path: root/install
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/install/config.sql b/install/config.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e870c8d06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/config.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+-- initial configuration for PhpWebGallery
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('prefix_thumbnail','TN-','thumbnails filename prefix');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('webmaster','','webmaster login');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('mail_webmaster','','webmaster mail');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('access','free','access type to your gallery (free|restricted)');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('session_id_size','4','length of session identifiers');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('session_keyword','','improves the encoding of the session identifier');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('session_time','30','number of minutes for validity of sessions');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('max_user_listbox','10','maximum number of users for displaying a listbox on identification page');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('show_comments','true','display the users comments');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('nb_comment_page','10','number of comments to display on each page');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('upload_available','false','authorizing the upload of pictures by users');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('upload_maxfilesize','150','maximum filesize for the uploaded pictures');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('upload_maxwidth','800','maximum width authorized for the uploaded images');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('upload_maxheight','600','maximum height authorized for the uploaded images');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('upload_maxwidth_thumbnail','150','maximum width authorized for the uploaded thumbnails');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('upload_maxheight_thumbnail','100','maximum height authorized for the uploaded thumbnails');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('log','false','keep an history of visits on your website');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('comments_validation','false','administrators validate users comments before becoming visible');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('comments_forall','false','even guest not registered can post comments');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('authorize_cookies','false','users can create cookies');
+INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_config (param,value,comment) VALUES ('mail_notification','false','automated mail notification for adminsitrators');
diff --git a/install/dbscheme.txt b/install/dbscheme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ccd54e9c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/dbscheme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+table categories
+table comments
+table config
+table favorites
+table group_access
+table groups
+table history
+table image_category
+table images
+table sessions
+table sites
+table user_access
+table user_category
+table user_group
+table users
+table waiting
+column id categories smallint(5) unsigned
+column date_last categories date
+column nb_images categories mediumint(8) unsigned
+column name categories varchar(255)
+column id_uppercat categories smallint(5) unsigned
+column comment categories text
+column dir categories varchar(255)
+column rank categories tinyint(3) unsigned
+column status categories enum('public','private')
+column site_id categories tinyint(4) unsigned
+column visible categories enum('true','false')
+column uploadable categories enum('true','false')
+column representative_picture_id categories mediumint(8) unsigned
+column uppercats categories varchar(255)
+column id comments int(11) unsigned
+column image_id comments mediumint(8) unsigned
+column date comments int(11) unsigned
+column author comments varchar(255)
+column content comments longtext
+column validated comments enum('true','false')
+column param config varchar(40)
+column value config varchar(255)
+column comment config varchar(255)
+column user_id favorites smallint(5) unsigned
+column image_id favorites mediumint(8) unsigned
+column group_id group_access smallint(5) unsigned
+column cat_id group_access smallint(5) unsigned
+column id groups smallint(5) unsigned
+column name groups varchar(255)
+column date history int(11)
+column login history varchar(15)
+column IP history varchar(50)
+column category history varchar(150)
+column file history varchar(50)
+column picture history varchar(150)
+column image_id image_category mediumint(8) unsigned
+column category_id image_category smallint(5) unsigned
+column id images mediumint(8) unsigned
+column file images varchar(255)
+column date_available images date
+column date_creation images date
+column tn_ext images char(3)
+column name images varchar(255)
+column comment images text
+column author images varchar(255)
+column hit images int(10) unsigned
+column filesize images mediumint(9) unsigned
+column width images smallint(9) unsigned
+column height images smallint(9) unsigned
+column keywords images varchar(255)
+column storage_category_id images smallint(5) unsigned
+column id sessions varchar(255) binary
+column user_id sessions smallint(5) unsigned
+column expiration sessions int(10) unsigned
+column ip sessions varchar(255)
+column id sites tinyint(4)
+column galleries_url sites varchar(255)
+column user_id user_access smallint(5) unsigned
+column cat_id user_access smallint(5) unsigned
+column user_id user_category smallint(5) unsigned
+column category_id user_category smallint(5) unsigned
+column date_last user_category date
+column nb_sub_categories user_category smallint(5) unsigned
+column user_id user_group smallint(5) unsigned
+column group_id user_group smallint(5) unsigned
+column id users smallint(5) unsigned
+column username users varchar(20) binary
+column password users varchar(255)
+column mail_address users varchar(255)
+column nb_image_line users tinyint(1) unsigned
+column nb_line_page users tinyint(3) unsigned
+column status users enum('admin','guest')
+column language users varchar(50)
+column maxwidth users smallint(6)
+column maxheight users smallint(6)
+column expand users enum('true','false')
+column show_nb_comments users enum('true','false')
+column short_period users tinyint(3) unsigned
+column long_period users tinyint(3) unsigned
+column template users varchar(255)
+column forbidden_categories users text
+column id waiting int(10) unsigned
+column storage_category_id waiting smallint(5) unsigned
+column file waiting varchar(255)
+column username waiting varchar(255)
+column mail_address waiting varchar(255)
+column date waiting int(10) unsigned
+column tn_ext waiting char(3)
+column validated waiting enum('true','false')
+column infos waiting text
+pk id categories
+pk id comments
+pk param config
+pk user_id favorites
+pk image_id favorites
+pk group_id group_access
+pk cat_id group_access
+pk id groups
+pk image_id image_category
+pk category_id image_category
+pk id images
+pk id sessions
+pk id sites
+pk user_id user_access
+pk cat_id user_access
+pk user_id user_category
+pk category_id user_category
+pk group_id user_group
+pk user_id user_group
+pk id users
+pk id waiting
+index categories_i1 categories id
+index categories_i2 categories id_uppercat
+index image_category_i1 image_category image_id
+index image_category_i2 image_category category_id
+index storage_category_id images storage_category_id
+index sites_ui1 sites galleries_url
+index users_ui1 users username