SetX(10); // Set the starting x position $myBarGraph->SetY(10); // Set the starting y position $myBarGraph->SetWidth($imageWidth-20); // Set how wide the bargraph will be $myBarGraph->SetHeight($imageHeight-20); // Set how tall the bargraph will be $myBarGraph->SetNumOfValueTicks(3); // Set this to zero if you don't want to show any. These are the vertical bars to help see the values. // You can try uncommenting these lines below for different looks. // $myBarGraph->SetShowLabels(false); // The default is true. Setting this to false will cause phpBarGraph to not print the labels of each bar. $myBarGraph->SetShowValues(false); // The default is true. Setting this to false will cause phpBarGraph to not print the values of each bar. // $myBarGraph->SetBarBorder(false); // The default is true. Setting this to false will cause phpBarGraph to not print the border of each bar. // $myBarGraph->SetShowFade(false); // The default is true. Setting this to false will cause phpBarGraph to not print each bar as a gradient. // $myBarGraph->SetShowOuterBox(false); // The default is true. Setting this to false will cause phpBarGraph to not print the outside box. $myBarGraph->SetBarSpacing(5); // The default is 10. This changes the space inbetween each bar. // Add Values to the bargraph.. $result = pwg_query($sql) or die(mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."
".$sql); $days =array_fill(1,31,0); while ($r = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $days [$r[1]]= $r[0]; } $o=0; while (list ($key,$value) = each($days )) { $myBarGraph->AddValue($key, $value); } //$myBarGraph->SetDebug(true); // Set the colors of the bargraph.. $myBarGraph->SetStartBarColor("6666ff"); // This is the color on the top of every bar. $myBarGraph->SetEndBarColor("2222aa"); // This is the color on the bottom of every bar. This is not used when SetShowFade() is set to false. $myBarGraph->SetLineColor("000000"); // This is the color all the lines and text are printed out with. // Print the BarGraph to the image.. $myBarGraph->DrawBarGraph($image); Imagestring($image, 2, 2, $imageHeight-14, $legend, $white); //------------------------------------------------ Image output if ($outputFormat == "png") { header("Content-type: image/png"); ImagePNG($image); } else if ($outputFormat == "jpg") { header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); Imagejpeg($image); } // Destroy the image. Imagedestroy($image); ?>