* * * *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; * * * ***************************************************************************/ include( 'functions_user.inc.php' ); include( 'functions_session.inc.php' ); include( 'functions_category.inc.php' ); //----------------------------------------------------------- generic functions // The function get_boolean transforms a string to a boolean value. If the // string is "false" (case insensitive), then the boolean value false is // returned. In any other case, true is returned. function get_boolean( $string ) { $boolean = true; if ( preg_match( '/^false$/i', $string ) ) { $boolean = false; } return $boolean; } // The function array_remove removes a value from the given array if the value // existed in this array. function array_remove( $array, $value ) { $i = 0; $output = array(); foreach ( $array as $v ) { if ( $v != $value ) { $output[$i++] = $v; } } return implode( ',', $output ); } // The function get_moment returns a float value coresponding to the number // of seconds since the unix epoch (1st January 1970) and the microseconds // are precised : e.g. 1052343429.89276600 function get_moment() { $t1 = explode( " ", microtime() ); $t2 = explode( ".", $t1[0] ); $t2 = $t1[1].".".$t2[1]; return $t2; } // The function get_elapsed_time returns the number of seconds (with 3 // decimals precision) between the start time and the end time given. function get_elapsed_time( $start, $end ) { return number_format( $end - $start, 3, '.', ' ').' s'; } // - The replace_space function replaces space and '-' characters // by their HTML equivalent &nbsb; and − // - The function does not replace characters in HTML tags // - This function was created because IE5 does not respect the // CSS "white-space: nowrap;" property unless space and minus // characters are replaced like this function does. function replace_space( $string ) { //return $string; $return_string = ""; $remaining = $string; $start = 0; $end = 0; $start = strpos ( $remaining, "<" ); $end = strpos ( $remaining, ">" ); while ( is_numeric( $start ) and is_numeric( $end ) ) { $treatment = substr ( $remaining, 0, $start ); $treatment = str_replace( " ", " ", $treatment ); $treatment = str_replace( "-", "−", $treatment ); $return_string.= $treatment.substr ( $remaining, $start, $end - $start + 1 ); $remaining = substr ( $remaining, $end + 1, strlen( $remaining ) ); $start = strpos ( $remaining, "<" ); $end = strpos ( $remaining, ">" ); } $treatment = str_replace( " ", " ", $remaining ); $treatment = str_replace( "-", "−", $treatment ); $return_string.= $treatment; return $return_string; } // get_dirs retourne un tableau contenant tous les sous-répertoires d'un // répertoire function get_dirs( $rep ) { $sub_rep = array(); if ( $opendir = opendir ( $rep ) ) { while ( $file = readdir ( $opendir ) ) { if ( $file != "." and $file != ".." and is_dir ( $rep.$file ) ) { array_push( $sub_rep, $file ); } } } return $sub_rep; } // The get_picture_size function return an array containing : // - $picture_size[0] : final width // - $picture_size[1] : final height // The final dimensions are calculated thanks to the original dimensions and // the maximum dimensions given in parameters. get_picture_size respects // the width/height ratio function get_picture_size( $original_width, $original_height, $max_width, $max_height ) { $width = $original_width; $height = $original_height; $is_original_size = true; if ( $max_width != "" ) { if ( $original_width > $max_width ) { $width = $max_width; $height = floor( ( $width * $original_height ) / $original_width ); } } if ( $max_height != "" ) { if ( $original_height > $max_height ) { $height = $max_height; $width = floor( ( $height * $original_width ) / $original_height ); $is_original_size = false; } } if ( is_numeric( $max_width ) and is_numeric( $max_height ) and $max_width != 0 and $max_height != 0 ) { $ratioWidth = $original_width / $max_width; $ratioHeight = $original_height / $max_height; if ( ( $ratioWidth > 1 ) or ( $ratioHeight > 1 ) ) { if ( $ratioWidth < $ratioHeight ) { $width = floor( $original_width / $ratioHeight ); $height = $max_height; } else { $width = $max_width; $height = floor( $original_height / $ratioWidth ); } $is_original_size = false; } } $picture_size = array(); $picture_size[0] = $width; $picture_size[1] = $height; return $picture_size; } //-------------------------------------------- PhpWebGallery specific functions // get_languages retourne un tableau contenant tous les languages // disponibles pour PhpWebGallery function get_languages( $rep_language ) { $languages = array(); $i = 0; if ( $opendir = opendir ( $rep_language ) ) { while ( $file = readdir ( $opendir ) ) { if ( is_file ( $rep_language.$file ) and $file != "index.php" and strrchr ( $file, "." ) == ".php" ) { $languages[$i++] = substr ( $file, 0, strlen ( $file ) - strlen ( strrchr ( $file, "." ) ) ); } } } return $languages; } // get_themes retourne un tableau contenant tous les "template - couleur" function get_themes( $theme_dir ) { $themes = array(); $main_themes = get_dirs( $theme_dir ); for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $main_themes ); $i++ ) { $colors = get_dirs( $theme_dir.$main_themes[$i].'/' ); for ( $j = 0; $j < sizeof( $colors ); $j++ ) { array_push( $themes, $main_themes[$i].' - '.$colors[$j] ); } } return $themes; } // - The replace_search function replaces a $search string by the search in // another color // - The function does not replace characters in HTML tags function replace_search( $string, $search ) { //return $string; $style_search = "background-color:white;color:red;"; $return_string = ""; $remaining = $string; $start = 0; $end = 0; $start = strpos ( $remaining, "<" ); $end = strpos ( $remaining, ">" ); while ( is_numeric( $start ) and is_numeric( $end ) ) { $treatment = substr ( $remaining, 0, $start ); $treatment = eregi_replace( $search, "". $search."", $treatment ); $return_string.= $treatment.substr ( $remaining, $start, $end - $start + 1 ); $remaining = substr ( $remaining, $end + 1, strlen( $remaining ) ); $start = strpos ( $remaining, "<" ); $end = strpos ( $remaining, ">" ); } $treatment = eregi_replace( $search, "". $search."", $remaining ); $return_string.= $treatment; return $return_string; } function database_connection() { global $cfgHote,$cfgUser,$cfgPassword,$cfgBase; @mysql_connect( $cfgHote, $cfgUser, $cfgPassword ) or die ( "Could not connect to server" ); @mysql_select_db( $cfgBase ) or die ( "Could not connect to database" ); } function pwg_log( $file, $category, $picture = '' ) { global $conf, $user, $prefixeTable; if ( $conf['log'] ) { $query = 'insert into '.$prefixeTable.'history'; $query.= ' (date,login,IP,file,category,picture) values'; $query.= " (".time().", '".$user['pseudo']."'"; $query.= ",'".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."'"; $query.= ",'".$file."','".$category."','".$picture."');"; mysql_query( $query ); } } function templatize_array( $array, $global_array_name ) { global $vtp, $handle, $lang, $page, $user, $conf; for( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $array ); $i++ ) { $vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, $array[$i], ${$global_array_name}[$array[$i]] ); } } ?>