/* ********** Filters*/ function filter_enable(filter) { /* show the filter*/ $("#"+filter).show(); /* check the checkbox to declare we use this filter */ $("input[type=checkbox][name="+filter+"_use]").prop("checked", true); /* forbid to select this filter in the addFilter list */ $("#addFilter").children("option[value="+filter+"]").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } function filter_disable(filter) { /* hide the filter line */ $("#"+filter).hide(); /* uncheck the checkbox to declare we do not use this filter */ $("input[name="+filter+"_use]").prop("checked", false); /* give the possibility to show it again */ $("#addFilter").children("option[value="+filter+"]").removeAttr("disabled"); } $(".removeFilter").click(function () { var filter = $(this).parent('li').attr("id"); filter_disable(filter); return false; }); $("#addFilter").change(function () { var filter = $(this).prop("value"); filter_enable(filter); $(this).prop("value", -1); }); $("#removeFilters").click(function() { $("#filterList li").each(function() { var filter = $(this).attr("id"); filter_disable(filter); }); return false; }); /* ********** Thumbs */ /* Shift-click: select all photos between the click and the shift+click */ jQuery(document).ready(function() { var last_clicked=0, last_clickedstatus=true; jQuery.fn.enableShiftClick = function() { var inputs = [], count=0; this.find('input[type=checkbox]').each(function() { var pos=count; inputs[count++]=this; $(this).bind("shclick", function (dummy,event) { if (event.shiftKey) { var first = last_clicked; var last = pos; if (first > last) { first=pos; last=last_clicked; } for (var i=first; i<=last;i++) { input = $(inputs[i]); $(input).prop('checked', last_clickedstatus); if (last_clickedstatus) { $(input).siblings("span.wrap2").addClass("thumbSelected"); } else { $(input).siblings("span.wrap2").removeClass("thumbSelected"); } } } else { last_clicked = pos; last_clickedstatus = this.checked; } return true; }); $(this).click(function(event) { $(this).triggerHandler("shclick",event)}); }); } $('ul.thumbnails').enableShiftClick(); }); jQuery("a.preview-box").colorbox(); jQuery('.thumbnails img').tipTip({ 'delay' : 0, 'fadeIn' : 200, 'fadeOut' : 200 }); /* ********** Actions*/ jQuery('[data-datepicker]').pwgDatepicker({ showTimepicker: true, cancelButton: lang.Cancel }); jQuery('[data-add-album]').pwgAddAlbum({ cache: categoriesCache }); $("input[name=remove_author]").click(function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $("input[name=author]").hide(); } else { $("input[name=author]").show(); } }); $("input[name=remove_title]").click(function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $("input[name=title]").hide(); } else { $("input[name=title]").show(); } }); $("input[name=remove_date_creation]").click(function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $("#set_date_creation").hide(); } else { $("#set_date_creation").show(); } }); var derivatives = { elements: null, done: 0, total: 0, finished: function() { return derivatives.done == derivatives.total && derivatives.elements && derivatives.elements.length==0; } }; function progress(success) { jQuery('#progressBar').progressBar(derivatives.done, { max: derivatives.total, textFormat: 'fraction', boxImage: 'themes/default/images/progressbar.gif', barImage: 'themes/default/images/progressbg_orange.gif' }); if (success !== undefined) { var type = success ? 'regenerateSuccess': 'regenerateError', s = jQuery('[name="'+type+'"]').val(); jQuery('[name="'+type+'"]').val(++s); } if (derivatives.finished()) { jQuery('#applyAction').click(); } } function getDerivativeUrls() { var ids = derivatives.elements.splice(0, 500); var params = {max_urls: 100000, ids: ids, types: []}; jQuery("#action_generate_derivatives input").each( function(i, t) { if ($(t).is(":checked")) params.types.push( t.value ); } ); jQuery.ajax( { type: "POST", url: 'ws.php?format=json&method=pwg.getMissingDerivatives', data: params, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { if (!data.stat || data.stat != "ok") { return; } derivatives.total += data.result.urls.length; progress(); for (var i=0; i < data.result.urls.length; i++) { jQuery.manageAjax.add("queued", { type: 'GET', url: data.result.urls[i] + "&ajaxload=true", dataType: 'json', success: ( function(data) { derivatives.done++; progress(true) }), error: ( function(data) { derivatives.done++; progress(false) }) }); } if (derivatives.elements.length) setTimeout( getDerivativeUrls, 25 * (derivatives.total-derivatives.done)); } } ); } function selectGenerateDerivAll() { $("#action_generate_derivatives input[type=checkbox]").prop("checked", true); } function selectGenerateDerivNone() { $("#action_generate_derivatives input[type=checkbox]").prop("checked", false); } function selectDelDerivAll() { $("#action_delete_derivatives input[type=checkbox]").prop("checked", true); } function selectDelDerivNone() { $("#action_delete_derivatives input[type=checkbox]").prop("checked", false); }