* * author : Pierrick LE GALL * * * * $Id$ * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; * * * ***************************************************************************/ include_once( './include/isadmin.inc.php' ); //----------------------------------------------------- template initialization $sub = $vtp->Open( './template/'.$user['template'].'/admin/group_list.vtp' ); $tpl = array( 'group_add','add','listuser_permission','delete', 'group_confirm','yes','no','group_list_title' ); templatize_array( $tpl, 'lang', $sub ); $vtp->setGlobalVar( $sub, 'user_template', $user['template'] ); //-------------------------------------------------------------- delete a group $error = array(); if ( isset ( $_GET['delete'] ) and is_numeric( $_GET['delete'] ) ) { $query = 'SELECT name'; $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'groups'; $query.= ' WHERE id = '.$_GET['delete']; $query.= ';'; $row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) ); // confirm group deletion ? if ( $_GET['confirm'] != 1 ) { $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'deletion' ); $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'deletion.name', $row['name'] ); $yes_url = './admin.php?page=group_list&delete='.$_GET['delete']; $yes_url.= '&confirm=1'; $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'deletion.yes_url', add_session_id( $yes_url ) ); $no_url = './admin.php?page=group_list'; $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'deletion.no_url', add_session_id( $no_url ) ); $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'deletion' ); } // group deletion confirmed else { $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'confirmation' ); $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS nb_result'; $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'groups'; $query.= ' WHERE id = '.$_GET['delete']; $query.= ';'; $row2 = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) ); if ( $row2['nb_result'] > 0 ) { delete_group( $_GET['delete'] ); $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'confirmation.class', 'info' ); $info = '"'.$row['name'].'" '.$lang['listuser_info_deletion']; $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'confirmation.info', $info ); } else { $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'confirmation.class', 'erreur' ); $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'confirmation.info', $lang['group_err_unknown'] ); } $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'confirmation' ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- add a group if ( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) ) { if ( preg_match( "/'/", $_POST['name'] ) or preg_match( '/"/', $_POST['name'] ) ) { array_push( $error, $lang['group_add_error1'] ); } if ( count( $error ) == 0 ) { // is the group not already existing ? $query = 'SELECT id'; $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'groups'; $query.= " WHERE name = '".$_POST['name']."'"; $query.= ';'; $result = mysql_query( $query ); if ( mysql_num_rows( $result ) > 0 ) { array_push( $error, $lang['group_add_error2'] ); } } if ( count( $error ) == 0 ) { // creating the group $query = ' INSERT INTO '.PREFIX_TABLE.'groups'; $query.= " (name) VALUES ('".$_POST['name']."')"; $query.= ';'; mysql_query( $query ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- errors display if ( sizeof( $error ) != 0 ) { $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'errors' ); for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $error ); $i++ ) { $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'li' ); $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'li.li', $error[$i] ); $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'li' ); } $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'errors' ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------- groups list $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'groups' ); $query = 'SELECT id,name'; $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'groups'; $query.= ' ORDER BY id ASC'; $query.= ';'; $result = mysql_query( $query ); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) { $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'group' ); $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'group.name', $row['name'] ); $url = './admin.php?page=group_perm&group_id='.$row['id']; $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'group.permission_url', add_session_id( $url ) ); $url = './admin.php?page=group_list&delete='.$row['id']; $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'group.deletion_url', add_session_id( $url ) ); $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'group' ); } $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'groups' ); //------------------------------------------------------- create new group form $action = './admin.php?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'form_action', $action ); //----------------------------------------------------------- sending html code $vtp->Parse( $handle , 'sub', $sub ); ?>