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{$CATEGORIES_NAV} › {'Edit album'|@translate} {$TABSHEET_TITLE}

{'Send mail to users'|@translate}


{if isset($group_mail_options)} {elseif isset($no_group_in_gallery) and $no_group_in_gallery} {'There is no group in this gallery.'|@translate} {'Group management'|@translate} {else} {'No group is permitted to see this private album'|@translate}. {'Permission management'|@translate} {/if}

{if isset($user_options)} {else} {'No user is permitted to see this private album'|@translate}. {'Permission management'|@translate} {/if}

{'Complementary mail content'|@translate}

{if isset($auth_key_duration)}

{'Each email sent will contain its own automatic authentication key on links, valid for %s.'|translate:$auth_key_duration}
{'For security reason, authentication keys do not work for administrators.'|translate}
