calendar_levels = array( array( 'sql'=> 'YEAR('.$this->date_field.')', 'labels' => null ), array( 'sql'=> 'MONTH('.$this->date_field.')', 'labels' => $lang['month'] ), array( 'sql'=> 'DAYOFMONTH('.$this->date_field.')', 'labels' => null ), ); } /** * Generate navigation bars for category page * @return boolean false to indicate that thumbnails * where not included here, true otherwise */ function generate_category_content() { global $conf, $page; $view_type = $page['chronology_view']; if ($view_type==CAL_VIEW_CALENDAR) { global $template; $tpl_var = array(); if ( count($page['chronology_date'])==0 ) {//case A: no year given - display all years+months if ($this->build_global_calendar($tpl_var)) { $template->assign('chronology_calendar', $tpl_var); return true; } } if ( count($page['chronology_date'])==1 ) {//case B: year given - display all days in given year if ($this->build_year_calendar($tpl_var)) { $template->assign('chronology_calendar', $tpl_var); $this->build_nav_bar(CYEAR); // years return true; } } if ( count($page['chronology_date'])==2 ) {//case C: year+month given - display a nice month calendar if ( $this->build_month_calendar($tpl_var) ) { $template->assign('chronology_calendar', $tpl_var); } $this->build_next_prev(); return true; } } if ($view_type==CAL_VIEW_LIST or count($page['chronology_date'])==3) { if ( count($page['chronology_date'])==0 ) { $this->build_nav_bar(CYEAR); // years } if ( count($page['chronology_date'])==1) { $this->build_nav_bar(CMONTH); // month } if ( count($page['chronology_date'])==2 ) { $day_labels = range( 1, $this->get_all_days_in_month( $page['chronology_date'][CYEAR] ,$page['chronology_date'][CMONTH] ) ); array_unshift($day_labels, 0); unset( $day_labels[0] ); $this->build_nav_bar( CDAY, $day_labels ); // days } $this->build_next_prev(); } return false; } /** * Returns a sql where subquery for the date field * @param int max_levels return the where up to this level * (e.g. 2=only year and month) * @return string */ function get_date_where($max_levels=3) { global $page; $date = $page['chronology_date']; while (count($date)>$max_levels) { array_pop($date); } $res = ''; if (isset($date[CYEAR]) and $date[CYEAR]!=='any') { $b = $date[CYEAR] . '-'; $e = $date[CYEAR] . '-'; if (isset($date[CMONTH]) and $date[CMONTH]!=='any') { $b .= $date[CMONTH] . '-'; $e .= $date[CMONTH] . '-'; if (isset($date[CDAY]) and $date[CDAY]!=='any') { $b .= $date[CDAY]; $e .= $date[CDAY]; } else { $b .= '01'; $e .= '31'; } } else { $b .= '01-01'; $e .= '12-31'; if (isset($date[CMONTH]) and $date[CMONTH]!=='any') { $res .= ' AND '.$this->calendar_levels[CMONTH]['sql'].'='.$date[CMONTH]; } if (isset($date[CDAY]) and $date[CDAY]!=='any') { $res .= ' AND '.$this->calendar_levels[CDAY]['sql'].'='.$date[CDAY]; } } $res = " AND $this->date_field BETWEEN '$b' AND '$e 23:59:59'" . $res; } else { $res = ' AND '.$this->date_field.' IS NOT NULL'; if (isset($date[CMONTH]) and $date[CMONTH]!=='any') { $res .= ' AND '.$this->calendar_levels[CMONTH]['sql'].'='.$date[CMONTH]; } if (isset($date[CDAY]) and $date[CDAY]!=='any') { $res .= ' AND '.$this->calendar_levels[CDAY]['sql'].'='.$date[CDAY]; } } return $res; } //--------------------------------------------------------- private members --- // returns an array with alll the days in a given month function get_all_days_in_month($year, $month) { $md= array(1=>31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); if ( is_numeric($year) and $month==2) { $nb_days = $md[2]; if ( ($year%4==0) and ( ($year%100!=0) or ($year%400!=0) ) ) { $nb_days++; } } elseif ( is_numeric($month) ) { $nb_days = $md[ $month ]; } else { $nb_days = 31; } return $nb_days; } function build_global_calendar(&$tpl_var) { global $page; assert( count($page['chronology_date']) == 0 ); $query='SELECT DISTINCT(DATE_FORMAT('.$this->date_field.',"%Y%m")) as period, COUNT( DISTINCT(id) ) as count'; $query.= $this->inner_sql; $query.= $this->get_date_where(); $query.= ' GROUP BY period ORDER BY YEAR('.$this->date_field.') DESC, MONTH('.$this->date_field.')'; $result = pwg_query($query); $items=array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $y = substr($row['period'], 0, 4); $m = (int)substr($row['period'], 4, 2); if ( ! isset($items[$y]) ) { $items[$y] = array('nb_images'=>0, 'children'=>array() ); } $items[$y]['children'][$m] = $row['count']; $items[$y]['nb_images'] += $row['count']; } //echo ('
'. var_export($items, true) . ''); if (count($items)==1) {// only one year exists so bail out to year view list($y) = array_keys($items); $page['chronology_date'][CYEAR] = $y; return false; } global $lang; foreach ( $items as $year=>$year_data) { $chronology_date = array( $year ); $url = duplicate_index_url( array('chronology_date'=>$chronology_date) ); $nav_bar = $this->get_nav_bar_from_items( $chronology_date, $year_data['children'], false, false, $lang['month'] ); $tpl_var['calendar_bars'][] = array( 'U_HEAD' => $url, 'NB_IMAGES' => $year_data['nb_images'], 'HEAD_LABEL' => $year, 'items' => $nav_bar, ); } return true; } function build_year_calendar(&$tpl_var) { global $page; assert( count($page['chronology_date']) == 1 ); $query='SELECT DISTINCT(DATE_FORMAT('.$this->date_field.',"%m%d")) as period, COUNT( DISTINCT(id) ) as count'; $query.= $this->inner_sql; $query.= $this->get_date_where(); $query.= ' GROUP BY period'; $result = pwg_query($query); $items=array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $m = (int)substr($row['period'], 0, 2); $d = substr($row['period'], 2, 2); if ( ! isset($items[$m]) ) { $items[$m] = array('nb_images'=>0, 'children'=>array() ); } $items[$m]['children'][$d] = $row['count']; $items[$m]['nb_images'] += $row['count']; } if (count($items)==1) { // only one month exists so bail out to month view list($m) = array_keys($items); $page['chronology_date'][CMONTH] = $m; return false; } global $lang; foreach ( $items as $month=>$month_data) { $chronology_date = array( $page['chronology_date'][CYEAR], $month ); $url = duplicate_index_url( array('chronology_date'=>$chronology_date) ); $nav_bar = $this->get_nav_bar_from_items( $chronology_date, $month_data['children'], false ); $tpl_var['calendar_bars'][] = array( 'U_HEAD' => $url, 'NB_IMAGES' => $month_data['nb_images'], 'HEAD_LABEL' => $lang['month'][$month], 'items' => $nav_bar, ); } return true; } function build_month_calendar(&$tpl_var) { global $page; $query='SELECT DISTINCT(DAYOFMONTH('.$this->date_field.')) as period, COUNT( DISTINCT(id) ) as count'; $query.= $this->inner_sql; $query.= $this->get_date_where(); $query.= ' GROUP BY period'; $items=array(); $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $d = (int)$row['period']; $items[$d] = array('nb_images'=>$row['count']); } foreach ( $items as $day=>$data) { $page['chronology_date'][CDAY]=$day; $query = ' SELECT id, file,tn_ext,path, width, height, DAYOFWEEK('.$this->date_field.')-1 as dow'; $query.= $this->inner_sql; $query.= $this->get_date_where(); $query.= ' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1'; unset ( $page['chronology_date'][CDAY] ); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); $items[$day]['tn_url'] = get_thumbnail_url($row); $items[$day]['file'] = $row['file']; $items[$day]['path'] = $row['path']; $items[$day]['tn_ext'] = @$row['tn_ext']; $items[$day]['width'] = $row['width']; $items[$day]['height'] = $row['height']; $items[$day]['dow'] = $row['dow']; } global $lang, $conf; if ( !empty($items) and $conf['calendar_month_cell_width']>0 and $conf['calendar_month_cell_height']>0) { list($known_day) = array_keys($items); $known_dow = $items[$known_day]['dow']; $first_day_dow = ($known_dow-($known_day-1))%7; if ($first_day_dow<0) { $first_day_dow += 7; } //first_day_dow = week day corresponding to the first day of this month $wday_labels = $lang['day']; // BEGIN - pass now in week starting Monday if ($first_day_dow==0) { $first_day_dow = 6; } else { $first_day_dow -= 1; } array_push( $wday_labels, array_shift($wday_labels) ); // END - pass now in week starting Monday $cell_width = $conf['calendar_month_cell_width']; $cell_height = $conf['calendar_month_cell_height']; $tpl_weeks = array(); $tpl_crt_week = array(); //fill the empty days in the week before first day of this month for ($i=0; $i<$first_day_dow; $i++) { $tpl_crt_week[] = array(); } for ( $day = 1; $day <= $this->get_all_days_in_month( $page['chronology_date'][CYEAR], $page['chronology_date'][CMONTH] ); $day++) { $dow = ($first_day_dow + $day-1)%7; if ($dow==0 and $day!=1) { $tpl_weeks[] = $tpl_crt_week; // add finished week to week list $tpl_crt_week = array(); // start new week } if ( !isset($items[$day]) ) {// empty day $tpl_crt_week[] = array( 'DAY' => $day ); } else { $thumb = get_thumbnail_path($items[$day]); $tn_size = @getimagesize($thumb); $tn_width = $tn_size[0]; $tn_height = $tn_size[1]; // now need to fit the thumbnail of size tn_size within // a cell of size cell_size by playing with CSS position (left/top) // and the width and height of . $ratio_w = $tn_width/$cell_width; $ratio_h = $tn_height/$cell_height; $pos_top=$pos_left=0; $css_style = ''; if ( $ratio_w>1 and $ratio_h>1) {// cell completely smaller than the thumbnail so we will let the browser // resize the thumbnail if ($ratio_w > $ratio_h ) {// thumbnail ratio compared to cell -> wide format $css_style = 'height:'.$cell_height.'px;'; $browser_img_width = $cell_height*$tn_width/$tn_height; $pos_left = ($browser_img_width-$cell_width)/2; } else { $css_style = 'width:'.$cell_width.'px;'; $browser_img_height = $cell_width*$tn_height/$tn_width; $pos_top = ($browser_img_height-$cell_height)/2; } } else { $pos_left = ($tn_width-$cell_width)/2; $pos_top = ($tn_height-$cell_height)/2; } if ( round($pos_left)!=0) { $css_style.='left:'.round(-$pos_left).'px;'; } if ( round($pos_top)!=0) { $css_style.='top:'.round(-$pos_top).'px;'; } $url = duplicate_index_url( array( 'chronology_date' => array( $page['chronology_date'][CYEAR], $page['chronology_date'][CMONTH], $day ) ) ); $tpl_crt_week[] = array( 'DAY' => $day, 'DOW' => $dow, 'NB_ELEMENTS' => $items[$day]['nb_images'], 'IMAGE' => $items[$day]['tn_url'], 'U_IMG_LINK' => $url, 'IMAGE_STYLE' => $css_style, 'IMAGE_ALT' => $items[$day]['file'], ); } } //fill the empty days in the week after the last day of this month while ( $dow<6 ) { $tpl_crt_week[] = array(); $dow++; } $tpl_weeks[] = $tpl_crt_week; $tpl_var['month_view'] = array( 'CELL_WIDTH' => $cell_width, 'CELL_HEIGHT' => $cell_height, 'wday_labels' => $wday_labels, 'weeks' => $tpl_weeks, ); } return true; } } ?>