assign( array( 'thumbnails' => $page['thumbnails'], ) ); // only display the batch link if we have more than 1 photo if (count($page['thumbnails']) > 1) { $template->assign( array( 'batch_link' => $page['batch_link'], 'batch_label' => sprintf( l10n('Manage this set of %d photos'), count($page['thumbnails']) ), ) ); } } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Photo selection | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $uploadify_path = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/uploadify'; $upload_max_filesize = min( get_ini_size('upload_max_filesize'), get_ini_size('post_max_size') ); if ($upload_max_filesize == get_ini_size('upload_max_filesize')) { $upload_max_filesize_shorthand = get_ini_size('upload_max_filesize', false); } else { $upload_max_filesize_shorthand = get_ini_size('post_max_filesize', false); } $template->assign( array( 'F_ADD_ACTION'=> PHOTOS_ADD_BASE_URL, 'uploadify_path' => $uploadify_path, 'upload_max_filesize' => $upload_max_filesize, 'upload_max_filesize_shorthand' => $upload_max_filesize_shorthand, ) ); // what is the maximum number of pixels permitted by the memory_limit? if (pwg_image::get_library() == 'gd') { $fudge_factor = 1.7; $available_memory = get_ini_size('memory_limit') - memory_get_usage(); $max_upload_width = round(sqrt($available_memory/(2 * $fudge_factor))); $max_upload_height = round(2 * $max_upload_width / 3); // we don't want dimensions like 2995x1992 but 3000x2000 $max_upload_width = round($max_upload_width/100)*100; $max_upload_height = round($max_upload_height/100)*100; $max_upload_resolution = floor($max_upload_width * $max_upload_height / (1000000)); // no need to display a limitation warning if the limitation is huge like 20MP if ($max_upload_resolution < 25) { $template->assign( array( 'max_upload_width' => $max_upload_width, 'max_upload_height' => $max_upload_height, 'max_upload_resolution' => $max_upload_resolution, ) ); } } //warn the user if the picture will be resized after upload if ($conf['original_resize']) { $template->assign( array( 'original_resize_maxwidth' => $conf['original_resize_maxwidth'], 'original_resize_maxheight' => $conf['original_resize_maxheight'], ) ); } $upload_modes = array('html', 'multiple'); $upload_mode = isset($conf['upload_mode']) ? $conf['upload_mode'] : 'multiple'; if (isset($_GET['upload_mode']) and $upload_mode != $_GET['upload_mode'] and in_array($_GET['upload_mode'], $upload_modes)) { $upload_mode = $_GET['upload_mode']; conf_update_param('upload_mode', $upload_mode); } // what is the upload switch mode $index_of_upload_mode = array_flip($upload_modes); $upload_mode_index = $index_of_upload_mode[$upload_mode]; $upload_switch = $upload_modes[ ($upload_mode_index + 1) % 2 ]; $template->assign( array( 'upload_mode' => $upload_mode, 'form_action' => PHOTOS_ADD_BASE_URL.'&upload_mode='.$upload_mode.'&processed=1', 'switch_url' => PHOTOS_ADD_BASE_URL.'&upload_mode='.$upload_switch, 'upload_id' => md5(rand()), 'session_id' => session_id(), 'pwg_token' => get_pwg_token(), 'another_upload_link' => PHOTOS_ADD_BASE_URL.'&upload_mode='.$upload_mode, ) ); $upload_file_types = 'jpeg, png, gif'; if (pwg_image::get_library() == 'ext_imagick') { $upload_file_types.= ', tiff'; $template->assign('tif_enabled', true); } if ('html' == $upload_mode) { $upload_file_types.= ', zip'; } $template->assign( array( 'upload_file_types' => $upload_file_types, ) ); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Categories | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // we need to know the category in which the last photo was added $selected_category = array(); if (isset($_GET['album'])) { // set the category from get url or ... check_input_parameter('album', $_GET, false, PATTERN_ID); // test if album really exists $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$_GET['album'].' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result) == 1) { $selected_category = array($_GET['album']); // lets put in the session to persist in case of upload method switch $_SESSION['selected_category'] = $selected_category; } else { fatal_error('[Hacking attempt] the album id = "'.$_GET['album'].'" is not valid'); } } else if (isset($_SESSION['selected_category'])) { $selected_category = $_SESSION['selected_category']; } else { // we need to know the category in which the last photo was added $query = ' SELECT category_id FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' AS i JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON image_id = JOIN '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' AS c ON category_id = ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1 ; '; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result) > 0) { $row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result); $selected_category = array($row['category_id']); } } // existing album $template->assign('selected_category', $selected_category); // image level options $selected_level = isset($_POST['level']) ? $_POST['level'] : 0; $template->assign( array( 'level_options'=> get_privacy_level_options(), 'level_options_selected' => array($selected_level) ) ); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Setup errors/warnings | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Errors $setup_errors = array(); $error_message = ready_for_upload_message(); if (!empty($error_message)) { $setup_errors[] = $error_message; } if (!function_exists('gd_info')) { $setup_errors[] = l10n('GD library is missing'); } $template->assign(array( 'setup_errors'=> $setup_errors, 'CACHE_KEYS' => get_admin_client_cache_keys(array('categories')), )); // Warnings if (isset($_GET['hide_warnings'])) { $_SESSION['upload_hide_warnings'] = true; } if (!isset($_SESSION['upload_hide_warnings'])) { $setup_warnings = array(); if ($conf['use_exif'] and !function_exists('read_exif_data')) { $setup_warnings[] = l10n('Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use'); } if (get_ini_size('upload_max_filesize') > get_ini_size('post_max_size')) { $setup_warnings[] = l10n( 'In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting', get_ini_size('upload_max_filesize', false), get_ini_size('post_max_size', false) ); } $template->assign( array( 'setup_warnings' => $setup_warnings, 'hide_warnings_link' => PHOTOS_ADD_BASE_URL.'&upload_mode='.$upload_mode.'&hide_warnings=1' ) ); } ?>