| // | branch : BSF (Best So Far) | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | file : $RCSfile$ // | last update : $Date$ // | last modifier : $Author$ // | revision : $Revision$ // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | // | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | // | the Free Software Foundation | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | // | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU | // | General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software | // | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, | // | USA. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (!defined('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH')) { die ("Hacking attempt!"); } include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/isadmin.inc.php'); //-------------------------------------------------------- sections definitions if (!isset($_GET['section'])) { $page['section'] = 'general'; } else { $page['section'] = $_GET['section']; } // templates for fields definitions $true_false = array('type' => 'radio', 'options' => array('true' => $lang['yes'], 'false' => $lang['no'])); $textfield = array('type' => 'textfield'); $nb_image_row = array(); foreach ($conf['nb_image_row'] as $value) { $nb_image_row[$value] = $value; } $nb_row_page = array(); foreach ($conf['nb_row_page'] as $value) { $nb_row_page[$value] = $value; } $sections = array( 'general' => array( 'mail_webmaster' => $textfield, 'prefix_thumbnail' => $textfield, 'access' => array('type' => 'radio', 'options' => array( 'free' => $lang['conf_general_access_1'], 'restricted' => $lang['conf_general_access_2'])), 'log' => $true_false, 'mail_notification' => $true_false, ), 'comments' => array( 'show_comments' => $true_false, 'comments_forall' => $true_false, 'nb_comment_page' => array('type' => 'textfield','size' => 2), 'comments_validation' => $true_false ), 'default' => array( 'default_language' => array('type' => 'select', 'options' => get_languages()), 'nb_image_line' => array('type' => 'radio','options' => $nb_image_row), 'nb_line_page' => array('type' => 'radio','options' => $nb_row_page), 'default_template' => array('type' => 'select', 'options' => get_templates()), 'recent_period' => array('type' => 'textfield','size' => 3), 'auto_expand' => $true_false, 'show_nb_comments' => $true_false ), 'upload' => array( 'upload_available' => $true_false, 'upload_maxfilesize' => array('type' => 'textfield','size' => 4), 'upload_maxwidth' => array('type' => 'textfield','size' => 4), 'upload_maxheight' => array('type' => 'textfield','size' => 4), 'upload_maxwidth_thumbnail' => array('type' => 'textfield','size' => 4), 'upload_maxheight_thumbnail' => array('type' => 'textfield','size' => 4) ), 'session' => array( 'authorize_cookies' => $true_false, 'session_time' => array('type' => 'textfield','size' => 2), 'session_id_size' => array('type' => 'textfield','size' => 2) ), 'metadata' => array( 'use_exif' => $true_false, 'use_iptc' => $true_false, 'show_exif' => $true_false, 'show_iptc' => $true_false ) ); //------------------------------------------------------ $conf reinitialization $result = mysql_query('SELECT param,value FROM '.CONFIG_TABLE); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $conf[$row['param']] = $row['value']; // if the parameter is present in $_POST array (if a form is submited), we // override it with the submited value if (isset($_POST[$row['param']])) { $conf[$row['param']] = $_POST[$row['param']]; } } //------------------------------ verification and registration of modifications $errors = array(); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // echo '
//   print_r($_POST);
//   echo '
'; $int_pattern = '/^\d+$/'; switch ($page['section']) { case 'general' : { // thumbnail prefix must only contain simple ASCII characters if (!preg_match('/^[\w-]*$/', $_POST['prefix_thumbnail'])) { array_push($errors, $lang['conf_general_prefix_thumbnail_error']); } // mail must be formatted as follows : name@server.com $pattern = '/^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)+$/'; if (!preg_match($pattern, $_POST['mail_webmaster'])) { array_push($errors, $lang['conf_general_mail_webmaster_error']); } break; } case 'comments' : { // the number of comments per page must be an integer between 5 and 50 // included if (!preg_match($int_pattern, $_POST['nb_comment_page']) or $_POST['nb_comment_page'] < 5 or $_POST['nb_comment_page'] > 50) { array_push($errors, $lang['conf_comments_nb_comment_page_error']); } break; } case 'default' : { // periods must be integer values, they represents number of days if (!preg_match($int_pattern, $_POST['recent_period']) or $_POST['recent_period'] <= 0) { array_push($errors, $lang['conf_default_recent_period_error']); } break; } case 'upload' : { // the maximum upload filesize must be an integer between 10 and 1000 if (!preg_match($int_pattern, $_POST['upload_maxfilesize']) or $_POST['upload_maxfilesize'] < 10 or $_POST['upload_maxfilesize'] > 1000) { array_push($errors, $lang['conf_upload_upload_maxfilesize_error']); } foreach (array('upload_maxwidth', 'upload_maxheight', 'upload_maxwidth_thumbnail', 'upload_maxheight_thumbnail') as $field) { if (!preg_match($int_pattern, $_POST[$field]) or $_POST[$field] < 10) { array_push($errors, $lang['conf_upload_'.$field.'_error']); } } break; } case 'session' : { // session_id size must be an integer between 4 and 50 if (!preg_match($int_pattern, $_POST['session_id_size']) or $_POST['session_id_size'] < 4 or $_POST['session_id_size'] > 50) { array_push($errors, $lang['conf_session_session_id_size_error']); } // session_time must be an integer between 5 and 60, in minutes if (!preg_match($int_pattern, $_POST['session_time']) or $_POST['session_time'] < 5 or $_POST['session_time'] > 60) { array_push($errors, $lang['conf_session_session_time_error']); } break; } } // updating configuraiton if no error found if (count($errors) == 0) { $result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM '.CONFIG_TABLE); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if (isset($_POST[$row['param']])) { $query = ' UPDATE '.CONFIG_TABLE.' SET value = \''. str_replace("\'", "''", $_POST[$row['param']]).'\' WHERE param = \''.$row['param'].'\' ;'; mysql_query($query); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------- template initialization $template->set_filenames(array('config'=>'admin/configuration.tpl')); $action = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=configuration'; $action.= '&section='.$page['section']; $template->assign_vars( array( 'L_CONFIRM'=>$lang['conf_confirmation'], 'L_SUBMIT'=>$lang['submit'], 'F_ACTION'=>add_session_id($action) ) ); $base_url = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=configuration&section='; foreach (array_keys($sections) as $section) { if ($section == $page['section']) { $class = 'opened'; } else { $class = ''; } $template->assign_block_vars( 'confmenu_item', array( 'CLASS' => $class, 'URL' => add_session_id($base_url.$section), 'NAME' => $lang['conf_'.$section.'_title'] )); } $fields = $sections[$page['section']]; foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field) { $template->assign_block_vars( 'line', array( 'NAME' => $lang['conf_'.$page['section'].'_'.$field_name], 'INFO' => $lang['conf_'.$page['section'].'_'.$field_name.'_info'] )); if ($field['type'] == 'textfield') { if (isset($field['size'])) { $size = $field['size']; } else { $size = ''; } $template->assign_block_vars( 'line.textfield', array( 'NAME' => $field_name, 'VALUE' => $conf[$field_name], 'SIZE' => $size )); } else if ($field['type'] == 'radio') { foreach ($field['options'] as $option_value => $option) { if ($conf[$field_name] == $option_value) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $checked = ''; } $template->assign_block_vars( 'line.radio', array( 'NAME' => $field_name, 'VALUE' => $option_value, 'CHECKED' => $checked, 'OPTION' => $option )); } } else if ($field['type'] == 'select') { $template->assign_block_vars( 'line.select', array( 'NAME' => $field_name )); foreach ($field['options'] as $option_value => $option) { if ($conf[$field_name] == $option_value) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } else { $selected = ''; } $template->assign_block_vars( 'line.select.select_option', array( 'VALUE' => $option_value, 'SELECTED' => $selected, 'OPTION' => $option )); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- errors display if (count($errors) != 0) { $template->assign_block_vars('errors',array()); foreach ($errors as $error) { $template->assign_block_vars('errors.error',array('ERROR'=>$error)); } } else if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $template->assign_block_vars('confirmation' ,array()); } //----------------------------------------------------------- sending html code $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'config'); ?>