= 5.1.0RC1 'hash_hmac', //(hash) - enabled by default as of PHP 5.1.2 'preg_last_error', // PHP 5 >= 5.2.0 ) as $func) { if (!function_exists($func)) { include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/php_compat/'.$func.'.php'); } } include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/config_default.inc.php'); @include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH. 'local/config/config.inc.php'); include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH .'include/dblayer/functions_'.$conf['dblayer'].'.inc.php'); if(isset($conf['show_php_errors']) && !empty($conf['show_php_errors'])) { @ini_set('error_reporting', $conf['show_php_errors']); @ini_set('display_errors', true); } include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/constants.php'); include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/functions.inc.php'); include( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH .'include/template.class.php'); // Database connection try { $pwg_db_link = pwg_db_connect($conf['db_host'], $conf['db_user'], $conf['db_password'], $conf['db_base']); } catch (Exception $e) { my_error(l10n($e->getMessage(), true)); } pwg_db_check_charset(); load_conf_from_db(); load_plugins(); include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/user.inc.php'); if (in_array( substr($user['language'],0,2), array('fr','it','de','es','pl','hu','ru') ) ) { define('PHPWG_DOMAIN', substr($user['language'],0,2).'.piwigo.org'); } elseif ('zh_CN' == $user['language']) { define('PHPWG_DOMAIN', 'cn.piwigo.org'); } else { define('PHPWG_DOMAIN', 'piwigo.org'); } define('PHPWG_URL', 'http://'.PHPWG_DOMAIN); define('PEM_URL', 'http://'.PHPWG_DOMAIN.'/ext'); // language files load_language('common.lang'); if ( is_admin() || (defined('IN_ADMIN') and IN_ADMIN) ) { load_language('admin.lang'); } trigger_action('loading_lang'); load_language('lang', PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'local/', array('no_fallback'=>true, 'local'=>true) ); // only now we can set the localized username of the guest user (and not in // include/user.inc.php) if (is_a_guest()) { $user['username'] = l10n('guest'); } // template instance if (( defined('IN_ADMIN') and IN_ADMIN ) or (defined('PWG_HELP') and PWG_HELP)) {// Admin template $template = new Template(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/themes', $conf['admin_theme']); } else { // Classic template $template = new Template(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'themes', $user['theme'] ); } // The "No Photo Yet" feature: if you have no photo yet in your gallery, the // gallery displays only a big box to show you the way for adding your first // photos if ( !isset($conf['no_photo_yet']) // the message disappears at first photo and !(defined('IN_ADMIN') and IN_ADMIN) // no message inside administration and script_basename() != 'identification' // keep the ability to login ) { $query = ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' ;'; list($nb_photos) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if (0 == $nb_photos) { $template->set_filenames(array('no_photo_yet'=>'no_photo_yet.tpl')); $url = $conf['no_photo_yet_url']; if (substr($url, 0, 4) != 'http') { $url = get_root_url().$url; } $template->assign(array('next_step_url' => $url)); $template->pparse('no_photo_yet'); exit(); } else { conf_update_param('no_photo_yet', 'false'); } } if (isset($user['internal_status']['guest_must_be_guest']) and $user['internal_status']['guest_must_be_guest'] === true) { $header_msgs[] = l10n('Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webmaster.'); } if ($conf['gallery_locked']) { $header_msgs[] = l10n('The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'); if ( script_basename() != 'identification' and !is_admin() ) { set_status_header(503, 'Service Unavailable'); @header('Retry-After: 900'); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset='.get_pwg_charset()); echo ''.l10n('The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.').''; echo str_repeat( ' ', 512); //IE6 doesn't error output if below a size exit(); } } if ($conf['check_upgrade_feed']) { include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/functions_upgrade.php'); if (check_upgrade_feed()) { $header_msgs[] = 'Some database upgrades are missing, ' .'upgrade now'; } } if (is_adviser()) { $header_msgs[] = l10n('Adviser mode enabled'); } if (count($header_msgs) > 0) { $template->assign('header_msgs', $header_msgs); $header_msgs=array(); } if (!empty($conf['filter_pages']) and get_filter_page_value('used')) { include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/filter.inc.php'); } else { $filter['enabled'] = false; } if (isset($conf['header_notes'])) { $header_notes = array_merge($header_notes, $conf['header_notes']); } // default event handlers add_event_handler('render_category_literal_description', 'render_category_literal_description'); if ( !$conf['allow_html_descriptions'] ) { add_event_handler('render_category_description', 'nl2br'); } add_event_handler('render_comment_content', 'htmlspecialchars'); add_event_handler('render_comment_content', 'parse_comment_content'); add_event_handler('render_comment_author', 'strip_tags'); add_event_handler('blockmanager_register_blocks', 'register_default_menubar_blocks', EVENT_HANDLER_PRIORITY_NEUTRAL-1); trigger_action('init'); ?>