0) { if ('delete_orphans' == $photo_deletion_mode) { $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT(image_id) FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN ('.implode(',', $image_ids_linked).') AND category_id NOT IN ('.implode(',', $ids).') ;'; $image_ids_not_orphans = array_from_query($query, 'image_id'); $image_ids_to_delete = array_diff($image_ids_linked, $image_ids_not_orphans); } if ('force_delete' == $photo_deletion_mode) { $image_ids_to_delete = $image_ids_linked; } delete_elements($image_ids_to_delete, true); } } // destruction of the links between images and this category $query = ' DELETE FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE category_id IN ( '.wordwrap(implode(', ', $ids), 80, "\n").') ;'; pwg_query($query); // destruction of the access linked to the category $query = ' DELETE FROM '.USER_ACCESS_TABLE.' WHERE cat_id IN ( '.wordwrap(implode(', ', $ids), 80, "\n").') ;'; pwg_query($query); $query = ' DELETE FROM '.GROUP_ACCESS_TABLE.' WHERE cat_id IN ( '.wordwrap(implode(', ', $ids), 80, "\n").') ;'; pwg_query($query); // destruction of the category $query = ' DELETE FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ( '.wordwrap(implode(', ', $ids), 80, "\n").') ;'; pwg_query($query); $query=' DELETE FROM '.OLD_PERMALINKS_TABLE.' WHERE cat_id IN ('.implode(',',$ids).')'; pwg_query($query); $query=' DELETE FROM '.USER_CACHE_CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE cat_id IN ('.implode(',',$ids).')'; pwg_query($query); trigger_action('delete_categories', $ids); } // Deletes all files (on disk) related to given image ids // @return image ids where files are deleted successfully function delete_element_files($ids) { global $conf; if (count($ids) == 0) { return 0; } $new_ids = array(); $query = ' SELECT id, path, representative_ext FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $ids).') ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (url_is_remote($row['path'])) { continue; } $files = array(); $files[] = get_element_path($row); if (!empty($row['representative_ext'])) { $files[] = original_to_representative( $files[0], $row['representative_ext']); } $ok = true; if (!isset($conf['never_delete_originals'])) { foreach ($files as $path) { if (is_file($path) and !unlink($path)) { $ok = false; trigger_error('"'.$path.'" cannot be removed', E_USER_WARNING); break; } } } if ($ok) { delete_element_derivatives($row); $new_ids[] += $row['id']; } else { break; } } return $new_ids; } // The function delete_elements deletes the elements identified by the // (numeric) values of the array $ids. It also deletes (in the database) : // - all the comments related to elements // - all the links between categories and elements // - all the favorites associated to elements // @return number of deleted elements function delete_elements($ids, $physical_deletion=false) { if (count($ids) == 0) { return 0; } trigger_action('begin_delete_elements', $ids); if ($physical_deletion) { $ids = delete_element_files($ids); if (count($ids)==0) { return 0; } } // destruction of the comments on the image $query = ' DELETE FROM '.COMMENTS_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN ( '.wordwrap(implode(', ', $ids), 80, "\n").') ;'; pwg_query($query); // destruction of the links between images and this category $query = ' DELETE FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN ( '.wordwrap(implode(', ', $ids), 80, "\n").') ;'; pwg_query($query); // destruction of the links between images and tags $query = ' DELETE FROM '.IMAGE_TAG_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN ( '.wordwrap(implode(', ', $ids), 80, "\n").') ;'; pwg_query($query); // destruction of the favorites associated with the picture $query = ' DELETE FROM '.FAVORITES_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN ( '.wordwrap(implode(', ', $ids), 80, "\n").') ;'; pwg_query($query); // destruction of the rates associated to this element $query = ' DELETE FROM '.RATE_TABLE.' WHERE element_id IN ( '.wordwrap(implode(', ', $ids), 80, "\n").') ;'; pwg_query($query); // destruction of the rates associated to this element $query = ' DELETE FROM '.CADDIE_TABLE.' WHERE element_id IN ( '.wordwrap(implode(', ', $ids), 80, "\n").') ;'; pwg_query($query); // destruction of the image $query = ' DELETE FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ( '.wordwrap(implode(', ', $ids), 80, "\n").') ;'; pwg_query($query); // are the photo used as category representant? $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE representative_picture_id IN ( '.wordwrap(implode(', ', $ids), 80, "\n").') ;'; $category_ids = array_from_query($query, 'id'); if (count($category_ids) > 0) { update_category($category_ids); } trigger_action('delete_elements', $ids); return count($ids); } // The delete_user function delete a user identified by the $user_id // It also deletes : // - all the access linked to this user // - all the links to any group // - all the favorites linked to this user // - calculated permissions linked to the user // - all datas about notifications for the user function delete_user($user_id) { global $conf; $tables = array( // destruction of the access linked to the user USER_ACCESS_TABLE, // destruction of data notification by mail for this user USER_MAIL_NOTIFICATION_TABLE, // destruction of data RSS notification for this user USER_FEED_TABLE, // deletion of calculated permissions linked to the user USER_CACHE_TABLE, // deletion of computed cache data linked to the user USER_CACHE_CATEGORIES_TABLE, // destruction of the group links for this user USER_GROUP_TABLE, // destruction of the favorites associated with the user FAVORITES_TABLE, // destruction of the caddie associated with the user CADDIE_TABLE, // deletion of piwigo specific informations USER_INFOS_TABLE, ); foreach ($tables as $table) { $query = ' DELETE FROM '.$table.' WHERE user_id = '.$user_id.' ;'; pwg_query($query); } // destruction of the user $query = ' DELETE FROM '.SESSIONS_TABLE.' WHERE data LIKE \'pwg_uid|i:'.(int)$user_id.';%\' ;'; pwg_query($query); // destruction of the user $query = ' DELETE FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = '.$user_id.' ;'; pwg_query($query); trigger_action('delete_user', $user_id); } /** * Deletes all tags linked to no photo */ function delete_orphan_tags() { $orphan_tags = get_orphan_tags(); if (count($orphan_tags) > 0) { $orphan_tag_ids = array(); foreach ($orphan_tags as $tag) { array_push($orphan_tag_ids, $tag['id']); } $query = ' DELETE FROM '.TAGS_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $orphan_tag_ids).') ;'; pwg_query($query); } } /** * Get all tags (id + name) linked to no photo */ function get_orphan_tags() { $orphan_tags = array(); $query = ' SELECT id, name FROM '.TAGS_TABLE.' LEFT JOIN '.IMAGE_TAG_TABLE.' ON id = tag_id WHERE tag_id IS NULL ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($orphan_tags, $row); } return $orphan_tags; } /** * Verifies that the representative picture really exists in the db and * picks up a random represantive if possible and based on config. * * @param mixed category id * @returns void */ function update_category($ids = 'all') { global $conf; if ($ids=='all') { $where_cats = '1=1'; } elseif ( !is_array($ids) ) { $where_cats = '%s='.$ids; } else { if (count($ids) == 0) { return false; } $where_cats = '%s IN('.wordwrap(implode(', ', $ids), 120, "\n").')'; } // find all categories where the setted representative is not possible : // the picture does not exist $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT c.id FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' AS c LEFT JOIN '.IMAGES_TABLE.' AS i ON c.representative_picture_id = i.id WHERE representative_picture_id IS NOT NULL AND '.sprintf($where_cats, 'c.id').' AND i.id IS NULL ;'; $wrong_representant = array_from_query($query, 'id'); if (count($wrong_representant) > 0) { $query = ' UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' SET representative_picture_id = NULL WHERE id IN ('.wordwrap(implode(', ', $wrong_representant), 120, "\n").') ;'; pwg_query($query); } if (!$conf['allow_random_representative']) { // If the random representant is not allowed, we need to find // categories with elements and with no representant. Those categories // must be added to the list of categories to set to a random // representant. $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT id FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' ON id = category_id WHERE representative_picture_id IS NULL AND '.sprintf($where_cats, 'category_id').' ;'; $to_rand = array_from_query($query, 'id'); if (count($to_rand) > 0) { set_random_representant($to_rand); } } } /** * returns an array containing sub-directories which can be a category, * recursive by default * * directories nammed "thumbnail", "pwg_high" or "pwg_representative" are * omitted * * @param string $basedir * @return array */ function get_fs_directories($path, $recursive = true) { $dirs = array(); if (is_dir($path)) { if ($contents = opendir($path)) { while (($node = readdir($contents)) !== false) { if ($node != '.' and $node != '..' and $node != '.svn' and $node != 'thumbnail' and $node != 'pwg_high' and $node != 'pwg_representative' and is_dir($path.'/'.$node)) { array_push($dirs, $path.'/'.$node); if ($recursive) { $dirs = array_merge($dirs, get_fs_directories($path.'/'.$node)); } } } closedir($contents); } } return $dirs; } /** * order categories (update categories.rank and global_rank database fields) * so that rank field are consecutive integers starting at 1 for each child * @return void */ function update_global_rank() { $query = ' SELECT id, id_uppercat, uppercats, rank, global_rank FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' ORDER BY id_uppercat,rank,name'; $cat_map = array(); $current_rank = 0; $current_uppercat = ''; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($row['id_uppercat'] != $current_uppercat) { $current_rank = 0; $current_uppercat = $row['id_uppercat']; } ++$current_rank; $cat = array( 'rank' => $current_rank, 'rank_changed' =>$current_rank!=$row['rank'], 'global_rank' => $row['global_rank'], 'uppercats' => $row['uppercats'], ); $cat_map[ $row['id'] ] = $cat; } $datas = array(); foreach( $cat_map as $id=>$cat ) { $new_global_rank = preg_replace( '/(\d+)/e', "\$cat_map['$1']['rank']", str_replace(',', '.', $cat['uppercats'] ) ); if ( $cat['rank_changed'] or $new_global_rank!=$cat['global_rank'] ) { $datas[] = array( 'id' => $id, 'rank' => $cat['rank'], 'global_rank' => $new_global_rank, ); } } mass_updates( CATEGORIES_TABLE, array( 'primary' => array('id'), 'update' => array('rank', 'global_rank') ), $datas ); return count($datas); } /** * change the visible property on a set of categories * * @param array categories * @param string value * @return void */ function set_cat_visible($categories, $value) { if (!in_array($value, array('true', 'false'))) { trigger_error("set_cat_visible invalid param $value", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } // unlocking a category => all its parent categories become unlocked if ($value == 'true') { $uppercats = get_uppercat_ids($categories); $query = ' UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' SET visible = \'true\' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $uppercats).')'; pwg_query($query); } // locking a category => all its child categories become locked if ($value == 'false') { $subcats = get_subcat_ids($categories); $query = ' UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' SET visible = \'false\' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $subcats).')'; pwg_query($query); } } /** * change the status property on a set of categories : private or public * * @param array categories * @param string value * @return void */ function set_cat_status($categories, $value) { if (!in_array($value, array('public', 'private'))) { trigger_error("set_cat_status invalid param $value", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } // make public a category => all its parent categories become public if ($value == 'public') { $uppercats = get_uppercat_ids($categories); $query = ' UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' SET status = \'public\' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $uppercats).') ;'; pwg_query($query); } // make a category private => all its child categories become private if ($value == 'private') { $subcats = get_subcat_ids($categories); $query = ' UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' SET status = \'private\' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $subcats).')'; pwg_query($query); } } /** * returns all uppercats category ids of the given category ids * * @param array cat_ids * @return array */ function get_uppercat_ids($cat_ids) { if (!is_array($cat_ids) or count($cat_ids) < 1) { return array(); } $uppercats = array(); $query = ' SELECT uppercats FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $cat_ids).') ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $uppercats = array_merge($uppercats, explode(',', $row['uppercats'])); } $uppercats = array_unique($uppercats); return $uppercats; } /** * set a new random representant to the categories * * @param array categories */ function set_random_representant($categories) { $datas = array(); foreach ($categories as $category_id) { $query = ' SELECT image_id FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE category_id = '.$category_id.' ORDER BY '.DB_RANDOM_FUNCTION.'() LIMIT 1 ;'; list($representative) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); array_push( $datas, array( 'id' => $category_id, 'representative_picture_id' => $representative, ) ); } mass_updates( CATEGORIES_TABLE, array( 'primary' => array('id'), 'update' => array('representative_picture_id') ), $datas ); } /** * returns the fulldir for each given category id * * @param array cat_ids * @return array */ function get_fulldirs($cat_ids) { if (count($cat_ids) == 0) { return array(); } // caching directories of existing categories $query = ' SELECT id, dir FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE dir IS NOT NULL ;'; $cat_dirs = simple_hash_from_query($query, 'id', 'dir'); // caching galleries_url $query = ' SELECT id, galleries_url FROM '.SITES_TABLE.' ;'; $galleries_url = simple_hash_from_query($query, 'id', 'galleries_url'); // categories : id, site_id, uppercats $categories = array(); $query = ' SELECT id, uppercats, site_id FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE dir IS NOT NULL AND id IN ( '.wordwrap(implode(', ', $cat_ids), 80, "\n").') ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($categories, $row); } // filling $cat_fulldirs $cat_fulldirs = array(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $uppercats = str_replace(',', '/', $category['uppercats']); $cat_fulldirs[$category['id']] = $galleries_url[$category['site_id']]; $cat_fulldirs[$category['id']].= preg_replace('/(\d+)/e', "\$cat_dirs['$1']", $uppercats); } return $cat_fulldirs; } /** * returns an array with all file system files according to * $conf['file_ext'] * * @param string $path * @param bool recursive * @return array */ function get_fs($path, $recursive = true) { global $conf; // because isset is faster than in_array... if (!isset($conf['flip_picture_ext'])) { $conf['flip_picture_ext'] = array_flip($conf['picture_ext']); } if (!isset($conf['flip_file_ext'])) { $conf['flip_file_ext'] = array_flip($conf['file_ext']); } $fs['elements'] = array(); $fs['thumbnails'] = array(); $fs['representatives'] = array(); $subdirs = array(); if (is_dir($path)) { if ($contents = opendir($path)) { while (($node = readdir($contents)) !== false) { if ($node == '.' or $node == '..') continue; if (is_file($path.'/'.$node)) { $extension = get_extension($node); // if (in_array($extension, $conf['picture_ext'])) if (isset($conf['flip_picture_ext'][$extension])) { if (basename($path) == 'thumbnail') { array_push($fs['thumbnails'], $path.'/'.$node); } else if (basename($path) == 'pwg_representative') { array_push($fs['representatives'], $path.'/'.$node); } else { array_push($fs['elements'], $path.'/'.$node); } } // else if (in_array($extension, $conf['file_ext'])) else if (isset($conf['flip_file_ext'][$extension])) { array_push($fs['elements'], $path.'/'.$node); } } else if (is_dir($path.'/'.$node) and $node != 'pwg_high' and $recursive) { array_push($subdirs, $node); } } } closedir($contents); foreach ($subdirs as $subdir) { $tmp_fs = get_fs($path.'/'.$subdir); $fs['elements'] = array_merge($fs['elements'], $tmp_fs['elements']); $fs['thumbnails'] = array_merge($fs['thumbnails'], $tmp_fs['thumbnails']); $fs['representatives'] = array_merge($fs['representatives'], $tmp_fs['representatives']); } } return $fs; } /** * synchronize base users list and related users list * * compares and synchronizes base users table (USERS_TABLE) with its child * tables (USER_INFOS_TABLE, USER_ACCESS, USER_CACHE, USER_GROUP) : each * base user must be present in child tables, users in child tables not * present in base table must be deleted. * * @return void */ function sync_users() { global $conf; $query = ' SELECT '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' AS id FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' ;'; $base_users = array_from_query($query, 'id'); $query = ' SELECT user_id FROM '.USER_INFOS_TABLE.' ;'; $infos_users = array_from_query($query, 'user_id'); // users present in $base_users and not in $infos_users must be added $to_create = array_diff($base_users, $infos_users); if (count($to_create) > 0) { create_user_infos($to_create); } // users present in user related tables must be present in the base user // table $tables = array( USER_MAIL_NOTIFICATION_TABLE, USER_FEED_TABLE, USER_INFOS_TABLE, USER_ACCESS_TABLE, USER_CACHE_TABLE, USER_CACHE_CATEGORIES_TABLE, USER_GROUP_TABLE ); foreach ($tables as $table) { $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM '.$table.' ;'; $to_delete = array_diff( array_from_query($query, 'user_id'), $base_users ); if (count($to_delete) > 0) { $query = ' DELETE FROM '.$table.' WHERE user_id in ('.implode(',', $to_delete).') ;'; pwg_query($query); } } } /** * updates categories.uppercats field based on categories.id + * categories.id_uppercat * * @return void */ function update_uppercats() { $query = ' SELECT id, id_uppercat, uppercats FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' ;'; $cat_map = hash_from_query($query, 'id'); $datas = array(); foreach ($cat_map as $id => $cat) { $upper_list = array(); $uppercat = $id; while ($uppercat) { array_push($upper_list, $uppercat); $uppercat = $cat_map[$uppercat]['id_uppercat']; } $new_uppercats = implode(',', array_reverse($upper_list)); if ($new_uppercats != $cat['uppercats']) { array_push( $datas, array( 'id' => $id, 'uppercats' => $new_uppercats ) ); } } $fields = array('primary' => array('id'), 'update' => array('uppercats')); mass_updates(CATEGORIES_TABLE, $fields, $datas); } /** * update images.path field * * @return void */ function update_path() { $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT(storage_category_id) FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE storage_category_id IS NOT NULL ;'; $cat_ids = array_from_query($query, 'storage_category_id'); $fulldirs = get_fulldirs($cat_ids); foreach ($cat_ids as $cat_id) { $query = ' UPDATE '.IMAGES_TABLE.' SET path = '.pwg_db_concat(array("'".$fulldirs[$cat_id]."/'",'file')).' WHERE storage_category_id = '.$cat_id.' ;'; pwg_query($query); } } /** * change the parent category of the given categories. The categories are * supposed virtual. * * @param array category identifiers * @param int parent category identifier * @return void */ function move_categories($category_ids, $new_parent = -1) { global $page; if (count($category_ids) == 0) { return; } $new_parent = $new_parent < 1 ? 'NULL' : $new_parent; $categories = array(); $query = ' SELECT id, id_uppercat, status, uppercats FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $category_ids).') ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $categories[$row['id']] = array( 'parent' => empty($row['id_uppercat']) ? 'NULL' : $row['id_uppercat'], 'status' => $row['status'], 'uppercats' => $row['uppercats'] ); } // is the movement possible? The movement is impossible if you try to move // a category in a sub-category or itself if ('NULL' != $new_parent) { $query = ' SELECT uppercats FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$new_parent.' ;'; list($new_parent_uppercats) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); foreach ($categories as $category) { // technically, you can't move a category with uppercats 12,125,13,14 // into a new parent category with uppercats 12,125,13,14,24 if (preg_match('/^'.$category['uppercats'].'(,|$)/', $new_parent_uppercats)) { array_push( $page['errors'], l10n('You cannot move an album in its own sub album') ); return; } } } $tables = array( USER_ACCESS_TABLE => 'user_id', GROUP_ACCESS_TABLE => 'group_id' ); $query = ' UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' SET id_uppercat = '.$new_parent.' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $category_ids).') ;'; pwg_query($query); update_uppercats(); update_global_rank(); // status and related permissions management if ('NULL' == $new_parent) { $parent_status = 'public'; } else { $query = ' SELECT status FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$new_parent.' ;'; list($parent_status) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); } if ('private' == $parent_status) { foreach ($categories as $cat_id => $category) { switch ($category['status']) { case 'public' : { set_cat_status(array($cat_id), 'private'); break; } case 'private' : { $subcats = get_subcat_ids(array($cat_id)); foreach ($tables as $table => $field) { $query = ' SELECT '.$field.' FROM '.$table.' WHERE cat_id = '.$cat_id.' ;'; $category_access = array_from_query($query, $field); $query = ' SELECT '.$field.' FROM '.$table.' WHERE cat_id = '.$new_parent.' ;'; $parent_access = array_from_query($query, $field); $to_delete = array_diff($parent_access, $category_access); if (count($to_delete) > 0) { $query = ' DELETE FROM '.$table.' WHERE '.$field.' IN ('.implode(',', $to_delete).') AND cat_id IN ('.implode(',', $subcats).') ;'; pwg_query($query); } } break; } } } } array_push( $page['infos'], l10n_dec( '%d album moved', '%d albums moved', count($categories) ) ); } /** * create a virtual category * * @param string category name * @param int parent category id * @return array with ('info' and 'id') or ('error') key */ function create_virtual_category($category_name, $parent_id=null, $options=array()) { global $conf, $user; // is the given category name only containing blank spaces ? if (preg_match('/^\s*$/', $category_name)) { return array('error' => l10n('The name of an album must not be empty')); } $insert = array( 'name' => $category_name, 'rank' => 0, 'global_rank' => 0, ); // is the album commentable? if (isset($options['commentable']) and is_bool($options['commentable'])) { $insert['commentable'] = $options['commentable']; } else { $insert['commentable'] = $conf['newcat_default_commentable']; } $insert['commentable'] = boolean_to_string($insert['commentable']); // is the album temporarily locked? (only visible by administrators, // whatever permissions) (may be overwritten if parent album is not // visible) if (isset($options['visible']) and is_bool($options['visible'])) { $insert['visible'] = $options['visible']; } else { $insert['visible'] = $conf['newcat_default_visible']; } $insert['visible'] = boolean_to_string($insert['visible']); // is the album private? (may be overwritten if parent album is private) if (isset($options['status']) and 'private' == $options['status']) { $insert['status'] = 'private'; } else { $insert['status'] = $conf['newcat_default_status']; } // any description for this album? if (isset($options['comment'])) { $insert['comment'] = strip_tags($options['comment']); } if (!empty($parent_id) and is_numeric($parent_id)) { $query = ' SELECT id, uppercats, global_rank, visible, status FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$parent_id.' ;'; $parent = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); $insert['id_uppercat'] = $parent['id']; $insert['global_rank'] = $parent['global_rank'].'.'.$insert['rank']; // at creation, must a category be visible or not ? Warning : if the // parent category is invisible, the category is automatically create // invisible. (invisible = locked) if ('false' == $parent['visible']) { $insert['visible'] = 'false'; } // at creation, must a category be public or private ? Warning : if the // parent category is private, the category is automatically create // private. if ('private' == $parent['status']) { $insert['status'] = 'private'; } $uppercats_prefix = $parent['uppercats'].','; } else { $uppercats_prefix = ''; } // we have then to add the virtual category single_insert(CATEGORIES_TABLE, $insert); $inserted_id = pwg_db_insert_id(CATEGORIES_TABLE); single_update( CATEGORIES_TABLE, array('uppercats' => $uppercats_prefix.$inserted_id), array('id' => $inserted_id) ); update_global_rank(); if ('private' == $insert['status']) { add_permission_on_category($inserted_id, array_unique(array_merge(get_admins(), array($user['id'])))); } return array( 'info' => l10n('Virtual album added'), 'id' => $inserted_id, ); } /** * Set tags to an image. Warning: given tags are all tags associated to the * image, not additionnal tags. * * @param array tag ids * @param int image id * @return void */ function set_tags($tags, $image_id) { $query = ' DELETE FROM '.IMAGE_TAG_TABLE.' WHERE image_id = '.$image_id.' ;'; pwg_query($query); if (count($tags) > 0) { $inserts = array(); foreach ($tags as $tag_id) { array_push( $inserts, array( 'tag_id' => $tag_id, 'image_id' => $image_id ) ); } mass_inserts( IMAGE_TAG_TABLE, array_keys($inserts[0]), $inserts ); } } /** * Add new tags to a set of images. * * @param array tag ids * @param array image ids * @return void */ function add_tags($tags, $images) { if (count($tags) == 0 or count($images) == 0) { return; } // we can't insert twice the same {image_id,tag_id} so we must first // delete lines we'll insert later $query = ' DELETE FROM '.IMAGE_TAG_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN ('.implode(',', $images).') AND tag_id IN ('.implode(',', $tags).') ;'; pwg_query($query); $inserts = array(); foreach ($images as $image_id) { foreach ($tags as $tag_id) { array_push( $inserts, array( 'image_id' => $image_id, 'tag_id' => $tag_id, ) ); } } mass_inserts( IMAGE_TAG_TABLE, array_keys($inserts[0]), $inserts ); } /** * */ function delete_tags($tag_ids) { if (is_numeric($tag_ids)) { $tag_ids = array($tag_ids); } if (!is_array($tag_ids)) { return false; } $query = ' DELETE FROM '.IMAGE_TAG_TABLE.' WHERE tag_id IN ('.implode(',', $tag_ids).') ;'; pwg_query($query); $query = ' DELETE FROM '.TAGS_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $tag_ids).') ;'; pwg_query($query); } function tag_id_from_tag_name($tag_name) { global $page; $tag_name = trim($tag_name); if (isset($page['tag_id_from_tag_name_cache'][$tag_name])) { return $page['tag_id_from_tag_name_cache'][$tag_name]; } // does the tag already exists? $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.TAGS_TABLE.' WHERE name = \''.$tag_name.'\' ;'; $existing_tags = array_from_query($query, 'id'); if (count($existing_tags) == 0) { mass_inserts( TAGS_TABLE, array('name', 'url_name'), array( array( 'name' => $tag_name, 'url_name' => trigger_event('render_tag_url', $tag_name), ) ) ); $page['tag_id_from_tag_name_cache'][$tag_name] = pwg_db_insert_id(TAGS_TABLE); } else { $page['tag_id_from_tag_name_cache'][$tag_name] = $existing_tags[0]; } return $page['tag_id_from_tag_name_cache'][$tag_name]; } function set_tags_of($tags_of) { if (count($tags_of) > 0) { $query = ' DELETE FROM '.IMAGE_TAG_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN ('.implode(',', array_keys($tags_of)).') ;'; pwg_query($query); $inserts = array(); foreach ($tags_of as $image_id => $tag_ids) { foreach ($tag_ids as $tag_id) { array_push( $inserts, array( 'image_id' => $image_id, 'tag_id' => $tag_id, ) ); } } mass_inserts( IMAGE_TAG_TABLE, array_keys($inserts[0]), $inserts ); } } /** * Associate a list of images to a list of categories. * * The function will not duplicate links * * @param array images * @param array categories * @return void */ function associate_images_to_categories($images, $categories) { if (count($images) == 0 or count($categories) == 0) { return false; } $query = ' DELETE FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN ('.implode(',', $images).') AND category_id IN ('.implode(',', $categories).') ;'; pwg_query($query); $query = ' SELECT category_id, MAX(rank) AS max_rank FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE rank IS NOT NULL AND category_id IN ('.implode(',', $categories).') GROUP BY category_id ;'; $current_rank_of = simple_hash_from_query( $query, 'category_id', 'max_rank' ); $inserts = array(); foreach ($categories as $category_id) { if (!isset($current_rank_of[$category_id])) { $current_rank_of[$category_id] = 0; } foreach ($images as $image_id) { $rank = ++$current_rank_of[$category_id]; array_push( $inserts, array( 'image_id' => $image_id, 'category_id' => $category_id, 'rank' => $rank, ) ); } } mass_inserts( IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE, array_keys($inserts[0]), $inserts ); update_category($categories); } /** * Disssociate images from all categories except their storage category and * associate to new categories. * * @param array images * @param array categories * @return void */ function move_images_to_categories($images, $categories) { if (count($images) == 0) { return false; } // let's first break links with all albums but their "storage album" $query = ' DELETE '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.'.* FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' JOIN '.IMAGES_TABLE.' ON image_id=id WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $images).') AND (storage_category_id IS NULL OR storage_category_id != category_id) ;'; pwg_query($query); if (is_array($categories) and count($categories) > 0) { associate_images_to_categories($images, $categories); } } /** * Associate images associated to a list of source categories to a list of * destination categories. * * @param array sources * @param array destinations * @return void */ function associate_categories_to_categories($sources, $destinations) { if (count($sources) == 0) { return false; } $query = ' SELECT image_id FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE category_id IN ('.implode(',', $sources).') ;'; $images = array_from_query($query, 'image_id'); associate_images_to_categories($images, $destinations); } /** * Refer main Piwigo URLs (currently PHPWG_DOMAIN domain) * * @param void * @return array like $conf['links'] */ function pwg_URL() { $urls = array( 'HOME' => PHPWG_URL, 'WIKI' => PHPWG_URL.'/doc', 'DEMO' => PHPWG_URL.'/demo', 'FORUM' => PHPWG_URL.'/forum', 'BUGS' => PHPWG_URL.'/bugs', 'EXTENSIONS' => PHPWG_URL.'/ext', ); return $urls; } /** * Invalidates cahed data (permissions and category counts) for all users. */ function invalidate_user_cache($full = true) { if ($full) { $query = ' TRUNCATE TABLE '.USER_CACHE_CATEGORIES_TABLE.';'; pwg_query($query); $query = ' TRUNCATE TABLE '.USER_CACHE_TABLE.';'; pwg_query($query); } else { $query = ' UPDATE '.USER_CACHE_TABLE.' SET need_update = \'true\';'; pwg_query($query); } trigger_action('invalidate_user_cache', $full); } /** * adds the caracter set to a create table sql query. * all CREATE TABLE queries must call this function * @param string query - the sql query */ function create_table_add_character_set($query) { defined('DB_CHARSET') or fatal_error('create_table_add_character_set DB_CHARSET undefined'); if ('DB_CHARSET'!='') { if ( version_compare(mysql_get_server_info(), '4.1.0', '<') ) { return $query; } $charset_collate = " DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ".DB_CHARSET; if (DB_COLLATE!='') { $charset_collate .= " COLLATE ".DB_COLLATE; } if ( is_array($query) ) { foreach( $query as $id=>$q) { $q=trim($q); $q=trim($q, ';'); if (preg_match('/^CREATE\s+TABLE/i',$q)) { $q.=$charset_collate; } $q .= ';'; $query[$id] = $q; } } else { $query=trim($query); $query=trim($query, ';'); if (preg_match('/^CREATE\s+TABLE/i',$query)) { $query.=$charset_collate; } $query .= ';'; } } return $query; } /** * Returns array use on template with html_options method * @param Min and Max access to use * @return array of user access level */ function get_user_access_level_html_options($MinLevelAccess = ACCESS_FREE, $MaxLevelAccess = ACCESS_CLOSED) { $tpl_options = array(); for ($level = $MinLevelAccess; $level <= $MaxLevelAccess; $level++) { $tpl_options[$level] = l10n(sprintf('ACCESS_%d', $level)); } return $tpl_options; } /** * returns a list of templates currently available in template-extension * Each .tpl file is extracted from template-extension. * @return array */ function get_extents($start='') { if ($start == '') { $start = './template-extension'; } $dir = opendir($start); $extents = array(); while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if ( $file == '.' or $file == '..' or $file == '.svn') continue; $path = $start . '/' . $file; if (is_dir($path)) { $extents = array_merge($extents, get_extents($path)); } elseif ( !is_link($path) and file_exists($path) and get_extension($path) == 'tpl' ) { $extents[] = substr($path, 21); } } return $extents; } function create_tag($tag_name) { // does the tag already exists? $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.TAGS_TABLE.' WHERE name = \''.$tag_name.'\' ;'; $existing_tags = array_from_query($query, 'id'); if (count($existing_tags) == 0) { mass_inserts( TAGS_TABLE, array('name', 'url_name'), array( array( 'name' => $tag_name, 'url_name' => trigger_event('render_tag_url', $tag_name), ) ) ); $inserted_id = pwg_db_insert_id(TAGS_TABLE); return array( 'info' => sprintf( l10n('Tag "%s" was added'), stripslashes($tag_name) ), 'id' => $inserted_id, ); } else { return array( 'error' => sprintf( l10n('Tag "%s" already exists'), stripslashes($tag_name) ) ); } } /** * Is the category accessible to the (Admin) user ? * * Note : if the user is not authorized to see this category, category jump * will be replaced by admin cat_modify page * * @param int category id to verify * @return bool */ function cat_admin_access($category_id) { global $user; // $filter['visible_categories'] and $filter['visible_images'] // are not used because it's not necessary (filter <> restriction) if (in_array($category_id, explode(',', $user['forbidden_categories']))) { return false; } return true; } /** * Retrieve data from external URL * * @param string $src: URL * @param global $dest: can be a file ressource or string * @return bool */ function fetchRemote($src, &$dest, $get_data=array(), $post_data=array(), $user_agent='Piwigo', $step=0) { // Try to retrieve data from local file? if (!url_is_remote($src)) { $content = @file_get_contents($src); if ($content !== false) { is_resource($dest) ? @fwrite($dest, $content) : $dest = $content; return true; } else { return false; } } // After 3 redirections, return false if ($step > 3) return false; // Initialization $method = empty($post_data) ? 'GET' : 'POST'; $request = empty($post_data) ? '' : http_build_query($post_data, '', '&'); if (!empty($get_data)) { $src .= strpos($src, '?') === false ? '?' : '&'; $src .= http_build_query($get_data, '', '&'); } // Initialize $dest is_resource($dest) or $dest = ''; // Try curl to read remote file if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = @curl_init(); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $src); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $user_agent); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); if ($method == 'POST') { @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request); } $content = @curl_exec($ch); $header_length = @curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); $status = @curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); @curl_close($ch); if ($content !== false and $status >= 200 and $status < 400) { if (preg_match('/Location:\s+?(.+)/', substr($content, 0, $header_length), $m)) { return fetchRemote($m[1], $dest, array(), array(), $user_agent, $step+1); } $content = substr($content, $header_length); is_resource($dest) ? @fwrite($dest, $content) : $dest = $content; return true; } } // Try file_get_contents to read remote file if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { $opts = array( 'http' => array( 'method' => $method, 'user_agent' => $user_agent, ) ); if ($method == 'POST') { $opts['http']['content'] = $request; } $context = @stream_context_create($opts); $content = @file_get_contents($src, false, $context); if ($content !== false) { is_resource($dest) ? @fwrite($dest, $content) : $dest = $content; return true; } } // Try fsockopen to read remote file $src = parse_url($src); $host = $src['host']; $path = isset($src['path']) ? $src['path'] : '/'; $path .= isset($src['query']) ? '?'.$src['query'] : ''; if (($s = @fsockopen($host,80,$errno,$errstr,5)) === false) { return false; } $http_request = $method." ".$path." HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $http_request .= "Host: ".$host."\r\n"; if ($method == 'POST') { $http_request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;\r\n"; $http_request .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($request)."\r\n"; } $http_request .= "User-Agent: ".$user_agent."\r\n"; $http_request .= "Accept: */*\r\n"; $http_request .= "\r\n"; $http_request .= $request; fwrite($s, $http_request); $i = 0; $in_content = false; while (!feof($s)) { $line = fgets($s); if (rtrim($line,"\r\n") == '' && !$in_content) { $in_content = true; $i++; continue; } if ($i == 0) { if (!preg_match('/HTTP\/(\\d\\.\\d)\\s*(\\d+)\\s*(.*)/',rtrim($line,"\r\n"), $m)) { fclose($s); return false; } $status = (integer) $m[2]; if ($status < 200 || $status >= 400) { fclose($s); return false; } } if (!$in_content) { if (preg_match('/Location:\s+?(.+)$/',rtrim($line,"\r\n"),$m)) { fclose($s); return fetchRemote(trim($m[1]),$dest,array(),array(),$user_agent,$step+1); } $i++; continue; } is_resource($dest) ? @fwrite($dest, $line) : $dest .= $line; $i++; } fclose($s); return true; } /** * returns the groupname corresponding to the given group identifier if * exists * * @param int group_id * @return mixed */ function get_groupname($group_id) { $query = ' SELECT name FROM '.GROUPS_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.intval($group_id).' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result) > 0) { list($groupname) = pwg_db_fetch_row($result); } else { return false; } return $groupname; } /** * returns the username corresponding to the given user identifier if exists * * @param int user_id * @return mixed */ function get_username($user_id) { global $conf; $query = ' SELECT '.$conf['user_fields']['username'].' FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = '.intval($user_id).' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result) > 0) { list($username) = pwg_db_fetch_row($result); } else { return false; } return stripslashes($username); } function get_newsletter_subscribe_base_url($language) { return PHPWG_URL.'/announcement/subscribe/'; } /** * Accordion menus need to know which section to open by default when * loading the page */ function get_active_menu($menu_page) { global $page; if (isset($page['active_menu'])) { return $page['active_menu']; } switch ($menu_page) { case 'photo': case 'photos_add': case 'rating': case 'tags': case 'picture_modify': case 'batch_manager': return 0; case 'album': case 'cat_list': case 'cat_move': case 'cat_options': case 'permalinks': return 1; case 'user_list': case 'user_perm': case 'group_list': case 'group_perm': case 'notification_by_mail': return 2; case 'plugins': case 'plugin': return 3; case 'site_manager': case 'site_update': case 'stats': case 'history': case 'maintenance': case 'comments': case 'updates': return 4; case 'configuration': case 'derivatives': case 'extend_for_templates': case 'menubar': case 'themes': case 'theme': case 'languages': return 5; } return 0; } function get_taglist($query, $only_user_language=true) { $result = pwg_query($query); $taglist = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (!$only_user_language and preg_match_all('#\[lang=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/lang\]#is', $row['name'], $matches)) { foreach ($matches[2] as $tag_name) { array_push( $taglist, array( 'name' => trigger_event('render_tag_name', $tag_name), 'id' => '~~'.$row['id'].'~~', ) ); } $row['name'] = preg_replace('#\[lang=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/lang\]#is', null, $row['name']); } if (strlen($row['name']) > 0) { array_push( $taglist, array( 'name' => trigger_event('render_tag_name', $row['name']), 'id' => '~~'.$row['id'].'~~', ) ); } } $cmp = create_function('$a,$b', 'return strcasecmp($a["name"], $b["name"]);'); usort($taglist, $cmp); return $taglist; } function get_tag_ids($raw_tags, $allow_create=true) { // In $raw_tags we receive something like array('~~6~~', '~~59~~', 'New // tag', 'Another new tag') The ~~34~~ means that it is an existing // tag. I've added the surrounding ~~ to permit creation of tags like "10" // or "1234" (numeric characters only) $tag_ids = array(); $raw_tags = explode(',',$raw_tags); foreach ($raw_tags as $raw_tag) { if (preg_match('/^~~(\d+)~~$/', $raw_tag, $matches)) { array_push($tag_ids, $matches[1]); } elseif ($allow_create) { // we have to create a new tag $tag_ids[] = tag_id_from_tag_name($raw_tag); } } return $tag_ids; } /** returns the argument_ids array with new sequenced keys based on related * names. Sequence is not case sensitive. * Warning: By definition, this function breaks original keys */ function order_by_name($element_ids,$name) { $ordered_element_ids = array(); foreach ($element_ids as $k_id => $element_id) { $key = strtolower($name[$element_id]) .'-'. $name[$element_id] .'-'. $k_id; $ordered_element_ids[$key] = $element_id; } ksort($ordered_element_ids); return $ordered_element_ids; } function add_permission_on_category($category_ids, $user_ids) { // array-ify categories and users if (!is_array($category_ids)) { $category_ids = array($category_ids); } if (!is_array($user_ids)) { $user_ids = array($user_ids); } // check for emptiness if (count($category_ids) == 0 or count($user_ids) == 0) { return; } // make sure categories are private and select uppercats or subcats $cat_ids = (isset($_POST['apply_on_sub'])) ? implode(',', get_subcat_ids($category_ids)).",".implode(',', get_uppercat_ids($category_ids)) : implode(',', get_uppercat_ids($category_ids)); $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ('.$cat_ids.') AND status = \'private\' ;'; $private_cats = array_from_query($query, 'id'); if (count($private_cats) == 0) { return; } // We must not reinsert already existing lines in user_access table $granteds = array(); foreach ($private_cats as $cat_id) { $granteds[$cat_id] = array(); } $query = ' SELECT user_id, cat_id FROM '.USER_ACCESS_TABLE.' WHERE cat_id IN ('.implode(',', $private_cats).') AND user_id IN ('.implode(',', $user_ids).') ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($granteds[$row['cat_id']], $row['user_id']); } $inserts = array(); foreach ($private_cats as $cat_id) { $grant_to_users = array_diff($user_ids, $granteds[$cat_id]); foreach ($grant_to_users as $user_id) { array_push( $inserts, array( 'user_id' => $user_id, 'cat_id' => $cat_id ) ); } } if (count($inserts) > 0) { mass_inserts(USER_ACCESS_TABLE, array_keys($inserts[0]), $inserts); } } function get_admins($include_webmaster=true) { $status_list = array('admin'); if ($include_webmaster) { $status_list[] = 'webmaster'; } $query = ' SELECT user_id FROM '.USER_INFOS_TABLE.' WHERE status in (\''.implode("','", $status_list).'\') ;'; return array_from_query($query, 'user_id'); } /** delete all derivative files for one or several types */ function clear_derivative_cache($types='all') { if ($types === 'all') { $types = ImageStdParams::get_all_types(); $types[] = IMG_CUSTOM; } elseif (!is_array($types)) { $types = array($types); } for ($i=0; $i1) { $pattern .= '(' . implode('|',$types) . ')'; } else { $pattern .= $types[0]; } $pattern.='\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,4}$#'; if ($contents = @opendir(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.PWG_DERIVATIVE_DIR)) { while (($node = readdir($contents)) !== false) { if ($node != '.' and $node != '..' and is_dir(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.PWG_DERIVATIVE_DIR.$node)) { clear_derivative_cache_rec(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.PWG_DERIVATIVE_DIR.$node, $pattern); } } closedir($contents); } } function clear_derivative_cache_rec($path, $pattern) { $rmdir = true; $rm_index = false; if ($contents = opendir($path)) { while (($node = readdir($contents)) !== false) { if ($node == '.' or $node == '..') continue; if (is_dir($path.'/'.$node)) { $rmdir &= clear_derivative_cache_rec($path.'/'.$node, $pattern); } else { if (preg_match($pattern, $node)) { unlink($path.'/'.$node); } elseif ($node=='index.htm') { $rm_index = true; } else { $rmdir = false; } } } closedir($contents); if ($rmdir) { if ($rm_index) { unlink($path.'/index.htm'); } clearstatcache(); @rmdir($path); } return $rmdir; } } function delete_element_derivatives($infos, $type='all') { $path = $infos['path']; if (!empty($infos['representative_ext'])) { $path = original_to_representative( $path, $infos['representative_ext']); } if (substr_compare($path, '../', 0, 3)==0) { $path = substr($path, 3); } $dot = strrpos($path, '.'); if ($type=='all') { $pattern = '-*'; } else { $pattern = '-'.derivative_to_url($type).'*'; } $path = substr_replace($path, $pattern, $dot, 0); if ( ($glob=glob(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.PWG_DERIVATIVE_DIR.$path)) !== false) { foreach( $glob as $file) { @unlink($file); } } } ?>