array( 'default' => true, 'can_be_null' => false, ), 'websize_maxwidth' => array( 'default' => 800, 'min' => 100, 'max' => 1600, 'pattern' => '/^\d+$/', 'can_be_null' => true, 'error_message' => l10n('The websize maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'), ), 'websize_maxheight' => array( 'default' => 600, 'min' => 100, 'max' => 1200, 'pattern' => '/^\d+$/', 'can_be_null' => true, 'error_message' => l10n('The websize maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'), ), 'websize_quality' => array( 'default' => 95, 'min' => 50, 'max' => 100, 'pattern' => '/^\d+$/', 'can_be_null' => false, 'error_message' => l10n('The websize image quality must be a number between %d and %d'), ), 'thumb_maxwidth' => array( 'default' => 128, 'min' => 50, 'max' => 300, 'pattern' => '/^\d+$/', 'can_be_null' => false, 'error_message' => l10n('The thumbnail maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'), ), 'thumb_maxheight' => array( 'default' => 96, 'min' => 50, 'max' => 300, 'pattern' => '/^\d+$/', 'can_be_null' => false, 'error_message' => l10n('The thumbnail maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'), ), 'thumb_quality' => array( 'default' => 95, 'min' => 50, 'max' => 100, 'pattern' => '/^\d+$/', 'can_be_null' => false, 'error_message' => l10n('The thumbnail image quality must be a number between %d and %d'), ), 'hd_keep' => array( 'default' => true, 'can_be_null' => false, ), 'hd_resize' => array( 'default' => false, 'can_be_null' => false, ), 'hd_maxwidth' => array( 'default' => 2000, 'min' => 500, 'max' => 20000, 'pattern' => '/^\d+$/', 'can_be_null' => false, 'error_message' => l10n('The high definition maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'), ), 'hd_maxheight' => array( 'default' => 2000, 'min' => 500, 'max' => 20000, 'pattern' => '/^\d+$/', 'can_be_null' => false, 'error_message' => l10n('The high definition maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'), ), 'hd_quality' => array( 'default' => 95, 'min' => 50, 'max' => 100, 'pattern' => '/^\d+$/', 'can_be_null' => false, 'error_message' => l10n('The high definition image quality must be a number between %d and %d'), ), ); $inserts = array(); foreach ($upload_form_config as $param_shortname => $param) { $param_name = 'upload_form_'.$param_shortname; if (!isset($conf[$param_name])) { $param_value = boolean_to_string($param['default']); array_push( $inserts, array( 'param' => $param_name, 'value' => $param_value, ) ); $conf[$param_name] = $param_value; } } if (count($inserts) > 0) { mass_inserts( CONFIG_TABLE, array_keys($inserts[0]), $inserts ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Tabs | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $tabs = array( array( 'code' => 'direct', 'label' => l10n('Upload Photos'), ), array( 'code' => 'settings', 'label' => l10n('Settings'), ), array( 'code' => 'ploader', 'label' => l10n('Piwigo Uploader'), ), ); if ($conf['enable_synchronization']) { array_push( $tabs, array( 'code' => 'ftp', 'label' => l10n('FTP + Synchronization'), ) ); } $tab_codes = array_map( create_function('$a', 'return $a["code"];'), $tabs ); if (isset($_GET['section']) and in_array($_GET['section'], $tab_codes)) { $page['tab'] = $_GET['section']; } else { $page['tab'] = $tabs[0]['code']; } $tabsheet = new tabsheet(); foreach ($tabs as $tab) { $tabsheet->add( $tab['code'], $tab['label'], PHOTOS_ADD_BASE_URL.'&section='.$tab['code'] ); } $tabsheet->select($page['tab']); $tabsheet->assign(); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | template init | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->set_filenames( array( 'photos_add' => 'photos_add_'.$page['tab'].'.tpl' ) ); // $template->append( // 'head_elements', // ''."\n" // ); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Load the tab | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/photos_add_'.$page['tab'].'.php'); ?>