'PWG website', // 'http://forum.phpwebgallery.net' => 'PWG forum', // 'http://phpwebgallery.net/doc' => 'PWG wiki' // ); // // If the array is empty, the "Links" box won't be displayed on the main // page. $conf['links'] = array(); // show_thumbnail_caption : on thumbnails page, show thumbnail captions ? $conf['show_thumbnail_caption'] = true; // show_picture_name_on_title : on picture presentation page, show picture // name ? $conf['show_picture_name_on_title'] = true; // allow_random_representative : do you wish PhpWebGallery to search among // categories elements a new representative at each reload ? // // If false, an element is randomly or manually chosen to represent its // category and remains the representative as long as an admin does not // change it. // // Warning : setting this parameter to true is CPU consuming. Each time you // change the value of this parameter from false to true, an administrator // must update categories informations in screen [Admin > General > // Maintenance]. $conf['allow_random_representative'] = false; // allow_html_descriptions : authorize administrators to use HTML in // category and element description. $conf['allow_html_descriptions'] = true; // prefix_thumbnail : string before filename. Thumbnail's prefix must only // contain characters among : a to z (case insensitive), "-" or "_". $conf['prefix_thumbnail'] = 'TN-'; // users_page: how many users to display in screen // Administration>Identification>Users? $conf['users_page'] = 20; // mail_options: only set it true if you have a send mail warning with // "options" parameter missing on mail() function execution. $conf['mail_options'] = false; // send_bcc_mail_webmaster: send bcc mail to webmaster. Set true for debug // or test. $conf['send_bcc_mail_webmaster'] = false; // check_upgrade_feed: check if there are database upgrade required. Set to // true, a message will strongly encourage you to upgrade your database if // needed. // // This configuration parameter is set to true in BSF branch and to false // elsewhere. $conf['check_upgrade_feed'] = true; // rate_items: available rates for a picture $conf['rate_items'] = array(0,1,2,3,4,5); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | metadata | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // show_iptc: Show IPTC metadata on picture.php if asked by user $conf['show_iptc'] = false; // show_iptc_mapping : is used for showing IPTC metadata on picture.php // page. For each key of the array, you need to have the same key in the // $lang array. For example, if my first key is 'iptc_keywords' (associated // to '2#025') then you need to have $lang['iptc_keywords'] set in // language/$user['language']/common.lang.php. If you don't have the lang // var set, the key will be simply displayed // // To know how to associated iptc_field with their meaning, use // tools/metadata.php $conf['show_iptc_mapping'] = array( 'iptc_keywords' => '2#025', 'iptc_caption_writer' => '2#122', 'iptc_byline_title' => '2#085', 'iptc_caption' => '2#120' ); // use_iptc: Use IPTC data during database synchronization with files // metadata $conf['use_iptc'] = false; // use_iptc_mapping : in which IPTC fields will PhpWebGallery find image // information ? This setting is used during metadata synchronisation. It // associates a phpwebgallery_images column name to a IPTC key $conf['use_iptc_mapping'] = array( 'keywords' => '2#025', 'date_creation' => '2#055', 'author' => '2#122', 'name' => '2#005', 'comment' => '2#120' ); // show_exif: Show EXIF metadata on picture.php (table or line presentation // avalaible) $conf['show_exif'] = true; // show_exif_fields : in EXIF fields, you can choose to display fields in // sub-arrays, for example ['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber']. for this, add // 'COMPUTED;ApertureFNumber' in $conf['show_exif_fields'] // // The key displayed in picture.php will be $lang['exif_field_Make'] for // example and if it exists. For compound fields, only take into account the // last part : for key 'COMPUTED;ApertureFNumber', you need // $lang['exif_field_ApertureFNumber'] // // for PHP version newer than 4.1.2 : // $conf['show_exif_fields'] = array('CameraMake','CameraModel','DateTime'); // $conf['show_exif_fields'] = array( 'Make', 'Model', 'DateTimeOriginal', 'COMPUTED;ApertureFNumber' ); // use_exif: Use EXIF data during database synchronization with files // metadata $conf['use_exif'] = false; // use_exif_mapping: same behaviour as use_iptc_mapping $conf['use_exif_mapping'] = array( 'date_creation' => 'DateTimeOriginal' ); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | sessions | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // session_use_cookies: specifies to use cookie to store // the session id on client side $conf['session_use_cookies'] = true; // session_use_only_cookies: specifies to only use cookie to store // the session id on client side $conf['session_use_only_cookies'] = true; // session_use_trans_sid: do not use transparent session id support $conf['session_use_trans_sid'] = false; // session_name: specifies the name of the session which is used as cookie name $conf['session_name'] = 'pwg_id'; // session_save_handler: comment the line below // to use file handler for sessions. $conf['session_save_handler'] = 'db'; // authorize_remembering : permits user to stay logged for a long time. It // creates a cookie on client side. $conf['authorize_remembering'] = true; // remember_me_length : time of validity for "remember me" cookies, in // seconds. $conf['remember_me_length'] = 31536000; // session_length : time of validity for normal session, in seconds. $conf['session_length'] = 3600; // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | debug | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // show_queries : for debug purpose, show queries and execution times $conf['show_queries'] = false; // show_gt : display generation time at the bottom of each page $conf['show_gt'] = true; // debug_l10n : display a warning message each time an unset language key is // accessed $conf['debug_l10n'] = false; // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | authentication | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // apache_authentication : use Apache authentication as reference instead of // users table ? $conf['apache_authentication'] = false; // users_table: which table is the reference for users? Can be a different // table than PhpWebGallery table // // If you decide to use another table than the default one, you need to // prepare your database by deleting some datas : // // delete from phpwebgallery_user_access; // delete from phpwebgallery_user_cache; // delete from phpwebgallery_user_feed; // delete from phpwebgallery_user_group; // delete from phpwebgallery_user_infos; // delete from phpwebgallery_sessions; // delete from phpwebgallery_rate; // update phpwebgallery_images set average_rate = NULL; // delete from phpwebgallery_caddie; // delete from phpwebgallery_favorites; // // All informations contained in these tables and column are related to // phpwebgallery_users table. $conf['users_table'] = $prefixeTable.'users'; // user_fields : mapping between generic field names and table specific // field names. For example, in PWG, the mail address is names // "mail_address" and in punbb, it's called "email". $conf['user_fields'] = array( 'id' => 'id', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'email' => 'mail_address' ); // pass_convert : function to crypt or hash the clear user password to store // it in the database $conf['pass_convert'] = create_function('$s', 'return md5($s);'); // guest_id : id of the anonymous user $conf['guest_id'] = 2; // webmaster_id : webmaster'id. $conf['webmaster_id'] = 1; // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | upload | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // upload_maxfilesize: maximum filesize for the uploaded pictures. In // kilobytes. $conf['upload_maxfilesize'] = 200; // upload_maxheight: maximum height authorized for the uploaded images. In // pixels. $conf['upload_maxheight'] = 800; // upload_maxwidth: maximum width authorized for the uploaded images. In // pixels. $conf['upload_maxwidth'] = 800; // upload_maxheight_thumbnail: maximum height authorized for the uploaded // thumbnails $conf['upload_maxheight_thumbnail'] = 100; // upload_maxwidth_thumbnail: maximum width authorized for the uploaded // thumbnails $conf['upload_maxwidth_thumbnail'] = 150; // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | history | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // nb_logs_page : how many logs to display on a page $conf['nb_logs_page'] = 300; // history_admin : history admin visits ? $conf['history_admin'] = false; ?>