url_base = $url_base; if ($view_type==CAL_VIEW_CALENDAR) { if ( count($this->date_components)==0 ) {//case A: no year given - display all years+months if ($this->build_global_calendar()) return true; } if ( count($this->date_components)==1 ) {//case B: year given - display all days in given year if ($this->build_year_calendar()) { if ( $conf['calendar_multi_bar'] ) $this->build_nav_bar2(CYEAR, 'YEAR'); // years return true; } } if ( count($this->date_components)==2 ) {//case C: year+month given - display a nice month calendar $this->build_month_calendar(); if ( $conf['calendar_multi_bar'] ) { $this->build_nav_bar2(CYEAR, 'YEAR'); // years } if (count($this->date_components)>=1 and ( $conf['calendar_multi_bar'] or count($this->date_components)==1 ) ) { $this->build_nav_bar2(CMONTH, 'MONTH', $lang['month']); // month } return true; } } if ($view_type==CAL_VIEW_LIST or count($this->date_components)==3) { if ( $conf['calendar_multi_bar'] or count($this->date_components)==0 ) { $this->build_nav_bar2(CYEAR, 'YEAR'); // years } if ( count($this->date_components)>=1 and ( $conf['calendar_multi_bar'] or count($this->date_components)==1 ) ) { $this->build_nav_bar2(CMONTH, 'MONTH', $lang['month']); // month } if ( count($this->date_components)>=2 ) { $this->build_nav_bar2(CDAY, 'DAYOFMONTH' ); // days } } return false; } /** * Returns a sql where subquery for the date field * @param int max_levels return the where up to this level * (e.g. 2=only year and month) * @return string */ function get_date_where($max_levels=3) { $date = $this->date_components; while (count($date)>$max_levels) { array_pop($date); } $res = ''; if (isset($date[CYEAR]) and $date[CYEAR]!='any') { $b = $date[CYEAR] . '-'; $e = $date[CYEAR] . '-'; if (isset($date[CMONTH]) and $date[CMONTH]!='any') { $b .= $date[CMONTH] . '-'; $e .= $date[CMONTH] . '-'; if (isset($date[CDAY]) and $date[CDAY]!='any') { $b .= $date[CDAY]; $e .= $date[CDAY]; } else { $b .= '01'; $e .= '31'; } } else { $b .= '01-01'; $e .= '12-31'; if (isset($date[CMONTH]) and $date[CMONTH]!='any') { $res .= ' AND MONTH('.$this->date_field.')='.$date[CMONTH]; } if (isset($date[2]) and $date[2]!='any') { $res .= ' AND DAYOFMONTH('.$this->date_field.')='.$date[CDAY]; } } $res = " AND $this->date_field BETWEEN '$b' AND '$e 23:59:59'" . $res; } else { $res = ' AND '.$this->date_field.' IS NOT NULL'; if (isset($date[CMONTH]) and $date[CMONTH]!='any') { $res .= ' AND MONTH('.$this->date_field.')='.$date[CMONTH]; } if (isset($date[CDAY]) and $date[CDAY]!='any') { $res .= ' AND DAYOFMONTH('.$this->date_field.')='.$date[CDAY]; } } return $res; } function get_display_name() { global $conf, $lang; $res = ''; $url = $this->url_base; if ( isset($this->date_components[CYEAR]) ) { $res .= $conf['level_separator']; $url .= $this->date_components[CYEAR].'-'; $res .= '' .$this->get_date_component_label($this->date_components[CYEAR]) .''; } if ( isset($this->date_components[CMONTH]) ) { $res .= $conf['level_separator']; $url .= $this->date_components[CMONTH].'-'; $res .= '' .$this->get_date_component_label( $this->date_components[CMONTH], $lang['month'] ) .''; } if ( isset($this->date_components[CDAY]) ) { $res .= $conf['level_separator']; $url .= $this->date_components[CDAY].'-'; $res .= '' .$this->get_date_component_label($this->date_components[CDAY]) .''; } return $res; } //--------------------------------------------------------- private members --- function build_nav_bar2($level, $sql_func, $labels=null) { parent::build_nav_bar($level, $sql_func, '', $labels); } function build_global_calendar() { assert( count($this->date_components) == 0 ); $query='SELECT DISTINCT(DATE_FORMAT('.$this->date_field.',"%Y%m")) as period, COUNT(id) as count'; $query.= $this->inner_sql; $query.= $this->get_date_where(); $query.= ' GROUP BY period'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $y = substr($row['period'], 0, 4); $m = (int)substr($row['period'], 4, 2); if ( ! isset($items[$y]) ) { $items[$y] = array('nb_images'=>0, 'children'=>array() ); } $items[$y]['children'][$m] = $row['count']; $items[$y]['nb_images'] += $row['count']; } //echo ('
'. var_export($items, true) . ''); if (count($items)==1) {// only one year exists so bail out to year view list($y) = array_keys($items); $this->date_components[CYEAR] = $y; return false; } global $lang, $template; foreach ( $items as $year=>$year_data) { $url_base = $this->url_base.$year; $nav_bar = ''.$year.''; $nav_bar .= ' ('.$year_data['nb_images'].')'; $nav_bar .= '
'. var_export($items, true) . ''); if (count($items)==1) { // only one month exists so bail out to month view list($m) = array_keys($items); $this->date_components[CMONTH] = $m; if (count($items[$m]['children'])==1) { // or even to day view if everything occured in one day list($d) = array_keys($items[$m]['children']); $this->date_components[CDAY] = $d; } return false; } global $lang, $template; foreach ( $items as $month=>$month_data) { $url_base = $this->url_base.$this->date_components[CYEAR].'-'.$month; $nav_bar = ''; $nav_bar .= $lang['month'][$month].''; $nav_bar .= ' ('.$month_data['nb_images'].')'; $nav_bar .= '