add('stats', l10n('Statistics'), $link_start.'stats'); $tabsheet->add('history', l10n('Search'), $link_start.'history'); // TabSheet selection $tabsheet->select($page['page']); // Assign tabsheet to template $tabsheet->assign(); } function history_compare($a, $b) { return strcmp($a['date'].$a['time'], $b['date'].$b['time']); } function get_history($data, $search, $types) { if (isset($search['fields']['filename'])) { $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE file LIKE \''.$search['fields']['filename'].'\' ;'; $search['image_ids'] = array_from_query($query, 'id'); } // echo '
'; print_r($search); echo ''; $clauses = array(); if (isset($search['fields']['date-after'])) { array_push( $clauses, "date >= '".$search['fields']['date-after']."'" ); } if (isset($search['fields']['date-before'])) { array_push( $clauses, "date <= '".$search['fields']['date-before']."'" ); } if (isset($search['fields']['types'])) { $local_clauses = array(); foreach ($types as $type) { if (in_array($type, $search['fields']['types'])) { $clause = 'image_type '; if ($type == 'none') { $clause.= 'IS NULL'; } else { $clause.= "= '".$type."'"; } array_push($local_clauses, $clause); } } if (count($local_clauses) > 0) { array_push( $clauses, implode(' OR ', $local_clauses) ); } } if (isset($search['fields']['user']) and $search['fields']['user'] != -1) { array_push( $clauses, 'user_id = '.$search['fields']['user'] ); } if (isset($search['fields']['image_id'])) { array_push( $clauses, 'image_id = '.$search['fields']['image_id'] ); } if (isset($search['fields']['filename'])) { if (count($search['image_ids']) == 0) { // a clause that is always false array_push($clauses, '1 = 2 '); } else { array_push( $clauses, 'image_id IN ('.implode(', ', $search['image_ids']).')' ); } } $clauses = prepend_append_array_items($clauses, '(', ')'); $where_separator = implode( "\n AND ", $clauses ); $query = ' SELECT date, time, user_id, IP, section, category_id, tag_ids, image_id, image_type FROM '.HISTORY_TABLE.' WHERE '.$where_separator.' ;'; // LIMIT '.$conf['nb_logs_page'].' OFFSET '.$page['start'].' $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($data, $row); } return $data; } add_event_handler('get_history', 'get_history', EVENT_HANDLER_PRIORITY_NEUTRAL, 3); trigger_action('functions_history_included'); ?>