diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/admin/update.php b/admin/update.php
index ed7cfcbcd..19a7ba85a 100644
--- a/admin/update.php
+++ b/admin/update.php
@@ -107,10 +107,9 @@ function insert_local_category( $id_uppercat )
if ( preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+$/', $sub_dir ) )
- $value = '';
$name = str_replace( '_', ' ', $sub_dir );
- $value.= "('".$sub_dir."','".$name."',1";
+ $value = "('".$sub_dir."','".$name."',1";
if ( !is_numeric( $id_uppercat ) ) $value.= ',NULL';
else $value.= ','.$id_uppercat;
$value.= ",'undef'";
@@ -166,11 +165,17 @@ function insert_local_category( $id_uppercat )
return $output;
-function insert_local_image( $rep, $category_id )
+function insert_local_image( $dir, $category_id )
global $lang,$conf,$count_new;
$output = '';
+ // fs means filesystem : $fs_pictures contains pictures in the filesystem
+ // found in $dir, $fs_thumbnails contains thumbnails...
+ $fs_pictures = get_picture_files( $dir );
+ $fs_thumbnails = get_thumb_files( $dir.'thumbnail' );
// we have to delete all the images from the database that :
// - are not in the directory anymore
// - don't have the associated thumbnail available anymore
@@ -181,163 +186,187 @@ function insert_local_image( $rep, $category_id )
$result = mysql_query( $query );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
- $lien_image = $rep.'/'.$row['file'];
- $lien_thumbnail = $rep.'/thumbnail/'.$conf['prefix_thumbnail'];
- $lien_thumbnail.= get_filename_wo_extension( $row['file'] );
- $lien_thumbnail.= '.'.$row['tn_ext'];
- if ( !is_file ( $lien_image ) or !is_file ( $lien_thumbnail ) )
+ $pic_to_delete = false;
+ if ( !in_array( $row['file'], $fs_pictures ) )
- if ( !is_file ( $lien_image ) )
- {
- $output.= $row['file'];
- $output.= ' <span style="font-weight:bold;">';
- $output.= $lang['update_disappeared'].'</span><br />';
- }
- if ( !is_file ( $lien_thumbnail ) )
- {
- $output.= $row['file'];
- $output.= ' : <span style="font-weight:bold;">';
- $output.= $lang['update_disappeared_tn'].'</span><br />';
- }
- // suppression de la base :
- delete_image( $row['id'] );
+ $output.= $row['file'];
+ $output.= ' <span style="font-weight:bold;">';
+ $output.= $lang['update_disappeared'].'</span><br />';
+ $pic_to_delete = true;
+ $thumbnail = $conf['prefix_thumbnail'];
+ $thumbnail.= get_filename_wo_extension( $row['file'] );
+ $thumbnail.= '.'.$row['tn_ext'];
+ if ( !in_array( $thumbnail, $fs_thumbnails ) )
+ {
+ $output.= $row['file'];
+ $output.= ' : <span style="font-weight:bold;">';
+ $output.= $lang['update_disappeared_tn'].'</span><br />';
+ $pic_to_delete = true;
+ }
+ if ( $pic_to_delete ) delete_image( $row['id'] );
- // searching the new images in the directory
- $pictures = array();
- $tn_ext = '';
- if ( $opendir = opendir( $rep ) )
+ $registered_pictures = array();
+ $query = 'SELECT file';
+ $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'images';
+ $query.= ' WHERE storage_category_id = '.$category_id;
+ $query.= ';';
+ $result = mysql_query( $query );
+ while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
+ {
+ array_push( $registered_pictures, $row['file'] );
+ }
+ // validated pictures are picture uploaded by users, validated by an admin
+ // and not registered (visible) yet
+ $validated_pictures = array();
+ $unvalidated_pictures = array();
+ $query = 'SELECT file,infos,validated';
+ $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'waiting';
+ $query.= ' WHERE storage_category_id = '.$category_id;
+ $query.= ';';
+ $result = mysql_query( $query );
+ while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
- while ( $file = readdir( $opendir ) )
+ if ( $row['validated'] == 'true' )
+ $validated_pictures[$row['file']] = $row['infos'];
+ else
+ array_push( $unvalidated_pictures, $row['file'] );
+ }
+ // we only search among the picture present in the filesystem and not
+ // present in the database yet. If we know that this picture is known as
+ // an uploaded one but not validated, it's not tested neither
+ $unregistered_pictures = array_diff( $fs_pictures
+ ,$registered_pictures
+ ,$unvalidated_pictures );
+ $inserts = array();
+ foreach ( $unregistered_pictures as $unregistered_picture ) {
+ if ( preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+$/', $unregistered_picture ) )
- if ( is_file( $rep.'/'.$file ) and is_image( $rep.'/'.$file ) )
+ $file_wo_ext = get_filename_wo_extension( $unregistered_picture );
+ $tn_ext = '';
+ foreach ( $conf['picture_ext'] as $ext ) {
+ $test = $conf['prefix_thumbnail'].$file_wo_ext.'.'.$ext;
+ if ( !in_array( $test, $fs_thumbnails ) ) continue;
+ else { $tn_ext = $ext; break; }
+ }
+ // if we found a thumnbnail corresponding to our picture...
+ if ( $tn_ext != '' )
- // is the picture waiting for validation by an administrator ?
- $query = 'SELECT id,validated,infos';
- $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'waiting';
- $query.= ' WHERE storage_category_id = '.$category_id;
- $query.= " AND file = '".$file."'";
- $query.= ';';
- $result = mysql_query( $query );
- $waiting = mysql_fetch_array( $result );
- if (mysql_num_rows( $result ) == 0 or $waiting['validated'] == 'true')
+ $image_size = @getimagesize( $dir.$unregistered_picture );
+ // (file, storage_category_id, date_available, tn_ext, filesize,
+ // width, height, name, author, comment, date_creation)'
+ $value = '(';
+ $value.= "'".$unregistered_picture."'";
+ $value.= ','.$category_id;
+ $value.= ",'".date( 'Y-m-d' )."'";
+ $value.= ",'".$tn_ext."'";
+ $value.= ','.floor( filesize( $dir.$unregistered_picture) / 1024 );
+ $value.= ','.$image_size[0];
+ $value.= ','.$image_size[1];
+ if ( isset( $validated_pictures[$unregistered_picture] ) )
+ {
+ // retrieving infos from the XML description from waiting table
+ $infos = nl2br( $validated_pictures[$unregistered_picture] );
+ $unixtime = getAttribute( $infos, 'date_creation' );
+ if ($unixtime != '') $date_creation ="'".date('Y-m-d',$unixtime)."'";
+ else $date_creation = 'NULL';
+ $value.= ",'".getAttribute( $infos, 'name' )."'";
+ $value.= ",'".getAttribute( $infos, 'author' )."'";
+ $value.= ",'".getAttribute( $infos, 'comment')."'";
+ $value.= ','.$date_creation;
+ // deleting the waiting element
+ $query = 'DELETE FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'waiting';
+ $query.= " WHERE file = '".$unregistered_picture."'";
+ $query.= ' AND storage_category_id = '.$category_id;
+ $query.= ';';
+ mysql_query( $query );
+ }
+ else
- if ( $tn_ext = TN_exists( $rep, $file ) )
- {
- // is the picture already in the database ?
- $query = 'SELECT id';
- $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'images';
- $query.= ' WHERE storage_category_id = '.$category_id;
- $query.= " AND file = '".$file."'";
- $query.= ';';
- $result = mysql_query( $query );
- if ( mysql_num_rows( $result ) == 0 )
- {
- // the name of the file must not use acentuated characters or
- // blank space..
- if ( preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+$/', $file ) )
- {
- $picture = array();
- $picture['file'] = $file;
- $picture['tn_ext'] = $tn_ext;
- $picture['date'] = date( 'Y-m-d', filemtime($rep.'/'.$file) );
- $picture['filesize'] = floor( filesize($rep.'/'.$file) / 1024);
- $image_size = @getimagesize( $rep.'/'.$file );
- $picture['width'] = $image_size[0];
- $picture['height'] = $image_size[1];
- if ( $waiting['validated'] == 'true' )
- {
- // retrieving infos from the XML description of
- // $waiting['infos']
- $infos = nl2br( $waiting['infos'] );
- $picture['author'] = getAttribute( $infos, 'author' );
- $picture['comment'] = getAttribute( $infos, 'comment');
- $unixtime = getAttribute( $infos, 'date_creation' );
- $picture['date_creation'] = '';
- if ( $unixtime != '' )
- $picture['date_creation'] = date( 'Y-m-d', $unixtime );
- $picture['name'] = getAttribute( $infos, 'name' );
- // deleting the waiting element
- $query = 'DELETE FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'waiting';
- $query.= ' WHERE id = '.$waiting['id'];
- $query.= ';';
- mysql_query( $query );
- }
- array_push( $pictures, $picture );
- }
- else
- {
- $output.= '<span style="color:red;">"'.$file.'" : ';
- $output.= $lang['update_wrong_dirname'].'</span><br />';
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $output.= '<span style="color:red;">';
- $output.= $lang['update_missing_tn'].' : '.$file;
- $output.= ' (<span style="font-weight:bold;">';
- $output.= $conf['prefix_thumbnail'];
- $output.= get_filename_wo_extension( $file ).'.XXX</span>';
- $output.= ', XXX = ';
- $output.= implode( ', ', $conf['picture_ext'] );
- $output.= ')</span><br />';
- }
+ $value.= ",'','','',NULL";
+ $value.= ')';
+ $count_new++;
+ $output.= $unregistered_picture;
+ $output.= ' <span style="font-weight:bold;">';
+ $output.= $lang['update_research_added'].'</span>';
+ $output.= ' ('.$lang['update_research_tn_ext'].' '.$tn_ext.')';
+ $output.= '<br />';
+ array_push( $inserts, $value );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $output.= '<span style="color:red;">';
+ $output.= $lang['update_missing_tn'].' : '.$unregistered_picture;
+ $output.= ' (<span style="font-weight:bold;">';
+ $output.= $conf['prefix_thumbnail'];
+ $output.= get_filename_wo_extension( $unregistered_picture );
+ $output.= '.XXX</span>';
+ $output.= ', XXX = ';
+ $output.= implode( ', ', $conf['picture_ext'] );
+ $output.= ')</span><br />';
+ else
+ {
+ $output.= '<span style="color:red;">"'.$file.'" : ';
+ $output.= $lang['update_wrong_dirname'].'</span><br />';
+ }
- // inserting the pictures found in the directory
- foreach ( $pictures as $picture ) {
- $name = '';
- $author = '';
- $comment = '';
- if (isset ($picture['name'])) $name = $picture['name'];
- if (isset ($picture['author'])) $author = $picture['author'];
- if (isset ($picture['comment'])) $comment = $picture['comment'];
+ if ( count( $inserts ) > 0 )
+ {
+ // inserts all found pictures
$query = 'INSERT INTO '.PREFIX_TABLE.'images';
$query.= ' (file,storage_category_id,date_available,tn_ext';
$query.= ',filesize,width,height';
$query.= ',name,author,comment,date_creation)';
$query.= ' VALUES ';
- $query.= "('".$picture['file']."','".$category_id."'";
- $query.= ",'".$picture['date']."','".$picture['tn_ext']."'";
- $query.= ",'".$picture['filesize']."','".$picture['width']."'";
- $query.= ",'".$picture['height']."','$name', '$author', '$comment'";
- if ( isset ($picture['date_creation']))
- {
- $query.= ",'".$picture['date_creation']."'";
- }
- else
- {
- $query.= ',NULL';
- }
- $query.= ');';
+ $query.= implode( ',', $inserts );
+ $query.= ';';
mysql_query( $query );
- $count_new++;
- // retrieving the id of newly inserted picture
+ // what are the ids of the pictures in the $category_id ?
+ $ids = array();
$query = 'SELECT id';
$query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'images';
$query.= ' WHERE storage_category_id = '.$category_id;
- $query.= " AND file = '".$picture['file']."'";
$query.= ';';
- list( $image_id ) = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
- // adding the link between this picture and its storage category
- $query = 'INSERT INTO '.PREFIX_TABLE.'image_category';
- $query.= ' (image_id,category_id) VALUES ';
- $query.= ' ('.$image_id.','.$category_id.')';
+ $result = mysql_query( $query );
+ while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
+ {
+ array_push( $ids, $row['id'] );
+ }
+ // recreation of the links between this storage category pictures and
+ // its storage category
+ $query = 'DELETE FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'image_category';
+ $query.= ' WHERE category_id = '.$category_id;
+ $query.= ' AND image_id IN ('.implode( ',', $ids ).')';
$query.= ';';
mysql_query( $query );
- $output.= $picture['file'];
- $output.= ' <span style="font-weight:bold;">';
- $output.= $lang['update_research_added'].'</span>';
- $output.= ' ('.$lang['update_research_tn_ext'].' '.$picture['tn_ext'].')';
- $output.= '<br />';
+ $query = 'INSERT INTO '.PREFIX_TABLE.'image_category';
+ $query.= '(category_id,image_id) VALUES ';
+ foreach ( $ids as $num => $image_id ) {
+ if ( $num > 0 ) $query.= ',';
+ $query.= '('.$category_id.','.$image_id.')';
+ }
+ $query.= ';';
+ mysql_query( $query );
return $output;