path: root/profile.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 403 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/profile.php b/profile.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f3d63828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profile.php
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+ * profile.php is a part of PhpWebGallery *
+ * ------------------- *
+ * last update : Tuesday, July 16, 2002 *
+ * email : pierrick@z0rglub.com *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// customize appearance of the site for a user
+//----------------------------------------------------------- personnal include
+include_once( './include/init.inc.php' );
+//-------------------------------------------------- access authorization check
+if ( $user['is_the_guest'] )
+ echo '<div style="text-align:center;">'.$lang['only_members'].'<br />';
+ echo '<a href="./identification.php">'.$lang['ident_title'].'</a></div>';
+ exit();
+//-------------------------------------------------------------- initialization
+check_cat_id( $_GET['cat'] );
+//------------------------------------------------------ update & customization
+$infos = array( 'nb_image_line', 'nb_line_page', 'theme', 'language',
+ 'maxwidth', 'maxheight', 'expand', 'show_nb_comments',
+ 'short_period', 'long_period', 'template', 'mail_address' );
+// mise à jour dans la base de données des valeurs
+// des paramètres pour l'utilisateur courant
+// - on teste si chacune des variables est passée en argument à la page
+// - ce qui signifie que l'on doit venir de la page de personnalisation
+$error = array();
+if ( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) )
+ $i = 0;
+ if ( $_POST['maxwidth'] != '' )
+ {
+ if ( !ereg( "^[0-9]{2,}$", $_POST['maxwidth'] )
+ || $_POST['maxwidth'] < 50 )
+ {
+ $error[$i++] = $lang['err_maxwidth'];
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $_POST['maxheight'] != '' )
+ {
+ if ( !ereg( "^[0-9]{2,}$", $_POST['maxheight'] )
+ || $_POST['maxheight'] < 50 )
+ {
+ $error[$i++] = $lang['err_maxheight'];
+ }
+ }
+ // les période doivent être des entiers, il représentent des nombres de jours
+ if ( !ereg( "^[0-9]*$", $_POST['short_period'] )
+ || !ereg("^[0-9]*$", $_POST['long_period'] ) )
+ {
+ $error[$i++] = $lang['err_periods'];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // la période longue doit être supérieure à la période courte
+ if ( $_POST['long_period'] <= $_POST['short_period']
+ || $_POST['short_period'] <= 0 )
+ {
+ $error[$i++] = $lang['err_periods_2'];
+ }
+ }
+ // le mail doit être conforme à qqch du type : nom@serveur.com
+ if( $_POST['mail_address'] != ""
+ && !ereg( "([_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)+)",
+ $_POST['mail_address'] ) )
+ {
+ $error[$i++] = $lang['reg_err_mail_address'];
+ }
+ if ( $_POST['use_new_pwd'] == 1 )
+ {
+ // on vérifie que le password rentré correspond bien
+ // à la confirmation faite par l'utilisateur
+ if ( $_POST['password'] != $_POST['passwordConf'] )
+ {
+ $error[$i++] = $lang['reg_err_pass'];
+ }
+ }
+ if ( sizeof( $error ) == 0 )
+ {
+ $tab_theme = explode( ' - ', $_POST['theme'] );
+ $_POST['theme'] = $tab_theme[0].'/'.$tab_theme[1];
+ $query = 'update '.$prefixeTable.'users';
+ $query.= ' set';
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $infos ); $i++ )
+ {
+ if ( $i > 0 )
+ {
+ $query.= ',';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $query.= ' ';
+ }
+ $query.= $infos[$i];
+ $query.= ' = ';
+ if ( $_POST[$infos[$i]] == '' )
+ {
+ $query.= 'NULL';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $query.= "'".$_POST[$infos[$i]]."'";
+ }
+ }
+ $query.= ' where id = '.$user['id'];
+ $query.= ';';
+ mysql_query( $query );
+ if ( $_POST['use_new_pwd'] == 1 )
+ {
+ $query = 'update '.$prefixeTable.'users';
+ $query.= " set password = '".md5( $_POST['password'] )."'";
+ $query.= ' where id = '.$user['id'];
+ $query.= ';';
+ mysql_query( $query );
+ echo '<br />'.$query;
+ }
+ // redirection
+ $url = 'category.php?cat='.$page['cat'].'&expand='.$_GET['expand'];
+ if ( $page['cat'] == 'search' )
+ {
+ $url.= '&search='.$_GET['search'];
+ }
+ $url = add_session_id( $url, true );
+ header( 'Request-URI: '.$url );
+ header( 'Content-Location: '.$url );
+ header( 'Location: '.$url );
+ exit();
+ }
+//----------------------------------------------------- template initialization
+$vtp = new VTemplate;
+$handle = $vtp->Open( './template/'.$user['template'].'/profile.vtp' );
+// language
+$vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'customize_page_title',
+ $lang['customize_page_title'] );
+$vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'customize_title', $lang['customize_title'] );
+$vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'password', $lang['password'] );
+$vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'new', $lang['new'] );
+$vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'reg_confirm', $lang['reg_confirm'] );
+$vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'submit', $lang['submit'] );
+// user
+$vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'page_style', $user['style'] );
+// structure
+$vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'frame_start', get_frame_start() );
+$vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'frame_begin', get_frame_begin() );
+$vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'frame_end', get_frame_end() );
+//----------------------------------------------------------------- form action
+$url = './profile.php?cat='.$page['cat'].'&amp;expand='.$page['expand'];
+if ( $page['cat'] == 'search' )
+ $url.= '&amp;search='.$_GET['search'];
+$vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'form_action', add_session_id( $url ) );
+//-------------------------------------------------------------- errors display
+if ( sizeof( $error ) != 0 )
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'errors' );
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $error ); $i++ )
+ {
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'li' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'li.li', $error[$i] );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'li' );
+ }
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'errors' );
+//---------------------------------------------------- number of images per row
+if ( in_array( 'nb_image_line', $infos ) )
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['customize_nb_image_per_row'] );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'select' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'select.name', 'nb_image_line' );
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $conf['nb_image_row'] ); $i++ )
+ {
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'option' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'option.option', $conf['nb_image_row'][$i] );
+ if ( $conf['nb_image_row'][$i] == $user['nb_image_line'] )
+ {
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'option.selected', ' selected="selected"' );
+ }
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'option' );
+ }
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'select' );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' );
+//------------------------------------------------------ number of row per page
+if ( in_array( 'nb_line_page', $infos ) )
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['customize_nb_row_per_page'] );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'select' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'select.name', 'nb_line_page' );
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $conf['nb_row_page'] ); $i++ )
+ {
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'option' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'option.option', $conf['nb_row_page'][$i] );
+ if ( $conf['nb_row_page'][$i] == $user['nb_line_page'] )
+ {
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'option.selected', ' selected="selected"' );
+ }
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'option' );
+ }
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'select' );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' );
+//-------------------------------------------------------------------- template
+if ( in_array( 'template', $infos ) )
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['customize_template'] );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'select' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'select.name', 'template' );
+ $option = get_dirs( './template/' );
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $option ); $i++ )
+ {
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'option' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'option.option', $option[$i] );
+ if ( $option[$i] == $user['template'] )
+ {
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'option.selected', ' selected="selected"' );
+ }
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'option' );
+ }
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'select' );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' );
+//----------------------------------------------------------------------- theme
+if ( in_array( 'theme', $infos ) )
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['customize_theme'] );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'select' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'select.name', 'theme' );
+ $option = get_themes( './theme/' );
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $option ); $i++ )
+ {
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'option' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'option.option', $option[$i] );
+ if ( $option[$i] == str_replace( '/', ' - ', $user['theme'] ) )
+ {
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'option.selected', ' selected="selected"' );
+ }
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'option' );
+ }
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'select' );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' );
+//-------------------------------------------------------------------- language
+if ( in_array( 'language', $infos ) )
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['customize_language'] );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'select' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'select.name', 'language' );
+ $option = get_languages( './language/' );
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $option ); $i++ )
+ {
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'option' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'option.option', $option[$i] );
+ if( $option[$i] == $user['language'] )
+ {
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'option.selected', ' selected="selected"' );
+ }
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'option' );
+ }
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'select' );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' );
+//---------------------------------------------------------------- short period
+if ( in_array( 'short_period', $infos ) )
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['customize_short_period'] );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'text' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'text.name', 'short_period' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'text.value', $user['short_period'] );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'text' );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' );
+//----------------------------------------------------------------- long period
+if ( in_array( 'long_period', $infos ) )
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['customize_long_period'] );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'text' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'text.name', 'long_period' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'text.value', $user['long_period'] );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'text' );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' );
+//--------------------------------------------------------- max displayed width
+if ( in_array( 'maxwidth', $infos ) )
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['maxwidth'] );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'text' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'text.name', 'maxwidth' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'text.value', $user['maxwidth'] );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'text' );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' );
+//-------------------------------------------------------- max displayed height
+if ( in_array( 'maxheight', $infos ) )
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['maxheight'] );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'text' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'text.name', 'maxheight' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'text.value', $user['maxheight'] );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'text' );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' );
+//---------------------------------------------------------------- mail address
+if ( in_array( 'mail_address', $infos ) )
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['reg_mail_address'] );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'text' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'text.name', 'mail_address' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'text.value', $user['mail_address'] );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'text' );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' );
+//----------------------------------------------------- expand all categories ?
+if ( in_array( 'expand', $infos ) )
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['customize_expand'] );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'group' );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'radio' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.name', 'expand' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.value', 'true' );
+ $checked = '';
+ if ( $user['expand'] )
+ {
+ $checked = ' checked="checked"';
+ }
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.checked', $checked );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.option', $lang['yes'] );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'radio' );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'radio' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.name', 'expand' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.value', 'false' );
+ $checked = '';
+ if ( !$user['expand'] )
+ {
+ $checked = ' checked="checked"';
+ }
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.checked', $checked );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.option', $lang['no'] );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'radio' );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'group' );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' );
+//---------------------------------- show number of comments on thumbnails page
+if ( in_array( 'show_nb_comments', $infos ) )
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'line' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'line.name', $lang['customize_show_nb_comments'] );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'group' );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'radio' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.name', 'show_nb_comments' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.value', 'true' );
+ $checked = '';
+ if ( $user['show_nb_comments'] )
+ {
+ $checked = ' checked="checked"';
+ }
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.checked', $checked );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.option', $lang['yes'] );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'radio' );
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'radio' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.name', 'show_nb_comments' );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.value', 'false' );
+ $checked = '';
+ if ( !$user['show_nb_comments'] )
+ {
+ $checked = ' checked="checked"';
+ }
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.checked', $checked );
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'radio.option', $lang['no'] );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'radio' );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'group' );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'line' );
+//----------------------------------------------------------- html code display
+$code = $vtp->Display( $handle, 0 );
+echo $code;
+?> \ No newline at end of file