l = $this->t = 0; $this->r = $l[0]; $this->b = $l[1]; } function width() { return $this->r - $this->l; } function height() { return $this->b - $this->t; } function crop_h($pixels, $coi) { if ($this->width() <= $pixels) return; $tlcrop = floor($pixels/2); if (!empty($coi)) { $coil = floor($this->r * char_to_fraction($coi[0])); $coir = ceil($this->r * char_to_fraction($coi[2])); $availableL = $coil > $this->l ? $coil - $this->l : 0; $availableR = $coir < $this->r ? $this->r - $coir : 0; if ($availableL + $availableR >= $pixels) { if ($availableL < $tlcrop) { $tlcrop = $availableL; } elseif ($availableR < $tlcrop) { $tlcrop = $pixels - $availableR; } } } $this->l += $tlcrop; $this->r -= $pixels - $tlcrop; } function crop_v($pixels, $coi) { if ($this->height() <= $pixels) return; $tlcrop = floor($pixels/2); if (!empty($coi)) { $coit = floor($this->b * char_to_fraction($coi[1])); $coib = ceil($this->b * char_to_fraction($coi[3])); $availableT = $coit > $this->t ? $coit - $this->t : 0; $availableB = $coib < $this->b ? $this->b - $coib : 0; if ($availableT + $availableB >= $pixels) { if ($availableT < $tlcrop) { $tlcrop = $availableT; } elseif ($availableB < $tlcrop) { $tlcrop = $pixels - $availableB; } } } $this->t += $tlcrop; $this->b -= $pixels - $tlcrop; } } /*how we crop and/or resize an image*/ final class SizingParams { function __construct($ideal_size, $max_crop = 0, $min_size = null) { $this->ideal_size = $ideal_size; $this->max_crop = $max_crop; $this->min_size = $min_size; } static function classic($w, $h) { return new SizingParams( array($w,$h) ); } static function square($w) { return new SizingParams( array($w,$w), 1, array($w,$w) ); } function add_url_tokens(&$tokens) { if ($this->max_crop == 0) { $tokens[] = 's'.size_to_url($this->ideal_size); } elseif ($this->max_crop == 1 && size_equals($this->ideal_size, $this->min_size) ) { $tokens[] = 'e'.size_to_url($this->ideal_size); } else { $tokens[] = size_to_url($this->ideal_size); $tokens[] = fraction_to_char($this->max_crop); $tokens[] = size_to_url($this->min_size); } } function compute($in_size, $coi, &$crop_rect, &$scale_size) { $destCrop = new ImageRect($in_size); if ($this->max_crop > 0) { $ratio_w = $destCrop->width() / $this->ideal_size[0]; $ratio_h = $destCrop->height() / $this->ideal_size[1]; if ($ratio_w>1 || $ratio_h>1) { if ($ratio_w > $ratio_h) { $h = $destCrop->height() / $ratio_w; if ($h < $this->min_size[1]) { $idealCropPx = $destCrop->width() - floor($destCrop->height() * $this->ideal_size[0] / $this->min_size[1]); $maxCropPx = round($this->max_crop * $destCrop->width()); $destCrop->crop_h( min($idealCropPx, $maxCropPx), $coi); } } else { $w = $destCrop->width() / $ratio_h; if ($w < $this->min_size[0]) { $idealCropPx = $destCrop->height() - floor($destCrop->width() * $this->ideal_size[1] / $this->min_size[0]); $maxCropPx = round($this->max_crop * $destCrop->height()); $destCrop->crop_v( min($idealCropPx, $maxCropPx), $coi); } } } } $scale_size = array($destCrop->width(), $destCrop->height()); $ratio_w = $destCrop->width() / $this->ideal_size[0]; $ratio_h = $destCrop->height() / $this->ideal_size[1]; if ($ratio_w>1 || $ratio_h>1) { if ($ratio_w > $ratio_h) { $scale_size[0] = $this->ideal_size[0]; $scale_size[1] = floor(1e-6 + $scale_size[1] / $ratio_w); } else { $scale_size[0] = floor(1e-6 + $scale_size[0] / $ratio_h); $scale_size[1] = $this->ideal_size[1]; } } else { $scale_size = null; } $crop_rect = null; if ($destCrop->width()!=$in_size[0] || $destCrop->height()!=$in_size[1] ) { $crop_rect = $destCrop; } } } /*how we generate a derivative image*/ final class DerivativeParams { public $type = IMG_CUSTOM; public $last_mod_time = 0; // used for non-custom images to regenerate the cached files public $use_watermark = false; public $sizing; public $sharpen = 0; public $quality = 95; function __construct($sizing) { $this->sizing = $sizing; } public function __sleep() { return array('last_mod_time', 'sizing', 'sharpen', 'quality'); } function add_url_tokens(&$tokens) { $this->sizing->add_url_tokens($tokens); } function compute_final_size($in_size) { $this->sizing->compute( $in_size, null, $crop_rect, $scale_size ); return $scale_size != null ? $scale_size : $in_size; } function max_width() { return $this->sizing->ideal_size[0]; } function max_height() { return $this->sizing->ideal_size[1]; } function is_identity($in_size) { if ($in_size[0] > $this->sizing->ideal_size[0] or $in_size[1] > $this->sizing->ideal_size[1] ) { return false; } return true; } } ?>