| // | branch : BSF (Best So Far) | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | file : $RCSfile$ // | last update : $Date$ // | last modifier : $Author$ // | revision : $Revision$ // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | // | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | // | the Free Software Foundation | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | // | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU | // | General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software | // | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, | // | USA. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( !defined("PHPWG_ROOT_PATH") ) { die ("Hacking attempt!"); } include_once( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/isadmin.inc.php' ); $errors = array(); $categories=array(); $navigation=$lang['gallery_index']; //--------------------------------------------------- virtual categories if ( isset( $_GET['delete'] ) && is_numeric( $_GET['delete'] ) ) { delete_category( $_GET['delete'] ); synchronize_all_users(); } elseif ( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) ) { // is the given category name only containing blank spaces ? if ( preg_match( '/^\s*$/', $_POST['virtual_name'] ) ) array_push( $errors, $lang['cat_error_name'] ); if ( !count( $errors )) { // we have then to add the virtual category $parent_id = !empty($_GET['parent_id'])?$_GET['parent_id']:'NULL'; $query = 'INSERT INTO '.CATEGORIES_TABLE; $query.= ' (name,id_uppercat,rank) VALUES '; $query.= " ('".$_POST['virtual_name']."',".$parent_id.",".$_POST['rank'].")"; $query.= ';'; mysql_query( $query ); synchronize_all_users(); } } // Cache management $query = 'SELECT * FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE; if ( !isset($_GET['parent_id'])) { $query.= ' WHERE id_uppercat IS NULL'; } else { $query.= ' WHERE id_uppercat = '.$_GET['parent_id']; } $query.= ' ORDER BY rank ASC'; $query.= ';'; $result = mysql_query( $query ); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) { $categories[$row['rank']]=$row; } // Navigation path if (isset($_GET['parent_id'])) { $current_category = get_cat_info($_GET['parent_id']); $url = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=cat_list&parent_id='; $navigation = ''; $navigation.= $lang['gallery_index'].'->'; $navigation.= get_cat_display_name($current_category['name'], '->', $url); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- rank updates $current_rank=0; if ( isset( $_GET['up'] ) && is_numeric( $_GET['up'] )) { // 1. searching the id of the category just above at the same level while (list ($id,$current) = each($categories)) { if ($current['id'] == $_GET['up']) { $current_rank = $current['rank']; break; } } if ($current_rank>1) { // 2. Exchanging ranks between the two categories $query = 'UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE; $query.= ' SET rank = '.($current_rank-1); $query.= ' WHERE id = '.$_GET['up']; $query.= ';'; mysql_query( $query ); $query = 'UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE; $query.= ' SET rank = '.$current_rank; $query.= ' WHERE id = '.$categories[($current_rank-1)]['id']; $query.= ';'; mysql_query( $query ); // 3. Updating the cache array $categories[$current_rank]=$categories[($current_rank-1)]; $categories[($current_rank-1)] = $current; } else { // 2. Updating the rank of our category to be after the previous max rank $query = 'UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE; $query.= ' SET rank = '.(count($categories) + 1); $query.= ' WHERE id = '.$_GET['up']; $query.= ';'; mysql_query( $query ); $query = 'UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE; $query.= ' SET rank = rank-1'; $query.= ' WHERE id_uppercat '; $query.= empty($_GET['parent_id'])?'IS NULL':('= '.$_GET['parent_id']); $query.= ';'; mysql_query( $query ); // 3. Updating the cache array array_push($categories, $current); array_shift($categories); } } elseif ( isset( $_GET['down'] ) && is_numeric( $_GET['down'] ) ) { // 1. searching the id of the category just above at the same level while (list ($id,$current) = each($categories)) { if ($current['id'] == $_GET['down']) { $current_rank = $current['rank']; break; } } if ($current_rank < count($categories)) { // 2. Exchanging ranks between the two categories $query = 'UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE; $query.= ' SET rank = '.($current_rank+1); $query.= ' WHERE id = '.$_GET['down']; $query.= ';'; mysql_query( $query ); $query = 'UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE; $query.= ' SET rank = '.$current_rank; $query.= ' WHERE id = '.$categories[($current_rank+1)]['id']; $query.= ';'; mysql_query( $query ); // 3. Updating the cache array $categories[$current_rank]=$categories[($current_rank+1)]; $categories[($current_rank+1)] = $current; } else { // 2. updating the rank of our category to be the first one $query = 'UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE; $query.= ' SET rank = 0'; $query.= ' WHERE id = '.$_GET['down']; $query.= ';'; mysql_query( $query ); $query = 'UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE; $query.= ' SET rank = (rank+1)'; $query.= ' WHERE id_uppercat '; $query.= empty($_GET['parent_id'])?'IS NULL':('= '.$_GET['parent_id']); $query.= ';'; mysql_query( $query ); // 3. Updating the cache array array_unshift($categories, $current); array_pop($categories); } } reset($categories); //----------------------------------------------------- template initialization $template->set_filenames( array('categories'=>'admin/cat_list.tpl') ); $template->assign_vars(array( 'CATEGORIES_NAV'=>$navigation, 'NEXT_RANK'=>count($categories)+1, 'L_ADD_VIRTUAL'=>$lang['cat_add'], 'L_SUBMIT'=>$lang['submit'], 'L_STORAGE'=>$lang['storage'], 'L_NB_IMG'=>$lang['pictures'], 'L_MOVE_UP'=>$lang['cat_up'], 'L_MOVE_DOWN'=>$lang['cat_down'], 'L_EDIT'=>$lang['edit'], 'L_INFO_IMG'=>$lang['cat_image_info'], 'L_DELETE'=>$lang['delete'] )); $tpl = array( 'cat_first','cat_last'); //-------------------------------------------------------------- errors display if ( sizeof( $errors ) != 0 ) { $template->assign_block_vars('errors',array()); for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $errors ); $i++ ) { $template->assign_block_vars('errors.error',array('ERROR'=>$errors[$i])); } } //----------------------------------------------------------- Categories display while (list ($id,$category) = each($categories)) { if ($category['visible'] == 'false') { $category_image = ''.$lang['cat_private'].''; } elseif (empty($category['dir'])) { $category_image = ''.$lang['cat_virtual'].''; } else { // May be should we have to introduce a computed field in the table to avoid this query $query = 'SELECT COUNT(id) as sub_cats FROM ' . CATEGORIES_TABLE . ' WHERE id_uppercat = '.$category['id']; $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query( $query )); $category_image = ($result['sub_cats']) ? '' : ''; } if ( !isset( $category['dir'] ) ) $category['dir'] = ''; $simple_url = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=cat_list&'; $url = $simple_url; if (isset($_GET['parent_id'])) $url = $simple_url.'parent_id='.$_GET['parent_id'].'&'; $template->assign_block_vars('category' ,array( 'CATEGORY_IMG'=>$category_image, 'CATEGORY_NAME'=>$category['name'], 'CATEGORY_DIR'=>$category['dir'], 'CATEGORY_NB_IMG'=>$category['nb_images'], 'U_CATEGORY'=>add_session_id( $simple_url.'parent_id='.$category['id']), 'U_MOVE_UP'=>add_session_id( $url.'up='.$category['id'] ), 'U_MOVE_DOWN'=>add_session_id( $url.'down='.$category['id'] ), 'U_CAT_EDIT'=>add_session_id( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=cat_modify&cat_id='.$category['id'] ), 'U_CAT_DELETE'=>add_session_id( $url.'delete='.$category['id'] ), 'U_INFO_IMG'=>add_session_id( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=infos_images&cat_id='.$category['id'] ), 'U_CAT_UPDATE'=>add_session_id( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=update&update='.$category['id'] ) )); if ( !empty($category['dir'])) { $template->assign_block_vars('category.storage' ,array()); } else { $template->assign_block_vars('category.virtual' ,array()); } $url = add_session_id( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=cat_modify&cat='.$row['id'] ); if ( $category['nb_images'] > 0 ) { $template->assign_block_vars('category.image_info' ,array()); } else { $template->assign_block_vars('category.no_image_info' ,array()); } } //----------------------------------------------------------- sending html code $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'categories'); ?>