$option) { $options[$i] = str_replace("'", '',$option); } } } mysql_free_result($result); return $options; } // get_boolean transforms a string to a boolean value. If the string is // "false" (case insensitive), then the boolean value false is returned. In // any other case, true is returned. function get_boolean( $string ) { $boolean = true; if ( preg_match( '/^false$/i', $string ) ) { $boolean = false; } return $boolean; } /** * returns boolean string 'true' or 'false' if the given var is boolean * * @param mixed $var * @return mixed */ function boolean_to_string($var) { if (is_bool($var)) { if ($var) { return 'true'; } else { return 'false'; } } else { return $var; } } // The function get_moment returns a float value coresponding to the number // of seconds since the unix epoch (1st January 1970) and the microseconds // are precised : e.g. 1052343429.89276600 function get_moment() { $t1 = explode( ' ', microtime() ); $t2 = explode( '.', $t1[0] ); $t2 = $t1[1].'.'.$t2[1]; return $t2; } // The function get_elapsed_time returns the number of seconds (with 3 // decimals precision) between the start time and the end time given. function get_elapsed_time( $start, $end ) { return number_format( $end - $start, 3, '.', ' ').' s'; } // - The replace_space function replaces space and '-' characters // by their HTML equivalent &nbsb; and − // - The function does not replace characters in HTML tags // - This function was created because IE5 does not respect the // CSS "white-space: nowrap;" property unless space and minus // characters are replaced like this function does. // - Example : //
My friend
// ( 01234567891111111111222222222233 ) // ( 0123456789012345678901 ) // becomes : //
My friend
function replace_space( $string ) { //return $string; $return_string = ''; // $remaining is the rest of the string where to replace spaces characters $remaining = $string; // $start represents the position of the next '<' character // $end represents the position of the next '>' character $start = 0; $end = 0; $start = strpos ( $remaining, '<' ); // -> 0 $end = strpos ( $remaining, '>' ); // -> 16 // as long as a '<' and his friend '>' are found, we loop while ( is_numeric( $start ) and is_numeric( $end ) ) { // $treatment is the part of the string to treat // In the first loop of our example, this variable is empty, but in the // second loop, it equals 'My friend' $treatment = substr ( $remaining, 0, $start ); // Replacement of ' ' by his equivalent ' ' $treatment = str_replace( ' ', ' ', $treatment ); $treatment = str_replace( '-', '−', $treatment ); // composing the string to return by adding the treated string and the // following HTML tag -> 'My friend' $return_string.= $treatment.substr( $remaining, $start, $end-$start+1 ); // the remaining string is deplaced to the part after the '>' of this // loop $remaining = substr ( $remaining, $end + 1, strlen( $remaining ) ); $start = strpos ( $remaining, '<' ); $end = strpos ( $remaining, '>' ); } $treatment = str_replace( ' ', ' ', $remaining ); $treatment = str_replace( '-', '−', $treatment ); $return_string.= $treatment; return $return_string; } // get_extension returns the part of the string after the last "." function get_extension( $filename ) { return substr( strrchr( $filename, '.' ), 1, strlen ( $filename ) ); } // get_filename_wo_extension returns the part of the string before the last // ".". // get_filename_wo_extension( 'test.tar.gz' ) -> 'test.tar' function get_filename_wo_extension( $filename ) { $pos = strrpos( $filename, '.' ); return ($pos===false) ? $filename : substr( $filename, 0, $pos); } /** * returns an array contening sub-directories, excluding "CVS" * * @param string $dir * @return array */ function get_dirs($directory) { $sub_dirs = array(); if ($opendir = opendir($directory)) { while ($file = readdir($opendir)) { if ($file != '.' and $file != '..' and is_dir($directory.'/'.$file) and $file != 'CVS' and $file != '.svn') { array_push($sub_dirs, $file); } } } return $sub_dirs; } /** * returns thumbnail directory name of input diretoty name * make thumbnail directory is necessary * set error messages on array messages * * @param: * string $dirname * arrayy $errors * @return bool false on error else string directory name */ function mkget_thumbnail_dir($dirname, &$errors) { $tndir = $dirname.'/thumbnail'; if (!is_dir($tndir)) { if (!is_writable($dirname)) { array_push($errors, '['.$dirname.'] : '.l10n('no_write_access')); return false; } umask(0000); mkdir($tndir, 0777); } return $tndir; } // The get_picture_size function return an array containing : // - $picture_size[0] : final width // - $picture_size[1] : final height // The final dimensions are calculated thanks to the original dimensions and // the maximum dimensions given in parameters. get_picture_size respects // the width/height ratio function get_picture_size( $original_width, $original_height, $max_width, $max_height ) { $width = $original_width; $height = $original_height; $is_original_size = true; if ( $max_width != "" ) { if ( $original_width > $max_width ) { $width = $max_width; $height = floor( ( $width * $original_height ) / $original_width ); } } if ( $max_height != "" ) { if ( $original_height > $max_height ) { $height = $max_height; $width = floor( ( $height * $original_width ) / $original_height ); $is_original_size = false; } } if ( is_numeric( $max_width ) and is_numeric( $max_height ) and $max_width != 0 and $max_height != 0 ) { $ratioWidth = $original_width / $max_width; $ratioHeight = $original_height / $max_height; if ( ( $ratioWidth > 1 ) or ( $ratioHeight > 1 ) ) { if ( $ratioWidth < $ratioHeight ) { $width = floor( $original_width / $ratioHeight ); $height = $max_height; } else { $width = $max_width; $height = floor( $original_height / $ratioWidth ); } $is_original_size = false; } } $picture_size = array(); $picture_size[0] = $width; $picture_size[1] = $height; return $picture_size; } /** * simplify a string to insert it into an URL * * based on str2url function from Dotclear * * @param string * @return string */ function str2url($str) { $str = strtr( $str, 'ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåÇçÒÓÔÕÖØòóôõöøÈÉÊËèéêëÌÍÎÏìíîïÙÚÛÜùúûü¾ÝÿýÑñ', 'AAAAAAaaaaaaCcOOOOOOooooooEEEEeeeeIIIIiiiiUUUUuuuuYYyyNn' ); $str = str_replace('Æ', 'AE', $str); $str = str_replace('æ', 'ae', $str); $str = str_replace('¼', 'OE', $str); $str = str_replace('½', 'oe', $str); $str = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\s\'\:\/\[\],-]/','',strtolower($str)); $str = preg_replace('/[\s\'\:\/\[\],-]+/',' ',trim($str)); $res = str_replace(' ','_',$str); return $res; } //-------------------------------------------- PhpWebGallery specific functions /** * returns an array with a list of {language_code => language_name} * * @returns array */ function get_languages() { $dir = opendir(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'language'); $languages = array(); while ($file = readdir($dir)) { $path = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'language/'.$file; if (is_dir($path) and !is_link($path) and file_exists($path.'/iso.txt')) { list($language_name) = @file($path.'/iso.txt'); $languages[$file] = $language_name; } } closedir($dir); @asort($languages); @reset($languages); return $languages; } /** * replaces the $search into $search in the * given $string. * * case insensitive replacements, does not replace characters in HTML tags * * @param string $string * @param string $search * @param string $style * @return string */ function add_style( $string, $search, $style ) { //return $string; $return_string = ''; $remaining = $string; $start = 0; $end = 0; $start = strpos ( $remaining, '<' ); $end = strpos ( $remaining, '>' ); while ( is_numeric( $start ) and is_numeric( $end ) ) { $treatment = substr ( $remaining, 0, $start ); $treatment = preg_replace( '/('.$search.')/i', '\\0', $treatment ); $return_string.= $treatment.substr( $remaining, $start, $end-$start+1 ); $remaining = substr ( $remaining, $end + 1, strlen( $remaining ) ); $start = strpos ( $remaining, '<' ); $end = strpos ( $remaining, '>' ); } $treatment = preg_replace( '/('.$search.')/i', '\\0', $remaining ); $return_string.= $treatment; return $return_string; } // replace_search replaces a searched words array string by the search in // another style for the given $string. function replace_search( $string, $search ) { // FIXME : with new advanced search, this function needs a rewrite return $string; $words = explode( ',', $search ); $style = 'background-color:white;color:red;'; foreach ( $words as $word ) { $string = add_style( $string, $word, $style ); } return $string; } function pwg_log($image_id = null, $image_type = null) { global $conf, $user, $page; if (!$conf['log']) { return false; } if (is_admin() and !$conf['history_admin']) { return false; } if ($user['is_the_guest'] and !$conf['history_guest']) { return false; } $tags_string = null; if (isset($page['section']) and $page['section'] == 'tags') { $tag_ids = array(); foreach ($page['tags'] as $tag) { array_push($tag_ids, $tag['id']); } $tags_string = implode(',', $tag_ids); } // here we ask the database the current date and time, and we extract // {year, month, day} from the current date. We could do this during the // insert query with a CURDATE(), CURTIME(), DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(), '%Y') // ... but I (plg) think it would cost more than a double query and a PHP // extraction. $query = ' SELECT CURDATE(), CURTIME() ;'; list($curdate, $curtime) = mysql_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); list($curyear, $curmonth, $curday) = explode('-', $curdate); list($curhour) = explode(':', $curtime); $query = ' INSERT INTO '.HISTORY_TABLE.' ( date, time, year, month, day, hour, user_id, IP, section, category_id, image_id, image_type, tag_ids ) VALUES ( \''.$curdate.'\', \''.$curtime.'\', '.$curyear.', '.$curmonth.', '.$curday.', '.$curhour.', '.$user['id'].', \''.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'\', '.(isset($page['section']) ? "'".$page['section']."'" : 'NULL').', '.(isset($page['category']) ? $page['category']['id'] : 'NULL').', '.(isset($image_id) ? $image_id : 'NULL').', '.(isset($image_id) ? "'".$image_type."'" : 'NULL').', '.(isset($tags_string) ? "'".$tags_string."'" : 'NULL').' ) ;'; pwg_query($query); return true; } // format_date returns a formatted date for display. The date given in // argument can be a unixdate (number of seconds since the 01.01.1970) or an // american format (2003-09-15). By option, you can show the time. The // output is internationalized. // // format_date( "2003-09-15", 'us', true ) -> "Monday 15 September 2003 21:52" function format_date($date, $type = 'us', $show_time = false) { global $lang; list($year,$month,$day,$hour,$minute,$second) = array(0,0,0,0,0,0); switch ( $type ) { case 'us' : { list($year,$month,$day) = explode('-', $date); break; } case 'unix' : { list($year,$month,$day,$hour,$minute) = explode('.', date('Y.n.j.G.i', $date)); break; } case 'mysql_datetime' : { preg_match('/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/', $date, $out); list($year,$month,$day,$hour,$minute,$second) = array($out[1],$out[2],$out[3],$out[4],$out[5],$out[6]); break; } } $formated_date = ''; // before 1970, Microsoft Windows can't mktime if ($year >= 1970) { // we ask midday because Windows think it's prior to midnight with a // zero and refuse to work $formated_date.= $lang['day'][date('w', mktime(12,0,0,$month,$day,$year))]; } $formated_date.= ' '.$day; $formated_date.= ' '.$lang['month'][(int)$month]; $formated_date.= ' '.$year; if ($show_time) { $formated_date.= ' '.$hour.':'.$minute; } return $formated_date; } function pwg_query($query) { global $conf,$page,$debug,$t2; $start = get_moment(); $result = mysql_query($query) or my_error($query."\n"); $time = get_moment() - $start; if (!isset($page['count_queries'])) { $page['count_queries'] = 0; $page['queries_time'] = 0; } $page['count_queries']++; $page['queries_time']+= $time; if ($conf['show_queries']) { $output = ''; $output.= '
['.$page['count_queries'].'] ';
    $output.= "\n".$query;
    $output.= "\n".'(this query time : ';
    $output.= ''.number_format($time, 3, '.', ' ').' s)';
    $output.= "\n".'(total SQL time  : ';
    $output.= number_format($page['queries_time'], 3, '.', ' ').' s)';
    $output.= "\n".'(total time      : ';
    $output.= number_format( ($time+$start-$t2), 3, '.', ' ').' s)';
    $output.= "
\n"; $debug .= $output; } return $result; } function pwg_debug( $string ) { global $debug,$t2,$page; $now = explode( ' ', microtime() ); $now2 = explode( '.', $now[0] ); $now2 = $now[1].'.'.$now2[1]; $time = number_format( $now2 - $t2, 3, '.', ' ').' s'; $debug .= '

'; $debug.= '['.$time.', '; $debug.= $page['count_queries'].' queries] : '.$string; $debug.= "

\n"; } /** * Redirects to the given URL (HTTP method) * * Note : once this function called, the execution doesn't go further * (presence of an exit() instruction. * * @param string $url * @return void */ function redirect_http( $url ) { if (ob_get_length () !== FALSE) { ob_clean(); } header('Request-URI: '.$url); header('Content-Location: '.$url); header('Location: '.$url); exit(); } /** * Redirects to the given URL (HTML method) * * Note : once this function called, the execution doesn't go further * (presence of an exit() instruction. * * @param string $url * @param string $title_msg * @param integer $refreh_time * @return void */ function redirect_html( $url , $msg = '', $refresh_time = 0) { global $user, $template, $lang_info, $conf, $lang, $t2, $page, $debug; if (!isset($lang_info)) { $user = build_user( $conf['guest_id'], true); include_once(get_language_filepath('common.lang.php')); trigger_action('loading_lang'); @include_once(get_language_filepath('local.lang.php')); list($tmpl, $thm) = explode('/', $conf['default_template']); $template = new Template(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'template/'.$tmpl, $thm); } else { $template = new Template(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'template/'.$user['template'], $user['theme']); } if (empty($msg)) { $redirect_msg = l10n('redirect_msg'); } else { $redirect_msg = $msg; } $redirect_msg = nl2br($redirect_msg); $refresh = $refresh_time; $url_link = $url; $title = 'redirection'; $template->set_filenames( array( 'redirect' => 'redirect.tpl' ) ); include( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/page_header.php' ); $template->set_filenames( array( 'redirect' => 'redirect.tpl' ) ); $template->parse('redirect'); include( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/page_tail.php' ); exit(); } /** * Redirects to the given URL (Switch to HTTP method or HTML method) * * Note : once this function called, the execution doesn't go further * (presence of an exit() instruction. * * @param string $url * @param string $title_msg * @param integer $refreh_time * @return void */ function redirect( $url , $msg = '', $refresh_time = 0) { global $conf; // with RefeshTime <> 0, only html must be used if ($conf['default_redirect_method']=='http' and $refresh_time==0 and !headers_sent() ) { redirect_http($url); } else { redirect_html($url, $msg, $refresh_time); } } /** * returns $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] whitout keys given in parameters * * @param array $rejects * @returns string */ function get_query_string_diff($rejects = array()) { $query_string = ''; $str = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; parse_str($str, $vars); $is_first = true; foreach ($vars as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, $rejects)) { $query_string.= $is_first ? '?' : '&'; $is_first = false; $query_string.= $key.'='.$value; } } return $query_string; } function url_is_remote($url) { if ( strncmp($url, 'http://', 7)==0 or strncmp($url, 'https://', 8)==0 ) { return true; } return false; } /** * returns available template/theme */ function get_pwg_themes() { $themes = array(); $template_dir = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'template'; foreach (get_dirs($template_dir) as $template) { foreach (get_dirs($template_dir.'/'.$template.'/theme') as $theme) { array_push($themes, $template.'/'.$theme); } } return $themes; } /* Returns the PATH to the thumbnail to be displayed. If the element does not * have a thumbnail, the default mime image path is returned. The PATH can be * used in the php script, but not sent to the browser. * @param array element_info assoc array containing element info from db * at least 'path', 'tn_ext' and 'id' should be present */ function get_thumbnail_path($element_info) { $path = get_thumbnail_location($element_info); if ( !url_is_remote($path) ) { $path = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$path; } return $path; } /* Returns the URL of the thumbnail to be displayed. If the element does not * have a thumbnail, the default mime image url is returned. The URL can be * sent to the browser, but not used in the php script. * @param array element_info assoc array containing element info from db * at least 'path', 'tn_ext' and 'id' should be present */ function get_thumbnail_url($element_info) { $path = get_thumbnail_location($element_info); if ( !url_is_remote($path) ) { $path = get_root_url().$path; } // plugins want another url ? $path = trigger_event('get_thumbnail_url', $path, $element_info); return $path; } /* returns the relative path of the thumnail with regards to to the root of phpwebgallery (not the current page!).This function is not intended to be called directly from code.*/ function get_thumbnail_location($element_info) { global $conf; if ( !empty( $element_info['tn_ext'] ) ) { $path = substr_replace( get_filename_wo_extension($element_info['path']), '/thumbnail/'.$conf['prefix_thumbnail'], strrpos($element_info['path'],'/'), 1 ); $path.= '.'.$element_info['tn_ext']; } else { $path = get_themeconf('mime_icon_dir') .strtolower(get_extension($element_info['path'])).'.png'; } // plugins want another location ? $path = trigger_event( 'get_thumbnail_location', $path, $element_info); return $path; } // my_error returns (or send to standard output) the message concerning the // error occured for the last mysql query. function my_error($header) { global $conf; $error = '
  $error.= $header;
  $error.= '[mysql error '.mysql_errno().'] ';
  $error.= mysql_error();
  $error.= '
'; if ($conf['die_on_sql_error']) { die($error); } else { echo $error; } } /** * creates an array based on a query, this function is a very common pattern * used here * * @param string $query * @param string $fieldname * @return array */ function array_from_query($query, $fieldname) { $array = array(); $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($array, $row[$fieldname]); } return $array; } /** * instantiate number list for days in a template block * * @param string blockname * @param string selection */ function get_day_list($blockname, $selection) { global $template; $template->assign_block_vars( $blockname, array( 'SELECTED' => '', 'VALUE' => 0, 'OPTION' => '--' ) ); for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { $selected = ''; if ($i == (int)$selection) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } $template->assign_block_vars( $blockname, array( 'SELECTED' => $selected, 'VALUE' => $i, 'OPTION' => str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) ) ); } } /** * instantiate month list in a template block * * @param string blockname * @param string selection */ function get_month_list($blockname, $selection) { global $template, $lang; $template->assign_block_vars( $blockname, array( 'SELECTED' => '', 'VALUE' => 0, 'OPTION' => '------------') ); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $selected = ''; if ($i == (int)$selection) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } $template->assign_block_vars( $blockname, array( 'SELECTED' => $selected, 'VALUE' => $i, 'OPTION' => $lang['month'][$i]) ); } } /** * fill the current user caddie with given elements, if not already in * caddie * * @param array elements_id */ function fill_caddie($elements_id) { global $user; include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/functions.php'); $query = ' SELECT element_id FROM '.CADDIE_TABLE.' WHERE user_id = '.$user['id'].' ;'; $in_caddie = array_from_query($query, 'element_id'); $caddiables = array_diff($elements_id, $in_caddie); $datas = array(); foreach ($caddiables as $caddiable) { array_push($datas, array('element_id' => $caddiable, 'user_id' => $user['id'])); } if (count($caddiables) > 0) { mass_inserts(CADDIE_TABLE, array('element_id','user_id'), $datas); } } /** * returns the element name from its filename * * @param string filename * @return string name */ function get_name_from_file($filename) { return str_replace('_',' ',get_filename_wo_extension($filename)); } /** * returns the corresponding value from $lang if existing. Else, the key is * returned * * @param string key * @return string */ function l10n($key) { global $lang, $conf; if ($conf['debug_l10n'] and !isset($lang[$key])) { echo '[l10n] language key "'.$key.'" is not defined
'; } return isset($lang[$key]) ? $lang[$key] : $key; } /** * returns the prinft value for strings including %d * return is concorded with decimal value (singular, plural) * * @param singular string key * @param plural string key * @param decimal value * @return string */ function l10n_dec($singular_fmt_key, $plural_fmt_key, $decimal) { global $lang_info; return sprintf( l10n(( (($decimal > 1) or ($decimal == 0 and $lang_info['zero_plural'])) ? $plural_fmt_key : $singular_fmt_key )), $decimal); } /** * Translate string in string ascii7bits * It's possible to do that with iconv_substr * but this fonction is not avaible on all the providers. * * @param string str * @return string */ function str_translate_to_ascii7bits($str) { global $lang_table_translate_ascii7bits; $src_table = array_keys($lang_table_translate_ascii7bits); $dst_table = array_values($lang_table_translate_ascii7bits); return str_replace($src_table , $dst_table, $str); } /** * returns the corresponding value from $themeconf if existing. Else, the * key is returned * * @param string key * @return string */ function get_themeconf($key) { global $template; return $template->get_themeconf($key); } /** * Returns webmaster mail address depending on $conf['webmaster_id'] * * @return string */ function get_webmaster_mail_address() { global $conf; $query = ' SELECT '.$conf['user_fields']['email'].' FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = '.$conf['webmaster_id'].' ;'; list($email) = mysql_fetch_array(pwg_query($query)); return $email; } /** * which upgrades are available ? * * @return array */ function get_available_upgrade_ids() { $upgrades_path = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'install/db'; $available_upgrade_ids = array(); if ($contents = opendir($upgrades_path)) { while (($node = readdir($contents)) !== false) { if (is_file($upgrades_path.'/'.$node) and preg_match('/^(.*?)-database\.php$/', $node, $match)) { array_push($available_upgrade_ids, $match[1]); } } } natcasesort($available_upgrade_ids); return $available_upgrade_ids; } /** * Add configuration parameters from database to global $conf array * * @return void */ function load_conf_from_db($condition = '') { global $conf; $query = ' SELECT param, value FROM '.CONFIG_TABLE.' '.(!empty($condition) ? 'WHERE '.$condition : '').' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if ((mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) and !empty($condition)) { die('No configuration data'); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $conf[ $row['param'] ] = isset($row['value']) ? $row['value'] : ''; // If the field is true or false, the variable is transformed into a // boolean value. if ($conf[$row['param']] == 'true' or $conf[$row['param']] == 'false') { $conf[ $row['param'] ] = get_boolean($conf[ $row['param'] ]); } } } /** * Prepends and appends a string at each value of the given array. * * @param array * @param string prefix to each array values * @param string suffix to each array values */ function prepend_append_array_items($array, $prepend_str, $append_str) { array_walk( $array, create_function('&$s', '$s = "'.$prepend_str.'".$s."'.$append_str.'";') ); return $array; } /** * creates an hashed based on a query, this function is a very common * pattern used here. Among the selected columns fetched, choose one to be * the key, another one to be the value. * * @param string $query * @param string $keyname * @param string $valuename * @return array */ function simple_hash_from_query($query, $keyname, $valuename) { $array = array(); $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $array[ $row[$keyname] ] = $row[$valuename]; } return $array; } /** * creates an hashed based on a query, this function is a very common * pattern used here. The key is given as parameter, the value is an associative * array. * * @param string $query * @param string $keyname * @return array */ function hash_from_query($query, $keyname) { $array = array(); $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $array[ $row[$keyname] ] = $row; } return $array; } /** * Return basename of the current script * Lower case convertion is applied on return value * Return value is without file extention ".php" * * @param void * * @return script basename */ function script_basename() { if (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) { $file_name = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; } else if (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) { $file_name = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; } else { $file_name = ''; } // $_SERVER return lower string following var and systems return basename(strtolower($file_name), '.php'); } /** * Return value for the current page define on $conf['filter_pages'] * Îf value is not defined, default value are returned * * @param value name * * @return filter page value */ function get_filter_page_value($value_name) { global $conf; $page_name = script_basename(); if (isset($conf['filter_pages'][$page_name][$value_name])) { return $conf['filter_pages'][$page_name][$value_name]; } else if (isset($conf['filter_pages']['default'][$value_name])) { return $conf['filter_pages']['default'][$value_name]; } else { return null; } } ?>