path: root/language/zh_CN
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 59 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/language/zh_CN/admin.lang.php b/language/zh_CN/admin.lang.php
index 7ac49760b..999431c2d 100644
--- a/language/zh_CN/admin.lang.php
+++ b/language/zh_CN/admin.lang.php
@@ -786,4 +786,57 @@ $lang['No results'] = '没有结果';
$lang['Searching...'] = '搜索中...';
$lang['Type in a search term'] = '输入搜索关键字';
$lang['display'] = '显示';
+$lang['Average rate'] = "平均分";
+$lang['Rate'] = "比率";
+$lang['Activate icon "new" next to albums and pictures'] = '激活相册和图片旁边的"新建"图标';
+$lang['Add a criteria'] = '添加一个条件';
+$lang['Compact'] = '简洁';
+$lang['Complete'] = '完整';
+$lang['Deactivate all'] = '解除所有';
+$lang['Default photos order'] = '默认相片排序';
+$lang['Restore'] = '恢复';
+$lang['Restore default configuration. You will lose your plugin settings!'] = '恢复默认的配置,你将失去插件的配置!';
+$lang['You can\'t define a default photo order because you have a custom setting in your local configuration.'] = '你不能设置默认相片的排序,因为你已在本地配置文件里有自定义设置';
+$lang['You have specified <i>$conf[\'order_by\']</i> in your local configuration file, this parameter in deprecated, please remove it or rename it into <i>$conf[\'order_by_custom\']</i> !'] = '你已在本地配置文件里定义了 <i>$conf[\'order_by\']</i> , 此参数已不再使用了, 请在 <i>$conf[\'order_by_custom\']</i> 里移除或者改名 !';
+$lang['Regenerate Thumbnails'] = '重新生成缩略图';
+$lang['Regenerate Websize Photos'] = '重新生成网络相片尺寸';
+$lang['Thumbnails generation in progress...'] = '正在生成缩略图...';
+$lang['Photos generation in progress...'] = '正在生成相片...';
+$lang['%s thumbnails have been regenerated'] = '%s 缩略图已被生成';
+$lang['%s thumbnails can not be regenerated'] = '%s 缩略图不能被生成';
+$lang['%s photos have been regenerated'] = '%s 相片已被生成';
+$lang['%s photos can not be regenerated'] = '%s 相片不能被生成';
+$lang['Only photos with HD can be regenerated!'] = '只有高清相片才可被生成!';
+$lang['Update in progress... Please wait.'] = '正在更新... 请稍等.';
+$lang['Ignore this update'] = '忽略此更新';
+$lang['Reset ignored updates'] = '重置忽略更新';
+$lang['Update All'] = '更新所有';
+$lang['ERROR'] = '错误';
+$lang['Update Complete'] = '更新完毕';
+$lang['Piwigo Update'] = 'Piwigo 更新';
+$lang['Extensions Update'] = '扩展更新';
+$lang['All extensions are up to date.'] = '所有扩展已更新.';
+$lang['Following plugins may not be compatible with the new version of Piwigo:'] = '以下插件可能与新版 Piwigo 不兼容:';
+$lang['Following themes may not be compatible with the new version of Piwigo:'] = '以下主题可能与新版 Piwigo 不兼容:';
+$lang['I decide to update anyway'] = '不管怎样,我决定更新';
+$lang['Update to Piwigo %s'] = '更新到 Piwigo %s';
+$lang['Two updates are available'] = '有2个可用更新';
+$lang['This is a minor update, with only bug corrections.'] = '这是一个次要更新,只是对错误的修正.';
+$lang['This is a major update, with <a href="%s">new exciting features</a>.'] = '这是一个重大更新, 和 <a href="%s">令人兴奋的新功能</a>.';
+$lang['Some themes and plugins may be not available yet.'] = '一些主题和插件可能还不能使用.';
+$lang['You can update to Piwigo %s directly, without upgrading to Piwigo %s (recommended).'] = '你可以直接更新到 Piwigo %s, 不需先更新到 Piwigo %s (推荐).';
+$lang['Save Template Directory'] = '保存到模板目录';
+$lang['Dump Database'] = '转存数据库';
+$lang['Include history data (Warning: server memory limit may be exceeded)'] = '包括历史数据(注意:可能会超过服务器内存限制)';
+$lang['Unable to write new local directory.'] = '不能写入本地目录.';
+$lang['Unable to send template directory.'] = '不能发送模板目录.';
+$lang['Unable to dump database.'] = '不能转存数据库.';
+$lang['Some upgrades are available for extensions.'] = '一些可用的扩展更新.';
+$lang['Ignore All'] = '忽略所有';
+$lang['Width'] = '宽度';
+$lang['Height'] = '高度';
+$lang['Follow Orientation'] = '按照方向';
+$lang['If you want to regenerate thumbnails, please go to the <a href="%s">Batch Manager</a>.'] = '如果你想重新生成缩略图,请到 <a href="%s">批量管理</a>.';
+$lang['Graphics Library'] = '图形库';
?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/language/zh_CN/common.lang.php b/language/zh_CN/common.lang.php
index 2c804c3cb..d251ff33b 100644
--- a/language/zh_CN/common.lang.php
+++ b/language/zh_CN/common.lang.php
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ $lang_info['code'] = "zh_CN";
$lang_info['zero_plural'] = "1";
-$lang['%.2f (rated %d times)'] = "%.2f (已投票 %d 次)";
$lang['%d Kb'] = "%d Kb";
$lang['%d album updated'] = "%d 个相册已更新";
$lang['%d albums updated'] = "%d 个相册已更新";
@@ -58,7 +57,6 @@ $lang['Any tag'] = "任何标签";
$lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = "至少要有一个已列出的规则被满足。";
$lang['At least one tag must match'] = "必须至少匹配一个标签。";
$lang['Author'] = "作者";
-$lang['Average rate'] = "平均分";
$lang['Albums'] = "相册";
$lang['Album'] = "相册";
$lang['Close this window'] = "关闭此窗口";
@@ -105,7 +103,6 @@ $lang['Posted on'] = "发布于";
$lang['Profile'] = "档案";
$lang['Quick connect'] = "快速链接";
$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS流';
-$lang['Rate'] = "比率";
$lang['Register'] = "注册";
$lang['Registration'] = "注册";
$lang['Related tags'] = "相关标签";
@@ -356,4 +353,10 @@ $lang['This author removed the comment with id %d'] = '这个作者以 id %d 删
$lang['delete this comment'] = "删除这个意见";
$lang['validate this comment'] = '确认这个意见';
$lang['html tags are not allowed in login'] = '登录名中不允许使用html标签';
+$lang['%d rates'] = '%d 评分';
+$lang['Rating score'] = '评价得分';
+$lang['The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar'] = '每页相片数量必须大于0';
+$lang['Number of photos per page'] = '每页相片数量';
+$lang['display photos linked to this tag'] = '在此标签上显示相片链接';
?> \ No newline at end of file