path: root/web_service.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 641 deletions
diff --git a/web_service.php b/web_service.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f4568e2a1..000000000
--- a/web_service.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,641 +0,0 @@
-// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | PhpWebGallery - a PHP based picture gallery |
-// | Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL - pierrick@phpwebgallery.net |
-// | Copyright (C) 2003-2006 PhpWebGallery Team - http://phpwebgallery.net |
-// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | branch : BSF (Best So Far)
-// | file : $RCSfile$
-// | last update : $Date: 2006-12-15 23:16:37 +0200 (ven., 15 dec. 2006) $
-// | last modifier : $Author: vdigital $
-// | revision : $Revision: 1658 $
-// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
-// | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
-// | the Free Software Foundation |
-// | |
-// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
-// | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
-// | General Public License for more details. |
-// | |
-// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
-// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
-// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, |
-// | USA. |
-// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-include_once( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/common.inc.php' );
-if ( !$conf['allow_web_services'] )
- die('Hacking attempt!');
-// Full call syntax sample:
-// web_service.php?key=123456789012
-// &pos=5&acc=cat/23,25-32&req=landscape&lim=5&tpl=myxml
-// &pos=is position defined by caller to substring, see key below, (default 0)
-// key=substr(md5(partner_id),&pos,12)
-// &acc=cat/23,25-35 or list/1-125,136,141-162 or tag/27,45,54-55
-// (the specified access list will be respected
-// ONLY if access is not specified in web_services access table)
-// req=any request (except if limited to a specific one in ws access table)
-// lim=number (returned picture count and limited it self by ws access table)
-// the tpl file must exist in ./template/"default template"/xml/
-// tpl=myxml (xml/myxml.tpl will be used, by default: xml/default.tpl)
-// All are facultative EXCEPT key
-// Check call process (Keyed call)
-if (!isset($_GET['key']))
- die('Hacking attempt!');
-if ( strlen($_GET['key']) < 12 )
- die('Invalid key (Length issue)!');
-// Is service active (Temporary it could be inactive / Online parameter)
-$query = '
-WHERE param = \'ws_status\'
-$active = mysql_fetch_array(pwg_query($query));
-if ( $active['value']=='false' )
- die('Web service is temporary inactive');
-// Look for partner_key
-$key = $_GET['key'];
-$key = ( strlen($key) > 20 ) ? substr($key,0,20) : $key;
-$len = strlen($key);
-$hash = 0;
-if (isset($_GET['pos']))
- $hash = (!is_numeric($_GET['pos'])) ? 0 : $_GET['pos'];
- $hash = (int) $hash;
- $hash = $hash % 12;
-$query = '
-SELECT `id`, `name`, `access`, `start`, `end`, `request`,
- `high`, `normal`, `limit`, `comment`
-$result = pwg_query($query);
-while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
- if ( substr( md5($row['name']),$hash,$len) == $key )
- {
- $len = 0;
- $def = $row;
- continue;
- }
-if ( $len > 0 )
- die('Invalid key!');
-// $def = Web service already defined partner access
-// Now, the partner will get a reply in time
-$stat_id = 'Web Service';
-if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) and
- $stats_id = substr($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"],7);
- $pos = strpos($stats_id,'/');
- $stats_id = ( $pos>0 ) ? substr($stats_id,0,$pos) : $stats_id;
-// Check keywords
-// Key and pos are correct
-// &acc=cat/23,25-32&req=landscape&lim=5&tpl=myxml
-// Requested id list and authorized id list
-// Both may empty
-// Both can be build on differents basis cat/tag/list
-// Both have to be convert in id list format
-$req_access ='';
-if (isset($_GET['pos']))
- $req_access = check_target($_GET['acc']);
-// on one hand $req_access, requested ids
-$req_type = explode('/',$req_access);
-$req_ids = explode( ',',$req_type[1] );
-$req_list = expand_id_list( $req_ids );
-if ($req_type[0]=='cat')
- $req_list = convert_catlist($req_list);
-if ($req_type[0]=='tag')
- $req_list = get_image_ids_for_tags($req_list);
-// echo $def['name'].'<br />';
-// on the other hand $def['access'], authorized default ids
-$def_type = explode('/',$def['access']);
-$def_ids = explode( ',',$def_type[1] );
-$def_list = expand_id_list( $def_ids );
-if ($def_type[0]=='cat')
- $def_list = convert_catlist($def_list);
-if ($def_type[0]=='tag')
- $def_list = get_image_ids_for_tags($def_list);
-// could be no necessary, a surplus but we are obliged to
-// Filter on forbidden_categories (default can have change from creation time)
-$list = implode(',',$def_list);
-$ret_ids = array();
-$query = '
- (
- array
- (
- 'forbidden_categories' => 'category_id',
- 'visible_categories' => 'category_id',
- 'visible_images' => 'image_id'
- ),
- '', true
- ).'
- AND image_id IN ('.$list.')
-$result = pwg_query($query);
-while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
- $ret_ids[] = $row['image_id'];
-$def_ids = $ret_ids;
-// Notice: Filtering on forbidden_categories (from requested id list)
-// is completely superfluous (see few lines below).
-$req_ids = $req_list;
-// if no requested ids then is the complete default
-if (count($req_ids)==0)
- $req_ids = $def_ids;
-// Removing requested ids not in authorized access list
-// if requested ids they must be in the complete default and only those
-// will be assumed. (Including forbidden... )
-$final = array();
-foreach ( $req_ids as $req_id )
- if ( in_array($req_id, $def_ids) )
- {
- $final[] = $req_id;
- }
-$final = array_unique ($final);
-sort ($final);
-// 77f1180bd215a0edf66939
-// web_service.php?key=77f1180bd215&pos=3&acc=list/41,73,142,178,190,204,235-238&req=recent&lim=1&tpl=myxml
-$request = (isset($_GET['req']))? $_GET['req']:$def['request'];
-// if type of request is different from the authorized type then force it
-if ( $def['request'] !== '' and $request !== $def['request'] )
- $request = $def['request'];
-// if it is not an official request then force it
-// (remark that default request can no longer exist
-// (later an Upgrade, or a remove) so...
-$official = official_req();
-if ( !in_array($request, $official ) )
- $request = $official[0]; // default request is the first one
-// limit belong default (remember $def['limit'] is always set)
-$limit = (isset($_GET['limit']))? $_GET['limit']:$def['limit'];
-$limit = (is_numeric($limit))? $limit:$def['limit'];
-$limit = ( $limit < $def['limit'] ) ? $limit:$def['limit'];
-// XML template
-$tplfile = (isset($_GET['tpl']))? $_GET['tpl']:'default';
-// FIXME additional controls are maybe needed on $tplfile
-$template->set_filenames(array( $tplfile => 'XML/'. $tplfile .'.tpl'));
-// Generate the request
-include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH. 'services/' .$request. '.php');
-// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | XML/xhtml code display |
-// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
-//header('Content-Type: text/html; charset='.$lang_info['charset']);
-// echo '<strong>Trace temporaire<strong><br />';
-// echo '$final:<br />' . var_dump($final);
-//------------------------------------------------------------ log informations
-pwg_log($request, $stats_id, $tplfile); // or something like that
-// Check requested XML template
-// Generate query
-// Generate XML
-// Log it
-// Old code below
-//------------ Main security strategy ---------------------
-$partner_id = 'default';
-// Security considerations: HTTP_REFERER and FOPEN
-// 1 - FOPEN doesn't update current HTTP_REFERER
-// 2 - HTTP_REFERER may be hidden/altered for lot of reasons.
-// 3 - By this process, you can log HTTP_REFERER of your partner (not yours).
-// 4 - Logging HTTP_REFERER needs declarative procedures in some countries.
-// 5 - Following those links can be considered as risky.
-// 6 - You can turn off, referer logging by $conf['ws-refback'] = false;
-// 7 - In the other hand, your partner may give his key to another web site.
-// Above all, this information is just an indication.
-// $conf['ws-refback'] : Default value is false.
-if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) and
- $partner_id = substr($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"],7);
- $pos = strpos($partner_id,'/');
- $partner_id = ( $pos>0 ) ? substr($partner_id,0,$pos) : $partner_id;
-// $partner_id = Is used to check prohibited REFER site (but not only)
-// example: www.prohibited-access.be
-if ( isset($conf['ws-refback']) and $conf['ws-refback'])
- $log_id = $partner_id;
- $log_id = ''; // Would be set in time by process end
-// $log_id = History log information
-// examples: forum.phpwebgallery.net
-// phpwebgallery.net
-// demo.phpwebgallery.net
-$partner_id = strtolower($partner_id);
-// Prohibited REFER: $partner_id is compared (strtolower).
-//----------------------------- Is a prohibited refer?
-if ( $partner_id !== 'default' )
- // Is Referer a prohibited site?
- // Compare requestor site to web service key table
- // Found and limit = 0 => die
- foreach ( $conf['ws_keys'] as $key => $vkey )
- {
- if ( strtolower($vkey['id']) == $partner_id and $vkey['limit'] == 0 )
- {
- pwg_log( 'WS Prohibited', 'Req.:'.$type, 'From: ws_keys['.$key.']' );
- die($lang['access_forbiden']);
- }
- }
-//----------------------------- Which access he will use?
-$access = check_ws_access( $conf['ws_keys'] );
-// given key arg is compared asis (Take care of upper/lower case).
-parse_str($access['force'], $force);
-// $force contains all forced arguments
-// get requested arguments and apply limits
-$force['limit'] = ( isset($access['limit']) ) ? $access['limit'] :
- $conf['ws_limit'] ;
-$arg = force_arg_ws_limit( $force, $conf['ws_limit'] );
-// $arg contains all retain query arguments
-// Warning about $arg !!! Warning !!! Warning !!! Warning !!! Warning !!!
-// specially to MOD developpers :
-// ( $arg is like $_GET )
-if ( is_numeric(isset($arg['cat'])) )
- $arg['cat']=floor($arg['cat']);
- unset($arg['cat']);
-// AND category_id is concatenated if requested or forced
-$cat_criterion = '';
-if ( isset($arg['cat']) and ($arg['cat']) > 0 )
- $cat_criterion = ' AND ic.`category_id` ='.$arg['cat'].' ';
-//-------------------------------------------- SQL Query statement building
-// Has to be tested against a LARGE configuration
-// for performance consideration
-// and maybe rewrite in some cases.
-// All below has to be check to respect code writing rule convention
- i.`path` , i.`file` , i.`date_available` ,
- i.`date_creation`, i.`tn_ext` , i.`name` ,
- i.`filesize` , i.`storage_category_id` , i.`average_rate`,
- i.`comment` , i.`author` , i.`hit` ,i.`width` ,
- i.`height`
- AS ic ON i.`id` = ic.`image_id`
- AS c ON c.`id` = ic.`category_id`
- WHERE c.`status` = \'public\'
- AND i.`width` > 0
- AND i.`height` > 0
- AND i.`representative_ext` IS NULL
- '.$cat_criterion.'
- '.get_sql_condition_FandF
- (
- array
- (
- 'forbidden_categories' => 'c.id',
- 'visible_categories' => 'c.id',
- 'visible_images' => 'i.id'
- ),
- 'AND'
- );
-// AND c.`agreed_ws` = \'true\' (Obsolete specification replaced by force)
-$list = ( isset($arg['list']) ) ? $arg['list'] : '';
-$type = $arg['type'];
- case ($type === 'random' or $type === 'listcat'): /* Random order */
- $query .= ' ORDER BY RAND() DESC ';
- break;
- case ($type === 'list'): /* list on MBt & z0rglub request */
- $query .= ' AND i.`id` IN ('.$list.') ';
- break;
- case $type === 'maxviewed': /* hit > 0 and hit desc order */
- $query .= ' AND i.`hit` > 0
- ORDER BY i.`hit` DESC, RAND() DESC ';
- break;
- case $type === 'recent': /* recent = Date_available desc order */
- $query .= ' ORDER BY i.`date_available` DESC, RAND() DESC ';
- break;
- case $type === 'highrated': /* avg_rate > 0 and desc order */
-// French Joke : Cette requete s'appelle officieusement l' "ail_gratte"
- $query .= ' AND i.`average_rate` > 0
- ORDER BY i.`average_rate` DESC, RAND() DESC ';
- break;
- case $type === 'oldest': /* Date_available asc order */
- $query .= ' ORDER BY i.`date_available` ASC, RAND() DESC ';
- break;
- case $type === 'lessviewed': /* hit asc order */
-// French Joke : Cette requete s'appelle officieusement la "lessive"
- $query .= ' ORDER BY i.`hit` ASC, RAND() DESC ';
- break;
- case $type === 'lowrated': /* avg_rate asc order */
- $query .= ' AND i.`average_rate` IS NOT NULL
- ORDER BY i.`average_rate` ASC, RAND() DESC ';
- break;
- case $type === 'undescribed': /* description missing */
-// US/UK Joke : This request is unofficially named 'indiscribable' horror
- $query .= ' AND i.`comment` IS NULL
- break;
- case $type === 'unnamed': /* new name missing */
- $query .= ' AND i.`comment` IS NULL
- break;
- case $type === 'portraits': /* width < height (portrait oriented) */
- $query .= ' AND `width` < (`height` * 0.95)
- break;
- case $type === 'landscapes': /* width > height (landscape oriented) */
- $query .= ' AND `width` > (`height` * 1.05)
- break;
- case $type === 'squares': /* width ~ height (square form) */
- $query .= ' AND `width` BETWEEN (`height` * 0.95)
- AND (`height` * 1.05)
- break;
- default: /* Just say: Goodbye !!! */
- die($lang['access_forbiden']);
-} /* End switch */
-$query .= ' LIMIT 0 , '.$arg['limit'].';';
-$result = pwg_query( $query );
-$attributes = array( 'width', 'height', 'author', 'date_creation',
- 'date_available', 'hit', 'filesize');
-$xml = '<items> ';
-$hr_nbr = 0; $ns_nbr = 0; $tn_nbr = 0;
-if ( $log_id == '')
- foreach ( $conf['ws_keys'] as $key => $vkey )
- {
- if ( $vkey['id'] == $access['id'] )
- {
- $log_id = 'R:#'.$key;
- break;
- }
- }
-while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
- $tn_nbr++;
- $item = '<item ';
- $path = strtolower(strtok($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'],
- '/')).'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],0,-16).
- substr($row['path'],1);
- if ( isset($access['pwg_n']) and $access['pwg_n'] )
- {
- $ns_nbr++;
- $item .= ' src="'.$path.'"';
- }
- else
- {
- unset($attributes['width']);
- unset($attributes['height']);
- unset($attributes['filesize']);
- }
- foreach ( $attributes as $attribute )
- {
- if ( isset($row{$attribute}) )
- {
- $item.= ' '.$attribute.'="'.$row{$attribute}.'"';
- }
- }
- if ( isset($row['comment']) )
- {
- $item .= ' description="'.$row['comment'].'"';
- }
- $tnsrc = get_thumbnail_src( $path, $row['tn_ext'] );
- $item .= ' tnsrc="'.$tnsrc.'"';
- $tnsize = @getimagesize($tnsrc);
- $item .= ' tnwidth="'.$tnsize[0].'"';
- $item .= ' tnheight="'.$tnsize[1].'"';
- if ( isset($access['pwg_h']) and $access['pwg_h'] )
- {
- $high = dirname( $path ).'/pwg_high/'.$row['file'];
- $hrsize = @getimagesize($high);
- if ( $hrsize[0] > 0 )
- {
- $hr_nbr++;
- $item .= ' hrsrc="'.$high.'"';
- $item .= ' hrwidth="'.$hrsize[0].'"';
- $item .= ' hrheight="'.$hrsize[1].'"';
- }
- }
- $xml .= $item.' />';
- //-------------------------------------- picture ----- log informations
-// request_type ( R:#id_requester ), real_category_id [ request_number ], image_file_name );
- pwg_log( $type.'('.$log_id.')', $row['storage_category_id'].'['.$tn_nbr.']', $row['file'] );
-$xml .= ' </items>';
-echo $xml; // Send XML
-//---------------------------------------- service ----- log informations
-$size = 'tn('.$tn_nbr.')'; // thumbnails
-if ( $ns_nbr > 0 )
- $size = '('.$ns_nbr.')'; // pictures
-if ( $hr_nbr > 0 )
- $size = 'HR('.$hr_nbr.'/'.$tn_nbr.')'; // high res.
-//pwg_log( 'Web service', 'Req.:'.$type, 'From:'.$log_id );
- /*-- Web Service function
- Which access is correct for this resquest?
- Compare requestor key to web service key table
- If 'defined' => use that one
- If not => use default access
- If no 'defined' default => exit
- 'defined' : Obviously check period and not only defined access
- Return corresponding access (= an entry from web service key table)
- --*/
-function check_ws_access( $ws_keys )
- $partnr = ( isset($_GET['key']) ) ? $_GET['key'] : 'default';
- foreach ( $ws_keys as $key => $access )
- {
- if ( $access['id'] == $partnr )
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( $access['id'] !== $partnr ) // Not found? =default.
- {
- $access = $ws_keys[0];
- if ( $access['id'] !== 'default' ) // Check if it's really default
- { // definition
- die($lang['access_forbiden']); // No default access
- }
- }
- // Checking Dates...
- // Take care of that: my partner can be out of dates
- // but via default... Answer is NO.
- // With out of date period, a partner can be seen as prohibited partner
- // if you want to authorise him/her change $conf['ws_keys']
- // Tests are done with server local time...
- if (isset($access['end']) and date('Y-m-d H:i:s')>$access['end'])
- { //-- Access ended?
- die($lang['access_forbiden']); //-- BTW prohibited
- }
- if (isset($access['start']) and date('Y-m-d H:i:s')<$access['start'])
- { //-- Access started?
- die($lang['access_forbiden']);
- }
- return $access;
- /*-- Web Sevice function
- Force global arguments to ensure access restriction
- ( access defined in web service key table )
- Considering the default limit as well and prohibited site case
- Return overided request ( overided $_GET )
- --*/
-function force_arg_ws_limit( $use, $default )
- if ( $use['limit'] < 1 )
- { //-- Access deny
- die($lang['access_forbiden']);
- }
- $arg = $_GET; // what is required?
- if (!isset($arg['limit']))
- {
- $arg['limit']=$use['limit'];
- }
- if (!is_numeric($arg['limit']))
- {
- $arg['limit']=$use['limit'];
- }
- // ----------- use force arg if they are some
- foreach ( $use as $kuse => $vuse )
- {
- if ( $kuse !== 'limit' )
- {
- $arg[$kuse] = $vuse;
- }
- }
- $arg['limit'] = floor(min($arg['limit'], $use['limit']));
- return $arg;