set_filenames( array('stats'=>'admin/stats.tpl') ); $template->assign_vars(array( 'L_MONTH'=>$lang['w_month'], 'L_PAGES_SEEN'=>$lang['stats_pages_seen'], 'L_VISITORS'=>$lang['visitors'], 'L_PICTURES'=>$lang['pictures'], 'L_STAT_TITLE'=>$lang['stats_title'], 'L_STAT_MONTH_TITLE'=>$lang['stats_month_title'], 'L_STAT_MONTHLY_ALT'=>$lang['stats_global_graph_title'], 'IMG_MONTHLY_REPORT'=>add_session_id($url_img_global_report) )); //---------------------------------------------------------------- log history $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) as p, MONTH(date) as m, YEAR(date) as y FROM '.HISTORY_TABLE.' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(date,\'%Y-%m\') DESC ;'; $result = pwg_query( $query ); $i=0; while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) { $current_month = $row['y']."-"; if ($row['m'] <10) {$current_month.='0';} $current_month .= $row['m']; // Number of pictures seen $query = ' SELECT COUNT(*) as p, FILE as f FROM '.HISTORY_TABLE.' WHERE DATE_FORMAT(date,\'%Y-%m\') = \''.$current_month.'\' AND FILE = \'picture\' GROUP BY FILE ;'; $pictures = mysql_fetch_array(pwg_query( $query )); // Number of different visitors $query = ' SELECT COUNT(*) as p, login FROM '.HISTORY_TABLE.' WHERE DATE_FORMAT(date,\'%Y-%m\') = \''.$current_month.'\' GROUP BY login, IP ;'; $user_results = pwg_query( $query ); $nb_visitors = 0; $auth_users = array(); while ( $user_array = mysql_fetch_array( $user_results ) ) { if ($user_array['login'] == 'guest') $nb_visitors += 1; else array_push($auth_users, $user_array['login']); } $nb_visitors +=count(array_unique($auth_users)); $class = ($i % 2)? 'row1':'row2'; $i++; $template->assign_block_vars('month',array( 'MONTH'=>$lang['month'][$row['m']].' '.$row['y'], 'PAGES'=>$row['p'], 'VISITORS'=>$nb_visitors, 'IMAGES'=>$pictures['p'], 'T_CLASS'=>$class )); } $nb_visitors = mysql_num_rows( $result ); $days = array(); $max_nb_visitors = 0; $max_pages_seen = 0; //----------------------------------------------------------- sending html code $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'stats'); ?>