diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 241 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/include/ws_functions.inc.php b/include/ws_functions.inc.php
index 7e9c8228a..015f3d391 100644
--- a/include/ws_functions.inc.php
+++ b/include/ws_functions.inc.php
@@ -915,6 +915,106 @@ UPDATE '.IMAGES_TABLE.'
return $affected_rows;
+function ws_images_add($params, &$service)
+ global $conf;
+ // name
+ // category_id
+ // file_content
+ // file_sum
+ // thumbnail_content
+ // thumbnail_sum
+ // $fh_log = fopen('/tmp/php.log', 'w');
+ // fwrite($fh_log, time()."\n");
+ // fwrite($fh_log, 'input: '.$params['file_sum']."\n");
+ // fwrite($fh_log, 'input: '.$params['thumbnail_sum']."\n");
+ // current date
+ list($dbnow) = mysql_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT NOW();'));
+ list($year, $month, $day) = preg_split('/[^\d]/', $dbnow, 4);
+ $upload_dir = sprintf(
+ PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'upload/%s/%s/%s',
+ $year,
+ $month,
+ $day
+ );
+ fwrite($fh_log, $upload_dir."\n");
+ if (!is_dir($upload_dir)) {
+ umask(0000);
+ $recursive = true;
+ mkdir($upload_dir, 0777, $recursive);
+ }
+ $date_string = preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $dbnow);
+ $random_string = substr($params['file_sum'], 0, 8);
+ $filename_wo_ext = $date_string.'-'.$random_string;
+ $file_path = $upload_dir.'/'.$filename_wo_ext.'.jpg';
+ $fh_file = fopen($file_path, 'w');
+ fwrite($fh_file, base64_decode($params['file_content']));
+ fclose($fh_file);
+ // check dumped file md5sum with expected md5sum
+ $thumbnail_dir = $upload_dir.'/thumbnail';
+ if (!is_dir($thumbnail_dir)) {
+ umask(0000);
+ mkdir($thumbnail_dir, 0777);
+ }
+ $thumbnail_path = sprintf(
+ '%s/%s%s.%s',
+ $thumbnail_dir,
+ $conf['prefix_thumbnail'],
+ $filename_wo_ext,
+ 'jpg'
+ );
+ $fh_thumbnail = fopen($thumbnail_path, 'w');
+ fwrite($fh_thumbnail, base64_decode($params['thumbnail_content']));
+ fclose($fh_thumbnail);
+ // check dumped thumbnail md5
+ // fwrite($fh_log, 'output: '.md5_file($file_path)."\n");
+ // fwrite($fh_log, 'output: '.md5_file($thumbnail_path)."\n");
+ // database registration
+ $insert = array(
+ 'file' => $filename_wo_ext.'.jpg',
+ 'date_available' => $dbnow,
+ 'tn_ext' => 'jpg',
+ 'name' => $params['name'],
+ 'path' => $file_path,
+ );
+ include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/functions.php');
+ mass_inserts(
+ array_keys($insert),
+ array($insert)
+ );
+ $image_id = mysql_insert_id();
+ $insert = array(
+ 'category_id' => $params['category_id'],
+ 'image_id'=> $image_id,
+ );
+ mass_inserts(
+ array_keys($insert),
+ array($insert)
+ );
+ // fclose($fh_log);
* perform a login (web service method)
diff --git a/tools/piwigo_remote.pl b/tools/piwigo_remote.pl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8cdd1da35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/piwigo_remote.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use JSON;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my %opt = ();
+ \%opt,
+ qw/action=s file=s thumbnail=s category_id=i name=s/
+our $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+my %conf;
+$conf{base_url} = 'http://localhost/~pierrick/piwigo/trunk';
+$conf{partner_key} = 'youhou';
+$conf{response_format} = 'json';
+$conf{username} = 'pierrick';
+$conf{password} = 'z0rglub';
+$conf{limit} = 10;
+my $result = undef;
+my $query = undef;
+binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(utf-8)";
+# TODO : don't connect at each script call, use the session duration instead.
+my $form = {
+ method => 'pwg.session.login',
+ username => $conf{username},
+ password => $conf{password},
+$result = $ua->post(
+ $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?partner='.$conf{partner_key}.'&format=json',
+ $form
+# print "\n", $ua->cookie_jar->as_string, "\n";
+if ($opt{action} eq 'pwg.images.add') {
+ use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);
+ use Digest::MD5::File qw/file_md5_hex/;
+ use File::Slurp;
+ my $file_content = encode_base64(read_file($opt{file}));
+ my $file_sum = file_md5_hex($opt{file});
+ my $thumbnail_content = encode_base64(read_file($opt{thumbnail}));
+ my $thumbnail_sum = file_md5_hex($opt{thumbnail});
+ $form = {
+ method => 'pwg.images.add',
+ file_sum => $file_sum,
+ file_content => $file_content,
+ thumbnail_sum => $thumbnail_sum,
+ thumbnail_content => $thumbnail_content,
+ category_id => $opt{category_id},
+ name => $opt{name},
+ };
+ $result = $ua->post(
+ $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?partner='.$conf{partner_key}.'&format=json',
+ $form
+ );
+if ($opt{action} eq 'pwg.tags.list') {
+ use Text::ASCIITable;
+ $query = pwg_ws_get_query(
+ method => 'pwg.tags.getList',
+ sort_by_counter => 'true',
+ );
+ $result = $ua->get($query);
+ my $tag_result = from_json($result->content);
+ my $t = Text::ASCIITable->new({ headingText => 'Tags' });
+ $t->setCols('id','counter','name');
+ my $tag_number = 1;
+ foreach my $tag_href (@{ $tag_result->{result}{tags} }) {
+ $t->addRow(
+ $tag_href->{id},
+ $tag_href->{counter},
+ $tag_href->{name}
+ );
+ last if $tag_number++ >= $conf{limit};
+ }
+ print $t;
+$query = pwg_ws_get_query(
+ method => 'pwg.session.logout'
+sub pwg_ws_get_query {
+ my %params = @_;
+ my $query = $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format='.$conf{response_format};
+ if (defined $conf{partner_key}) {
+ $query .= '&partner='.$conf{partner_key};
+ }
+ foreach my $key (keys %params) {
+ $query .= '&'.$key.'='.$params{$key};
+ }
+ return $query;
diff --git a/ws.php b/ws.php
index 4c37eeb6d..cf1e6ea2b 100644
--- a/ws.php
+++ b/ws.php
@@ -128,12 +128,16 @@ function ws_addDefaultMethods( $arr )
'Returns elements for the corresponding query search.'
- $service->addMethod('pwg.images.setPrivacyLevel', 'ws_images_setPrivacyLevel',
- array(
- 'image_id' => array('flags'=>WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY),
- 'level' => array('maxValue'=>$conf['available_permission_levels']),
+ $service->addMethod(
+ 'pwg.images.setPrivacyLevel',
+ 'ws_images_setPrivacyLevel',
+ array(
+ 'image_id' => array('flags'=>WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY),
+ 'level' => array('maxValue'=>$conf['available_permission_levels']),
- 'sets the privacy levels for the images' );
+ 'sets the privacy levels for the images'
+ );
$service->addMethod('pwg.session.getStatus', 'ws_session_getStatus', null, '' );
$service->addMethod('pwg.session.login', 'ws_session_login',
@@ -167,6 +171,20 @@ function ws_addDefaultMethods( $arr )
'Returns elements for the corresponding tags. Note that tag_id, tag_url_name, tag_name an be arrays. Fill at least one of them. '
+ $service->addMethod(
+ 'pwg.images.add',
+ 'ws_images_add',
+ array(
+ 'name',
+ 'category_id',
+ 'file_content',
+ 'file_sum',
+ 'thumbnail_content',
+ 'thumbnail_sum'
+ ),
+ 'POST method only'
+ );
add_event_handler('ws_add_methods', 'ws_addDefaultMethods');