path: root/BSF/admin/include/functions_notification_by_mail.inc.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'BSF/admin/include/functions_notification_by_mail.inc.php')
1 files changed, 522 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/BSF/admin/include/functions_notification_by_mail.inc.php b/BSF/admin/include/functions_notification_by_mail.inc.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7c9f1942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BSF/admin/include/functions_notification_by_mail.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Piwigo - a PHP based picture gallery |
+// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Copyright(C) 2008 Piwigo Team http://piwigo.org |
+// | Copyright(C) 2003-2008 PhpWebGallery Team http://phpwebgallery.net |
+// | Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL http://le-gall.net/pierrick |
+// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
+// | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
+// | the Free Software Foundation |
+// | |
+// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
+// | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
+// | General Public License for more details. |
+// | |
+// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
+// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
+// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, |
+// | USA. |
+// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+/* nbm_global_var */
+$env_nbm = array
+ (
+ 'start_time' => get_moment(),
+ 'sendmail_timeout' => (intval(ini_get('max_execution_time')) * $conf['nbm_max_treatment_timeout_percent']),
+ 'is_sendmail_timeout' => false
+ );
+ (
+ (!isset($env_nbm['sendmail_timeout'])) or
+ (!is_numeric($env_nbm['sendmail_timeout'])) or
+ ($env_nbm['sendmail_timeout'] <= 0)
+ )
+ $env_nbm['sendmail_timeout'] = $conf['nbm_treatment_timeout_default'];
+ * Search an available check_key
+ *
+ * It's a copy of function find_available_feed_id
+ *
+ * @return string nbm identifier
+ */
+function find_available_check_key()
+ while (true)
+ {
+ $key = generate_key(16);
+ $query = '
+ count(*)
+ check_key = \''.$key.'\';';
+ list($count) = mysql_fetch_row(pwg_query($query));
+ if ($count == 0)
+ {
+ return $key;
+ }
+ }
+ * Check sendmail timeout state
+ *
+ * @return true, if it's timeout
+ */
+function check_sendmail_timeout()
+ global $env_nbm;
+ $env_nbm['is_sendmail_timeout'] = ((get_moment() - $env_nbm['start_time']) > $env_nbm['sendmail_timeout']);
+ return $env_nbm['is_sendmail_timeout'];
+ * Add quote to all elements of check_key_list
+ *
+ * @return quoted check key list
+ */
+function quote_check_key_list($check_key_list = array())
+ return array_map(create_function('$s', 'return \'\\\'\'.$s.\'\\\'\';'), $check_key_list);
+ * Execute all main queries to get list of user
+ *
+ * Type are the type of list 'subscribe', 'send'
+ *
+ * return array of users
+ */
+function get_user_notifications($action, $check_key_list = array(), $enabled_filter_value = '')
+ global $conf;
+ $data_users = array();
+ if (in_array($action, array('subscribe', 'send')))
+ {
+ $quoted_check_key_list = quote_check_key_list($check_key_list);
+ if (count($quoted_check_key_list) != 0 )
+ {
+ $query_and_check_key = ' and
+ check_key in ('.implode(",", $quoted_check_key_list).') ';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $query_and_check_key = '';
+ }
+ $query = '
+ N.user_id,
+ N.check_key,
+ U.'.$conf['user_fields']['username'].' as username,
+ U.'.$conf['user_fields']['email'].' as mail_address,
+ N.enabled,
+ N.last_send
+ '.USERS_TABLE.' as U
+ N.user_id = U.'.$conf['user_fields']['id'];
+ if ($action == 'send')
+ {
+ // No mail empty and all users enabled
+ $query .= ' and
+ N.enabled = \'true\' and
+ U.'.$conf['user_fields']['email'].' is not null';
+ }
+ $query .= $query_and_check_key;
+ if (isset($enabled_filter_value) and ($enabled_filter_value != ''))
+ {
+ $query .= ' and
+ N.enabled = \''.boolean_to_string($enabled_filter_value).'\'';
+ }
+ $query .= '
+order by';
+ if ($action == 'send')
+ {
+ $query .= '
+ last_send, username;';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $query .= '
+ username;';
+ }
+ $query .= ';';
+ $result = pwg_query($query);
+ if (!empty($result))
+ {
+ while ($nbm_user = mysql_fetch_array($result))
+ {
+ array_push($data_users, $nbm_user);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $data_users;
+ * Begin of use nbm environment
+ * Prepare and save current environment and initialize data in order to send mail
+ *
+ * Return none
+ */
+function begin_users_env_nbm($is_to_send_mail = false)
+ global $user, $lang, $lang_info, $conf, $env_nbm;
+ // Save $user, $lang_info and $lang arrays (include/user.inc.php has been executed)
+ $env_nbm['save_user'] = $user;
+ // Save current language to stack, necessary because $user change during NBM
+ switch_lang_to($user['language']);
+ $env_nbm['is_to_send_mail'] = $is_to_send_mail;
+ if ($is_to_send_mail)
+ {
+ // Init mail configuration
+ $env_nbm['email_format'] = get_str_email_format($conf['nbm_send_html_mail']);
+ $env_nbm['send_as_name'] = ((isset($conf['nbm_send_mail_as']) and !empty($conf['nbm_send_mail_as'])) ? $conf['nbm_send_mail_as'] : get_mail_sender_name());
+ $env_nbm['send_as_mail_address'] = get_webmaster_mail_address();
+ $env_nbm['send_as_mail_formated'] = format_email($env_nbm['send_as_name'], $env_nbm['send_as_mail_address']);
+ // Init mail counter
+ $env_nbm['error_on_mail_count'] = 0;
+ $env_nbm['sent_mail_count'] = 0;
+ // Save sendmail message info and error in the original language
+ $env_nbm['msg_info'] = l10n('nbm_msg_mail_sent_to');
+ $env_nbm['msg_error'] = l10n('nbm_msg_error_sending_email_to');
+ }
+ * End of use nbm environment
+ * Restore environment
+ *
+ * Return none
+ */
+function end_users_env_nbm()
+ global $user, $lang, $lang_info, $env_nbm;
+ // Restore $user, $lang_info and $lang arrays (include/user.inc.php has been executed)
+ $user = $env_nbm['save_user'];
+ // Restore current language to stack, necessary because $user change during NBM
+ switch_lang_back();
+ if ($env_nbm['is_to_send_mail'])
+ {
+ unset($env_nbm['email_format']);
+ unset($env_nbm['send_as_name']);
+ unset($env_nbm['send_as_mail_address']);
+ unset($env_nbm['send_as_mail_formated']);
+ // Don t unset counter
+ //unset($env_nbm['error_on_mail_count']);
+ //unset($env_nbm['sent_mail_count']);
+ unset($env_nbm['msg_info']);
+ unset($env_nbm['msg_error']);
+ }
+ unset($env_nbm['save_user']);
+ unset($env_nbm['is_to_send_mail']);
+ * Set user on nbm enviromnent
+ *
+ * Return none
+ */
+function set_user_on_env_nbm(&$nbm_user, $is_action_send)
+ global $user, $lang, $lang_info, $env_nbm;
+ $user = build_user( $nbm_user['user_id'], true );
+ switch_lang_to($user['language']);
+ if ($is_action_send)
+ {
+ $nbm_user['template'] = $user['template'];
+ $nbm_user['theme'] = $user['theme'];
+ $env_nbm['mail_template'] =
+ get_mail_template($env_nbm['email_format'],
+ array('template' => $nbm_user['template'], 'theme' => $nbm_user['theme']));
+ $env_nbm['mail_template']->set_filename('notification_by_mail', 'admin/notification_by_mail.tpl');
+ }
+ * Unset user on nbm enviromnent
+ *
+ * Return none
+ */
+function unset_user_on_env_nbm()
+ global $env_nbm;
+ switch_lang_back();
+ unset($env_nbm['mail_template']);
+ * Inc Counter success
+ *
+ * Return none
+ */
+function inc_mail_sent_success($nbm_user)
+ global $page, $env_nbm;
+ $env_nbm['sent_mail_count'] += 1;
+ array_push($page['infos'], sprintf($env_nbm['msg_info'], $nbm_user['username'], $nbm_user['mail_address']));
+ * Inc Counter failed
+ *
+ * Return none
+ */
+function inc_mail_sent_failed($nbm_user)
+ global $page, $env_nbm;
+ $env_nbm['error_on_mail_count'] += 1;
+ array_push($page['errors'], sprintf($env_nbm['msg_error'], $nbm_user['username'], $nbm_user['mail_address']));
+ * Display Counter Info
+ *
+ * Return none
+ */
+function display_counter_info()
+ global $page, $env_nbm;
+ if ($env_nbm['error_on_mail_count'] != 0)
+ {
+ array_push($page['errors'], l10n_dec('nbm_msg_n_mail_not_send', 'nbm_msg_n_mails_not_send', $env_nbm['error_on_mail_count']));
+ if ($env_nbm['sent_mail_count'] != 0)
+ array_push($page['infos'], l10n_dec('nbm_msg_n_mail_sent', 'nbm_msg_n_mails_sent', $env_nbm['sent_mail_count']));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($env_nbm['sent_mail_count'] == 0)
+ array_push($page['infos'], l10n('nbm_no_mail_to_send'));
+ else
+ array_push($page['infos'], l10n_dec('nbm_msg_n_mail_sent', 'nbm_msg_n_mails_sent', $env_nbm['sent_mail_count']));
+ }
+function assign_vars_nbm_mail_content($nbm_user)
+ global $env_nbm;
+ set_make_full_url();
+ $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign
+ (
+ array
+ (
+ 'USERNAME' => $nbm_user['username'],
+ 'SEND_AS_NAME' => $env_nbm['send_as_name'],
+ 'UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK' => add_url_params(get_root_url().'nbm.php', array('unsubscribe' => $nbm_user['check_key'])),
+ 'SUBSCRIBE_LINK' => add_url_params(get_root_url().'nbm.php', array('subscribe' => $nbm_user['check_key'])),
+ 'CONTACT_EMAIL' => $env_nbm['send_as_mail_address']
+ )
+ );
+ unset_make_full_url();
+ * Subscribe or unsubscribe notification by mail
+ *
+ * is_subscribe define if action=subscribe or unsubscribe
+ * check_key list where action will be done
+ *
+ * @return check_key list treated
+ */
+function do_subscribe_unsubscribe_notification_by_mail($is_admin_request, $is_subscribe = false, $check_key_list = array())
+ global $conf, $page, $env_nbm, $conf;
+ $check_key_treated = array();
+ $updated_data_count = 0;
+ $error_on_updated_data_count = 0;
+ if ($is_subscribe)
+ {
+ $msg_info = l10n('nbm_user_change_enabled_true');
+ $msg_error = l10n('nbm_user_not_change_enabled_true');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $msg_info = l10n('nbm_user_change_enabled_false');
+ $msg_error = l10n('nbm_user_not_change_enabled_false');
+ }
+ if (count($check_key_list) != 0)
+ {
+ $updates = array();
+ $enabled_value = boolean_to_string($is_subscribe);
+ $data_users = get_user_notifications('subscribe', $check_key_list, !$is_subscribe);
+ // Prepare message after change language
+ $msg_break_timeout = l10n('nbm_break_timeout_send_mail');
+ // Begin nbm users environment
+ begin_users_env_nbm(true);
+ foreach ($data_users as $nbm_user)
+ {
+ if (check_sendmail_timeout())
+ {
+ // Stop fill list on 'send', if the quota is override
+ array_push($page['errors'], $msg_break_timeout);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Fill return list
+ array_push($check_key_treated, $nbm_user['check_key']);
+ $do_update = true;
+ if ($nbm_user['mail_address'] != '')
+ {
+ // set env nbm user
+ set_user_on_env_nbm($nbm_user, true);
+ $subject = '['.$conf['gallery_title'].']: '.($is_subscribe ? l10n('nbm_object_subscribe'): l10n('nbm_object_unsubscribe'));
+ // Assign current var for nbm mail
+ assign_vars_nbm_mail_content($nbm_user);
+ $section_action_by = ($is_subscribe ? 'subscribe_by_' : 'unsubscribe_by_');
+ $section_action_by .= ($is_admin_request ? 'admin' : 'himself');
+ $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign( $section_action_by, true );
+ if (pwg_mail
+ (
+ format_email($nbm_user['username'], $nbm_user['mail_address']),
+ array
+ (
+ 'from' => $env_nbm['send_as_mail_formated'],
+ 'subject' => $subject,
+ 'email_format' => $env_nbm['email_format'],
+ 'content' => $env_nbm['mail_template']->parse('notification_by_mail', true),
+ 'content_format' => $env_nbm['email_format'],
+ 'template' => $nbm_user['template'],
+ 'theme' => $nbm_user['theme']
+ )
+ ))
+ {
+ inc_mail_sent_success($nbm_user);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ inc_mail_sent_failed($nbm_user);
+ $do_update = false;
+ }
+ // unset env nbm user
+ unset_user_on_env_nbm();
+ }
+ if ($do_update)
+ {
+ array_push
+ (
+ $updates,
+ array
+ (
+ 'check_key' => $nbm_user['check_key'],
+ 'enabled' => $enabled_value
+ )
+ );
+ $updated_data_count += 1;
+ array_push($page['infos'], sprintf($msg_info, $nbm_user['username'], $nbm_user['mail_address']));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $error_on_updated_data_count += 1;
+ array_push($page['errors'], sprintf($msg_error, $nbm_user['username'], $nbm_user['mail_address']));
+ }
+ }
+ // Restore nbm environment
+ end_users_env_nbm();
+ display_counter_info();
+ mass_updates(
+ array(
+ 'primary' => array('check_key'),
+ 'update' => array('enabled')
+ ),
+ $updates
+ );
+ }
+ array_push($page['infos'], l10n_dec('nbm_user_change_enabled_updated_data_count', 'nbm_users_change_enabled_updated_data_count', $updated_data_count));
+ if ($error_on_updated_data_count != 0)
+ {
+ array_push($page['errors'],
+ l10n_dec('nbm_user_change_enabled_error_on_updated_data_count',
+ 'nbm_users_change_enabled_error_on_updated_data_count',
+ $error_on_updated_data_count));
+ }
+ return $check_key_treated;
+ * Unsubscribe notification by mail
+ *
+ * check_key list where action will be done
+ *
+ * @return check_key list treated
+ */
+function unsubscribe_notification_by_mail($is_admin_request, $check_key_list = array())
+ return do_subscribe_unsubscribe_notification_by_mail($is_admin_request, false, $check_key_list);
+ * Subscribe notification by mail
+ *
+ * check_key list where action will be done
+ *
+ * @return check_key list treated
+ */
+function subscribe_notification_by_mail($is_admin_request, $check_key_list = array())
+ return do_subscribe_unsubscribe_notification_by_mail($is_admin_request, true, $check_key_list);