path: root/picture.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/picture.php b/picture.php
index 23fbcb23b..56bd461b2 100644
--- a/picture.php
+++ b/picture.php
@@ -540,46 +540,72 @@ if ( $conf['show_comments'] )
// comment registeration
if ( isset( $_POST['content'] ) and $_POST['content'] != '' )
- $author = $user['username'];
- if ( $_POST['author'] != '' ) $author = $_POST['author'];
+ $register_comment = true;
- // anti-flood system
- $reference_date = time() - $conf['anti-flood_time'];
- $query = 'SELECT id';
- $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'comments';
- $query.= ' WHERE date > '.$reference_date;
- $query.= " AND author = '".$author."'";
- $query.= ';';
- if ( mysql_num_rows( mysql_query( $query ) ) == 0
- or $conf['anti-flood_time'] == 0 )
+ if ( !$user['is_the_guest'] ) $author = $user['username'];
+ if ( $_POST['author'] != '' ) $author = $_POST['author'];
+ // if a guest try to use the name of an already existing user, he must
+ // be rejected
+ if ( isset( $author ) and $author != $user['username'] )
- $query = 'INSERT INTO '.PREFIX_TABLE.'comments';
- $query.= ' (author,date,image_id,content,validated) VALUES';
- $query.= " ('".$author."',".time().",".$page['id'];
- $query.= ",'".htmlspecialchars( $_POST['content'], ENT_QUOTES)."'";
- if ( !$conf['comments_validation'] or $user['status'] == 'admin' )
- $query.= ",'true'";
- else
- $query.= ",'false'";
- $query.= ');';
- mysql_query( $query );
- // information message
- $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'information' );
- $message = $lang['comment_added'];
- if ( $conf['comments_validation'] and $user['status'] != 'admin' )
+ $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS user_exists';
+ $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'users';
+ $query.= " WHERE username = '".$author."'";
+ $query.= ';';
+ $row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
+ if ( $row['user_exists'] == 1 )
- $message.= '<br />'.$lang['comment_to_validate'];
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'information' );
+ $message = $lang['comment_user_exists'];
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'information.content', $message );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'information' );
+ $register_comment = false;
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'information.content', $message );
- $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'information' );
- else
+ if ( $register_comment )
- // information message
- $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'information' );
- $message = $lang['comment_anti-flood'];
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'information.content', $message );
- $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'information' );
+ // anti-flood system
+ $reference_date = time() - $conf['anti-flood_time'];
+ $query = 'SELECT id';
+ $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'comments';
+ $query.= ' WHERE date > '.$reference_date;
+ $query.= " AND author = '".$author."'";
+ $query.= ';';
+ if ( mysql_num_rows( mysql_query( $query ) ) == 0
+ or $conf['anti-flood_time'] == 0 )
+ {
+ $query = 'INSERT INTO '.PREFIX_TABLE.'comments';
+ $query.= ' (author,date,image_id,content,validated) VALUES';
+ $query.= ' (';
+ if ( !isset( $author ) ) $query.= 'NULL';
+ else $query.= "'".$author."'";
+ $query.= ','.time().','.$page['id'];
+ $query.= ",'".htmlspecialchars( $_POST['content'], ENT_QUOTES)."'";
+ if ( !$conf['comments_validation'] or $user['status'] == 'admin' )
+ $query.= ",'true'";
+ else
+ $query.= ",'false'";
+ $query.= ');';
+ mysql_query( $query );
+ // information message
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'information' );
+ $message = $lang['comment_added'];
+ if ( $conf['comments_validation'] and $user['status'] != 'admin' )
+ {
+ $message.= '<br />'.$lang['comment_to_validate'];
+ }
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'information.content', $message );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'information' );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // information message
+ $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'information' );
+ $message = $lang['comment_anti-flood'];
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'information.content', $message );
+ $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'information' );
+ }
// comment deletion
@@ -635,7 +661,9 @@ if ( $conf['show_comments'] )
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
$vtp->addSession( $handle, 'comment' );
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'comment.author', $row['author'] );
+ $author = $row['author'];
+ if ( $row['author'] == '' ) $author = $lang['guest'];
+ $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'comment.author', $author );
$vtp->setVar( $handle, 'comment.date',
format_date( $row['date'], 'unix', true ) );
$vtp->setVar( $handle, 'comment.content', nl2br( $row['content'] ) );