(function($, exports) { "use strict"; /** * Base LocalStorage cache * * @param options {object} * - key (required) identifier of the collection * - serverId (recommended) identifier of the Piwigo instance * - serverKey (required) state of collection server-side * - lifetime (optional) cache lifetime in seconds * - loader (required) function called to fetch data, takes a callback as first argument * which must be called with the loaded date */ var LocalStorageCache = function(options) { this._init(options); }; /* * Constructor (deported for easy inheritance) */ LocalStorageCache.prototype._init = function(options) { this.key = options.key + '_' + options.serverId; this.serverKey = options.serverKey; this.lifetime = options.lifetime ? options.lifetime*1000 : 3600*1000; this.loader = options.loader; this.storage = window.localStorage; this.ready = !!this.storage; }; /* * Get the cache content * @param callback {function} called with the data as first parameter */ LocalStorageCache.prototype.get = function(callback) { var now = new Date().getTime(), that = this; if (this.ready && this.storage[this.key] != undefined) { var cache = JSON.parse(this.storage[this.key]); if (now - cache.timestamp <= this.lifetime && cache.key == this.serverKey) { callback(cache.data); return; } } this.loader(function(data) { that.set.call(that, data); callback(data); }); }; /* * Manually set the cache content * @param data {mixed} */ LocalStorageCache.prototype.set = function(data) { if (this.ready) { this.storage[this.key] = JSON.stringify({ timestamp: new Date().getTime(), key: this.serverKey, data: data }); } }; /* * Manually clear the cache */ LocalStorageCache.prototype.clear = function() { if (this.ready) { this.storage.removeItem(this.key); } }; /** * Abstract class containing common initialization code for selectize */ var AbstractSelectizer = function(){}; AbstractSelectizer.prototype = new LocalStorageCache({}); /* * Load Selectize with cache content * @param $target {jQuery} may have some data attributes (create, default, value) * @param options {object} * - value (optional) list of preselected items (ids, or objects with "id" attribute") * - default (optional) default value which will be forced if the select is emptyed * - create (optional) allow item user creation * - filter (optional) function called for each select before applying the data * takes two parameters: cache data, options * must return new data */ AbstractSelectizer.prototype._selectize = function($target, globalOptions) { this.get(function(data) { $target.each(function() { var filtered, value, defaultValue, options = $.extend({}, globalOptions); // apply filter function if (options.filter != undefined) { filtered = options.filter.call(this, data, options); } else { filtered = data; } // active creation mode if (this.hasAttribute('data-create')) { options.create = true; } this.selectize.settings.create = !!options.create; // load options this.selectize.load(function(callback) { if ($.isEmptyObject(this.options)) { callback(filtered); } }); // load items if ((value = $(this).data('value'))) { options.value = value; } if (options.value != undefined) { $.each(value, $.proxy(function(i, cat) { if ($.isNumeric(cat)) this.selectize.addItem(cat); else this.selectize.addItem(cat.id); }, this)); } // set default if ((defaultValue = $(this).data('default'))) { options.default = defaultValue; } if (options.default == 'first') { options.default = filtered[0] ? filtered[0].id : undefined; } if (options.default != undefined) { // add default item if (this.selectize.getValue() == '') { this.selectize.addItem(options.default); } // if multiple: prevent item deletion if (this.multiple) { this.selectize.getItem(options.default).find('.remove').hide(); this.selectize.on('item_remove', function(id) { if (id == options.default) { this.addItem(id); this.getItem(id).find('.remove').hide(); } }); } // if single: restore default on blur else { this.selectize.on('dropdown_close', function() { if (this.getValue() == '') { this.addItem(options.default); } }); } } }); }); }; // redefine Selectize templates without escape AbstractSelectizer.getRender = function(field_label, lang) { lang = lang || { 'Add': 'Add' }; return { 'option': function(data, escape) { return '
' + data[field_label] + '
'; }, 'item': function(data, escape) { return '
' + data[field_label] + '
'; }, 'option_create': function(data, escape) { return '
' + lang['Add'] + ' ' + data.input + '
'; } }; }; /** * Special LocalStorage for admin categories list * * @param options {object} * - serverId (recommended) identifier of the Piwigo instance * - serverKey (required) state of collection server-side * - rootUrl (required) used for WS call */ var CategoriesCache = function(options) { options.key = 'categoriesAdminList'; options.loader = function(callback) { $.getJSON(options.rootUrl + 'ws.php?format=json&method=pwg.categories.getAdminList', function(data) { callback(data.result.categories); }); }; this._init(options); }; CategoriesCache.prototype = new AbstractSelectizer(); /* * Init Selectize with cache content * @see AbstractSelectizer._selectize */ CategoriesCache.prototype.selectize = function($target, options) { options = options || {}; options.filter = function(cats) { cats.map(function(c) { c.pos = c.global_rank.split('.'); }); cats.sort(function(a, b) { var i = 0; while (a.pos[i] && b.pos[i]) { if (a.pos[i] != b.pos[i]) { return a.pos[i] - b.pos[i]; } i++; } return (!a.pos[i] && b.pos[i]) ? -1 : 1; }); cats.map(function(c, i) { c.pos = i; }); return cats; }; $target.selectize({ valueField: 'id', labelField: 'fullname', sortField: 'pos', searchField: ['fullname'], plugins: ['remove_button'], render: AbstractSelectizer.getRender('fullname', options.lang) }); this._selectize($target, options); }; /** * Special LocalStorage for admin tags list * * @param options {object} * - serverId (recommended) identifier of the Piwigo instance * - serverKey (required) state of collection server-side * - rootUrl (required) used for WS call */ var TagsCache = function(options) { options.key = 'tagsAdminList'; options.loader = function(callback) { $.getJSON(options.rootUrl + 'ws.php?format=json&method=pwg.tags.getAdminList', function(data) { var tags = data.result.tags; for (var i=0, l=tags.length; i