diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
10 files changed, 457 insertions, 504 deletions
diff --git a/include/common.inc.php b/include/common.inc.php
index 844c8f433..577917e0d 100644
--- a/include/common.inc.php
+++ b/include/common.inc.php
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ $user = array();
$lang = array();
-include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH .'config.php');
+include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH .'include/mysql.inc.php');
if( !defined("PHPWG_INSTALLED") )
header( 'Location: install.php' );
@@ -121,18 +121,18 @@ if( !defined("PHPWG_INSTALLED") )
include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/constants.php');
+include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/config.inc.php');
include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/functions.inc.php');
include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/template.php');
include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/vtemplate.class.php');
-include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/config.inc.php');
// Database connection
-mysql_connect( $cfgHote, $cfgUser, $cfgPassword )
+mysql_connect( $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd )
or die ( "Could not connect to server" );
-mysql_select_db( $cfgBase )
+mysql_select_db( $dbname )
or die ( "Could not connect to database" );
@@ -210,3 +210,4 @@ if ( $user['is_the_guest'] ) $user['username'] = $lang['guest'];
include_once( './template/'.$user['template'].'/htmlfunctions.inc.php' );
define('PREFIX_TABLE', $table_prefix);
diff --git a/include/functions_user.inc.php b/include/functions_user.inc.php
index 1d205414f..34697897f 100644
--- a/include/functions_user.inc.php
+++ b/include/functions_user.inc.php
@@ -271,11 +271,11 @@ function init_userprefs($userdata)
function setup_style($style)
- $template_path = 'template/' ;
- $template_name = $style ;
- $template = new Template(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . $template_path . $template_name);
- return $template;
+ $template_path = 'template/' ;
+ $template_name = $style ;
+ include_once( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . $template_path . $template_name.'/htmlfunctions.inc.php' );
+ $template = new Template(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . $template_path . $template_name);
+ return $template;
function encode_ip($dotquad_ip)
@@ -289,4 +289,4 @@ function decode_ip($int_ip)
$hexipbang = explode('.', chunk_split($int_ip, 2, '.'));
return hexdec($hexipbang[0]). '.' . hexdec($hexipbang[1]) . '.' . hexdec($hexipbang[2]) . '.' . hexdec($hexipbang[3]);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/include/user.inc.php b/include/user.inc.php
index f28a395f0..c86ce93fc 100644
--- a/include/user.inc.php
+++ b/include/user.inc.php
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ $isadmin = false;
if ($user['status'] == 'admin') $isadmin =true;
// calculation of the number of picture to display per page
$user['nb_image_page'] = $user['nb_image_line'] * $user['nb_line_page'];
diff --git a/install.php b/install.php
index 4e358b775..467d9075f 100644
--- a/install.php
+++ b/install.php
@@ -25,292 +25,343 @@
// | USA. |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-//-------------------------------------------------------------------- includes
-define( 'PREFIX_INCLUDE', '' );
-include( './include/vtemplate.class.php' );
-include( './include/functions.inc.php' );
+//----------------------------------------------------------- include
-$config_file = './config.php';
-//----------------------------------------------------- template initialization
-$vtp = new VTemplate;
-$handle = $vtp->Open( './template/default/install.vtp' );
-$vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'release', '1.4' );
-//-------------------------------------------------------------------- language
-if ( isset( $_GET['language'] ) )
+// Guess an initial language ...
+function guess_lang()
- $isadmin = true;
- $lang = array();
- include( './language/'.$_GET['language'].'.php' );
- $tpl = array( 'step1_err_copy', 'step1_err_copy_2', 'step1_err_copy_next',
- 'errors_title', 'step1_title','step1_host','step1_host_info',
- 'step1_user','step1_user_info','step1_pass','step1_pass_info',
- 'step1_database','step1_database_info','step1_prefix',
- 'step1_prefix_info','submit','infos_title','step2_title',
- 'conf_general_webmaster','conf_general_webmaster_info',
- 'step2_pwd','step2_pwd_info','step2_pwd_conf',
- 'step2_pwd_conf_info','conf_general_mail',
- 'conf_general_mail_info','install_end_title',
- 'install_end_message','install_help');
- templatize_array( $tpl, 'lang', $handle );
- $vtp->setGlobalVar( $handle, 'language', $_GET['language'] );
+ global $_SERVER;
+ $languages = array();
+ $i = 0;
+ if ( $opendir = opendir ( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'language/' ) )
+ {
+ while ( $file = readdir ( $opendir ) )
+ {
+ if ( is_dir ( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'language/'.$file )&& !substr_count($file,'.'))
+ {
+ $languages[$i++] =$file;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ $accept_lang_ary = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($accept_lang_ary); $i++)
+ {
+ for ($j=0; $j<sizeof($languages); $j++)
+ {
+ if (preg_match('#' . substr($languages[$j],0,2) . '#i', substr(trim($accept_lang_ary[$i]),0,2)))
+ {
+ if (file_exists(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'language/' . $languages[$j].'/install.lang.php'))
+ {
+ return $languages[$j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 'en_EN';
-//---------------------- Step 1 : connection informations, write of config file
-if ( isset($_GET['step']) && $_GET['step'] == 1 )
+set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); // Disable magic_quotes_runtime
+// addslashes to vars if magic_quotes_gpc is off this is a security
+// precaution to prevent someone trying to break out of a SQL statement.
+if( !get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
- $errors = array();
- $infos = array();
- // creation of ./include/mysql.inc.php : file containing database
- // connection informations
- if ( isset( $_POST['cfgBase'] )
- and isset( $_POST['cfgUser'] )
- and isset( $_POST['cfgPassword'] )
- and isset( $_POST['cfgHote'] ) )
+ if( is_array($_POST) )
- if ( @mysql_connect( $_POST['cfgHote'],
- $_POST['cfgUser'],
- $_POST['cfgPassword'] ) )
+ while( list($k, $v) = each($_POST) )
- if ( @mysql_select_db($_POST['cfgBase'] ) )
+ if( is_array($_POST[$k]) )
- array_push( $infos, $lang['step1_confirmation'] );
+ while( list($k2, $v2) = each($_POST[$k]) )
+ {
+ $_POST[$k][$k2] = addslashes($v2);
+ }
+ @reset($_POST[$k]);
- array_push( $errors, $lang['step1_err_db'] );
+ $_POST[$k] = addslashes($v);
- else
- {
- array_push( $errors, $lang['step1_err_server'] );
- }
- if ( count( $errors ) == 0 )
+ @reset($_POST);
+ }
+ if( is_array($_COOKIE) )
+ {
+ while( list($k, $v) = each($_COOKIE) )
- $file_content = "<?php";
- $file_content.= "\n\$cfgBase = '". $_POST['cfgBase']."';";
- $file_content.= "\n\$cfgUser = '". $_POST['cfgUser']."';";
- $file_content.= "\n\$cfgPassword = '". $_POST['cfgPassword']."';";
- $file_content.= "\n\$cfgHote = '". $_POST['cfgHote']."';";
- $file_content.= "\n";
- $file_content.= "\n\$table_prefix = '".$_POST['prefixeTable']."';";
- $file_content.= "\n";
- $file_content.= "\ndefine('PHPWG_INSTALLED', true);";
- $file_content.= "\n?>";
- // writting the configuration file
- if ( $fp = @fopen( $config_file, 'a+' ) )
+ if( is_array($_COOKIE[$k]) )
- ftruncate($fp, 0);
- fwrite( $fp, $file_content );
- fclose( $fp );
- }
- $cfgHote = '';
- $cfgUser = '';
- $cfgPassword = '';
- $cfgBase = '';
- if ( is_file( $config_file ) ) include( $config_file );
- $file_OK = false;
- if ( @mysql_connect( $cfgHote, $cfgUser, $cfgPassword ) )
- {
- if ( @mysql_select_db( $cfgBase ) ) $file_OK = true;
- }
- if ( !$file_OK )
- {
- $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'error_copy' );
- $html_content = htmlentities( $file_content, ENT_QUOTES );
- $html_content = nl2br( $html_content );
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'error_copy.file_content', $html_content );
- $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'error_copy' );
+ while( list($k2, $v2) = each($_COOKIE[$k]) )
+ {
+ $_COOKIE[$k][$k2] = addslashes($v2);
+ }
+ @reset($_COOKIE[$k]);
- $url = 'install.php?step=2&language='.$_GET['language'];
- header( 'Request-URI: '.$url );
- header( 'Content-Location: '.$url);
- header( 'Location: '.$url );
- exit();
+ $_COOKIE[$k] = addslashes($v);
+ @reset($_COOKIE);
- // errors display
- if ( sizeof( $errors ) != 0 )
- {
- $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'errors' );
- foreach ( $errors as $error ) {
- $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'error' );
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'error.content', $error );
- $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'error' );
- }
- $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'errors' );
- }
- // infos display
- if ( sizeof( $infos ) != 0 )
- {
- $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'infos' );
- foreach ( $infos as $info ) {
- $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'info' );
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'info.content', $info );
- $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'info' );
- }
- $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'infos' );
- }
- // form display (if necessary)
- if ( !isset( $_POST['submit'] ) or sizeof( $errors ) > 0 )
- {
- $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'step1' );
- // host
- if ( !isset( $_POST['cfgHote'] ) )
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'step1.f_host', 'localhost' );
- else
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'step1.f_host', $_POST['cfgHote'] );
- // user
- if ( isset( $_POST['cfgUser'] ) )
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'step1.f_user', $_POST['cfgUser'] );
- // base
- if ( isset( $_POST['cfgBase'] ) )
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'step1.f_base', $_POST['cfgBase'] );
- // prefixeTable
- if ( !isset( $_POST['prefixeTable'] ) )
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'step1.f_prefixeTable', 'phpwebgallery_' );
- else
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'step1.f_prefixeTable', $_POST['prefixeTable'] );
+//----------------------------------------------------- variable initialization
+$install_style = 'default';
+$release_version = '1.4';
+if ( isset( $_POST['language'] ))
+ $language = strip_tags($_POST['language']);
+ $language = guess_lang();
- $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'step1' );
- }
+if ( !file_exists(@realpath(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'language/' . $language . '/install.lang.php')) )
+ $language = 'en_EN';
-//------------------------------------- Step 2 : creation of tables in database
-else if ( isset($_GET['step']) && $_GET['step'] == 2 )
+include( './language/'.$language.'/install.lang.php' );
+include( './language/'.$language.'/admin.lang.php' );
+$mapping_lang = $language;
+if ( !file_exists(@realpath(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'language/' . $language . '/lang.lang.php')) )
- $errors = array();
- $infos = array();
+ $mapping_lang = 'en_EN';
+include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'language/' . $mapping_lang . '/lang.lang.php');
- include( $config_file );
- mysql_connect( $cfgHote, $cfgUser, $cfgPassword )
- or die ( "Can't connect to database host" );
- mysql_select_db( $cfgBase )
- or die ( "Connection to host succeeded, but database selection failed" );
- if ( !isset( $_POST['submit'] ) )
- {
- // tables creation, based on phpwebgallery_structure.sql
- $sql_lines = file( './admin/phpwebgallery_structure.sql' );
- $query = '';
- foreach ( $sql_lines as $sql_line ) {
- $sql_line = trim( $sql_line );
- if ( preg_match( '/(^--|^$)/', $sql_line ) ) continue;
- $query.= ' '.$sql_line;
- // if we reached the end of query, we execute it and reinitialize the
- // variable "query"
- if ( preg_match( '/;$/', $sql_line ) )
+// Obtain various vars
+$dbhost = (!empty($_POST['dbhost'])) ? $_POST['dbhost'] : 'localhost';
+$dbuser = (!empty($_POST['dbuser'])) ? $_POST['dbuser'] : '';
+$dbpasswd = (!empty($_POST['dbpasswd'])) ? $_POST['dbpasswd'] : '';
+$dbname = (!empty($_POST['dbname'])) ? $_POST['dbname'] : '';
+$table_prefix = (!empty($_POST['prefix'])) ? $_POST['prefix'] : 'phpwg_';
+$admin_name = (!empty($_POST['admin_name'])) ? $_POST['admin_name'] : '';
+$admin_pass1 = (!empty($_POST['admin_pass1'])) ? $_POST['admin_pass1'] : '';
+$admin_pass2 = (!empty($_POST['admin_pass2'])) ? $_POST['admin_pass2'] : '';
+$admin_mail = (!empty($_POST['admin_mail'])) ? $_POST['admin_mail'] : '';
+$lang_options = $lang['lang'];
+$infos = array();
+$errors = array();
+// Open config.php ... if it exists
+$config_file = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/mysql.inc.php';
+if (@file_exists($config_file))
+ include($config_file);
+// Is phpBB already installed? Yes? Redirect to the index
+if (defined("PHPWG_INSTALLED"))
+ header( 'Location: index.php' );
+ exit;
+include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/constants.php');
+include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/functions.inc.php');
+include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/template.php');
+//----------------------------------------------------- template initialization
+$template->set_filenames( array('install'=>'install.tpl') );
+$step = 1;
+//----------------------------------------------------- form analyze
+if ( isset( $_POST['install'] ))
+ if ( @mysql_connect( $_POST['dbhost'],
+ $_POST['dbuser'],
+ $_POST['dbpasswd'] ) )
+ {
+ if ( @mysql_select_db($_POST['dbname'] ) )
- $query = trim( $query );
- $query = str_replace( 'phpwebgallery_', $table_prefix, $query );
- // we don't execute "DROP TABLE" queries
- if ( !preg_match( '/^DROP TABLE/i', $query ) )
- mysql_query( $query );
- $query = '';
+ array_push( $infos, $lang['step1_confirmation'] );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ array_push( $errors, $lang['step1_err_db'] );
- }
- if ( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) )
- {
- // webmaster login must be
- // 1. non empty
- // 2. without characters ' or "
- $webmaster = preg_replace( '/\s{2,}/', ' ', $_POST['webmaster'] );
- $webmaster = trim( $webmaster );
- if ( $webmaster == '' )
+ else
+ {
+ array_push( $errors, $lang['step1_err_server'] );
+ }
+ $webmaster = trim(preg_replace( '/\s{2,}/', ' ', $admin_name ));
+ if ( empty($webmaster))
array_push( $errors, $lang['step2_err_login1'] );
- if ( preg_match( '/[\'"]/', $webmaster ) )
+ else if ( preg_match( '/[\'"]/', $webmaster ) )
array_push( $errors, $lang['step2_err_login3'] );
- // the webmaster string must be the same as its confirmation
- if ( $_POST['pwdWebmaster'] != $_POST['pwdWebmasterConf'] )
- array_push( $errors, $lang['step2_err_pass'] );
- // mail address must have this format : name@server.com
- $error_mail_address = validate_mail_address( $_POST['mail_webmaster'] );
- if ( $error_mail_address != '' )
- array_push( $errors, $error_mail_address );
- if ( $_POST['mail_webmaster'] == '' )
- array_push( $errors, $lang['reg_err_mail_address'] );
- // if no error found till here : insertion of data in tables
- if ( count( $errors ) == 0 )
+ if ( $admin_pass1 != $admin_pass2 || empty($admin_pass1) )
+ array_push( $errors, $lang['step2_err_pass'] );
+ if ( empty($admin_mail))
+ array_push( $errors, $lang['reg_err_mail_address'] );
+ else
+ {
+ $error_mail_address = validate_mail_address($admin_mail);
+ if (!empty($error_mail_address)) array_push( $errors, $error_mail_address );
+ }
+ if ( count( $errors ) == 0 )
- $query = 'DELETE FROM '.$table_prefix.'config';
+ $step = 2;
+ $file_content = "<?php";
+ $file_content.= "\n\$dbname = '". $dbname."';";
+ $file_content.= "\n\$dbuser = '". $dbuser."';";
+ $file_content.= "\n\$dbpasswd = '". $dbpasswd."';";
+ $file_content.= "\n\$dbhost = '". $dbhost."';";
+ $file_content.= "\n";
+ $file_content.= "\n\$table_prefix = '".$table_prefix."';";
+ $file_content.= "\n";
+ $file_content.= "\ndefine('PHPWG_INSTALLED', true);";
+ $file_content.= "\n?".">";
+ @umask(0111);
+ // writing the configuration file
+ if ( !($fp = @fopen( $config_file, 'w' )))
+ {
+ $html_content = htmlentities( $file_content, ENT_QUOTES );
+ $html_content = nl2br( $html_content );
+ $template->assign_block_vars('error_copy',array('FILE_CONTENT'=>$html_content));
+ }
+ @fputs($fp, $file_content, strlen($file_content));
+ @fclose($fp);
+ // tables creation, based on phpwebgallery_structure.sql
+ $sql_lines = file( './admin/phpwebgallery_structure.sql' );
+ $query = '';
+ foreach ( $sql_lines as $sql_line )
+ {
+ $sql_line = trim( $sql_line );
+ if ( preg_match( '/(^--|^$)/', $sql_line ) ) continue;
+ $query.= ' '.$sql_line;
+ // if we reached the end of query, we execute it and reinitialize the
+ // variable "query"
+ if ( preg_match( '/;$/', $sql_line ) )
+ {
+ $query = trim( $query );
+ $query = str_replace( 'phpwebgallery_', $table_prefix, $query );
+ // we don't execute "DROP TABLE" queries
+ if ( !preg_match( '/^DROP TABLE/i', $query ) ) mysql_query( $query );
+ $query = '';
+ }
+ }
+ // We fill the tables with basic informations
mysql_query( $query );
- $query = 'INSERT INTO '.$table_prefix.'config';
$query.= ' (webmaster,mail_webmaster) VALUES ';
- $query.= " ('".$webmaster."','".$_POST['mail_webmaster']."')";
- $query.= ';';
+ $query.= " ('".$admin_name."','".$admin_mail."');";
mysql_query( $query );
- $query = 'INSERT INTO '.$table_prefix.'sites';
- $query.= " (id,galleries_url) VALUES (1, './galleries/')";
- $query.= ';';
+ $query.= " (id,galleries_url) VALUES (1, './galleries/');";
mysql_query( $query );
// webmaster admin user
- $query = 'INSERT INTO '.$table_prefix.'users';
$query.= ' (id,username,password,status,language,mail_address) VALUES ';
- $query.= "(1,'".$webmaster."','".md5( $_POST['pwdWebmaster'] )."'";
- $query.= ",'admin','".$_GET['language']."'";
- $query.= ",'".$_POST['mail_webmaster']."')";
- $query.= ';';
+ $query.= "(1,'".$admin_name."','".md5( $admin_pass1 )."'";
+ $query.= ",'admin','".$language."'";
+ $query.= ",'".$admin_mail."');";
// guest user
- $query = 'INSERT INTO '.$table_prefix.'users';
$query.= '(id,username,password,status,language) VALUES ';
- $query.= "(2,'guest','','guest','".$_GET['language']."')";
+ $query.= "(2,'guest','','guest','".$language."')";
$query.= ';';
mysql_query( $query );
- }
- // errors display
- if ( sizeof( $errors ) != 0 )
+ 'RELEASE'=>$release_version,
+ 'L_BASE_TITLE'=>$lang['Initial_config'],
+ 'L_LANG_TITLE'=>$lang['Default_lang'],
+ 'L_DB_TITLE'=>$lang['step1_title'],
+ 'L_DB_HOST'=>$lang['step1_host'],
+ 'L_DB_HOST_INFO'=>$lang['step1_host_info'],
+ 'L_DB_USER'=>$lang['step1_user'],
+ 'L_DB_USER_INFO'=>$lang['step1_user_info'],
+ 'L_DB_PASS'=>$lang['step1_pass'],
+ 'L_DB_PASS_INFO'=>$lang['step1_pass_info'],
+ 'L_DB_NAME'=>$lang['step1_database'],
+ 'L_DB_NAME_INFO'=>$lang['step1_database_info'],
+ 'L_DB_PREFIX'=>$lang['step1_prefix'],
+ 'L_DB_PREFIX_INFO'=>$lang['step1_prefix_info'],
+ 'L_ADMIN_TITLE'=>$lang['step2_title'],
+ 'L_ADMIN'=>$lang['conf_general_webmaster'],
+ 'L_ADMIN_INFO'=>$lang['conf_general_webmaster_info'],
+ 'L_ADMIN_PASSWORD'=>$lang['step2_pwd'],
+ 'L_ADMIN_PASSWORD_INFO'=>$lang['step2_pwd_info'],
+ 'L_ADMIN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD'=>$lang['step2_pwd_conf'],
+ 'L_ADMIN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_INFO'=>$lang['step2_pwd_conf_info'],
+ 'L_ADMIN_EMAIL'=>$lang['conf_general_mail'],
+ 'L_ADMIN_EMAIL_INFO'=>$lang['conf_general_mail_info'],
+ 'L_SUBMIT'=>$lang['Start_Install'],
+ 'L_HELP'=>$lang['install_help'],
+ 'L_ERR_COPY'=>$lang['step1_err_copy'],
+ 'L_END_TITLE'=>$lang['install_end_title'],
+ 'L_END_MESSAGE'=>$lang['install_end_message'],
+ 'F_ACTION'=>add_session_id( 'install.php' ),
+ 'F_DB_HOST'=>$dbhost,
+ 'F_DB_USER'=>$dbuser,
+ 'F_DB_NAME'=>$dbname,
+ 'F_DB_PREFIX'=>$table_prefix,
+ 'F_ADMIN'=>$admin_name,
+ 'F_ADMIN_EMAIL'=>$admin_mail,
+ 'F_LANG_SELECT'=>make_jumpbox($lang_options, $language, true),
+ 'T_CONTENT_ENCODING' => $lang['charset'],
+ 'T_STYLE' => './template/'.$install_style.'/'.$install_style.'-admin.css')
+ );
+//-------------------------------------------------------- errors & infos display
+if ( sizeof( $errors ) != 0 )
+ $template->assign_block_vars('errors',array());
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $errors ); $i++ )
- $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'errors' );
- foreach ( $errors as $error ) {
- $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'error' );
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'error.content', $error );
- $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'error' );
- }
- $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'errors' );
+ $template->assign_block_vars('errors.error',array('ERROR'=>$errors[$i]));
- if ( !isset( $_POST['submit'] ) or sizeof( $errors ) > 0 )
+if ( sizeof( $infos ) != 0 )
+ $template->assign_block_vars('infos',array());
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $infos ); $i++ )
- $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'step2' );
- if ( isset( $_POST['webmaster'] ))
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'step2.f_webmaster', $_POST['webmaster'] );
- if ( isset( $_POST['mail_webmaster'] ))
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'step2.f_mail_webmaster', $_POST['mail_webmaster']);
- $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'step2' );
+ $template->assign_block_vars('infos.info',array('INFO'=>$infos[$i]));
- // end of installation message
- if ( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) and count( $errors ) == 0 )
- {
- $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'install_end' );
- $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'install_end' );
- }
+if ($step ==1)
+ $template->assign_block_vars('install',array());
-//---------------------------------------------------- Step 0 : language choice
- $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'step0' );
- $languages = get_languages( './language/' );
- foreach ( $languages as $language ) {
- $vtp->addSession( $handle, 'language' );
- $vtp->setVar( $handle, 'language.name', $language );
- $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'language' );
- }
- $vtp->closeSession( $handle, 'step0' );
+ $template->assign_block_vars('install_end',array());
//----------------------------------------------------------- html code display
-$code = $vtp->Display( $handle, 0 );
-echo $code;
diff --git a/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/admin.lang.php b/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/admin.lang.php
index dd74ed8a1..e0bfcc38a 100644
--- a/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/admin.lang.php
+++ b/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/admin.lang.php
@@ -299,10 +299,13 @@ $lang['help_access_title'] = 'Access authorization';
$lang['help_access'][0] = 'PhpWebGallery is able to forbid access to categories. Categories can be "public" or "private". In order to forbid access to a category :';
$lang['help_access'][1] = '1. Modify category informations (from the "categories" section in tha admin panel) and make it "private".';
$lang['help_access'][2] = '2. On the page of permissions (for a group or a user) the private category will be shown and you\'ll be able to authorize access or not.';
-$lang['help_infos'][2] = 'If you have any question, do not hesitate to take a look at the forum or ask a question there. The <a href="'.$conf['forum_url'].'" style="text-decoration:underline">forum</a> (message board) is available on the presentation site of PhpWebGallery.';
+if (isset($conf))
+ $lang['help_infos'][2] = 'If you have any question, do not hesitate to take a look at the forum or ask a question there. The <a href="'.$conf['forum_url'].'" style="text-decoration:underline">forum</a> (message board) is available on the presentation site of PhpWebGallery.';
$lang['step1_err_copy'] = 'Copy the text between hyphens and paste it into the file "include/mysql.inc.php"(Warning : mysql.inc.php must only contain what is in blue, no line return or space character)';
$lang['permuser_only_private'] = 'Only private categories are shown';
$lang['waiting_update'] = 'Validated pictures will be displayed only once pictures database updated';
$lang['conf_upload_available_info'] = 'Authorizing the upload of pictures by users on the categories of the website (not on a remote server). This is general parameter, it is needed to authorize upload category by category, by default, no category is "uploadable".';
$lang['cat_unknown_id'] = 'This category is unknown in the database';
+$lang['install_warning'] = 'The file "install.php" is still present. Please remove it from your server. It is not secure to keep it.';
?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/install.lang.php b/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/install.lang.php
index 8907806b0..5e23892cf 100644
--- a/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/install.lang.php
+++ b/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/install.lang.php
@@ -26,12 +26,18 @@
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
$lang['install_message'] = 'Message';
+$lang['Initial_config'] = 'Basic configuration';
+$lang['Default_lang'] = 'Default galerie language';
+$lang['step1_title'] = 'Database configuration';
+$lang['step2_title'] = 'Admin configuration';
+$lang['Start_Install'] = 'Start Install';
+$lang['reg_err_mail_address'] = 'mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example : jack@altern.org)';
$lang['step1_confirmation'] = 'Parameters are correct';
$lang['step1_err_db'] = 'Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database';
$lang['step1_err_server'] = 'Can\'t connect to server';
$lang['step1_err_copy_2'] = 'The next step of the installation is now possible';
$lang['step1_err_copy_next'] = 'next step';
-$lang['step1_title'] = 'Step 1/2';
$lang['step1_host'] = 'MySQL host';
$lang['step1_host_info'] = 'localhost, sql.multimania.com, toto.freesurf.fr';
$lang['step1_user'] = 'user';
@@ -45,9 +51,7 @@ $lang['step1_prefix_info'] = 'database tables names will be prefixed with it (en
$lang['step2_err_login1'] = 'enter a login for webmaster';
$lang['step2_err_login3'] = 'webmaster login can\'t contain characters \' or "';
$lang['step2_err_pass'] = 'please enter your password again';
-$lang['step2_err_mail'] = $lang['conf_err_mail'];
$lang['install_end_title'] = 'Installation finished';
-$lang['step2_title'] = 'Step 2/2';
$lang['step2_pwd'] = 'webmaster password';
$lang['step2_pwd_info'] = 'Keep it confidential, it enables you to access administration panel';
$lang['step2_pwd_conf'] = 'confirm password';
@@ -57,9 +61,7 @@ $lang['install_end_message'] = 'The configuration of PhpWebGallery is finished,
For security reason, please delete file "install.php"<br />
Once this file deleted , follow this instructions :
-<li>go to the identification page : [ <a href="../identification.php">identification</a> ] and use the login/password given for webmaster</li>
+<li>go to the identification page : [ <a href="identification.php">identification</a> ] and use the login/password given for webmaster</li>
<li>this login will enable you to access to the administration panel and to the instructions in order to place pictures in your directories</li>
-$lang['install_warning'] = 'The file "install.php" is still present. Please remove it from your server. It is not secure to keep it.';
?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/lang.lang.php b/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/lang.lang.php
index 51a127db9..b6e229b5e 100644
--- a/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/lang.lang.php
+++ b/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/lang.lang.php
@@ -37,4 +37,5 @@ $lang['lang'] = array(
+$lang['charset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/default/htmlfunctions.inc.php b/template/default/htmlfunctions.inc.php
index 170defc46..81c123ead 100644
--- a/template/default/htmlfunctions.inc.php
+++ b/template/default/htmlfunctions.inc.php
@@ -25,9 +25,6 @@
// | USA. |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
function get_icon( $date_comparaison )
global $user, $conf;
@@ -263,3 +260,4 @@ function make_radio($name, $value, $selected, $usekeys=false)
return $boxstring;
diff --git a/template/default/install.tpl b/template/default/install.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89ac5f949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/template/default/install.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="fr" lang="fr">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset={T_CONTENT_ENCODING}" />
+<meta http-equiv="Content-script-type" content="text/javascript" />
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
+<title>PhpWebGallery {RELEASE}</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="{T_STYLE}" type="text/css" />
+ <table style="width:100%;height:100%">
+ <tr align="center" valign="middle">
+ <td>
+ <div class="grostitre">PhpWebGallery {RELEASE}</div>
+ <table class="table1">
+ <!-- BEGIN errors -->
+ <tr>
+ <td class="contenucellule" colspan="3">
+ <div class="errors">
+ <ul>
+ <!-- BEGIN error -->
+ <li>{errors.error.ERROR}</li>
+ <!-- END error -->
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <!-- END errors -->
+ <!-- BEGIN infos -->
+ <tr>
+ <td class="contenucellule" colspan="3">
+ <div class="infos">
+ <ul>
+ <!-- BEGIN info -->
+ <li>{infos.info.INFO}</li>
+ <!-- END info -->
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <!-- END infos -->
+ <tr>
+ <td class="contenucellule">
+<!-- BEGIN error_copy -->
+<br />-----------------------------------------------------<br />
+<div style="color:blue;">{error_copy.FILE_CONTENT}</div>
+-----------------------------------------------------<br />
+<!-- END error_copy -->
+<!-- BEGIN install -->
+<form method="POST" action="{F_ACTION}" name="install_form">
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan="3">{L_BASE_TITLE}</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td width="30%">{L_LANG_TITLE}</td>
+ <td colspan="2" align="left">
+ <select name="language" onchange="this.form.submit()">
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan="3">{L_DB_TITLE}</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{L_DB_HOST}</td>
+ <td align=center><input type="text" name="dbhost" value="{F_DB_HOST}" /></td>
+ <td class="row2">{L_DB_HOST_INFO}</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{L_DB_USER}</td>
+ <td align=center><input type="text" name="dbuser" value="{F_DB_USER}" /></td>
+ <td class="row2">{L_DB_USER_INFO}</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{L_DB_PASS}</td>
+ <td align=center><input type="password" name="dbpasswd" value="" /></td>
+ <td class="row2">{L_DB_PASS_INFO}</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{L_DB_NAME}</td>
+ <td align=center><input type="text" name="dbname" value="{F_DB_NAME}" /></td>
+ <td class="row2">{L_DB_NAME_INFO}</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{L_DB_PREFIX}</td>
+ <td align=center><input type="text" name="prefixeTable" value="{F_DB_PREFIX}" /></td>
+ <td class="row2">{L_DB_PREFIX_INFO}</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan="3">{L_ADMIN_TITLE}</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{L_ADMIN}</td>
+ <td align="center"><input type="text" name="admin_name" value="{F_ADMIN}" /></td>
+ <td class="row2">{L_ADMIN_INFO}</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{L_ADMIN_PASSWORD}</td>
+ <td align="center"><input type="password" name="admin_pass1" value="" /></td>
+ <td class="row2">{L_ADMIN_PASSWORD_INFO}</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="center"><input type="password" name="admin_pass2" value="" /></td>
+ <td class="row2">{L_ADMIN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_INFO}</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{L_ADMIN_EMAIL}</td>
+ <td align="center"><input type="text" name="admin_mail" value="{F_ADMIN_EMAIL}" /></td>
+ <td class="row2">{L_ADMIN_EMAIL_INFO}</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="3">&nbsp;</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="3" align="center">
+ <input type="submit" name="install" value="{L_SUBMIT}" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+<!-- END install -->
+<!-- BEGIN install_end -->
+<div class="infos_title">{L_END_TITLE}</div>
+<div style="padding:5px;">{L_END_MESSAGE}</div>
+<!-- END install_end -->
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <div style="text-align:center;margin:20px;">{L_INSTALL_HELP}</div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </body>
+</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/default/install.vtp b/template/default/install.vtp
deleted file mode 100644
index 36c66bcac..000000000
--- a/template/default/install.vtp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
- <head>
- <title>PhpWebGallery {#release}</title>
- <style>
- a {
- text-decoration : none;
- color : #006699;
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- background-color : #E5E5E5;
- }
- .titretable1 {
- color : black;
- background-color : #D3DCE3;
- text-align : center;
- border : 2px solid #006699;
- }
- .grostitre {
- text-align : center;
- font-size : 20px;
- margin-bottom : 20px;
- }
- .plan {
- margin : 10px 10px 10px 2px;
- white-space : nowrap;
- }
- .table1 {
- border-collapse:collapse;
- background-color:#FFFFFF;
- width:700px;
- margin:auto;
- }
- .contenucellule {
- background-color : #EEEEEE;
- border : 2px solid #006699;
- }
- .style1 {
- margin-top : 20px;
- }
- th {
- font-weight : bold;
- background-color : #D3DCE3;
- }
- td.row1 {
- background-color : #DDDDDD;
- }
- td.row2 {
- background-color : #E8E8E8;
- }
- .cat_plan {
- font-weight : bold;
- }
- .retrait {
- margin : 10px;
- margin-left : 30px;
- margin-top : 2px;
- }
- input,textarea {
- border-width : 1;
- border-color : #000000;
- background : #ffffff;
- color: #000000;
- }
- .errors,.infos {
- margin:10px;
- }
- .errors {
- border:1px solid red;
- background-color:#ffe1e1;
- }
- .infos {
- background-color:#eff4fa;
- border:1px solid #9cb4ce;
- }
- .errors_title,.infos_title {
- margin:5px;
- font-weight:bold;
- font-size:120%;
- text-align:center;
- }
- .errors_title {
- color:red;
- }
- .infos_title {
- color:#9cb4ce;
- }
- </style>
- </head>
- <body>
- <table style="width:100%;height:100%">
- <tr align="center" valign="middle">
- <td>
- <div class="grostitre">PhpWebGallery {#release}</div>
- <table class="table1">
- <tr>
- <td class="contenucellule">
-<div class="errors">
- <div class="errors_title">{#errors_title}</div>
- <ul>
- <!--VTP_error-->
- <li>{#content}</li>
- <!--/VTP_error-->
- </ul>
-<div class="infos">
- <div class="infos_title">{#infos_title}</div>
- <ul>
- <!--VTP_info-->
- <li>{#content}</li>
- <!--/VTP_info-->
- </ul>
-{#step1_err_copy} :
-<br />-----------------------------------------------------<br />
-<div style="color:blue;">{#file_content}</div>
------------------------------------------------------<br />
-<div style="text-align:center;">{#step1_err_copy_2}<br />
-<a href="./install.php?step=2&amp;language={#language}">{#step1_err_copy_next}</a></div>
-<form method="get" action="install.php">
- <input type="hidden" name="step" value="1" />
- <table width="100%">
- <tr>
- <td align="center">
- <select name="language">
- <!--VTP_language-->
- <option>{#name}</option>
- <!--/VTP_language-->
- </select>
- <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
-<form method="post" action="install.php?step=1&amp;language={#language}">
- <table width="100%">
- <tr>
- <th colspan="3">{#step1_title}</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>{#step1_host}</td>
- <td align=center><input type="text" name="cfgHote" value="{#f_host}" /></td>
- <td class="row2">{#step1_host_info}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>{#step1_user}</td>
- <td align=center><input type="text" name="cfgUser" value="{#f_user}" /></td>
- <td class="row2">{#step1_user_info}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>{#step1_pass}</td>
- <td align=center><input type="password" name="cfgPassword" value="" /></td>
- <td class="row2">{#step1_pass_info}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>{#step1_database}</td>
- <td align=center><input type="text" name="cfgBase" value="{#f_base}" /></td>
- <td class="row2">{#step1_database_info}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>{#step1_prefix}</td>
- <td align=center><input type="text" name="prefixeTable" value="{#f_prefixeTable}" /></td>
- <td class="row2">{#step1_prefix_info}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="3" align="center"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="{#submit}" /></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
-<form method="post" action="install.php?step=2&amp;language={#language}">
- <table width=100%>
- <tr>
- <th colspan="3">{#step2_title}</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>{#conf_general_webmaster}</td>
- <td align="center"><input type="text" name="webmaster" value="{#f_webmaster}" /></td>
- <td class="row2">{#conf_general_webmaster_info}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>{#step2_pwd}</td>
- <td align="center"><input type="password" name="pwdWebmaster" value="" /></td>
- <td class="row2">{#step2_pwd_info}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>{#step2_pwd_conf}</td>
- <td align="center"><input type="password" name="pwdWebmasterConf" value="" /></td>
- <td class="row2">{#step2_pwd_conf_info}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>{#conf_general_mail}</td>
- <td align="center"><input type="text" name="mail_webmaster" value="{#f_mail_webmaster}" /></td>
- <td class="row2">{#conf_general_mail_info}</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="3">&nbsp;</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="3" align="center">
- <input type="submit" name="submit" value="{#submit}" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
-<div class="infos_title">{#install_end_title}</div>
-<div style="padding:5px;">{#install_end_message}</div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <div style="text-align:center;margin:20px;">{#install_help}</div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </body>
-</html> \ No newline at end of file