select_db($database)) { throw new Exception('Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'); } } function pwg_db_check_charset() { $db_charset = 'utf8'; if (defined('DB_CHARSET') and DB_CHARSET != '') { $db_charset = DB_CHARSET; } pwg_query('SET NAMES "'.$db_charset.'"'); } function pwg_db_check_version() { $current_mysql = pwg_get_db_version(); if (version_compare($current_mysql, REQUIRED_MYSQL_VERSION, '<')) { fatal_error( sprintf( 'your MySQL version is too old, you have "%s" and you need at least "%s"', $current_mysql, REQUIRED_MYSQL_VERSION ) ); } } function pwg_get_db_version() { global $mysqli; return $mysqli->server_info; } function pwg_query($query) { global $mysqli, $conf, $page, $debug, $t2; $start = microtime(true); ($result = $mysqli->query($query)) or my_error($query, $conf['die_on_sql_error']); $time = microtime(true) - $start; if (!isset($page['count_queries'])) { $page['count_queries'] = 0; $page['queries_time'] = 0; } $page['count_queries']++; $page['queries_time']+= $time; if ($conf['show_queries']) { $output = ''; $output.= '
['.$page['count_queries'].'] ';
    $output.= "\n".$query;
    $output.= "\n".'(this query time : ';
    $output.= ''.number_format($time, 3, '.', ' ').' s)';
    $output.= "\n".'(total SQL time  : ';
    $output.= number_format($page['queries_time'], 3, '.', ' ').' s)';
    $output.= "\n".'(total time      : ';
    $output.= number_format( ($time+$start-$t2), 3, '.', ' ').' s)';
    if ( $result!=null and preg_match('/\s*SELECT\s+/i',$query) )
      $output.= "\n".'(num rows        : ';
      $output.= pwg_db_num_rows($result).' )';
    elseif ( $result!=null
      and preg_match('/\s*INSERT|UPDATE|REPLACE|DELETE\s+/i',$query) )
      $output.= "\n".'(affected rows   : ';
      $output.= pwg_db_changes().' )';
    $output.= "
\n"; $debug .= $output; } return $result; } function pwg_db_nextval($column, $table) { $query = ' SELECT IF(MAX('.$column.')+1 IS NULL, 1, MAX('.$column.')+1) FROM '.$table; list($next) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); return $next; } function pwg_db_changes() { global $mysqli; return $mysqli->affected_rows; } function pwg_db_num_rows($result) { return $result->num_rows; } function pwg_db_fetch_array($result) { return $result->fetch_array(); } function pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result) { return $result->fetch_assoc(); } function pwg_db_fetch_row($result) { return $result->fetch_row(); } function pwg_db_fetch_object($result) { return $result->fetch_object(); } function pwg_db_free_result($result) { return $result->free_result(); } function pwg_db_real_escape_string($s) { global $mysqli; return $mysqli->real_escape_string($s); } function pwg_db_insert_id() { global $mysqli; return $mysqli->insert_id; } function pwg_db_errno() { global $mysqli; return $mysqli->errno; } function pwg_db_error() { global $mysqli; return $mysqli->error; } function pwg_db_close() { global $mysqli; return $mysqli->close(); } /** * * complex functions * */ /** * creates an array based on a query, this function is a very common pattern * used here * * @param string $query * @param string $fieldname optional * @return array */ function array_from_query($query, $fieldname=false) { $array = array(); $result = pwg_query($query); if (false === $fieldname) { while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $array[] = $row; } } else { while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $array[] = $row[$fieldname]; } } return $array; } define('MASS_UPDATES_SKIP_EMPTY', 1); /** * updates multiple lines in a table * * @param string table_name * @param array dbfields * @param array datas * @param int flags - if MASS_UPDATES_SKIP_EMPTY - empty values do not overwrite existing ones * @return void */ function mass_updates($tablename, $dbfields, $datas, $flags=0) { if (count($datas) == 0) return; // depending on the MySQL version, we use the multi table update or N update queries if (count($datas) < 10) { foreach ($datas as $data) { $query = ' UPDATE '.$tablename.' SET '; $is_first = true; foreach ($dbfields['update'] as $key) { $separator = $is_first ? '' : ",\n "; if (isset($data[$key]) and $data[$key] != '') { $query.= $separator.$key.' = \''.$data[$key].'\''; } else { if ( $flags & MASS_UPDATES_SKIP_EMPTY ) continue; // next field $query.= "$separator$key = NULL"; } $is_first = false; } if (!$is_first) {// only if one field at least updated $query.= ' WHERE '; $is_first = true; foreach ($dbfields['primary'] as $key) { if (!$is_first) { $query.= ' AND '; } if ( isset($data[$key]) ) { $query.= $key.' = \''.$data[$key].'\''; } else { $query.= $key.' IS NULL'; } $is_first = false; } pwg_query($query); } } // foreach update } // if mysqli_ver or count $value) { $separator = $is_first ? '' : ",\n "; if (isset($value) and $value !== '') { $query.= $separator.$key.' = \''.$value.'\''; } else { if ( $flags & MASS_UPDATES_SKIP_EMPTY ) continue; // next field $query.= "$separator$key = NULL"; } $is_first = false; } if (!$is_first) {// only if one field at least updated $query.= ' WHERE '; $is_first = true; foreach ($where_fields as $key => $value) { if (!$is_first) { $query.= ' AND '; } if ( isset($value) ) { $query.= $key.' = \''.$value.'\''; } else { $query.= $key.' IS NULL'; } $is_first = false; } pwg_query($query); } } /** * inserts multiple lines in a table * * @param string table_name * @param array dbfields * @param array inserts * @return void */ function mass_inserts($table_name, $dbfields, $datas, $options=array()) { $ignore = ''; if (isset($options['ignore']) and $options['ignore']) { $ignore = 'IGNORE'; } if (count($datas) != 0) { $first = true; $query = 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE \'max_allowed_packet\''; list(, $packet_size) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); $packet_size = $packet_size - 2000; // The last list of values MUST not exceed 2000 character*/ $query = ''; foreach ($datas as $insert) { if (strlen($query) >= $packet_size) { pwg_query($query); $first = true; } if ($first) { $query = ' INSERT '.$ignore.' INTO '.$table_name.' ('.implode(',', $dbfields).') VALUES'; $first = false; } else { $query .= ' , '; } $query .= '('; foreach ($dbfields as $field_id => $dbfield) { if ($field_id > 0) { $query .= ','; } if (!isset($insert[$dbfield]) or $insert[$dbfield] === '') { $query .= 'NULL'; } else { $query .= "'".$insert[$dbfield]."'"; } } $query .= ')'; } pwg_query($query); } } /** * inserts one line in a table * * @param string table_name * @param array dbfields * @param array insert * @return void */ function single_insert($table_name, $data) { if (count($data) != 0) { $query = ' INSERT INTO '.$table_name.' ('.implode(',', array_keys($data)).') VALUES'; $query .= '('; $is_first = true; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (!$is_first) { $query .= ','; } else { $is_first = false; } if ($value === '') { $query .= 'NULL'; } else { $query .= "'".$value."'"; } } $query .= ')'; pwg_query($query); } } /** * Do maintenance on all PWG tables * * @return none */ function do_maintenance_all_tables() { global $prefixeTable, $page; $all_tables = array(); // List all tables $query = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE \''.$prefixeTable.'%\''; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_row($result)) { $all_tables[] = $row[0]; } // Repair all tables $query = 'REPAIR TABLE '.implode(', ', $all_tables); $mysqli_rc = pwg_query($query); // Re-Order all tables foreach ($all_tables as $table_name) { $all_primary_key = array(); $query = 'DESC '.$table_name.';'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($row['Key'] == 'PRI') { $all_primary_key[] = $row['Field']; } } if (count($all_primary_key) != 0) { $query = 'ALTER TABLE '.$table_name.' ORDER BY '.implode(', ', $all_primary_key).';'; $mysqli_rc = $mysqli_rc && pwg_query($query); } } // Optimize all tables $query = 'OPTIMIZE TABLE '.implode(', ', $all_tables); $mysqli_rc = $mysqli_rc && pwg_query($query); if ($mysqli_rc) { $page['infos'][] = l10n('All optimizations have been successfully completed.'); } else { $page['errors'][] = l10n('Optimizations have been completed with some errors.'); } } function pwg_db_concat($array) { $string = implode($array, ','); return 'CONCAT('. $string.')'; } function pwg_db_concat_ws($array, $separator) { $string = implode($array, ','); return 'CONCAT_WS(\''.$separator.'\','. $string.')'; } function pwg_db_cast_to_text($string) { return $string; } /** * returns an array containing the possible values of an enum field * * @param string tablename * @param string fieldname */ function get_enums($table, $field) { // retrieving the properties of the table. Each line represents a field : // columns are 'Field', 'Type' $result = pwg_query('desc '.$table); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { // we are only interested in the the field given in parameter for the // function if ($row['Field'] == $field) { // retrieving possible values of the enum field // enum('blue','green','black') $options = explode(',', substr($row['Type'], 5, -1)); foreach ($options as $i => $option) { $options[$i] = str_replace("'", '',$option); } } } pwg_db_free_result($result); return $options; } /** * Smartly checks if a variable is equivalent to true or false * * @param mixed input * @return bool */ function get_boolean($input) { if ('false' === strtolower($input)) { return false; } return (bool)$input; } /** * returns boolean string 'true' or 'false' if the given var is boolean * * @param mixed $var * @return mixed */ function boolean_to_string($var) { if (is_bool($var)) { return $var ? 'true' : 'false'; } else { return $var; } } /** * * interval and date functions * */ function pwg_db_get_recent_period_expression($period, $date='CURRENT_DATE') { if ($date!='CURRENT_DATE') { $date = '\''.$date.'\''; } return 'SUBDATE('.$date.',INTERVAL '.$period.' DAY)'; } function pwg_db_get_recent_period($period, $date='CURRENT_DATE') { $query = ' SELECT '.pwg_db_get_recent_period_expression($period); list($d) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); return $d; } function pwg_db_get_flood_period_expression($seconds) { return 'SUBDATE(now(), INTERVAL '.$seconds.' SECOND)'; } function pwg_db_get_hour($date) { return 'hour('.$date.')'; } function pwg_db_get_date_YYYYMM($date) { return 'DATE_FORMAT('.$date.', \'%Y%m\')'; } function pwg_db_get_date_MMDD($date) { return 'DATE_FORMAT('.$date.', \'%m%d\')'; } function pwg_db_get_year($date) { return 'YEAR('.$date.')'; } function pwg_db_get_month($date) { return 'MONTH('.$date.')'; } function pwg_db_get_week($date, $mode=null) { if ($mode) { return 'WEEK('.$date.', '.$mode.')'; } else { return 'WEEK('.$date.')'; } } function pwg_db_get_dayofmonth($date) { return 'DAYOFMONTH('.$date.')'; } function pwg_db_get_dayofweek($date) { return 'DAYOFWEEK('.$date.')'; } function pwg_db_get_weekday($date) { return 'WEEKDAY('.$date.')'; } function pwg_db_date_to_ts($date) { return 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP('.$date.')'; } // my_error returns (or send to standard output) the message concerning the // error occured for the last mysql query. function my_error($header, $die) { global $mysqli; $error = "[mysql error ".$mysqli->errno.'] '.$mysqli->error."\n"; $error .= $header; if ($die) { fatal_error($error); } echo("
  trigger_error($error, E_USER_WARNING);
"); } ?>