id = $infos['id']; $ext = get_extension($infos['path']); if (in_array($ext, $conf['picture_ext'])) { $this->rel_path = $infos['path']; $this->flags |= self::IS_ORIGINAL; } elseif (!empty($infos['representative_ext'])) { $this->rel_path = original_to_representative($infos['path'], $infos['representative_ext']); } else { $ext = strtolower($ext); $this->rel_path = trigger_event('get_mimetype_location', get_themeconf('mime_icon_dir').$ext.'.png', $ext ); $this->flags |= self::IS_MIMETYPE; $this->size = @getimagesize(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$this->rel_path); } if (!$this->size && isset($infos['width']) && isset($infos['height'])) { $this->size = array($infos['width'], $infos['height']); } } function is_original() { return $this->flags & self::IS_ORIGINAL; } function is_mimetype() { return $this->flags & self::IS_MIMETYPE; } function get_path() { return PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$this->rel_path; } function get_url() { return embellish_url(get_root_url().$this->rel_path); } function has_size() { return $this->size != null; } function get_size() { if ($this->size == null) not_implemented(); // get size from file return $this->size; } } final class DerivativeImage { public $src_image; private $params; private $rel_path, $rel_url, $is_cached=true; function __construct($type, $src_image) { $this->src_image = $src_image; if (is_string($type)) { $this->params = ImageStdParams::get_by_type($type); } else { $this->params = $type; } self::build($src_image, $this->params, $this->rel_path, $this->rel_url, $this->is_cached); } static function thumb_url($infos) { return self::url(IMG_THUMB, $infos); } static function url($type, $infos) { $src_image = is_object($infos) ? $infos : new SrcImage($infos); $params = is_string($type) ? ImageStdParams::get_by_type($type) : $type; self::build($src_image, $params, $rel_path, $rel_url); if ($params == null) { return $src_image->get_url(); } return embellish_url( trigger_event('get_derivative_url', get_root_url().$rel_url, $params, $src_image, $rel_url ) ); } static function get_all($src_image) { $ret = array(); foreach (ImageStdParams::get_defined_type_map() as $type => $params) { $derivative = new DerivativeImage($params, $src_image); $ret[$type] = $derivative; } foreach (ImageStdParams::get_undefined_type_map() as $type => $type2) { $ret[$type] = $ret[$type2]; } return $ret; } private static function build($src, &$params, &$rel_path, &$rel_url, &$is_cached=null) { if ( $src->has_size() && $params->is_identity( $src->get_size() ) ) { // todo - what if we have a watermark maybe return a smaller size? $params = null; $rel_path = $rel_url = $src->rel_path; return; } $tokens=array(); $tokens[] = substr($params->type,0,2); if ($params->type==IMG_CUSTOM) { $params->add_url_tokens($tokens); } $loc = $src->rel_path; if (substr_compare($loc, './', 0, 2)==0) { $loc = substr($loc, 2); } elseif (substr_compare($loc, '../', 0, 3)==0) { $loc = substr($loc, 3); } $loc = substr_replace($loc, '-'.implode('_', $tokens), strrpos($loc, '.'), 0 ); $rel_path = PWG_DERIVATIVE_DIR.$loc; global $conf; $url_style=$conf['derivative_url_style']; if (!$url_style) { $mtime = @filemtime(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$rel_path); if ($mtime===false or $mtime < $params->last_mod_time) { $is_cached = false; $url_style = 2; } else { $url_style = 1; } } if ($url_style == 2) { $rel_url = 'i'; if ($conf['php_extension_in_urls']) $rel_url .= '.php'; if ($conf['question_mark_in_urls']) $rel_url .= '?'; $rel_url .= '/'.$loc; } else { $rel_url = $rel_path; } } function get_path() { return PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$this->rel_path; } function get_url() { if ($this->params == null) { return $this->src_image->get_url(); } return embellish_url( trigger_event('get_derivative_url', get_root_url().$this->rel_url, $this->params, $this->src_image, $this->rel_url ) ); } function same_as_source() { return $this->params == null; } function get_type() { if ($this->params == null) return 'Original'; return $this->params->type; } /* returns the size of the derivative image*/ function get_size() { if ($this->params == null) { return $this->src_image->get_size(); } return $this->params->compute_final_size($this->src_image->get_size()); } function get_size_htm() { $size = $this->get_size(); if ($size) { return 'width="'.$size[0].'" height="'.$size[1].'"'; } } function get_size_hr() { $size = $this->get_size(); if ($size) { return $size[0].' x '.$size[1]; } } function get_scaled_size($maxw, $maxh) { $size = $this->get_size(); if ($size) { $ratio_w = $size[0] / $maxw; $ratio_h = $size[1] / $maxh; if ($ratio_w>1 || $ratio_h>1) { if ($ratio_w > $ratio_h) { $size[0] = $maxw; $size[1] = floor($size[1] / $ratio_w); } else { $size[0] = floor($size[0] / $ratio_h); $size[1] = $maxh; } } } return $size; } function get_scaled_size_htm($maxw=9999, $maxh=9999) { $size = $this->get_scaled_size($maxw, $maxh); if ($size) { return 'width="'.$size[0].'" height="'.$size[1].'"'; } } function is_cached() { return $this->is_cached; } } ?>