path: root/template-common/lib/ui/ui.selectable.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/template-common/lib/ui/ui.selectable.js b/template-common/lib/ui/ui.selectable.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..814e7d48e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/template-common/lib/ui/ui.selectable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+ * jQuery UI Selectable
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 Richard D. Worth (rdworth.org)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
+ * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Selectables
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ * ui.core.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+$.widget("ui.selectable", $.extend({}, $.ui.mouse, {
+ init: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ this.element.addClass("ui-selectable");
+ this.dragged = false;
+ // cache selectee children based on filter
+ var selectees;
+ this.refresh = function() {
+ selectees = $(self.options.filter, self.element[0]);
+ selectees.each(function() {
+ var $this = $(this);
+ var pos = $this.offset();
+ $.data(this, "selectable-item", {
+ element: this,
+ $element: $this,
+ left: pos.left,
+ top: pos.top,
+ right: pos.left + $this.width(),
+ bottom: pos.top + $this.height(),
+ startselected: false,
+ selected: $this.hasClass('ui-selected'),
+ selecting: $this.hasClass('ui-selecting'),
+ unselecting: $this.hasClass('ui-unselecting')
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ this.refresh();
+ this.selectees = selectees.addClass("ui-selectee");
+ this.mouseInit();
+ this.helper = $(document.createElement('div')).css({border:'1px dotted black'});
+ },
+ toggle: function() {
+ if(this.options.disabled){
+ this.enable();
+ } else {
+ this.disable();
+ }
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ this.element
+ .removeClass("ui-selectable ui-selectable-disabled")
+ .removeData("selectable")
+ .unbind(".selectable");
+ this.mouseDestroy();
+ },
+ mouseStart: function(e) {
+ var self = this;
+ this.opos = [e.pageX, e.pageY];
+ if (this.options.disabled)
+ return;
+ var options = this.options;
+ this.selectees = $(options.filter, this.element[0]);
+ // selectable START callback
+ this.element.triggerHandler("selectablestart", [e, {
+ "selectable": this.element[0],
+ "options": options
+ }], options.start);
+ $('body').append(this.helper);
+ // position helper (lasso)
+ this.helper.css({
+ "z-index": 100,
+ "position": "absolute",
+ "left": e.clientX,
+ "top": e.clientY,
+ "width": 0,
+ "height": 0
+ });
+ if (options.autoRefresh) {
+ this.refresh();
+ }
+ this.selectees.filter('.ui-selected').each(function() {
+ var selectee = $.data(this, "selectable-item");
+ selectee.startselected = true;
+ if (!e.ctrlKey) {
+ selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-selected');
+ selectee.selected = false;
+ selectee.$element.addClass('ui-unselecting');
+ selectee.unselecting = true;
+ // selectable UNSELECTING callback
+ self.element.triggerHandler("selectableunselecting", [e, {
+ selectable: self.element[0],
+ unselecting: selectee.element,
+ options: options
+ }], options.unselecting);
+ }
+ });
+ var isSelectee = false;
+ $(e.target).parents().andSelf().each(function() {
+ if($.data(this, "selectable-item")) isSelectee = true;
+ });
+ return this.options.keyboard ? !isSelectee : true;
+ },
+ mouseDrag: function(e) {
+ var self = this;
+ this.dragged = true;
+ if (this.options.disabled)
+ return;
+ var options = this.options;
+ var x1 = this.opos[0], y1 = this.opos[1], x2 = e.pageX, y2 = e.pageY;
+ if (x1 > x2) { var tmp = x2; x2 = x1; x1 = tmp; }
+ if (y1 > y2) { var tmp = y2; y2 = y1; y1 = tmp; }
+ this.helper.css({left: x1, top: y1, width: x2-x1, height: y2-y1});
+ this.selectees.each(function() {
+ var selectee = $.data(this, "selectable-item");
+ //prevent helper from being selected if appendTo: selectable
+ if (!selectee || selectee.element == self.element[0])
+ return;
+ var hit = false;
+ if (options.tolerance == 'touch') {
+ hit = ( !(selectee.left > x2 || selectee.right < x1 || selectee.top > y2 || selectee.bottom < y1) );
+ } else if (options.tolerance == 'fit') {
+ hit = (selectee.left > x1 && selectee.right < x2 && selectee.top > y1 && selectee.bottom < y2);
+ }
+ if (hit) {
+ if (selectee.selected) {
+ selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-selected');
+ selectee.selected = false;
+ }
+ if (selectee.unselecting) {
+ selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-unselecting');
+ selectee.unselecting = false;
+ }
+ if (!selectee.selecting) {
+ selectee.$element.addClass('ui-selecting');
+ selectee.selecting = true;
+ // selectable SELECTING callback
+ self.element.triggerHandler("selectableselecting", [e, {
+ selectable: self.element[0],
+ selecting: selectee.element,
+ options: options
+ }], options.selecting);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (selectee.selecting) {
+ if (e.ctrlKey && selectee.startselected) {
+ selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-selecting');
+ selectee.selecting = false;
+ selectee.$element.addClass('ui-selected');
+ selectee.selected = true;
+ } else {
+ selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-selecting');
+ selectee.selecting = false;
+ if (selectee.startselected) {
+ selectee.$element.addClass('ui-unselecting');
+ selectee.unselecting = true;
+ }
+ // selectable UNSELECTING callback
+ self.element.triggerHandler("selectableunselecting", [e, {
+ selectable: self.element[0],
+ unselecting: selectee.element,
+ options: options
+ }], options.unselecting);
+ }
+ }
+ if (selectee.selected) {
+ if (!e.ctrlKey && !selectee.startselected) {
+ selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-selected');
+ selectee.selected = false;
+ selectee.$element.addClass('ui-unselecting');
+ selectee.unselecting = true;
+ // selectable UNSELECTING callback
+ self.element.triggerHandler("selectableunselecting", [e, {
+ selectable: self.element[0],
+ unselecting: selectee.element,
+ options: options
+ }], options.unselecting);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return false;
+ },
+ mouseStop: function(e) {
+ var self = this;
+ this.dragged = false;
+ var options = this.options;
+ $('.ui-unselecting', this.element[0]).each(function() {
+ var selectee = $.data(this, "selectable-item");
+ selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-unselecting');
+ selectee.unselecting = false;
+ selectee.startselected = false;
+ self.element.triggerHandler("selectableunselected", [e, {
+ selectable: self.element[0],
+ unselected: selectee.element,
+ options: options
+ }], options.unselected);
+ });
+ $('.ui-selecting', this.element[0]).each(function() {
+ var selectee = $.data(this, "selectable-item");
+ selectee.$element.removeClass('ui-selecting').addClass('ui-selected');
+ selectee.selecting = false;
+ selectee.selected = true;
+ selectee.startselected = true;
+ self.element.triggerHandler("selectableselected", [e, {
+ selectable: self.element[0],
+ selected: selectee.element,
+ options: options
+ }], options.selected);
+ });
+ this.element.triggerHandler("selectablestop", [e, {
+ selectable: self.element[0],
+ options: this.options
+ }], this.options.stop);
+ this.helper.remove();
+ return false;
+ }
+$.extend($.ui.selectable, {
+ defaults: {
+ distance: 1,
+ delay: 0,
+ cancel: ":input",
+ appendTo: 'body',
+ autoRefresh: true,
+ filter: '*',
+ tolerance: 'touch'
+ }