{combine_script id='jquery.jgrowl' load='footer' require='jquery' path='themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.jgrowl_minimized.js'} {combine_script id='jquery.plupload' load='footer' require='jquery' path='themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/plupload.full.min.js'} {combine_script id='jquery.plupload.queue' load='footer' require='jquery' path='themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/jquery.plupload.queue/jquery.plupload.queue.min.js'} {combine_script id='jquery.ui.progressbar' load='footer'} {combine_css path="themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.jgrowl.css"} {combine_css path="themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/jquery.plupload.queue/css/jquery.plupload.queue.css"} {include file='include/colorbox.inc.tpl'} {include file='include/add_album.inc.tpl'} {combine_script id='LocalStorageCache' load='footer' path='admin/themes/default/js/LocalStorageCache.js'} {combine_script id='jquery.selectize' load='footer' path='themes/default/js/plugins/selectize.min.js'} {combine_css id='jquery.selectize' path="themes/default/js/plugins/selectize.default.css"} {footer_script} {* *} var categoriesCache = new CategoriesCache({ serverKey: '{$CACHE_KEYS.categories}', serverId: '{$CACHE_KEYS._hash}', rootUrl: '{$ROOT_URL}' }); categoriesCache.selectize(jQuery('[data-selectize=categories]'), { filter: function(categories, options) { if (categories.length > 0) { jQuery("#albumSelection").show(); options.default = categories[0].id; } return categories; } }); jQuery('[data-add-album]').pwgAddAlbum({ cache: categoriesCache }); var uploadify_path = '{$uploadify_path}'; var upload_id = '{$upload_id}'; var session_id = '{$session_id}'; var pwg_token = '{$pwg_token}'; var buttonText = "{'Select files'|@translate}"; var sizeLimit = Math.round({$upload_max_filesize} / 1024); /* in KBytes */ {literal} jQuery(document).ready(function(){ function checkUploadStart() { var nbErrors = 0; jQuery("#formErrors").hide(); jQuery("#formErrors li").hide(); if (jQuery("select[name=category]").val() == '') { jQuery("#formErrors #noAlbum").show(); nbErrors++; } var nbFiles = 0; if (jQuery("#uploadBoxes").size() == 1) { jQuery("input[name^=image_upload]").each(function() { if (jQuery(this).val() != "") { nbFiles++; } }); } else { nbFiles = jQuery(".uploadifyQueueItem").size(); } if (nbFiles == 0) { jQuery("#formErrors #noPhoto").show(); nbErrors++; } if (nbErrors != 0) { jQuery("#formErrors").show(); return false; } else { return true; } } function humanReadableFileSize(bytes) { var byteSize = Math.round(bytes / 1024 * 100) * .01; var suffix = 'KB'; if (byteSize > 1000) { byteSize = Math.round(byteSize *.001 * 100) * .01; suffix = 'MB'; } var sizeParts = byteSize.toString().split('.'); if (sizeParts.length > 1) { byteSize = sizeParts[0] + '.' + sizeParts[1].substr(0,2); } else { byteSize = sizeParts[0]; } return byteSize+suffix; } jQuery("#hideErrors").click(function() { jQuery("#formErrors").hide(); return false; }); jQuery("#uploadWarningsSummary a.showInfo").click(function() { jQuery("#uploadWarningsSummary").hide(); jQuery("#uploadWarnings").show(); return false; }); jQuery("#showPermissions").click(function() { jQuery(this).parent(".showFieldset").hide(); jQuery("#permissions").show(); return false; }); jQuery("#uploader").pluploadQueue({ // General settings // runtimes : 'html5,flash,silverlight,html4', runtimes : 'html5', // url : '../upload.php', url : 'ws.php?method=pwg.images.upload&format=json', // User can upload no more then 20 files in one go (sets multiple_queues to false) max_file_count: 100, chunk_size: '500kb', filters : { // Maximum file size max_file_size : '1000mb', // Specify what files to browse for mime_types: [ {title : "Image files", extensions : "jpeg,jpg,gif,png"}, {title : "Zip files", extensions : "zip"} ] }, // Rename files by clicking on their titles // rename: true, // Sort files sortable: true, // Enable ability to drag'n'drop files onto the widget (currently only HTML5 supports that) dragdrop: true, init : { BeforeUpload: function(up, file) { console.log('[BeforeUpload]', file); // You can override settings before the file is uploaded // up.setOption('url', 'upload.php?id=' + file.id); up.setOption( 'multipart_params', { category : jQuery("select[name=category] option:selected").val(), level : jQuery("select[name=level] option:selected").val(), pwg_token : pwg_token // name : file.name } ); }, FileUploaded: function(up, file, info) { // Called when file has finished uploading console.log('[FileUploaded] File:', file, "Info:", info); var data = jQuery.parseJSON(info.response); jQuery("#uploadedPhotos").parent("fieldset").show(); html = ''; html += ''; html += ' '; jQuery("#uploadedPhotos").prepend(html); } } }); {/literal} }); {/footer_script}

{'Upload Photos'|@translate} {$TABSHEET_TITLE}

{if count($setup_errors) > 0}
{else} {if count($setup_warnings) > 0}
{/if} {if !empty($thumbnails)}
{'Uploaded Photos'|@translate}
{foreach from=$thumbnails item=thumbnail} {$thumbnail.file} {/foreach}

{'Add another set of photos'|@translate}

{if $upload_mode eq 'multiple'} {/if}
{'Drop into album'|@translate} {'create a new album'|@translate}

{'Manage Permissions'|@translate}

{'Select files'|@translate} {if isset($original_resize_maxheight)}

{'The picture dimensions will be reduced to %dx%d pixels.'|@translate:$original_resize_maxwidth:$original_resize_maxheight}


{$upload_max_filesize_shorthand}B. {$upload_file_types}. {if isset($max_upload_resolution)}{$max_upload_resolution}Mpx{/if}

{'Maximum file size: %sB.'|@translate:$upload_max_filesize_shorthand} {'Allowed file types: %s.'|@translate:$upload_file_types} {if isset($max_upload_resolution)} {'Approximate maximum resolution: %dM pixels (that\'s %dx%d pixels).'|@translate:$max_upload_resolution:$max_upload_width:$max_upload_height} {/if}

Your browser doesn't have Flash, Silverlight or HTML5 support.

{'Uploaded Photos'|@translate}
{/if} {* empty($thumbnails) *} {/if} {* $setup_errors *}