assign_block_vars('remote_output', array()); // cleaning lines from HTML tags foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim(strip_tags($line)); if (preg_match('/^PWG-([A-Z]+)-/', $line, $matches)) { $template->assign_block_vars( 'remote_output.remote_line', array( 'CLASS' => 'remote'.ucfirst(strtolower($matches[1])), 'CONTENT' => $line ) ); } } } else { array_push($page['errors'], $lang['remote_site_file_not_found']); } } /** * returns an array where are linked the sub-categories id and there * directories corresponding to the given uppercat id * * @param int site_id * @param mixed id_uppercat * @return array */ function database_subdirs($site_id, $id_uppercat) { $database_dirs = array(); $query = ' SELECT id,dir FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE site_id = '.$site_id; if (!is_numeric($id_uppercat)) { $query.= ' AND id_uppercat IS NULL'; } else { $query.= ' AND id_uppercat = '.$id_uppercat; } // virtual categories not taken $query.= ' AND dir IS NOT NULL ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $database_dirs[$row['id']] = $row['dir']; } return $database_dirs; } /** * read $listing_file and update a remote site according to its id * * @param string listing_file * @param int site_id * @return void */ function update_remote_site($listing_file, $site_id) { global $lang, $counts, $template, $removes, $page; if (@fopen($listing_file, 'r')) { $counts = array( 'new_elements' => 0, 'new_categories' => 0, 'del_elements' => 0, 'del_categories' => 0 ); $removes = array(); $xml_content = getXmlCode($listing_file); insert_remote_category($xml_content, $site_id, 'NULL', 0); update_category(); ordering(); update_global_rank(); $template->assign_block_vars( 'update', array( 'NB_NEW_CATEGORIES'=>$counts['new_categories'], 'NB_DEL_CATEGORIES'=>$counts['del_categories'], 'NB_NEW_ELEMENTS'=>$counts['new_elements'], 'NB_DEL_ELEMENTS'=>$counts['del_elements'] )); if (count($removes) > 0) { $template->assign_block_vars('update.removes', array()); } foreach ($removes as $remove) { $template->assign_block_vars('update.removes.remote_remove', array('NAME'=>$remove)); } } else { array_push($page['errors'], $lang['remote_site_listing_not_found']); } } /** * searchs the "dir" node of the xml_dir given and insert the contained * categories if the are not in the database yet. The function also deletes * the categories that are in the database and not in the xml_file. * * @param string xml_content * @param int site_id * @param mixed id_uppercat * @param int level * @return void */ function insert_remote_category($xml_content, $site_id, $id_uppercat, $level) { global $counts, $removes, $conf; $uppercats = ''; // 0. retrieving informations on the category to display if (is_numeric($id_uppercat)) { $query = ' SELECT id,name,uppercats,dir,status,visible FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$id_uppercat.' ;'; $row = mysql_fetch_array(pwg_query($query)); $parent = array('id' => $row['id'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'dir' => $row['dir'], 'uppercats' => $row['uppercats'], 'visible' => $row['visible'], 'status' => $row['status']); insert_remote_element($xml_content, $id_uppercat); } // $xml_dirs contains dir names contained in the xml file for this // id_uppercat $xml_dirs = array(); $temp_dirs = getChildren($xml_content, 'dir'.$level); foreach ($temp_dirs as $temp_dir) { array_push($xml_dirs, getAttribute($temp_dir, 'name')); } // $database_dirs contains dir names contained in the database for this // id_uppercat and site_id $database_dirs = database_subdirs($site_id, $id_uppercat); // 3. we have to remove the categories of the database not present anymore $to_delete = array(); foreach ($database_dirs as $id => $dir) { if (!in_array($dir, $xml_dirs)) { array_push($to_delete, $id); array_push($removes, get_complete_dir($id)); } } delete_categories($to_delete); // array of new categories to insert $inserts = array(); // calculate default value at category creation $create_values = array(); if (isset($parent)) { // at creation, must a category be visible or not ? Warning : if // the parent category is invisible, the category is automatically // create invisible. (invisible = locked) if ('false' == $parent['visible']) { $create_values{'visible'} = 'false'; } else { $create_values{'visible'} = $conf['newcat_default_visible']; } // at creation, must a category be public or private ? Warning : // if the parent category is private, the category is // automatically create private. if ('private' == $parent['status']) { $create_values{'status'} = 'private'; } else { $create_values{'status'} = $conf['newcat_default_status']; } } else { $create_values{'visible'} = $conf['newcat_default_visible']; $create_values{'status'} = $conf['newcat_default_status']; } foreach ($xml_dirs as $xml_dir) { // 5. Is the category already existing ? we create a subcat if not // existing $category_id = array_search($xml_dir, $database_dirs); if (!is_numeric($category_id)) { $name = str_replace('_', ' ', $xml_dir); $insert = array(); $insert{'dir'} = $xml_dir; $insert{'name'} = $name; $insert{'site_id'} = $site_id; $insert{'uppercats'} = 'undef'; $insert{'commentable'} = $conf['newcat_default_commentable']; $insert{'uploadable'} = 'false'; $insert{'status'} = $create_values{'status'}; $insert{'visible'} = $create_values{'visible'}; if (isset($parent)) { $insert{'id_uppercat'} = $parent['id']; } array_push($inserts, $insert); } } // we have to create the category if (count($inserts) > 0) { // inserts all found categories $dbfields = array('dir','name','site_id','uppercats','id_uppercat', 'commentable','uploadable','status','visible'); mass_inserts(CATEGORIES_TABLE, $dbfields, $inserts); $counts{'new_categories'}+= count($inserts); // updating uppercats field $query = ' UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE; if (isset($parent)) { $query.= " SET uppercats = CONCAT('".$parent['uppercats']."',',',id) WHERE id_uppercat = ".$id_uppercat; } else { $query.= ' SET uppercats = id WHERE id_uppercat IS NULL'; } $query.= ' ;'; pwg_query($query); } // Recursive call on the sub-categories (not virtual ones) $database_dirs = database_subdirs($site_id, $id_uppercat); foreach ($temp_dirs as $temp_dir) { $dir = getAttribute($temp_dir, 'name'); $id_uppercat = array_search($dir, $database_dirs); insert_remote_category($temp_dir, $site_id, $id_uppercat, $level+1); } } /** * searchs the "root" node of $xml_dir (xml string), inserts elements in the * database if new * * @param string xml_dir * @param int category_id * @return void */ function insert_remote_element($xml_dir, $category_id) { global $counts, $lang, $removes; $output = ''; $root = getChild($xml_dir, 'root'); $xml_files = array(); $xml_elements = getChildren($root, 'element'); foreach ($xml_elements as $xml_element) { array_push($xml_files, getAttribute($xml_element,'file')); } // we have to delete all the images from the database that are not in the // directory anymore (not in the XML anymore) $query = ' SELECT id,file FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE storage_category_id = '.$category_id.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $to_delete = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if (!in_array($row['file'], $xml_files)) { // local_dir is cached if (!isset($local_dir)) { $local_dir = get_local_dir($category_id); } array_push($removes, $local_dir.$row['file']); array_push($to_delete, $row['id']); } } delete_elements($to_delete); $database_elements = array(); $query = ' SELECT file FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE storage_category_id = '.$category_id.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($database_elements, $row['file']); } $inserts = array(); foreach ($xml_elements as $xml_element) { // minimal tag : $file = getAttribute($xml_element, 'file'); // is the picture already existing in the database ? if (!in_array($file, $database_elements)) { $insert = array(); $insert{'file'} = $file; $insert{'storage_category_id'} = $category_id; $insert{'date_available'} = CURRENT_DATE; $optional_atts = array('tn_ext', 'representative_ext', 'filesize', 'width', 'height', 'date_creation', 'author', 'keywords', 'name', 'comment', 'has_high', 'path'); foreach ($optional_atts as $att) { if (getAttribute($xml_element, $att) != '') { $insert{$att} = getAttribute($xml_element, $att); } } array_push($inserts, $insert); } } if (count($inserts) > 0) { $dbfields = array('file','storage_category_id','date_available','tn_ext', 'filesize','width','height','date_creation','author', 'keywords','name','comment','has_high','path'); mass_inserts(IMAGES_TABLE, $dbfields, $inserts); $counts{'new_elements'}+= count($inserts); // what are the ids of the pictures in the $category_id ? $ids = array(); $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE storage_category_id = '.$category_id.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($ids, $row['id']); } // recreation of the links between this storage category pictures and // its storage category $query = ' DELETE FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE category_id = '.$category_id.' AND image_id IN ('.implode(',', $ids).') ;'; pwg_query($query); $query = ' INSERT INTO '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' (category_id,image_id) VALUES'; foreach ($ids as $num => $image_id) { $query.= ' '; if ($num > 0) { $query.= ','; } $query.= '('.$category_id.','.$image_id.')'; } $query.= ' ;'; pwg_query($query); // set a new representative element for this category $query = ' SELECT image_id FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE category_id = '.$category_id.' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1 ;'; list($representative) = mysql_fetch_array(pwg_query($query)); $query = ' UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' SET representative_picture_id = '.$representative.' WHERE id = '.$category_id.' ;'; pwg_query($query); } } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | template init | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->set_filenames(array('remote_site'=>'admin/remote_site.tpl')); $template->assign_vars( array( 'L_SUBMIT'=>$lang['submit'], 'L_REMOTE_SITE_CREATE'=>$lang['remote_site_create'], 'L_REMOTE_SITE_GENERATE'=>$lang['remote_site_generate'], 'L_REMOTE_SITE_GENERATE_HINT'=>$lang['remote_site_generate_hint'], 'L_REMOTE_SITE_UPDATE'=>$lang['remote_site_update'], 'L_REMOTE_SITE_UPDATE_HINT'=>$lang['remote_site_update_hint'], 'L_REMOTE_SITE_CLEAN'=>$lang['remote_site_clean'], 'L_REMOTE_SITE_CLEAN_HINT'=>$lang['remote_site_clean_hint'], 'L_REMOTE_SITE_DELETE'=>$lang['remote_site_delete'], 'L_REMOTE_SITE_DELETE_HINT'=>$lang['remote_site_delete_hint'], 'L_NB_NEW_ELEMENTS'=>$lang['update_nb_new_elements'], 'L_NB_NEW_CATEGORIES'=>$lang['update_nb_new_categories'], 'L_NB_DEL_ELEMENTS'=>$lang['update_nb_del_elements'], 'L_NB_DEL_CATEGORIES'=>$lang['update_nb_del_categories'], 'L_REMOTE_SITE_REMOVED_TITLE'=>$lang['remote_site_removed_title'], 'L_REMOTE_SITE_REMOVED'=>$lang['remote_site_removed'], 'L_REMOTE_SITE_LOCAL_FOUND'=>$lang['remote_site_local_found'], 'L_REMOTE_SITE_LOCAL_NEW'=>$lang['remote_site_local_new'], 'L_REMOTE_SITE_LOCAL_UPDATE'=>$lang['remote_site_local_update'], 'U_HELP' => PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'/popuphelp.php?page=remote_site', 'F_ACTION'=>PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=remote_site' ) ); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | new site creation form | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // site must start by http:// or https:// if (!preg_match('/^https?:\/\/[~\/\.\w-]+$/', $_POST['galleries_url'])) { array_push($page['errors'], $lang['remote_site_uncorrect_url']); } else { $page['galleries_url'] = preg_replace('/[\/]*$/', '', $_POST['galleries_url']); $page['galleries_url'].= '/'; // site must not exists $query = ' SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM '.SITES_TABLE.' WHERE galleries_url = \''.$page['galleries_url'].'\' ;'; $row = mysql_fetch_array(pwg_query($query)); if ($row['count'] > 0) { array_push($page['errors'], $lang['remote_site_already_exists']); } } if (count($page['errors']) == 0) { $url = $page['galleries_url'].'create_listing_file.php'; $url.= '?action=test'; $url.= '&version='.PHPWG_VERSION; if ($lines = @file($url)) { $first_line = strip_tags($lines[0]); if (!preg_match('/^PWG-INFO-2:/', $first_line)) { array_push($page['errors'], $lang['remote_site_error'].' : '.$first_line); } } else { array_push($page['errors'], $lang['remote_site_file_not_found']); } } if (count($page['errors']) == 0) { $query = ' INSERT INTO '.SITES_TABLE.' (galleries_url) VALUES (\''.$page['galleries_url'].'\') ;'; pwg_query($query); array_push($page['infos'], $page['galleries_url'].' '.$lang['remote_site_created']); } } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | actions on site | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (isset($_GET['site']) and is_numeric($_GET['site'])) { $page['site'] = $_GET['site']; } if (isset($_GET['action'])) { if (isset($page['site'])) { $query = ' SELECT galleries_url FROM '.SITES_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$page['site'].' ;'; list($galleries_url) = mysql_fetch_array(pwg_query($query)); } switch($_GET['action']) { case 'delete' : { delete_site($page['site']); array_push($page['infos'], $galleries_url.' '.$lang['remote_site_deleted']); break; } case 'generate' : { $title = $galleries_url.' : '.$lang['remote_site_generate']; $template->assign_vars(array('REMOTE_SITE_TITLE'=>$title)); remote_output($galleries_url.'create_listing_file.php?action=generate'); break; } case 'update' : { $title = $galleries_url.' : '.$lang['remote_site_update']; $template->assign_vars(array('REMOTE_SITE_TITLE'=>$title)); update_remote_site($galleries_url.'listing.xml', $page['site']); break; } case 'clean' : { $title = $galleries_url.' : '.$lang['remote_site_clean']; $template->assign_vars(array('REMOTE_SITE_TITLE'=>$title)); remote_output($galleries_url.'create_listing_file.php?action=clean'); break; } case 'local_update' : { $local_listing = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'listing.xml'; $xml_content = getXmlCode($local_listing); $url = getAttribute(getChild($xml_content, 'informations'), 'url'); // is the site already existing ? $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.SITES_TABLE.' WHERE galleries_url = \''.addslashes($url).'\' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { // we have to register this site in the database $query = ' INSERT INTO '.SITES_TABLE.' (galleries_url) VALUES (\''.$url.'\') ;'; pwg_query($query); $site_id = mysql_insert_id(); } else { // we get the already registered id $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $site_id = $row['id']; } $title = $url.' : '.$lang['remote_site_local_update']; $template->assign_vars(array('REMOTE_SITE_TITLE'=>$title)); update_remote_site($local_listing, $site_id); break; } } } else { // we search a "local" listing.xml file $local_listing = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'listing.xml'; if (is_file($local_listing)) { $xml_content = getXmlCode($local_listing); $url = getAttribute(getChild($xml_content, 'informations'), 'url'); $base_url = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=remote_site&action='; $template->assign_block_vars( 'local', array( 'URL' => $url, 'U_UPDATE' => $base_url.'local_update' ) ); // is the site already existing ? $query = ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.SITES_TABLE.' WHERE galleries_url = \''.addslashes($url).'\' ;'; list($count) = mysql_fetch_array(pwg_query($query)); if ($count == 0) { $template->assign_block_vars('local.new_site', array()); } } } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | remote sites list | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // site 1 is the local site, should not be taken into account $query = ' SELECT id, galleries_url FROM '.SITES_TABLE.' WHERE id != 1 ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $template->assign_block_vars('sites', array()); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $base_url = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php'; $base_url.= '?page=remote_site'; $base_url.= '&site='.$row['id']; $base_url.= '&action='; $template->assign_block_vars( '', array( 'NAME' => $row['galleries_url'], 'U_GENERATE' => $base_url.'generate', 'U_UPDATE' => $base_url.'update', 'U_CLEAN' => $base_url.'clean', 'U_DELETE' => $base_url.'delete' ) ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | sending html code | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'remote_site'); ?>