HTML string * * categories string returned contains categories as given in the input * array $cat_informations. $cat_informations array must be an array * of array( id=>?, name=>?, permalink=>?). If url input parameter is null, * returns only the categories name without links. * * @param array cat_informations * @param string url * @param boolean replace_space * @return string */ function get_cat_display_name($cat_informations, $url = '', $replace_space = true) { global $conf; $output = ''; $is_first = true; foreach ($cat_informations as $cat) { is_array($cat) or trigger_error( 'get_cat_display_name wrong type for category ', E_USER_WARNING ); if ($is_first) { $is_first = false; } else { $output.= $conf['level_separator']; } if ( !isset($url) ) { $output.= $cat['name']; } elseif ($url == '') { $output.= ''; $output.= $cat['name'].''; } else { $output.= ''; $output.= $cat['name'].''; } } if ($replace_space) { return replace_space($output); } else { return $output; } } /** * returns the list of categories as a HTML string, with cache of names * * categories string returned contains categories as given in the input * array $cat_informations. $uppercats is the list of category ids to * display in the right order. If url input parameter is empty, returns only * the categories name without links. * * @param string uppercats * @param string url * @param boolean replace_space * @return string */ function get_cat_display_name_cache($uppercats, $url = '', $replace_space = true) { global $cache, $conf; if (!isset($cache['cat_names'])) { $query = ' SELECT id, name, permalink FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' ;'; $cache['cat_names'] = hash_from_query($query, 'id'); } $output = ''; $is_first = true; foreach (explode(',', $uppercats) as $category_id) { $cat = $cache['cat_names'][$category_id]; if ($is_first) { $is_first = false; } else { $output.= $conf['level_separator']; } if ( !isset($url) ) { $output.= $cat['name']; } elseif ($url == '') { $output.= ' '.$cat['name'].''; } else { $output.= ' '.$cat['name'].''; } } if ($replace_space) { return replace_space($output); } else { return $output; } } /** * returns the HTML code for a category item in the menu (for the main page) * * HTML code generated uses logical list tags ul and each category is an * item li. The paramter given is the category informations as an array, * used keys are : id, name, nb_images, max_date_last, date_last * count_images, count_categories * * @param array categories * @return string */ function get_html_menu_category($categories, $selected_category) { global $lang; $ref_level = 0; $level = 0; $menu = trigger_event('get_html_menu_category', '', $categories, $selected_category); if (strlen($menu)) { return $menu; } foreach ($categories as $category) { $level = substr_count($category['global_rank'], '.') + 1; if ($level > $ref_level) { $menu.= "\n",($ref_level-$level)); } $ref_level = $level; $menu.= "\n\n".' $category ) ); $title = get_display_images_count ( $category['nb_images'], $category['count_images'], $category['count_categories'], false, ' / ' ); $menu.= ''.$category['name'].''; if ( $category['count_images']>0 ) {// at least one direct or indirect image $menu.= "\n".''; // show total number of images $menu.= '['.$category['count_images'].']'; $menu.= ''; } $child_date_last = @$category['max_date_last']> @$category['date_last']; $menu.= get_icon($category['max_date_last'], $child_date_last); } $menu.= str_repeat("\n",($level)); return $menu; } /** * returns HTMLized comment contents retrieved from database * * newlines becomes br tags, _word_ becomes underline, /word/ becomes * italic, *word* becomes bolded * * @param string content * @return string */ function parse_comment_content($content) { $pattern = '/(https?:\/\/\S*)/'; $replacement = '$1'; $content = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content); $content = nl2br($content); // replace _word_ by an underlined word $pattern = '/\b_(\S*)_\b/'; $replacement = '$1'; $content = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content); // replace *word* by a bolded word $pattern = '/\b\*(\S*)\*\b/'; $replacement = '$1'; $content = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content); // replace /word/ by an italic word $pattern = "/\/(\S*)\/(\s)/"; $replacement = '$1$2'; $content = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content); $content = '
'; return $content; } function get_cat_display_name_from_id($cat_id, $url = '', $replace_space = true) { $cat_info = get_cat_info($cat_id); return get_cat_display_name($cat_info['upper_names'], $url, $replace_space); } /** * Returns an HTML list of tags. It can be a multi select field or a list of * checkboxes. * * @param string HTML field name * @param array selected tag ids * @return array */ function get_html_tag_selection( $tags, $fieldname, $selecteds = array(), $forbidden_categories = null ) { global $conf; if (count ($tags) == 0 ) { return ''; } $output = ''; return $output; } function name_compare($a, $b) { return strcmp(strtolower($a['name']), strtolower($b['name'])); } /** * exits the current script (either exit or redirect) */ function access_denied() { global $user, $lang; $login_url = get_root_url().'identification.php?redirect=' .urlencode(urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); if ( isset($user['is_the_guest']) and !$user['is_the_guest'] ) { echo '
'; echo ''.l10n('identification').' '; echo ''.l10n('home').'
'; exit(); } else { set_status_header(401); redirect_html($login_url); } } /** * exits the current script with 403 code * @param string msg a message to display * @param string alternate_url redirect to this url */ function page_forbidden($msg, $alternate_url=null) { set_status_header(403); if ($alternate_url==null) $alternate_url = make_index_url(); redirect_html( $alternate_url, '


' .$msg.'
', 5 ); } /** * exits the current script with 400 code * @param string msg a message to display * @param string alternate_url redirect to this url */ function bad_request($msg, $alternate_url=null) { set_status_header(400); if ($alternate_url==null) $alternate_url = make_index_url(); redirect_html( $alternate_url, '

Bad request

' .$msg.'
', 5 ); } /** * exits the current script with 404 code when a page cannot be found * @param string msg a message to display * @param string alternate_url redirect to this url */ function page_not_found($msg, $alternate_url=null) { set_status_header(404); if ($alternate_url==null) $alternate_url = make_index_url(); redirect_html( $alternate_url, '

Page not found

' .$msg.'
', 5 ); } /* returns the title to be displayed above thumbnails on tag page */ function get_tags_content_title() { global $page; $title = count($page['tags']) > 1 ? l10n('Tags') : l10n('Tag'); $title.= ' '; for ($i=0; $i0 ? ' + ' : ''; $title.= '' .$page['tags'][$i]['name'] .''; if ( count($page['tags'])>2 ) { $other_tags = $page['tags']; unset ( $other_tags[$i] ); $title.= 'x' .''; } } return $title; } /** Sets the http status header (200,401,...) */ function set_status_header($code, $text='') { if (empty($text)) { switch ($code) { case 200: $text='OK';break; case 301: $text='Moved permanently';break; case 302: $text='Moved temporarily';break; case 304: $text='Not modified';break; case 400: $text='Bad request';break; case 401: $text='Authorization required';break; case 403: $text='Forbidden';break; case 404: $text='Not found';break; case 500: $text='Server error';break; case 503: $text='Service unavailable';break; } } $protocol = $_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]; if ( ('HTTP/1.1' != $protocol) && ('HTTP/1.0' != $protocol) ) $protocol = 'HTTP/1.0'; if ( version_compare( phpversion(), '4.3.0', '>=' ) ) { header( "$protocol $code $text", true, $code ); } else { header( "$protocol $code $text" ); } trigger_action('set_status_header', $code, $text); } /** * set a class to display a counter * .zero .one .plural */ function set_span_class($count) { if ($count > 1) { return 'plural'; } return ( $count == 0 ) ? 'zero':'one'; } /** returns the category comment for rendering in html. * this is an event handler. don't call directly */ function render_category_description($desc) { global $conf; if ( !( $conf['allow_html_descriptions'] and preg_match('/<(div|br|img|script).*>/i', $desc) ) ) { $desc = nl2br($desc); } return $desc; } /** returns the category comment for rendering in html textual mode (subcatify) * this is an event handler. don't call directly */ function render_category_literal_description($desc) { return strip_tags($desc, '

'); } ?>