/* Shift-click: select all photos between the click and the shift+click */ jQuery(document).ready(function() { var last_clicked=0, last_clickedstatus=true; jQuery.fn.enableShiftClick = function() { var inputs = [], count=0; this.find('input[type=checkbox]').each(function() { var pos=count; inputs[count++]=this; $(this).bind("shclick", function (dummy,event) { if (event.shiftKey) { var first = last_clicked; var last = pos; if (first > last) { first=pos; last=last_clicked; } for (var i=first; i<=last;i++) { input = $(inputs[i]); $(input).prop('checked', last_clickedstatus); if (last_clickedstatus) { $(input).siblings("span.wrap2").addClass("thumbSelected"); } else { $(input).siblings("span.wrap2").removeClass("thumbSelected"); } } } else { last_clicked = pos; last_clickedstatus = this.checked; } return true; }); $(this).click(function(event) { $(this).triggerHandler("shclick",event)}); }); } $('ul.thumbnails').enableShiftClick(); }); jQuery('[data-datepicker]').pwgDatepicker({ showTimepicker: true, cancelButton: lang.Cancel }); jQuery("a.preview-box").colorbox();