site_url = $url; $this->insert_attributes = array( 'tn_ext', 'representative_ext', 'has_high' ); $this->update_attributes = array( 'representative_ext', 'has_high', 'filesize', 'width', 'height' ); if (!isset($listing_url)) { $this->listing_url = $this->site_url.'/listing.xml'; } else { $this->listing_url = $listing_url; } } /** * Is this remote site ok ? * * @return true on success, false otherwise */ function open() { global $errors; if (@fopen($this->listing_url, 'r')) { $this->site_dirs = array(); $this->site_files = array(); $xml_content = getXmlCode($this->listing_url); $info_xml_element = getChild($xml_content, 'informations'); if (getAttribute($info_xml_element , 'phpwg_version') != PHPWG_VERSION) { array_push( $errors, array( 'path' => $this->listing_url, 'type' => 'PWG-ERROR-VERSION' ) ); return false; } $this->update_attributes = array_merge( $this->update_attributes, explode(',', getAttribute($info_xml_element, 'metadata')) ); $this->build_structure($xml_content, '', 0); return true; } else { array_push( $errors, array( 'path' => $this->listing_url, 'type' => 'PWG-ERROR-NOLISTING' ) ); return false; } } // retrieve xml sub-directories fulldirs function get_full_directories($basedir) { $dirs = array(); foreach ( array_keys($this->site_dirs) as $dir) { $full_dir = $this->site_url . $dir; if ($full_dir != $basedir and strpos($full_dir, $basedir) === 0 ) { array_push($dirs, $full_dir); } } return $dirs; } /** * Returns a hash with all elements (images and files) inside the full $path * according to listing.xml * @param string $path recurse in this directory only * @return array like "pic.jpg"=>array('tn_ext'=>'jpg' ... ) */ function get_elements($path) { $elements = array(); foreach ( $this->site_dirs as $dir=>$files) { $full_dir = $this->site_url . $dir; if (strpos($full_dir, $path) === 0) { foreach ($files as $file) { $data = $this->get_element_attributes( $file, $this->insert_attributes ); $elements[$file] = $data; } } } return $elements; } // returns the name of the attributes that are supported for // update/synchronization according to listing.xml function get_update_attributes() { return $this->update_attributes; } // returns a hash of attributes (metadata+filesize+width,...) for file function get_element_update_attributes($file) { return $this->get_element_attributes( $file, $this->update_attributes ); } //-------------------------------------------------- private functions -------- /** * Returns a hash of image/file attributes * @param string $file fully qualified file name * @param array $attributes specifies which attributes to retrieve * returned */ function get_element_attributes($file, $attributes) { $xml_element = $this->site_files[$file]; if (!isset($xml_element)) { return null; } $data = array(); foreach($attributes as $att) { if (getAttribute($xml_element, $att) != '') { $val = getAttribute($xml_element, $att); $data[$att] = addslashes($val); } } return $data; } // recursively parse the xml_content for later usage function build_structure($xml_content, $basedir, $level) { $temp_dirs = getChildren($xml_content, 'dir'.$level); foreach ($temp_dirs as $temp_dir) { $dir_name = $basedir; if ($dir_name != '' ) { $dir_name .= '/'; } $dir_name .= getAttribute($temp_dir, 'name'); $this->site_dirs[ $dir_name ] = array(); $this->build_structure($temp_dir, $dir_name, $level+1); } if ($basedir != '') { $xml_elements = getChildren( getChild($xml_content, 'root'), 'element' ); foreach ($xml_elements as $xml_element) { $path = getAttribute($xml_element, 'path'); $this->site_files[$path] = $xml_element; array_push($this->site_dirs[$basedir], $path); } } } } ?>