{known_script id="jquery" src=$ROOT_URL|@cat:"themes/default/js/jquery.packed.js"} {known_script id="jquery.jgrowl" src=$ROOT_URL|@cat:"themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.jgrowl_minimized.js"} {if $upload_mode eq 'multiple'} {/if} {literal}

{'Upload Photos'|@translate}

{if count($setup_errors) > 0}
{else} {if !empty($thumbnails)}
{'Uploaded Photos'|@translate}
{foreach from=$thumbnails item=thumbnail} {$thumbnail.file} {/foreach}

{'Add another set of photos'|@translate}

{if $upload_mode eq 'multiple'} {/if}
{'Drop into category'|@translate}
{'Parent category'|@translate}
{'Category name'|@translate}
{'Who can see these photos?'|@translate}
{'Select files'|@translate} {if $upload_mode eq 'html'}

{'... or switch to the multiple files form'|@translate}

{'JPEG files or ZIP archives with JPEG files inside please.'|@translate}

{elseif $upload_mode eq 'multiple'}

{'... or switch to the old style form'|@translate}

{/if} {* empty($thumbnails) *} {/if} {* $setup_errors *}