0 and hit desc order */ , 'recent' /* recent = Date_available desc order */ , 'highrated' /* avg_rate > 0 and desc order */ , 'oldest' /* Date_available asc order */ , 'lessviewed' /* hit asc order */ , 'lowrated' /* avg_rate asc order */ , 'undescribed' /* description missing */ , 'unnamed' /* new name missing */ , 'portraits' /* width < height (portrait oriented) */ , 'landscapes' /* width > height (landscape oriented) */ , 'squares' /* width ~ height (square form) */ ); } function expand_id_list($ids) { $tid = array(); foreach ( $ids as $id ) { if ( is_numeric($id) ) { $tid[] = (int) $id; } else { $range = explode( '-', $id ); if ( is_numeric($range[0]) and is_numeric($range[1]) ) { $from = min($range[0],$range[1]); $to = max($range[0],$range[1]); for ($i = $from; $i <= $to; $i++) { $tid[] = (int) $i; } } } } $result = array_unique ($tid); // remove duplicates... sort ($result); return $result; } function check_target($list) { if ( $list !== '' ) { $type = explode('/',$list); // Find type list if ( !in_array($type[0],array('list','cat','tag') ) ) { $type[0] = 'list'; // Assume an id list } $ids = explode( ',',$type[1] ); $list = $type[0] . '/'; // 1,2,21,3,22,4,5,9-12,6,11,12,13,2,4,6, $result = expand_id_list( $ids ); // 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11,12,13,21,22, // I would like // 1-6,9-13,21-22 $serial[] = $result[0]; // To be shifted foreach ($result as $k => $id) { $next_less_1 = (isset($result[$k + 1]))? $result[$k + 1] - 1:-1; if ( $id == $next_less_1 and end($serial)=='-' ) { // nothing to do } elseif ( $id == $next_less_1 ) { $serial[]=$id; $serial[]='-'; } else { $serial[]=$id; // end serie or non serie } } $null = array_shift($serial); // remove first value $list .= array_shift($serial); // add the real first one $separ = ','; foreach ($serial as $id) { $list .= ($id=='-') ? '' : $separ . $id; $separ = ($id=='-') ? '-':','; // add comma except if hyphen } } return $list; } // Next evolution... // Out of parameter WS management // The remainer objective is to check // - Does Web Service working properly? // - Does any access return something really? // Give a way to check to the webmaster... // These questions are one of module name explainations (checker). if((!defined("PHPWG_ROOT_PATH")) or (!$conf['allow_web_services'])) { die('Hacking attempt!'); } include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/functions.php'); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Check Access and exit when user status is not ok | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ check_status(ACCESS_ADMINISTRATOR); // FIXME would be in migration process but could stay here // Config parameters if (!isset($conf['ws_status'])) { $conf['ws_status'] = false; $query = ' INSERT INTO '.CONFIG_TABLE.' (param,value,comment) VALUES (\'ws_status\', \'false\', \'Web Service status\' ) ;'; pwg_query($query); } // accepted queries $req_type_list = official_req(); //--------------------------------------------------------- update informations // Is status temporary changed? if (isset($_POST['wss_submit'])) { $ws_status = get_boolean( $_POST['ws_status'] ); // Requested status $ws_update = $lang['ws_success_upd']; // Normal update if ($conf['allow_web_services'] == false and $ws_status == true ) { /* Set true is disallowed */ $ws_status = false; $ws_update = $lang['ws_disallowed']; } if ( $ws_status !== true and $ws_status !== false ) { /* Avoiding SQL injection by no change */ $ws_status = $conf['ws_status']; } if ($conf['ws_status'] == $ws_status) { $ws_update = $lang['ws_disallowed']; } else { $query = ' UPDATE '.CONFIG_TABLE.' SET value = \''.boolean_to_string($ws_status).'\' WHERE param = \'ws_status\' AND value <> \''.boolean_to_string($ws_status).'\' ;'; pwg_query($query); $conf['ws_status'] = $ws_status; } $template->assign_block_vars( 'update_result', array( 'UPD_ELEMENT'=> $lang['ws_set_status'].': '.$ws_update, ) ); } // Next, is a new access required? if (isset($_POST['wsa_submit'])) { // Check $_post $add_partner = htmlspecialchars( $_POST['add_partner'], ENT_QUOTES); $add_access = check_target( $_POST['add_access']) ; $add_start = ( is_numeric($_POST['add_start']) ) ? $_POST['add_start']:0; $add_end = ( is_numeric($_POST['add_end']) ) ? $_POST['add_end']:0; $add_request = ( ctype_alpha($_POST['add_request']) ) ? $_POST['add_request']:''; $add_high = ( $_POST['add_high'] == 'true' ) ? 'true':'false'; $add_normal = ( $_POST['add_normal'] == 'true' ) ? 'true':'false'; $add_limit = ( is_numeric($_POST['add_limit']) ) ? $_POST['add_limit']:1; $add_comment = htmlspecialchars( $_POST['add_comment'], ENT_QUOTES); if ( strlen($add_partner) < 8 ) { } $query = ' INSERT INTO '.WEB_SERVICES_ACCESS_TABLE.' ( `name` , `access` , `start` , `end` , `request` , `high` , `normal` , `limit` , `comment` ) VALUES (' . " '$add_partner', '$add_access', ADDDATE( NOW(), INTERVAL $add_start DAY), ADDDATE( NOW(), INTERVAL $add_end DAY), '$add_request', '$add_high', '$add_normal', '$add_limit', '$add_comment' );"; pwg_query($query); $template->assign_block_vars( 'update_result', array( 'UPD_ELEMENT'=> $lang['ws_adding_legend'].$lang['ws_success_upd'], ) ); } // Next, Update selected access if (isset($_POST['wsu_submit'])) { $upd_end = ( is_numeric($_POST['upd_end']) ) ? $_POST['upd_end']:0; $settxt = ' end = ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL '. $upd_end .' DAY)'; if ((isset($_POST['selection'])) and (trim($settxt) != '')) { $uid = (int) $_POST['selection']; $query = ' UPDATE '.WEB_SERVICES_ACCESS_TABLE.' SET '.$settxt.' WHERE id = '.$uid.'; '; pwg_query($query); $template->assign_block_vars( 'update_result', array( 'UPD_ELEMENT'=> $lang['ws_update_legend'].$lang['ws_success_upd'], ) ); } else { $template->assign_block_vars( 'update_result', array( 'UPD_ELEMENT'=> $lang['ws_update_legend'].$lang['ws_failed_upd'], ) ); } } // Next, Delete selected access if (isset($_POST['wsX_submit'])) { if ((isset($_POST['delete_confirmation'])) and (isset($_POST['selection']))) { $uid = (int) $_POST['selection']; $query = 'DELETE FROM '.WEB_SERVICES_ACCESS_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$uid.'; '; pwg_query($query); $template->assign_block_vars( 'update_result', array( 'UPD_ELEMENT'=> $lang['ws_delete_legend'].$lang['ws_success_upd'], ) ); } else { $template->assign_block_vars( 'update_result', array( 'UPD_ELEMENT'=> $lang['Not selected / Not confirmed'] .$lang['ws_failed_upd'], ) ); } } $ws_status = $conf['ws_status']; $template->assign_vars( array( 'L_CURRENT_STATUS' => ( $ws_status == true ) ? $lang['ws_enable']:$lang['ws_disable'], 'STATUS_YES' => ( $ws_status == true ) ? '':'checked', 'STATUS_NO' => ( $ws_status == true ) ? 'checked':'', 'DEFLT_HIGH_YES' => '', 'DEFLT_HIGH_NO' => 'checked', 'DEFLT_NORMAL_YES' => '', 'DEFLT_NORMAL_NO' => 'checked', 'U_HELP' => PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'popuphelp.php?page=web_service', ) ); // Build where $where = ''; $order = ' ORDER BY `id` DESC' ; $query = ' SELECT * FROM '.WEB_SERVICES_ACCESS_TABLE.' WHERE 1=1 ' .$where. ' ' .$order. ';'; $result = pwg_query($query); $acc_list = mysql_num_rows($result); $result = pwg_query($query); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | template init | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->set_filenames( array( 'ws_checker' => 'admin/ws_checker.tpl' ) ); $checked = 'checked="checked"'; $selected = 'selected="selected"'; $num=0; if ( $acc_list > 0 ) { $template->assign_block_vars( 'acc_list', array() ); } // Access List while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $num++; $template->assign_block_vars( 'acc_list.access', array( 'CLASS' => ($num % 2 == 1) ? 'row1' : 'row2', 'ID' => $row['id'], 'NAME' => (is_adviser()) ? '*********' : $row['name'], 'ACCESS' => $row['access'], 'START' => $row['start'], 'END' => $row['end'], 'FORCE' => $row['request'], 'HIGH' => $row['high'], 'NORMAL' => $row['normal'], 'LIMIT' => $row['limit'], 'COMMENT' => $row['comment'], 'SELECTED' => '', ) ); } $template->assign_block_vars( 'add_request', array( 'VALUE'=> '', 'CONTENT' => '', 'SELECTED' => $selected, ) ); foreach ($req_type_list as $value) { $template->assign_block_vars( 'add_request', array( 'VALUE'=> $value, 'CONTENT' => $lang['ws_'.$value], 'SELECTED' => '', ) ); } $columns = array ( 'ID' => 'id', 'ws_KeyName' => 'name', 'ws_Access' => 'ws_access', 'ws_Start' => 'ws_start', 'ws_End' => 'ws_end', 'ws_Request' => 'ws_request', 'ws_High' => 'ws_high', 'ws_Normal' => 'ws_normal', 'ws_Limit' => 'ws_limit', 'ws_Comment' => 'ws_comment', ); foreach ($conf['ws_allowed_limit'] as $value) { $template->assign_block_vars( 'add_limit', array( 'VALUE'=> $value, 'CONTENT' => $value, 'SELECTED' => ($conf['ws_allowed_limit'][0] == $value) ? $selected:'', ) ); } // Postponed Start Date // By default 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 14 or 30 days foreach ($conf['ws_postponed_start'] as $value) { $template->assign_block_vars( 'add_start', array( 'VALUE'=> $value, 'CONTENT' => $value, 'SELECTED' => ($conf['ws_postponed_start'][0] == $value) ? $selected:'', ) ); } // Durations (Allowed Web Services Period) // By default 10, 5, 2, 1 year(s) or 6, 3, 1 month(s) or 15, 10, 7, 5, 1, 0 day(s) foreach ($conf['ws_durations'] as $value) { $template->assign_block_vars( 'add_end', array( 'VALUE'=> $value, 'CONTENT' => $value, 'SELECTED' => ($conf['ws_durations'][3] == $value) ? $selected:'', ) ); if ( $acc_list > 0 ) { $template->assign_block_vars( 'acc_list.upd_end', array( 'VALUE'=> $value, 'CONTENT' => $value, 'SELECTED' => ($conf['ws_durations'][3] == $value) ? $selected:'', ) ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------- sending html code $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'ws_checker'); ?>