PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . $conf['data_location'] . $conf['log_dir'], 'severity' => $conf['log_level'], // we use an hashed filename to prevent direct file access, and we salt with // the db_password instead of secret_key because the log must be usable in i.php // (secret_key is in the database) 'filename' => 'log_' . date('Y-m-d') . '_' . sha1(date('Y-m-d') . $conf['db_password']) . '.txt', )); function trigger_notify() {} function get_extension( $filename ) { return substr( strrchr( $filename, '.' ), 1, strlen ( $filename ) ); } function mkgetdir($dir) { if ( !is_dir($dir) ) { global $conf; if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') { $dir = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $dir); } $umask = umask(0); $mkd = @mkdir($dir, $conf['chmod_value'], true); umask($umask); if ($mkd==false && !is_dir($dir) /* retest existence because of potential concurrent i.php with slow file systems*/) { return false; } $file = $dir.'/index.htm'; file_exists($file) or @file_put_contents( $file, 'Not allowed!' ); } if ( !is_writable($dir) ) { return false; } return true; } // end fast bootstrap function ierror($msg, $code) { global $logger; if ($code==301 || $code==302) { if (ob_get_length () !== FALSE) { ob_clean(); } // default url is on html format $url = html_entity_decode($msg); $logger->debug($code . ' ' . $url, 'i.php', array( 'url' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], )); header('Request-URI: '.$url); header('Content-Location: '.$url); header('Location: '.$url); exit; } if ($code>=400) { $protocol = $_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]; if ( ('HTTP/1.1' != $protocol) && ('HTTP/1.0' != $protocol) ) $protocol = 'HTTP/1.0'; header( "$protocol $code $msg", true, $code ); } //todo improve echo $msg; $logger->error($code . ' ' . $msg, 'i.php', array( 'url' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], )); exit; } function time_step( &$step ) { $tmp = $step; $step = microtime(true); return intval(1000*($step - $tmp)); } function url_to_size($s) { $pos = strpos($s, 'x'); if ($pos===false) { return array((int)$s, (int)$s); } return array((int)substr($s,0,$pos), (int)substr($s,$pos+1)); } function parse_custom_params($tokens) { if (count($tokens)<1) ierror('Empty array while parsing Sizing', 400); $crop = 0; $min_size = null; $token = array_shift($tokens); if ($token[0]=='s') { $size = url_to_size( substr($token,1) ); } elseif ($token[0]=='e') { $crop = 1; $size = $min_size = url_to_size( substr($token,1) ); } else { $size = url_to_size( $token ); if (count($tokens)<2) ierror('Sizing arr', 400); $token = array_shift($tokens); $crop = char_to_fraction($token); $token = array_shift($tokens); $min_size = url_to_size( $token ); } return new DerivativeParams( new SizingParams($size, $crop, $min_size) ); } function parse_request() { global $conf, $page; if ( $conf['question_mark_in_urls']==false and isset($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]) and !empty($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]) ) { $req = $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]; $req = str_replace('//', '/', $req); $path_count = count( explode('/', $req) ); $page['root_path'] = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.str_repeat('../', $path_count-1); } else { $req = $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]; if ($pos=strpos($req, '&')) { $req = substr($req, 0, $pos); } $req = rawurldecode($req); /*foreach (array_keys($_GET) as $keynum => $key) { $req = $key; break; }*/ $page['root_path'] = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH; } $req = ltrim($req, '/'); foreach (preg_split('#/+#', $req) as $token) { preg_match($conf['sync_chars_regex'], $token) or ierror('Invalid chars in request', 400); } $page['derivative_path'] = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.PWG_DERIVATIVE_DIR.$req; $pos = strrpos($req, '.'); $pos!== false || ierror('Missing .', 400); $ext = substr($req, $pos); $page['derivative_ext'] = $ext; $req = substr($req, 0, $pos); $pos = strrpos($req, '-'); $pos!== false || ierror('Missing -', 400); $deriv = substr($req, $pos+1); $req = substr($req, 0, $pos); $deriv = explode('_', $deriv); foreach (ImageStdParams::get_defined_type_map() as $type => $params) { if ( derivative_to_url($type) == $deriv[0]) { $page['derivative_type'] = $type; $page['derivative_params'] = $params; break; } } if (!isset($page['derivative_type'])) { if (derivative_to_url(IMG_CUSTOM) == $deriv[0]) { $page['derivative_type'] = IMG_CUSTOM; } else { ierror('Unknown parsing type', 400); } } array_shift($deriv); if ($page['derivative_type'] == IMG_CUSTOM) { $params = $page['derivative_params'] = parse_custom_params($deriv); ImageStdParams::apply_global($params); if ($params->sizing->ideal_size[0] < 20 or $params->sizing->ideal_size[1] < 20) { ierror('Invalid size', 400); } if ($params->sizing->max_crop < 0 or $params->sizing->max_crop > 1) { ierror('Invalid crop', 400); } $greatest = ImageStdParams::get_by_type(IMG_XXLARGE); $key = array(); $params->add_url_tokens($key); $key = implode('_', $key); if (!isset(ImageStdParams::$custom[$key])) { ierror('Size not allowed', 403); } } if (is_file(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$req.$ext)) { $req = './'.$req; // will be used to match #iamges.path } elseif (is_file(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'../'.$req.$ext)) { $req = '../'.$req; } $page['src_location'] = $req.$ext; $page['src_path'] = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$page['src_location']; $page['src_url'] = $page['root_path'].$page['src_location']; } function try_switch_source(DerivativeParams $params, $original_mtime) { global $page; if (!isset($page['original_size'])) return false; $original_size = $page['original_size']; if ($page['rotation_angle']==90 || $page['rotation_angle']==270) { $tmp = $original_size[0]; $original_size[0] = $original_size[1]; $original_size[1] = $tmp; } $dsize = $params->compute_final_size($original_size); $use_watermark = $params->use_watermark; if ($use_watermark) { $use_watermark = $params->will_watermark($dsize); } $candidates = array(); foreach(ImageStdParams::get_defined_type_map() as $candidate) { if ($candidate->type == $params->type) continue; if ($candidate->use_watermark != $use_watermark) continue; if ($candidate->max_width() < $params->max_width() || $candidate->max_height() < $params->max_height()) continue; $candidate_size = $candidate->compute_final_size($original_size); if ($dsize != $params->compute_final_size($candidate_size)) continue; if ($params->sizing->max_crop==0) { if ($candidate->sizing->max_crop!=0) continue; } else { if ($use_watermark && $candidate->use_watermark) continue; //a square that requires watermark should not be generated from a larger derivative with watermark, because if the watermark is not centered on the large image, it will be cropped. if ($candidate->sizing->max_crop!=0) continue; // this could be optimized if ($candidate_size[0] < $params->sizing->min_size[0] || $candidate_size[1] < $params->sizing->min_size[1] ) continue; } $candidates[] = $candidate; } foreach( array_reverse($candidates) as $candidate) { $candidate_path = $page['derivative_path']; $candidate_path = str_replace( '-'.derivative_to_url($params->type), '-'.derivative_to_url($candidate->type), $candidate_path); $candidate_mtime = @filemtime($candidate_path); if ($candidate_mtime === false || $candidate_mtime < $original_mtime || $candidate_mtime < $candidate->last_mod_time) continue; $params->use_watermark = false; $params->sharpen = min(1, $params->sharpen); $page['src_path'] = $candidate_path; $page['src_url'] = $page['root_path'] . substr($candidate_path, strlen(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH)); $page['rotation_angle'] = 0; return true; } return false; } function send_derivative($expires) { global $page; if (isset($_GET['ajaxload']) and $_GET['ajaxload'] == 'true') { include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/'); include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/'); echo json_encode( array( 'url'=>embellish_url(get_absolute_root_url().$page['derivative_path']) ) ); return; } $fp = fopen($page['derivative_path'], 'rb'); $fstat = fstat($fp); header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $fstat['mtime']).' GMT'); if ($expires!==false) { header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $expires).' GMT'); } header('Content-length: '.$fstat['size']); header('Connection: close'); $ctype="application/octet-stream"; switch (strtolower($page['derivative_ext'])) { case ".jpe": case ".jpeg": case ".jpg": $ctype="image/jpeg"; break; case ".png": $ctype="image/png"; break; case ".gif": $ctype="image/gif"; break; } header("Content-Type: $ctype"); fpassthru($fp); fclose($fp); } $page=array(); $begin = $step = microtime(true); $timing=array(); foreach( explode(',','load,rotate,crop,scale,sharpen,watermark,save,send') as $k ) { $timing[$k] = ''; } include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH .'include/dblayer/functions_'.$conf['dblayer'].'.inc.php'); include_once( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH .'/include/'); include_once( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH .'/include/'); try { pwg_db_connect($conf['db_host'], $conf['db_user'], $conf['db_password'], $conf['db_base']); } catch (Exception $e) { $logger->error($e->getMessage(), 'i.php'); } pwg_db_check_charset(); list($conf['derivatives']) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT value FROM '.$prefixeTable.'config WHERE param=\'derivatives\'')); ImageStdParams::load_from_db(); parse_request(); //var_export($page); $params = $page['derivative_params']; $src_mtime = @filemtime($page['src_path']); if ($src_mtime === false) { ierror('Source not found', 404); } $need_generate = false; $derivative_mtime = @filemtime($page['derivative_path']); if ($derivative_mtime === false or $derivative_mtime < $src_mtime or $derivative_mtime < $params->last_mod_time) { $need_generate = true; } $expires=false; $now = time(); if ( isset($_GET['b']) ) { $expires = $now + 100; header("Cache-control: no-store, max-age=100"); } elseif ( $now > (max($src_mtime, $params->last_mod_time) + 24*3600) ) {// somehow arbitrary - if derivative params or src didn't change for the last 24 hours, we send an expire header for several days $expires = $now + 10*24*3600; } if (!$need_generate) { if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] ) and strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) == $derivative_mtime) {// send the last mod time of the file back header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $derivative_mtime).' GMT', true, 304); header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()+10*24*3600).' GMT', true, 304); exit; } send_derivative($expires); exit; } include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/image.class.php'); $page['coi'] = null; if (strpos($page['src_location'], '/pwg_representative/')===false && strpos($page['src_location'], 'themes/')===false && strpos($page['src_location'], 'plugins/')===false) { try { $query = ' SELECT * FROM '.$prefixeTable.'images WHERE path=\''.addslashes($page['src_location']).'\' ;'; if ( ($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query))) ) { if (isset($row['width'])) { $page['original_size'] = array($row['width'],$row['height']); } $page['coi'] = $row['coi']; if (!isset($row['rotation'])) { $page['rotation_angle'] = pwg_image::get_rotation_angle($page['src_path']); single_update( $prefixeTable.'images', array('rotation' => pwg_image::get_rotation_code_from_angle($page['rotation_angle'])), array('id' => $row['id']) ); } else { $page['rotation_angle'] = pwg_image::get_rotation_angle_from_code($row['rotation']); } } if (!$row) { ierror('Db file path not found', 404); } } catch (Exception $e) { $logger->error($e->getMessage(), 'i.php'); } } else { $page['rotation_angle'] = 0; } pwg_db_close(); if (!try_switch_source($params, $src_mtime) && $params->type==IMG_CUSTOM) { $sharpen = 0; foreach (ImageStdParams::get_defined_type_map() as $std_params) { $sharpen += $std_params->sharpen; } $params->sharpen = round($sharpen / count(ImageStdParams::get_defined_type_map()) ); } if (!mkgetdir(dirname($page['derivative_path']))) { ierror("dir create error", 500); } ignore_user_abort(true); @set_time_limit(0); $image = new pwg_image($page['src_path']); $timing['load'] = time_step($step); $changes = 0; // rotate if (0 != $page['rotation_angle']) { $image->rotate($page['rotation_angle']); $changes++; $timing['rotate'] = time_step($step); } // Crop & scale $o_size = $d_size = array($image->get_width(),$image->get_height()); $params->sizing->compute($o_size , $page['coi'], $crop_rect, $scaled_size ); if ($crop_rect) { $changes++; $image->crop( $crop_rect->width(), $crop_rect->height(), $crop_rect->l, $crop_rect->t); $timing['crop'] = time_step($step); } if ($scaled_size) { $changes++; $image->resize( $scaled_size[0], $scaled_size[1] ); $d_size = $scaled_size; $timing['scale'] = time_step($step); } if ($params->sharpen) { $changes += $image->sharpen( $params->sharpen ); $timing['sharpen'] = time_step($step); } if ($params->will_watermark($d_size)) { $wm = ImageStdParams::get_watermark(); $wm_image = new pwg_image(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$wm->file); $wm_size = array($wm_image->get_width(),$wm_image->get_height()); if ($d_size[0]<$wm_size[0] or $d_size[1]<$wm_size[1]) { $wm_scaling_params = SizingParams::classic($d_size[0], $d_size[1]); $wm_scaling_params->compute($wm_size, null, $tmp, $wm_scaled_size); $wm_size = $wm_scaled_size; $wm_image->resize( $wm_scaled_size[0], $wm_scaled_size[1] ); } $x = round( ($wm->xpos/100)*($d_size[0]-$wm_size[0]) ); $y = round( ($wm->ypos/100)*($d_size[1]-$wm_size[1]) ); if ($image->compose($wm_image, $x, $y, $wm->opacity)) { $changes++; if ($wm->xrepeat || $wm->yrepeat) { $xpad = $wm_size[0] + max(30, round($wm_size[0]/4)); $ypad = $wm_size[1] + max(30, round($wm_size[1]/4)); for($i=-$wm->xrepeat; $i<=$wm->xrepeat; $i++) { for($j=-$wm->yrepeat; $j<=$wm->yrepeat; $j++) { if (!$i && !$j) continue; $x2 = $x + $i * $xpad; $y2 = $y + $j * $ypad; if ($x2>=0 && $x2+$wm_size[0]<$d_size[0] && $y2>=0 && $y2+$wm_size[1]<$d_size[1] ) if (!$image->compose($wm_image, $x2, $y2, $wm->opacity)) break; } } } } $wm_image->destroy(); $timing['watermark'] = time_step($step); } // no change required - redirect to source if (!$changes) { header("X-i: No change"); ierror( $page['src_url'], 301); } if ($d_size[0]*$d_size[1] < $conf['derivatives_strip_metadata_threshold']) {// strip metadata for small images $image->strip(); } $image->set_compression_quality( ImageStdParams::$quality ); $image->write( $page['derivative_path'] ); $image->destroy(); @chmod($page['derivative_path'], 0644); $timing['save'] = time_step($step); send_derivative($expires); $timing['send'] = time_step($step); $timing['total'] = time_step($begin); if ($logger->severity() >= Logger::DEBUG) { $logger->debug('', 'i.php', array( 'src_path' => basename($page['src_path']), 'derivative_path' => basename($page['derivative_path']), 'o_size' => $o_size[0] . ' ' . $o_size[1] . ' ' . ($o_size[0]*$o_size[1]), 'd_size' => $d_size[0] . ' ' . $d_size[1] . ' ' . ($d_size[0]*$d_size[1]), 'mem_usage' => function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage') ? round( memory_get_peak_usage()/(1024*1024), 1) : '', 'timing' => $timing, )); }