'; $output.= '
  • '.$name.''; $output.= ' [ '.$dir.' ]'; $output.= '
  • '; // 2. we search pictures of the category only if the update is for all // or a cat_id is specified if ($_POST['sync'] == 'files') { $output.= insert_local_element($cat_directory, $id_uppercat); } } $fs_subdirs = get_category_directories($cat_directory); $sub_category_dirs = array(); $query = ' SELECT id,dir FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE site_id = 1 '; if (!is_numeric($id_uppercat)) { $query.= ' AND id_uppercat IS NULL'; } else { $query.= ' AND id_uppercat = '.$id_uppercat; } $query.= ' AND dir IS NOT NULL'; // virtual categories not taken $query.= ' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $sub_category_dirs[$row['id']] = $row['dir']; } // 3. we have to remove the categories of the database not present anymore $to_delete_categories = array(); foreach ($sub_category_dirs as $id => $dir) { if (!in_array($dir, $fs_subdirs)) { array_push($to_delete_categories,$id); } } if (count($to_delete_categories) > 0) { delete_categories($to_delete_categories); } // array of new categories to insert $inserts = array(); foreach ($fs_subdirs as $fs_subdir) { // 5. Is the category already existing ? we create a subcat if not // existing $category_id = array_search($fs_subdir, $sub_category_dirs); if (!is_numeric($category_id)) { if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+$/', $fs_subdir)) { $name = str_replace('_', ' ', $fs_subdir); $value = "('".$fs_subdir."','".$name."',1"; if (!is_numeric($id_uppercat)) { $value.= ',NULL'; } else { $value.= ','.$id_uppercat; } $value.= ",'undef'"; $value.= ')'; array_push($inserts, $value); } else { $output.= '"'.$fs_subdir.'" : '; $output.= $lang['update_wrong_dirname'].'
    '; } } } // we have to create the category if (count($inserts) > 0) { $query = ' INSERT INTO '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' (dir,name,site_id,id_uppercat,uppercats) VALUES '; $query.= implode(',', $inserts); $query.= ' ;'; pwg_query($query); $counts['new_categories']+= count($inserts); // updating uppercats field $query = ' UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' SET uppercats = '; if ($uppercats != '') { $query.= "CONCAT('".$uppercats."',',',id)"; } else { $query.= 'id'; } $query.= ' WHERE id_uppercat '; if (!is_numeric($id_uppercat)) { $query.= 'IS NULL'; } else { $query.= '= '.$id_uppercat; } $query.= ' ;'; pwg_query($query); } // Recursive call on the sub-categories (not virtual ones) if (!isset($_POST['cat']) or (isset($_POST['subcats-included']) and $_POST['subcats-included'] == 1)) { $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE site_id = 1 '; if (!is_numeric($id_uppercat)) { $query.= ' AND id_uppercat IS NULL'; } else { $query.= ' AND id_uppercat = '.$id_uppercat; } $query.= ' AND dir IS NOT NULL'; // virtual categories not taken $query.= ' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $output.= insert_local_category($row['id']); } } if (is_numeric($id_uppercat)) { $output.= ''; } return $output; } function insert_local_element($dir, $category_id) { global $lang,$conf,$counts; $output = ''; // fs means FileSystem : $fs_files contains files in the filesystem found // in $dir that can be managed by PhpWebGallery (see get_pwg_files // function), $fs_thumbnails contains thumbnails, $fs_representatives // contains potentially representative pictures for non picture files $fs_files = get_pwg_files($dir); $fs_thumbnails = get_thumb_files($dir); $fs_representatives = get_representative_files($dir); // element deletion $to_delete_elements = array(); // deletion of element if the correspond file doesn't exist anymore $query = ' SELECT id,file FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE storage_category_id = '.$category_id.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if (!in_array($row['file'], $fs_files)) { $output.= $row['file']; $output.= ' '; $output.= $lang['update_disappeared'].'
    '; array_push($to_delete_elements, $row['id']); } } // in picture case, we also delete the element if the thumbnail doesn't // existe anymore $query = ' SELECT id,file,tn_ext FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE storage_category_id = '.$category_id.' AND ('.implode(' OR ', array_map( create_function('$s', 'return "file LIKE \'%".$s."\'";') , $conf['picture_ext'])).') ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $thumbnail = $conf['prefix_thumbnail']; $thumbnail.= get_filename_wo_extension($row['file']); $thumbnail.= '.'.$row['tn_ext']; if (!in_array($thumbnail, $fs_thumbnails)) { $output.= $row['file']; $output.= ' : '; $output.= $lang['update_disappeared_tn'].'
    '; array_push($to_delete_elements, $row['id']); } } $to_delete_elements = array_unique($to_delete_elements); if (count($to_delete_elements) > 0) { delete_elements($to_delete_elements); } $registered_elements = array(); $query = ' SELECT file FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE storage_category_id = '.$category_id.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($registered_elements, $row['file']); } // unvalidated pictures are picture uploaded by users, but not validated // by an admin (so not registered truly visible yet) $unvalidated_pictures = array(); $query = ' SELECT file FROM '.WAITING_TABLE.' WHERE storage_category_id = '.$category_id.' AND validated = \'false\' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($unvalidated_pictures, $row['file']); } // we only search among the picture present in the filesystem and not // present in the database yet. If we know that this picture is known as // an uploaded one but not validated, it's not tested neither $unregistered_elements = array_diff($fs_files ,$registered_elements ,$unvalidated_pictures); $inserts = array(); foreach ($unregistered_elements as $unregistered_element) { if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+$/', $unregistered_element)) { $file_wo_ext = get_filename_wo_extension($unregistered_element); $tn_ext = ''; foreach ($conf['picture_ext'] as $ext) { $test = $conf['prefix_thumbnail'].$file_wo_ext.'.'.$ext; if (!in_array($test, $fs_thumbnails)) { continue; } else { $tn_ext = $ext; break; } } // 2 cases : the element is a picture or not. Indeed, for a picture // thumbnail is mandatory and for non picture element, thumbnail and // representative is optionnal if (in_array(get_extension($unregistered_element), $conf['picture_ext'])) { // if we found a thumnbnail corresponding to our picture... if ($tn_ext != '') { $insert = array(); $insert['file'] = $unregistered_element; $insert['storage_category_id'] = $category_id; $insert['date_available'] = CURRENT_DATE; $insert['tn_ext'] = $tn_ext; $insert['path'] = $dir.$unregistered_element; $counts['new_elements']++; array_push($inserts, $insert); } else { $output.= ''; $output.= $lang['update_missing_tn'].' : '.$unregistered_element; $output.= ' ('; $output.= $conf['prefix_thumbnail']; $output.= get_filename_wo_extension($unregistered_element); $output.= '.XXX'; $output.= ', XXX = '; $output.= implode(', ', $conf['picture_ext']); $output.= ')
    '; } } else { $representative_ext = ''; foreach ($conf['picture_ext'] as $ext) { $candidate = $file_wo_ext.'.'.$ext; if (!in_array($candidate, $fs_representatives)) { continue; } else { $representative_ext = $ext; break; } } $insert = array(); $insert['file'] = $unregistered_element; $insert['path'] = $dir.$unregistered_element; $insert['storage_category_id'] = $category_id; $insert['date_available'] = CURRENT_DATE; if ( $tn_ext != '' ) { $insert['tn_ext'] = $tn_ext; } if ( $representative_ext != '' ) { $insert['representative_ext'] = $representative_ext; } $counts['new_elements']++; array_push($inserts, $insert); } } else { $output.= '"'; $output.= $unregistered_element.'" : '; $output.= $lang['update_wrong_dirname'].'
    '; } } if (count($inserts) > 0) { // inserts all found pictures $dbfields = array( 'file','storage_category_id','date_available','tn_ext' ,'representative_ext','path' ); mass_inserts(IMAGES_TABLE, $dbfields, $inserts); // what are the ids of the pictures in the $category_id ? $ids = array(); $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE storage_category_id = '.$category_id.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($ids, $row['id']); } // recreation of the links between this storage category pictures and // its storage category $query = ' DELETE FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE category_id = '.$category_id.' AND image_id IN ('.implode(',', $ids).') ;'; pwg_query($query); foreach ($ids as $num => $image_id) { $ids[$num] = '('.$category_id.','.$image_id.')'; } $query = ' INSERT INTO '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' (category_id,image_id) VALUES '.implode(',', $ids).' ;'; pwg_query($query); // set a new representative element for this category $query = ' SELECT image_id FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE category_id = '.$category_id.' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1 ;'; list($representative) = mysql_fetch_array(pwg_query($query)); $query = ' UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' SET representative_picture_id = '.$representative.' WHERE id = '.$category_id.' ;'; pwg_query($query); } return $output; } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | template initialization | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->set_filenames(array('update'=>'admin/update.tpl')); $base_url = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=update'; $template->assign_vars( array( 'L_SUBMIT'=>$lang['submit'], 'L_UPDATE_TITLE'=>$lang['update_default_title'], 'L_UPDATE_SYNC_FILES'=>$lang['update_sync_files'], 'L_UPDATE_SYNC_DIRS'=>$lang['update_sync_dirs'], 'L_UPDATE_SYNC_ALL'=>$lang['update_sync_all'], 'L_UPDATE_SYNC_METADATA'=>$lang['update_sync_metadata'], 'L_UPDATE_SYNC_METADATA_NEW'=>$lang['update_sync_metadata_new'], 'L_UPDATE_SYNC_METADATA_ALL'=>$lang['update_sync_metadata_all'], 'L_UPDATE_CATS_SUBSET'=>$lang['update_cats_subset'], 'L_RESULT_UPDATE'=>$lang['update_part_research'], 'L_NB_NEW_ELEMENTS'=>$lang['update_nb_new_elements'], 'L_NB_NEW_CATEGORIES'=>$lang['update_nb_new_categories'], 'L_NB_DEL_ELEMENTS'=>$lang['update_nb_del_elements'], 'L_NB_DEL_CATEGORIES'=>$lang['update_nb_del_categories'], 'L_SEARCH_SUBCATS_INCLUDED'=>$lang['search_subcats_included'], 'U_SYNC_DIRS'=>add_session_id($base_url.'&update=dirs'), 'U_SYNC_ALL'=>add_session_id($base_url.'&update=all'), 'U_SYNC_METADATA_NEW'=>add_session_id($base_url.'&metadata=all:new'), 'U_SYNC_METADATA_ALL'=>add_session_id($base_url.'&metadata=all') )); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | introduction : choices | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { $template->assign_block_vars('introduction', array()); $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE site_id != 1 ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($user['restrictions'], $row['id']); } $user['forbidden_categories'] = implode(',', $user['restrictions']); $user['expand'] = true; $structure = create_user_structure(''); display_select_categories($structure, ' ', array(), 'introduction.category_option', array()); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | synchronize files | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ else if (isset($_POST['submit']) and ($_POST['sync'] == 'dirs' or $_POST['sync'] == 'files')) { $counts = array( 'new_elements' => 0, 'new_categories' => 0, 'del_elements' => 0, 'del_categories' => 0 ); if (isset($_POST['cat'])) { $opts['category_id'] = $_POST['cat']; } else { $opts['category_id'] = 'NULL'; } $start = get_moment(); $categories = insert_local_category($opts['category_id']); echo get_elapsed_time($start,get_moment()).' for scanning directories
    '; $template->assign_block_vars( 'update', array( 'CATEGORIES'=>$categories, 'NB_NEW_CATEGORIES'=>$counts['new_categories'], 'NB_DEL_CATEGORIES'=>$counts['del_categories'], 'NB_NEW_ELEMENTS'=>$counts['new_elements'], 'NB_DEL_ELEMENTS'=>$counts['del_elements'] )); $start = get_moment(); update_category('all'); echo get_elapsed_time($start,get_moment()).' for update_category(all)
    '; $start = get_moment(); ordering(); echo get_elapsed_time($start, get_moment()).' for ordering categories
    '; } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | synchronize metadata | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ else if (isset($_POST['submit']) and preg_match('/^metadata/', $_POST['sync'])) { // sync only never synchronized files ? if ($_POST['sync'] == 'metadata_new') { $opts['only_new'] = true; } else { $opts['only_new'] = false; } $opts['category_id'] = ''; $opts['recursive'] = true; if (isset($_POST['cat'])) { $opts['category_id'] = $_POST['cat']; // recursive ? if (!isset($_POST['subcats-included']) or $_POST['subcats-included'] != 1) { $opts['recursive'] = false; } } $start = get_moment(); $files = get_filelist($opts['category_id'], $opts['recursive'], $opts['only_new']); echo get_elapsed_time($start, get_moment()).' for get_filelist
    '; $start = get_moment(); update_metadata($files); echo get_elapsed_time($start, get_moment()).' for metadata update
    '; } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | sending html code | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'update'); ?>