path: root/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n
diff options
authorplegall <plg@piwigo.org>2014-05-27 14:11:23 +0000
committerplegall <plg@piwigo.org>2014-05-27 14:11:23 +0000
commit70bcfb5b861894ecfc5df386921586e3b2ff2555 (patch)
tree32097608fa5b827138ab3069b469c59b1d1f6bcb /themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n
parent39fc0a9f9a5248783eebea7bd05d45d5318a3409 (diff)
feature 2616: HTML5 upload (with plupload 2.1.2). First basic implementation. Needs customization.
Chunked upload + Drag & drop (no more Flash) use a new specific API method pwg.images.upload git-svn-id: http://piwigo.org/svn/trunk@28545 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
Diffstat (limited to '')
44 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ar.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ar.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc348395d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Arabic (ar)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"أيقاف التحميل","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"عنوان التحميل ربما يكون خاطئ أو غير متوفر","tb":"تيرابايت","Size":"الحجم","Close":"أغلاق","Init error.":"خطأ في تهيئة","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"أضف ملفات إلى القائمة إنتظار التحميل ثم أضغط على زر البداية","Filename":"أسم الملف","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"صيغة الصورة أما خطاء أو غير مدعومه","Status":"الحالة","HTTP Error.":"خطأ في برتوكول نقل الملفات","Start Upload":"أبدا التحميل","mb":"ميجابايت","kb":"كيلوبايت","Duplicate file error.":"خطاء في تكرار الملف","File size error.":"خطأ في حجم الملف","N/A":"لا شي","gb":"جيجابايت","Error: Invalid file extension:":"خطاء : أمتداد الملف غير صالح :","Select files":"أختر الملفات","%s already present in the queue.":"%s الملف موجود بالفعل في قائمة الانتظار","File: %s":"ملف: %s","b":"بايت","Uploaded %d/%d files":"تحميل %d/%d ملف","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"العناصر المقبوله لتحميل هي %d ملف في هذا الوقت. الملفات الاضافية أزيلة.","%d files queued":"%d الملفات في قائمة الانتظار","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"ملف: %s, أقصى حجم للملف: %d, حجم: %d","Drag files here.":"سحب الملف هنا","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"الذاكرة المتوفره أنتهت لمدة التشغيل","File count error.":"خطاء في عد الملفات","File extension error.":"خطأ في أمتداد الملف","Error: File too large:":" خطاء : حجم الملف كبير :","Add Files":"أضف ملفات"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/az.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/az.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5930cbb2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/az.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Azerbaijani (az)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Yükləməni saxla","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Yükləmə ünvanı səhvdir və ya mövcud deyil","tb":"tb","Size":"Həcm","Close":"Bağla","Init error.":"Init error.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Faylları əlavə edin və yüklə düyməsinə klikləyin.","Filename":"Faylın adı","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Şəklin formatı uyğun deyil və ya dəstəklənmir.","Status":"Status","HTTP Error.":"HTTP xətası.","Start Upload":"Yüklə","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Bu fayl artıq növbədə var.","File size error.":"Fayl həcmi xətası.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Xəta: Yanlış fayl uzantısı:","Select files":"Faylları seçin","%s already present in the queue.":"%s artıq növbədə var.","File: %s":"Fayl: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"%d/%d fayl yüklənib","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.","%d files queued":"Növbədə %d fayl var","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Fayl: %s, həcm: %d, max fayl həcmi: %d","Drag files here.":"Faylları bura çəkin.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Runtime ran out of available memory.","File count error.":"Fayl sayı çox böyükdür.","File extension error.":"Fayl uzantısı xətası.","Error: File too large:":"Xəta:Fayl həcmi çox böyükdür.","Add Files":"Fayl əlavə et"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/bs.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/bs.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27fe00933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/bs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Bosnian (bs)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Prekini dodavanje","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"URL za dodavanje je neispravan ili ne postoji.","tb":"tb","Size":"Veličina","Close":"Zatvori","Init error.":"Inicijalizacijska greška.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Dodajte datoteke u red i kliknite na dugme za pokretanje.","Filename":"Naziv datoteke","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Format slike je neispravan ili nije podržan.","Status":"Status","HTTP Error.":"HTTP greška.","Start Upload":"Započni dodavanje","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Dupla datoteka.","File size error.":"Greška u veličini datoteke.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Greška! Neispravan ekstenzija datoteke:","Select files":"Odaberite datoteke","%s already present in the queue.":"%s se već nalazi u redu.","File: %s":"Datoteka: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Dodano %d/%d datoteka","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Dodavanje trenutno dozvoljava samo %d datoteka istovremeno. Dodatne datoteke su uklonjene.","%d files queued":"%d datoteka čeka","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Datoteka: %s, veličina: %d, maksimalna veličina: %d","Drag files here.":"Dovucite datoteke ovdje.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Nema više dostupne memorije.","File count error.":"Greška u brojanju datoeka.","File extension error.":"Greška u ekstenziji datoteke.","Error: File too large:":"Greška! Datoteka je prevelika:","Add Files":"Dodaj datoteke"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/cs.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82c21ed09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Czech (cs)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Zastavit nahrávání","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"URL uploadu je možná špatně, nebo neexistuje.","tb":"tb","Size":"Velikost","Close":"Zavřít","Init error.":"Chyba inicializace.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Přidejte soubory do fronty a pak spusťte nahrávání.","Filename":"Název souboru","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Špatný, nebo nepodporovaný formát obrázku.","Status":"Stav","HTTP Error.":"Chyba HTTP.","Start Upload":"Spustit nahrávání","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Chyba - duplikovaný soubor.","File size error.":"Chyba velikosti souboru.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Chyba: Neplatná koncovka souboru:","Select files":"Vyberte soubory","%s already present in the queue.":"%s je již zařazen ve frontě.","File: %s":"Soubor: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Nahráno %d/%d souborů","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Upload akceptuje pouze %d soubor(ů) najednou. Další soubory byly odstraněny.","%d files queued":"%d souborů ve frontě","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Soubor: %s, velikost: %d, maximální velikost souboru: %d","Drag files here.":"Sem přetáhněte soubory.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Běh skriptu přesáhl dostupnou paměť.","File count error.":"Chyba v počtu souborů.","File extension error.":"Chyba přípony souboru.","Error: File too large:":"Chyba: Soubor je příliš veliký:","Add Files":"Přidat soubory"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/cy.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54a60c026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Welsh (cy)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Atal Lanlwytho","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"URL y lanlwythiad ynb anghywir neu ddim yn bodoli.","tb":"tb","Size":"Maint","Close":"Cau","Init error.":"Gwall cych.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Ychwanegwch ffeiliau i'r ciw lanlwytho a chlicio'r botwm dechrau.","Filename":"Enw'r ffeil","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Fformat delwedd yn anghywir neu heb ei gynnal.","Status":"Statws","HTTP Error.":"Gwall HTTP.","Start Upload":"Dechrau Lanlwytho","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Gwall ffeil ddyblyg.","File size error.":"Gwall maint ffeil.","N/A":"Dd/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Gwall: estyniad ffeil annilys:","Select files":"Dewis ffeiliau","%s already present in the queue.":"%s yn y ciw yn barod.","File: %s":"Ffeil: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Lanlwythwyd %d/%d ffeil","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Mae'r elfen lanlwytho yn derbyn %d ffeil ar y tro. Caiff ffeiliau ychwanegol eu tynnu.","%d files queued":"%d ffeil mewn ciw","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Ffeil: %s, maint: %d, maint mwyaf ffeil: %d","Drag files here.":"Llusgwch ffeiliau yma.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Allan o gof.","File count error.":"Gwall cyfri ffeiliau.","File extension error.":"Gwall estyniad ffeil.","Error: File too large:":"Gwall: Ffeil yn rhy fawr:","Add Files":"Ychwanegu Ffeiliau"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/da.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a4f62fea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Danish (da)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Stop upload","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Upload URL kan være forkert eller ikke eksisterende.","tb":"tb","Size":"Størrelse","Close":"Luk","Init error.":"Opstarts fejl.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Tilføj filer til køen og klik Start upload knappen.","Filename":"Filnavn","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Billede format er enten forkert eller ikke understøttet.","Status":"Status","HTTP Error.":"HTTP fejl.","Start Upload":"Start upload","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Filen findes allerede.","File size error.":"Filstørrelse fejl.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Fejl: Ugyldigt fil format:","Select files":"Vælg filer","%s already present in the queue.":"%s findes allerede i køen.","File: %s":"Fil: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Uploaded %d/%d filer","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Upload accepterer kun %d fil(er) af gangen. Ekstra filer blev skippet.","%d files queued":"%d filer i kø","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Fil: %s, størrelse: %d, maks. filstørrelse: %d","Drag files here.":"Træk filer her.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Runtime mangler tilgængelige hukommelse.","File count error.":"Fil antal fejl.","File extension error.":"Fil format fejl.","Error: File too large:":"Fejl: Filen er for stor:","Add Files":"Tilføj filer"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/de.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c738343de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// German (de)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Hochladen stoppen","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Upload-URL ist falsch oder existiert nicht.","tb":"TB","Size":"Größe","Close":"Schließen","Init error.":"Initialisierungsfehler","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Dateien hinzufügen und auf 'Hochladen' klicken.","Filename":"Dateiname","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Bildformat falsch oder nicht unterstützt.","Status":"Status","HTTP Error.":"HTTP-Fehler","Start Upload":"Hochladen beginnen","mb":"MB","kb":"KB","Duplicate file error.":"Datei bereits hochgeladen","File size error.":"Fehler bei Dateigröße","N/A":"Nicht verfügbar","gb":"GB","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Fehler: Ungültige Dateiendung:","Select files":"Dateien auswählen","%s already present in the queue.":"%s ist bereits in der Warteschlange","File: %s":"Datei: %s","b":"B","Uploaded %d/%d files":"%d/%d Dateien wurden hochgeladen","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Pro Durchgang können nur %d Datei(en) akzeptiert werden. Überzählige Dateien wurden ignoriert.","%d files queued":"%d Dateien in der Warteschlange","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Datei: %s, Größe: %d, maximale Dateigröße: %d","Drag files here.":"Dateien hier hin ziehen.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Nicht genügend Speicher verfügbar.","File count error.":"Fehlerhafte Dateianzahl.","File extension error.":"Fehler bei Dateiendung","Error: File too large:":"Fehler: Datei zu groß:","Add Files":"Dateien hinzufügen"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/el.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1cabee897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Greek (el)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Ακύρωση Μεταφόρτωσης","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Το URL μεταφόρτωσης είναι λάθος ή δεν υπάρχει.","tb":"tb","Size":"Μέγεθος","Close":"Κλείσιμο","Init error.":"Σφάλμα αρχικοποίησης.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Προσθέστε αρχεία στην ουρά μεταφόρτωσης και πατήστε το κουμπί εκκίνησης.","Filename":"Όνομα Αρχείου","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Ο τύπος εικόνας είναι λάθος ή δεν υποστηρίζεται.","Status":"Κατάσταση","HTTP Error.":"Σφάλμα HTTP.","Start Upload":"Εκκίνηση Μεταφόρτωσης","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Το αρχείο έχει ξαναπροστεθεί.","File size error.":"Σφάλμα με το μέγεθος του αρχείου.","N/A":"Δεν ισχύει","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Σφάλμα: Μη έγκυρος τύπος αρχείου:","Select files":"Επιλέξτε Αρχεία","%s already present in the queue.":"Το «%s» βρίσκεται ήδη στην ουρά.","File: %s":"Αρχείο: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Μεταφορτώθηκαν %d/%d αρχεία","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Μπορείτε να μεταφορτώσετε μεχρι και %d αρχείο/α κάθε φορά. Τα επιπλέον αρχεία αφαιρέθηκαν.","%d files queued":"%d αρχεία στην ουρά","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Αρχείο: %s, μέγεθος: %d, μέγιστο μέγεθος αρχείου: %d","Drag files here.":"Σύρετε αρχεία εδώ","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Δεν υπάρχει αρκετή διαθέσιμη μνήμη.","File count error.":"Σφάλμα με τον αριθμό αρχείων.","File extension error.":"Σφάλμα με τον τύπο αρχείου.","Error: File too large:":"Σφάλμα: Πολύ μεγάλο αρχείο:","Add Files":"Προσθέστε Αρχεία"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/en.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ab3e2e08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// English (en)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Stop Upload","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.","tb":"tb","Size":"Size","Close":"Close","Init error.":"Init error.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.","Filename":"Filename","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Image format either wrong or not supported.","Status":"Status","HTTP Error.":"HTTP Error.","Start Upload":"Start Upload","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Duplicate file error.","File size error.":"File size error.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Error: Invalid file extension:","Select files":"Select files","%s already present in the queue.":"%s already present in the queue.","File: %s":"File: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Uploaded %d/%d files","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.","%d files queued":"%d files queued","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d","Drag files here.":"Drag files here.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Runtime ran out of available memory.","File count error.":"File count error.","File extension error.":"File extension error.","Error: File too large:":"Error: File too large:","Add Files":"Add Files"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/es.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/es.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72b0367ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Spanish (es)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Detener Subida.","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"URL de carga inexistente.","tb":"TB","Size":"Tamaño","Close":"Cerrar","Init error.":"Error de inicialización.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Agregue archivos a la lista de subida y pulse clic en el botón de Iniciar carga","Filename":"Nombre de archivo","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Formato de imagen no soportada.","Status":"Estado","HTTP Error.":"Error de HTTP.","Start Upload":"Iniciar carga","mb":"MB","kb":"KB","Duplicate file error.":"Error, archivo duplicado","File size error.":"Error de tamaño de archivo.","N/A":"No disponible","gb":"GB","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Error: Extensión de archivo inválida:","Select files":"Elija archivos","%s already present in the queue.":"%s ya se encuentra en la lista.","File: %s":"Archivo: %s","b":"B","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Subidos %d/%d archivos","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Se aceptan sólo %d archivo(s) al tiempo. Más, no se tienen en cuenta.","%d files queued":"%d archivos en cola.","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Archivo: %s, tamaño: %d, tamaño máximo de archivo: %d","Drag files here.":"Arrastre archivos aquí","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"No hay memoria disponible.","File count error.":"Error en contador de archivos.","File extension error.":"Error de extensión de archivo.","Error: File too large:":"Error: archivo demasiado grande:","Add Files":"Agregar archivos"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/et.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/et.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e145b10e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/et.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Estonian (et)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Stop Upload","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Üleslaadimise URL võib olla vale või seda pole.","tb":"","Size":"Suurus","Close":"Sulge","Init error.":"Lähtestamise viga.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Lisa failid üleslaadimise järjekorda ja klõpsa alustamise nupule.","Filename":"Failinimi","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Image format either wrong or not supported.","Status":"Olek","HTTP Error.":"HTTP ühenduse viga.","Start Upload":"Start Upload","mb":"","kb":"","Duplicate file error.":"","File size error.":"Failisuuruse viga.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Error: Invalid file extension:","Select files":"Vali faile","%s already present in the queue.":"","File: %s":"Fail: %s","b":"","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Üles laaditud %d/%d","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Üleslaadimise element saab vastu võtta ainult %d faili ühe korraga. Ülejäänud failid jäetakse laadimata.","%d files queued":"Järjekorras on %d faili","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"","Drag files here.":"Lohista failid siia.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Runtime ran out of available memory.","File count error.":"Failide arvu viga.","File extension error.":"Faililaiendi viga.","Error: File too large:":"Error: File too large:","Add Files":"Add Files"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/fa.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/fa.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3246cc95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/fa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Persian (fa)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"توقف انتقال","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.","tb":"ترابایت","Size":"سایز","Close":"بستن","Init error.":"خطا در استارت اسکریپت","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"اضافه کنید فایل ها را به صف آپلود و دکمه شروع را کلیک کنید.","Filename":"نام فایل","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Image format either wrong or not supported.","Status":"وضعیت","HTTP Error.":"HTTP خطای","Start Upload":"شروع انتقال","mb":"مگابایت","kb":"کیلوبایت","Duplicate file error.":"خطای فایل تکراری","File size error.":"خطای سایز فایل","N/A":"N/A","gb":"گیگابایت","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Error: Invalid file extension:","Select files":"انتخاب فایل","%s already present in the queue.":"%s در لیست آپلود وجود دارد.","File: %s":" فایل ها : %s","b":"بایت","Uploaded %d/%d files":"منتقل شد %d/%d از فایلها","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"عنصر بارگذار فقط %d فایل رو در یک زمان می پذیرد. سایر فایل ها مجرد از این موضوع هستند.","%d files queued":"%d فایل در صف","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"فایل: %s, اندازه: %d, محدودیت اندازه فایل: %d","Drag files here.":"بکشید فایل ها رو به اینجا","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Runtime ran out of available memory.","File count error.":"خطای تعداد فایل","File extension error.":"خطا پیشوند فایل","Error: File too large:":"Error: File too large:","Add Files":"افزودن فایل"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/fi.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/fi.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e16ebecf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/fi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Finnish (fi)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Pysäytä lähetys","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Lähetyksen URL-osoite saattaa olla väärä tai sitä ei ole olemassa.","tb":"TB","Size":"Koko","Close":"Sulje","Init error.":"Init virhe.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Lisää tiedostoja lähetysjonoon ja klikkaa aloita-nappia.","Filename":"Tiedostonimi","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Kuvaformaatti on joko väärä tai ei tuettu.","Status":"Tila","HTTP Error.":"HTTP-virhe.","Start Upload":"Aloita lähetys","mb":"MB","kb":"kB","Duplicate file error.":"Tuplatiedostovirhe.","File size error.":"Tiedostokokovirhe.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"GB","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Virhe: Virheellinen tiedostopääte:","Select files":"Valitse tiedostoja","%s already present in the queue.":"%s on jo jonossa.","File: %s":"Tiedosto: %s","b":"B","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Lähetetty %d/%d tiedostoa","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Vain %d tiedosto(a) voidaan lähettää kerralla. Ylimääräiset tiedostot ohitettiin.","%d files queued":"%d tiedostoa jonossa","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Tiedosto: %s, koko: %d, suurin sallittu tiedostokoko: %d","Drag files here.":"Raahaa tiedostot tähän.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Toiminnon käytettävissä oleva muisti loppui kesken.","File count error.":"Tiedostolaskentavirhe.","File extension error.":"Tiedostopäätevirhe.","Error: File too large:":"Virhe: Liian suuri tiedosto:","Add Files":"Lisää tiedostoja"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/fr.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f2a765b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// French (fr)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Arrêter l'envoi.","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"L'URL d'envoi est soit erronée soit n'existe pas.","tb":"To","Size":"Taille","Close":"Fermer","Init error.":"Erreur d'initialisation.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Ajoutez des fichiers à la file d'attente de téléchargement et appuyez sur le bouton 'Démarrer l'envoi'","Filename":"Nom du fichier","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Le format d'image est soit erroné soit pas géré.","Status":"État","HTTP Error.":"Erreur HTTP.","Start Upload":"Démarrer l'envoi","mb":"Mo","kb":"Ko","Duplicate file error.":"Erreur: Fichier déjà sélectionné.","File size error.":"Erreur de taille de fichier.","N/A":"Non applicable","gb":"Go","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Erreur: Extension de fichier non valide:","Select files":"Sélectionnez les fichiers","%s already present in the queue.":"%s déjà présent dans la file d'attente.","File: %s":"Fichier: %s","b":"o","Uploaded %d/%d files":"%d fichiers sur %d ont été envoyés","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Que %d fichier(s) peuvent être envoyé(s) à la fois. Les fichiers supplémentaires ont été ignorés.","%d files queued":"%d fichiers en attente","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Fichier: %s, taille: %d, taille max. d'un fichier: %d","Drag files here.":"Déposez les fichiers ici.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Le traitement a manqué de mémoire disponible.","File count error.":"Erreur: Nombre de fichiers.","File extension error.":"Erreur d'extension de fichier","Error: File too large:":"Erreur: Fichier trop volumineux:","Add Files":"Ajouter des fichiers"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/he.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/he.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..710334780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/he.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Hebrew (he)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"בטל העלאה","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"כתובת URL שגויה או לא קיימת.","tb":"tb","Size":"גודל","Close":"סגור","Init error.":"שגיאת איתחול","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"הוסף קבצים לרשימה ולחץ על כפתור שליחה להתחלת פעולות העלאה","Filename":"שם קובץ","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"תמונה פגומה או סוג תמונה לא נתמך","Status":"אחוז","HTTP Error.":"שגיאת פרוטוקול","Start Upload":"שליחה","mb":"MB","kb":"KB","Duplicate file error.":"קובץ כפול","File size error.":"גודל קובץ חורג מהמותר","N/A":"שגיאה","gb":"GB","Error: Invalid file extension:":"שגיאה: סוג קובץ לא נתמך:","Select files":"בחר קבצים","%s already present in the queue.":"%sקובץ נמצא כבר ברשימת הקבצים.","File: %s":"קובץ: %s","b":"B","Uploaded %d/%d files":"מעלה: %d/%d","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"אלמנטי ההעלאה מקבלים רק %d קובץ(ים) בפעם אחת. קבצים נוספים הוסרו.","%d files queued":"%d קבצים נותרו","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"קובץ: %s, גודל: %d, גודל מקסימלי: %d","Drag files here.":"גרור קבצים לכאן","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"שגיאת מחסור בזיכרון","File count error.":"שגיאת מספר קבצים","File extension error.":"קובץ זה לא נתמך","Error: File too large:":"שגיאה: קובץ חורג מהגודל המותר:","Add Files":"הוסף קבצים"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/hr.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/hr.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..626dded43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/hr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Croatian (hr)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Zaustavi upload.","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.","tb":"tb","Size":"Veličina","Close":"Zatvori","Init error.":"Greška inicijalizacije.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Dodajte datoteke u listu i kliknite Upload.","Filename":"Ime datoteke","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Image format either wrong or not supported.","Status":"Status","HTTP Error.":"HTTP greška.","Start Upload":"Pokreni upload.","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Pogreška dvostruke datoteke.","File size error.":"Greška veličine datoteke.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Pogreška: Nevažeći nastavak datoteke:","Select files":"Odaberite datoteke:","%s already present in the queue.":"%s je već prisutan u listi čekanja.","File: %s":"Datoteka: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Uploadano %d/%d datoteka","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.","%d files queued":"%d datoteka na čekanju.","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Datoteka: %s, veličina: %d, maksimalna veličina: %d","Drag files here.":"Dovucite datoteke ovdje","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Runtime aplikaciji je ponestalo memorije.","File count error.":"Pogreška u broju datoteka.","File extension error.":"Pogreška u nastavku datoteke.","Error: File too large:":"Pogreška: Datoteka je prevelika:","Add Files":"Dodaj datoteke"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/hu.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad233566f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Hungarian (hu)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Feltöltés leállítása","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"A feltöltő URL hibás vagy nem létezik.","tb":"TB","Size":"Méret","Close":"Bezárás","Init error.":"Init hiba.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"A fájlok feltöltési sorhoz való hozzáadása után az Indítás gombra kell kattintani.","Filename":"Fájlnév","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Rossz vagy nem támogatott képformátum.","Status":"Állapot","HTTP Error.":"HTTP-hiba.","Start Upload":"Feltöltés indítása","mb":"MB","kb":"kB","Duplicate file error.":"Duplikáltfájl-hiba.","File size error.":"Hibás fájlméret.","N/A":"Nem elérhető","gb":"GB","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Hiba: érvénytelen fájlkiterjesztés:","Select files":"Fájlok kiválasztása","%s already present in the queue.":"%s már szerepel a listában.","File: %s":"Fájl: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Feltöltött fájlok: %d/%d","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"A feltöltés egyszerre csak %d fájlt fogad el, a többi fájl nem lesz feltöltve.","%d files queued":"%d fájl sorbaállítva","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Fájl: %s, méret: %d, legnagyobb fájlméret: %d","Drag files here.":"Ide lehet húzni a fájlokat.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Futásidőben elfogyott a rendelkezésre álló memória.","File count error.":"A fájlok számával kapcsolatos hiba.","File extension error.":"Hibás fájlkiterjesztés.","Error: File too large:":"Hiba: a fájl túl nagy:","Add Files":"Fájlok hozzáadása"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/hy.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/hy.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c13a9653b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/hy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Armenian (hy)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Կանգնեցնել","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Ավեցաված URL-ը սխալ է կամ գոյություն չունի։","tb":"տբ","Size":"Չափ","Close":"Փակել","Init error.":"Ստեղծման սխալ","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Ավելացրեք ֆայլեր ցուցակում և սեղմեք \"Վերբեռնել\"։","Filename":"Ֆայլի անուն","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Նկարի ֆորմատը սխալ է կամ չի ընդունվում։","Status":"","HTTP Error.":"HTTP սխալ","Start Upload":"Վերբեռնել","mb":"մբ","kb":"կբ","Duplicate file error.":"Ֆայլի կրկնման սխալ","File size error.":"Ֆայլի չափի սխալ","N/A":"N/A","gb":"գբ","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Սխալ։ Ֆայլի ընդլայնումը սխալ է։","Select files":"Ընտրեք ֆայլերը","%s already present in the queue.":"%s ֆայլը արդեն ավելացված է ցուցակում.","File: %s":"Ֆայլ: %s","b":"բ","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Վերբեռնվել են %d/%d ֆայլերը","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"","%d files queued":"ցուցակում կա %d ֆայլ","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Ֆայլ: %s, չափ: %d, ֆայլի մաքսիմում չափ: %d","Drag files here.":"Տեղափոխեք ֆայլերը այստեղ","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"","File count error.":"Ֆայլերի քանակի սխալ","File extension error.":"Ֆայլի ընդլայնման սխալ","Error: File too large:":"Սխալ։ Ֆայլի չափը մեծ է։","Add Files":"Ավելացնել ֆայլեր"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/id.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/id.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2921c27d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/id.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Indonesian (id)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Hentikan Upload","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Alamat URL untuk upload tidak benar atau tidak ada","tb":"tb","Size":"Ukuran","Close":"Tutup","Init error.":"Kesalahan pada Init","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Tambahkan file kedalam antrian upload dan klik tombol Mulai","Filename":"Nama File","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Kesalahan pada jenis gambar atau jenis file tidak didukung","Status":"Status","HTTP Error.":"HTTP Bermasalah","Start Upload":"Mulai Upload","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Terjadi duplikasi file","File size error.":"Kesalahan pada ukuran file","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Kesalahan: Ekstensi file tidak dikenal","Select files":"Pilih file","%s already present in the queue.":"%s sudah ada dalam daftar antrian","File: %s":"File: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"File terupload %d/%d","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Tempat untuk upload hanya menerima %d file(s) dalam setiap upload. File lainnya tidak akan disertakan","%d files queued":"%d file dalam antrian","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"File: %s, ukuran: %d, maksimum ukuran file: %d","Drag files here.":"Tarik file kesini","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Tidak cukup memori","File count error.":"Kesalahan pada jumlah file","File extension error.":"Kesalahan pada ekstensi file","Error: File too large:":"Kesalahan: File terlalu besar","Add Files":"Tambah File"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/it.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66c9f9df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Italian (it)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Ferma Upload","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"URL di Upload errata o non esistente","tb":"tb","Size":"Dimensione","Close":"Chiudi","Init error.":"Errore inizializzazione.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Aggiungi i file alla coda di caricamento e clicca il pulsante di avvio.","Filename":"Nome file","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Formato immagine errato o non supportato.","Status":"Stato","HTTP Error.":"Errore HTTP.","Start Upload":"Inizia Upload","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Errore file duplicato.","File size error.":"Errore dimensione file.","N/A":"N/D","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Errore: Estensione file non valida:","Select files":"Seleziona i files","%s already present in the queue.":"%s già presente nella coda.","File: %s":"File: %s","b":"byte","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Caricati %d/%d file","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.","%d files queued":"%d file in coda","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"File: %s, dimensione: %d, dimensione max file: %d","Drag files here.":"Trascina i files qui.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Runtime ha esaurito la memoria disponibile.","File count error.":"File count error.","File extension error.":"Errore estensione file.","Error: File too large:":"Errore: File troppo grande:","Add Files":"Aggiungi file"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ja.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ja.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28486992e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ja.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Japanese (ja)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"アップロード停止","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"アップロード先の URL が存在しません","tb":"TB","Size":"サイズ","Close":"閉じる","Init error.":"イニシャライズエラー","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"ファイルをアップロードキューに追加してスタートボタンをクリックしてください","Filename":"ファイル名","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"画像形式が間違っているかサポートされていません","Status":"ステータス","HTTP Error.":"HTTP エラー","Start Upload":"アップロード開始","mb":"MB","kb":"KB","Duplicate file error.":"重複ファイルエラー","File size error.":"ファイルサイズエラー","N/A":"N/A","gb":"GB","Error: Invalid file extension:":"エラー: ファイルの拡張子が無効です:","Select files":"ファイル選択","%s already present in the queue.":"%s 既にキューに存在しています","File: %s":"ファイル: %s","b":"B","Uploaded %d/%d files":"アップロード中 %d/%d ファイル","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"アップロード可能なファイル数は %d です 余分なファイルは削除されました","%d files queued":"%d ファイルが追加されました","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"ファイル: %s, サイズ: %d, 最大ファイルサイズ: %d","Drag files here.":"ここにファイルをドラッグ","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"ランタイムが使用するメモリが不足しました","File count error.":"ファイル数エラー","File extension error.":"ファイル拡張子エラー","Error: File too large:":"エラー: ファイルが大きすぎます:","Add Files":"ファイルを追加"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ka.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ka.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1a1fa9d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ka.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Georgian (ka)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"ატვირთვის შეჩერება","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"ატვირთვის მისამართი არასწორია ან არ არსებობს.","tb":"ტბ","Size":"ზომა","Close":"დავხუროთ","Init error.":"ინიციალიზაციის შეცდომა.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"დაამატეთ ფაილები და დააჭირეთ ღილაკს - ატვირთვა.","Filename":"ფაილის სახელი","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"ფაილის ფორმატი არ არის მხარდაჭერილი ან არასწორია.","Status":"სტატუსი","HTTP Error.":"HTTP შეცდომა.","Start Upload":"ატვირთვა","mb":"მბ","kb":"კბ","Duplicate file error.":"ესეთი ფაილი უკვე დამატებულია.","File size error.":"ფაილის ზომა დაშვებულზე დიდია.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"გბ","Error: Invalid file extension:":"შეცდომა: ფაილს აქვს არასწორი გაფართოება.","Select files":"ფაილების მონიშვნა","%s already present in the queue.":"%s უკვე დამატებულია.","File: %s":"ფაილი: %s","b":"ბ","Uploaded %d/%d files":"ატვირთულია %d/%d ფაილი","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"ერთდროულად დაშვებულია მხოლოდ %d ფაილის დამატება.","%d files queued":"რიგშია %d ფაილი","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"ფაილი: %s, ზომა: %d, მაქსიმალური დაშვებული ზომა: %d","Drag files here.":"ჩააგდეთ ფაილები აქ.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"ხელმისაწვდომი მეხსიერება გადაივსო.","File count error.":"აღმოჩენილია ზედმეტი ფაილები.","File extension error.":"ფაილის ფორმატი დაშვებული არ არის.","Error: File too large:":"შეცდომა: ფაილი ზედმეტად დიდია.","Add Files":"დაამატეთ ფაილები"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/kk.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/kk.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..344922a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/kk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Kazakh (kk)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Жүктеуді тоқтату","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Жүктеуді қабылдаушы URL қате не мүлдем көрсетілмеген.","tb":"тб","Size":"Өлшемі","Close":"Жабу","Init error.":"Инициализация қатесі.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Жүктеу кезегіне файлдар қосып, Бастау кнопкасын басыңыз.","Filename":"Файл аты","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Сурет форматы қате немесе оның қолдауы жоқ.","Status":"Күйі","HTTP Error.":"HTTP қатесі.","Start Upload":"Жүктеуді бастау","mb":"мб","kb":"кб","Duplicate file error.":"Файл қайталамасының қатесі.","File size error.":"Файл өлшемінің қатесі.","N/A":"Қ/Ж","gb":"гб","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Қате: Файл кеңейтілуі қате:","Select files":"Файлдар таңдаңыз","%s already present in the queue.":"%s файлы кезекте бұрыннан бар.","File: %s":"Файл: %s","b":"б","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Жүктелген: %d/%d файл","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Жүктеу элементі бір кезде %d файл ғана жүктей алады. Артық файлдар жүктелмейді.","%d files queued":"%d файл кезекке қойылды","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Файл: %s, өлшемі: %d, макс. файл өлшемі: %d","Drag files here.":"Файлдарды мына жерге тастаңыз.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Орындау кезінде жады жетпей қалды.","File count error.":"Файл санының қатесі.","File extension error.":"Файл кеңейтілуінің қатесі.","Error: File too large:":"Қате: Файл мөлшері тым үлкен:","Add Files":"Файл қосу"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/km.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/km.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c77cea131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/km.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Khmer (km)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"បញ្ឈប់​ការ​ផ្ទុក​ឡើង","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"URL ផ្ទុក​ឡើង​អាច​ខុស ឬ​ក៏​គ្មាន។","tb":"tb","Size":"ទំហំ","Close":"បិទ","Init error.":"កំហុស Init។","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"បន្ថែម​ឯកសារ​ទៅ​ក្នុង​ជួរ​លំដាប់​ផ្ទុក​ឡើង ហើយ​ចុច​ប៊ូតុង​ចាប់​ផ្ដើម។","Filename":"ឈ្មោះ​ឯកសារ","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"ទ្រង់​ទ្រាយ​រូបភាព​អាច​ខុស ឬ​ក៏​មិន​ស្គាល់​តែ​ម្ដង។","Status":"ស្ថានភាព","HTTP Error.":"កំហុស HTTP ។","Start Upload":"ចាប់​ផ្ដើម​ផ្ទុក​ឡើង","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"កំហុស​ឯកសារ​ស្ទួន​គ្នា។","File size error.":"កំហុស​ទំហំ​ឯកសារ។","N/A":"គ្មាន","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"កំហុស៖ កន្ទុយ​ឯកសារ​មិន​ត្រឹម​ត្រូវ៖","Select files":"ជ្រើស​ឯកសារ","%s already present in the queue.":"មាន %s នៅ​ក្នុង​ជួរ​លំដាប់​ហើយ។","File: %s":"ឯកសារ៖ %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"បាន​ផ្ទុក​ឡើង​ឯកសារ %d/%d","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"ការ​ផ្ទុក​ឡើង​ទទួល​ឯកសារ​បាន​តែ %d ប៉ុណ្ណោះ​ក្នុង​ពេល​តែ​មួយ។ ឯកសារ​ផ្សេង​ទៀត​នឹង​ត្រូវ​ដក​ចេញ។","%d files queued":"បាន​ដាក់​ឯកសារ %d បន្ត​គ្នា","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"ឯកសារ៖ %s, size: %d, ទំហំ​ឯកសារ​អតិបរមា៖ %d","Drag files here.":"អូស​ឯកសារ​មក​ទីនេះ។","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"ពេល​ដំណើរ​ការ​អស់​អង្គ​ចងចាំ​ទំនេរ​ហើយ។","File count error.":"កំហុស​ការ​រាប់​ឯកសារ។","File extension error.":"កំហុស​កន្ទុយ​ឯកសារ។","Error: File too large:":"កំហុស៖ ឯកសារ​ធំ​ពេក៖","Add Files":"បន្ថែម​ឯកសារ"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ko.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ko.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80c656409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ko.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Korean (ko)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"업로드 중지","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"업로드할 URL이 존재하지 않습니다.","tb":"tb","Size":"크기","Close":"닫기","Init error.":"초기화 오류.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"파일을 업로드 큐에 추가한 후 시작 버튼을 클릭하십시오.","Filename":"파일명","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"지원되지 않는 이미지 형식입니다.","Status":"상태","HTTP Error.":"HTTP 오류.","Start Upload":"업로드 시작","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"파일 중복 오류.","File size error.":"파일 크기 오류.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"오류: 허용되지 않은 확장자입니다.","Select files":"파일 선택","%s already present in the queue.":"%s 파일이 이미 대기열에 존재합니다.","File: %s":"파일: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"%d / %d 파일 업로드 완료","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"업로드 가능한 파일의 수는 %d 입니다. 불필요한 파일은 삭제되었습니다.","%d files queued":"%d 파일이 추가됨","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"파일: %s, 크기: %d, 최대 파일 크기: %d","Drag files here.":"이곳에 파일을 드래그 하세요.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"런타임 메모리가 부족합니다.","File count error.":"파일 갯수 오류.","File extension error.":"파일 확장자 오류.","Error: File too large:":"오류: 파일 크기가 너무 큽니다.","Add Files":"파일 추가"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/lt.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/lt.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b24e65b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/lt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Lithuanian (lt)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Stabdyti įkėlimą","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Klaidinga arba neegzistuojanti įkėlimo nuoroda.","tb":"tb","Size":"Dydis","Close":"Uždaryti","Init error.":"Įkrovimo klaida.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Pridėkite bylas į įkėlimo eilę ir paspauskite starto mygtuką.","Filename":"Bylos pavadinimas","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Paveiksliuko formatas klaidingas arba nebepalaikomas.","Status":"Statusas","HTTP Error.":"HTTP klaida.","Start Upload":"Pradėti įkėlimą","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Pasikartojanti byla.","File size error.":"Netinkamas bylos dydis.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Klaida: Netinkamas bylos plėtinys:","Select files":"Žymėti bylas","%s already present in the queue.":"%s jau yra eilėje.","File: %s":"Byla: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Įkelta bylų: %d/%d","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Vienu metu galima įkelti tik %d bylas(ų). Papildomos bylos buvo pašalintos.","%d files queued":"%d bylų eilėje","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Byla: %s, dydis: %d, galimas dydis: %d","Drag files here.":"Padėti bylas čia.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Išeikvota darbinė atmintis.","File count error.":"Netinkamas bylų kiekis.","File extension error.":"Netinkamas pletinys.","Error: File too large:":"Klaida: Byla per didelė:","Add Files":"Pridėti bylas"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/lv.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/lv.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0e7be75c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/lv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Latvian (lv)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Apturēt augšupielādi","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Augšupielādes saite neeksistē vai ir nepareiza.","tb":"terrabaiti","Size":"Izmērs","Close":"Aizvērt","Init error.":"Inicializācijas kļūda.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Pieveinojiet failus rindai un klikšķiniet uz pogu \"Sākt augšupielādi\".","Filename":"Faila nosaukums","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Attēla formāts ir nepareizs vai arī netiek atbalstīts.","Status":"Statuss","HTTP Error.":"HTTP kļūda.","Start Upload":"Sākt augšupielādi","mb":"megabaiti","kb":"kilobaiti","Duplicate file error.":"Atkārtota faila kļūda","File size error.":"Faila izmēra kļūda.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gigabaiti","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Kļūda: Nepareizs faila paplašinājums:","Select files":"Izvēlieties failus","%s already present in the queue.":"%s jau ir atrodams rindā.","File: %s":"Fails: %s","b":"baiti","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Augšupielādēti %d/%d faili","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Iespējams ielādēt tikai %d failus vienā reizē. Atlikušie faili netika pievienoti","%d files queued":"%d faili pievienoti rindai","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Fails: %s, izmērs: %d, max faila izmērs: %d","Drag files here.":"Ievelciet failus šeit","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Pietrūkst izmantojamās atmiņas.","File count error.":"Failu skaita kļūda","File extension error.":"Faila paplašinājuma kļūda.","Error: File too large:":"Kļūda: Fails pārāk liels:","Add Files":"Pievienot failus"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/mn.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/mn.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a379b084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/mn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Mongolian (mn)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"","tb":"","Size":"","Close":"","Init error.":"","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"","Filename":"","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"","Status":"","HTTP Error.":"","Start Upload":"","mb":"","kb":"","Duplicate file error.":"","File size error.":"","N/A":"","gb":"","Error: Invalid file extension:":"","Select files":"","%s already present in the queue.":"","File: %s":"","b":"","Uploaded %d/%d files":"","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"","%d files queued":"","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"","Drag files here.":"","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"","File count error.":"","File extension error.":"","Error: File too large:":"","Add Files":""}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ms.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ms.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dffb0ae18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Malay (ms)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Berhenti Muat naik","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"URL muat naik mungkin salah atau tidak wujud.","tb":"tb","Size":"saiz","Close":"Tutup","Init error.":"Ralat perlaksanaan.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Tambah fail ke dalam giliran muat naik dan klik butang Muat Naik.","Filename":"Nama fail","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Format imej sama ada salah atau tidak disokong.","Status":"Status","HTTP Error.":"Ralat HTTP.","Start Upload":"Muat Naik","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Ralat menggandakan fail.","File size error.":"Ralat saiz fail.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Ralat: Sambungan fail tidak sah:","Select files":"Pilih fail","%s already present in the queue.":"%s telah ada dalam barisan.","File: %s":"Fail: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"%d/%d telah dimuat naik","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Element muat naik hanya menerima %d fail(-fail) pada satu masa. Fail tambahan telah digugurkan.","%d files queued":"%d fail dalam barisan","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Fail: %s, saiz: %d, saiz maks fail: %d","Drag files here.":"Seret fail ke sini.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Ruang ingatan masa larian tidak mencukupi.","File count error.":"Ralat bilangan fail.","File extension error.":"Ralat sambungan fail.","Error: File too large:":"Ralat: Fail terlalu bersar:","Add Files":"Tambah Fail"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/nl.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ff3c1c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Dutch (nl)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Stop Upload","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Upload URL is verkeerd of bestaat niet.","tb":"tb","Size":"Grootte","Close":"Sluiten","Init error.":"Initialisatie error.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Voeg bestanden toe aan de wachtrij en druk op 'Start'.","Filename":"Bestandsnaam","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"bestandsextensie is verkeerd of niet ondersteund.","Status":"Status","HTTP Error.":"HTTP Error.","Start Upload":"Start Upload","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Bestand bestaat al.","File size error.":"Bestandsgrootte error.","N/A":"Niet beschikbaar","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Error: Ongeldige bestandsextensie:","Select files":"Selecteer bestand(en):","%s already present in the queue.":"%s is al aan de wachtrij toegevoegd.","File: %s":"Bestand: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"%d/%d bestanden ge-upload","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Upload accepteert alleen %d bestand(en) tegelijk. Extra bestanden zijn verwijderd.","%d files queued":"%d bestand(en) in de wachtrij","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Bestand: %s, grootte: %d, maximale bestandsgrootte: %d","Drag files here.":"Sleep bestanden hierheen.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Het maximum bruikbare geheugen is overschreden.","File count error.":"Teveel bestand(en) error.","File extension error.":"Ongeldig bestandsextensie.","Error: File too large:":"Error: Bestand te groot:","Add Files":"Bestand(en) toevoegen"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/pl.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05a5b295f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Polish (pl)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Przerwij transfer.","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Adres URL moze bys nieprawidlowy lub moze nieistniec","tb":"tb","Size":"Rozmiar","Close":"Zamknij","Init error.":"Błąd inicjalizacji.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Dodaj pliki i kliknij 'Rozpocznij transfer'.","Filename":"Nazwa pliku","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Format zdjecia jest zly lub nieobslugiwany","Status":"Status","HTTP Error.":"Błąd HTTP.","Start Upload":"Wyslij","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Blad: duplikacja pliku.","File size error.":"Plik jest zbyt duży.","N/A":"Nie dostępne","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Blad: Nieprawidlowe rozszerzenie pliku:","Select files":"Wybierz pliki:","%s already present in the queue.":"%s juz wystepuje w kolejce.","File: %s":"Plik: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Wysłano %d/%d plików","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.","%d files queued":"%d plików w kolejce.","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Plik: %s, rozmiar: %d, maksymalny rozmiar pliku: %d","Drag files here.":"Przeciągnij tu pliki","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Wyczerpano pamiec RAM.","File count error.":"Blad liczenia pliku.","File extension error.":"Nieobsługiwany format pliku.","Error: File too large:":"Blad: Plik za duzy:","Add Files":"Dodaj pliki"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/pt_BR.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/pt_BR.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dcaf6c6fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/pt_BR.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_BR)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Parar o envio","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"URL de envio está errada ou não existe","tb":"TB","Size":"Tamanho","Close":"Fechar","Init error.":"Erro inicializando.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Adicione os arquivos abaixo e clique no botão \"Iniciar o envio\".","Filename":"Nome do arquivo","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Image format either wrong or not supported.","Status":"Status","HTTP Error.":"Erro HTTP.","Start Upload":"Iniciar o envio","mb":"MB","kb":"KB","Duplicate file error.":"Erro: Arquivo duplicado.","File size error.":"Tamanho de arquivo não permitido.","N/A":"N/D","gb":"GB","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Error: Invalid file extension:","Select files":"Escolha os arquivos","%s already present in the queue.":"%s já presentes na fila.","File: %s":"Arquivo: %s","b":"Bytes","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Enviado(s) %d/%d arquivo(s)","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Só são aceitos %d arquivos por vez. O que passou disso foi descartado.","%d files queued":"%d arquivo(s)","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Arquivo: %s, Tamanho: %d , Tamanho Máximo do Arquivo: %d","Drag files here.":"Arraste os arquivos pra cá","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Runtime ran out of available memory.","File count error.":"Erro na contagem dos arquivos","File extension error.":"Tipo de arquivo não permitido.","Error: File too large:":"Error: File too large:","Add Files":"Adicionar arquivo(s)"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ro.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ro.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ea3f06cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ro.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Romanian (ro)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Oprește încărcarea","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.","tb":"tb","Size":"Mărime","Close":"Închide","Init error.":"Eroare inițializare.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Adaugă fișiere în lista apoi apasă butonul \"Începe încărcarea\".","Filename":"Nume fișier","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Formatul de imagine ori este greșit ori nu este suportat.","Status":"Stare","HTTP Error.":"Eroare HTTP","Start Upload":"Începe încărcarea","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Eroare duplicat fișier.","File size error.":"Eroare dimensiune fișier.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Eroare: Extensia fișierului este invalidă:","Select files":"Selectează fișierele","%s already present in the queue.":"%s există deja în lista de așteptare.","File: %s":"Fișier: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Fișiere încărcate %d/%d","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.","%d files queued":"%d fișiere listate","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Fișier: %s, mărime: %d, mărime maximă: %d","Drag files here.":"Trage aici fișierele.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Runtime ran out of available memory.","File count error.":"Eroare numărare fișiere.","File extension error.":"Eroare extensie fișier.","Error: File too large:":"Eroare: Fișierul este prea mare:","Add Files":"Adaugă fișiere"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ru.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae2470bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Russian (ru)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Остановить Загрузку","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Адрес заргузки неправильный или он не существует.","tb":"тб","Size":"Размер","Close":"Закрыть","Init error.":"Ошибка инициализации.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Добавьте файлы в очередь и нажмите кнопку \"Загрузить файлы\".","Filename":"Имя файла","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Формат картинки неправильный или он не поддерживается.","Status":"Статус","HTTP Error.":"Ошибка HTTP.","Start Upload":"Начать загрузку","mb":"мб","kb":"кб","Duplicate file error.":"Такой файл уже присутствует в очереди.","File size error.":"Неправильный размер файла.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"гб","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Ошибка: У файла неправильное расширение:","Select files":"Выберите файлы","%s already present in the queue.":"%s уже присутствует в очереди.","File: %s":"Файл: %s","b":"б","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Загружено %d/%d файлов","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Загрузочный элемент за раз принимает только %d файл(ов). Лишние файлы были отброшены.","%d files queued":"В очереди %d файл(ов)","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Файл: %s, размер: %d, макс. размер файла: %d","Drag files here.":"Перетащите файлы сюда.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Рабочая среда превысила лимит достуной памяти.","File count error.":"Слишком много файлов.","File extension error.":"Неправильное расширение файла.","Error: File too large:":"Ошибка: Файл слишком большой:","Add Files":"Добавьте файлы"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/sk.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/sk.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18c9351c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/sk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Slovak (sk)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Zastaviť nahrávanie","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"URL pre nahratie nie je správna alebo neexistuje.","tb":"tb","Size":"Veľkosť","Close":"Zatvoriť","Init error.":"Chyba inicializácie.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Pridajte súbory do zoznamu a potom spustite nahrávanie.","Filename":"Názov súboru","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Formát obrázku je nesprávny alebo nie je podporovaný.","Status":"Stav","HTTP Error.":"HTTP Chyba.","Start Upload":"Spustiť nahrávanie","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Duplicitný súbor.","File size error.":"Súbor je príliš veľký.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Error: Nesprávny typ súboru:","Select files":"Vyberte súbory","%s already present in the queue.":"%s sa už nachádza v zozname.","File: %s":"Súbor: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Nahraných %d/%d súborov","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.","%d files queued":"%d súborov pridaných do zoznamu","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Súbor: %s, veľkosť: %d, max. veľkosť súboru: %d","Drag files here.":"Sem pretiahnite súbory.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Runtime ran out of available memory.","File count error.":"Nesprávny počet súborov.","File extension error.":"Chybný typ súboru.","Error: File too large:":"Chyba: Súbor je príliš veľký:","Add Files":"Pridať súbory"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/sq.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/sq.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1268954e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/sq.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Albanian (sq)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"","tb":"TB","Size":"","Close":"","Init error.":"Init gabim.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"","Filename":"","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"","Status":"","HTTP Error.":"HTTP Gabim.","Start Upload":"","mb":"MB","kb":"KB","Duplicate file error.":"Gabim i dublikatës të dosjes.","File size error.":"Gabim i madhësisë së dosjes.","N/A":"Nuk është në dispozicion","gb":"GB","Error: Invalid file extension:":"","Select files":"Zhgjidhni dosjet.","%s already present in the queue.":"","File: %s":"","b":"B","Uploaded %d/%d files":"","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"","%d files queued":"","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"","Drag files here.":"","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"","File count error.":"","File extension error.":"Gabim i zgerimit të dosjes.","Error: File too large:":"","Add Files":""}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/sr.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb9581c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Serbian (sr)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Stop Upload","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.","tb":"","Size":"Veličina","Close":"Close","Init error.":"Init error.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Dodajte fajlove u listu i kliknite na dugme Start.","Filename":"Naziv fajla","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Image format either wrong or not supported.","Status":"Status","HTTP Error.":"HTTP Error.","Start Upload":"Počni upload","mb":"","kb":"","Duplicate file error.":"","File size error.":"File size error.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Error: Invalid file extension:","Select files":"Izaberite fajlove","%s already present in the queue.":"","File: %s":"File: %s","b":"","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Snimljeno %d/%d fajlova","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.","%d files queued":"%d files queued","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"","Drag files here.":"Prevucite fajlove ovde.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Runtime ran out of available memory.","File count error.":"File count error.","File extension error.":"File extension error.","Error: File too large:":"Error: File too large:","Add Files":"Dodaj fajlove"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/sr_RS.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/sr_RS.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d72d0a912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/sr_RS.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Serbian (Serbia) (sr_RS)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"","tb":"","Size":"","Close":"","Init error.":"","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"","Filename":"","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"","Status":"","HTTP Error.":"","Start Upload":"","mb":"","kb":"","Duplicate file error.":"","File size error.":"","N/A":"","gb":"","Error: Invalid file extension:":"","Select files":"","%s already present in the queue.":"","File: %s":"","b":"","Uploaded %d/%d files":"","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"","%d files queued":"","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"","Drag files here.":"","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"","File count error.":"","File extension error.":"","Error: File too large:":"","Add Files":""}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/sv.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/sv.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f25ed818f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/sv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Swedish (sv)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Avbryt","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"URL:en va fel eller existerar inte.","tb":"tb","Size":"Storlek","Close":"Stäng","Init error.":"Problem vid initialisering.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Lägg till filer till kön och tryck på start.","Filename":"Filnamn","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Bildformatet är fel eller så finns inte stöd för det.","Status":"Status","HTTP Error.":"HTTP problem.","Start Upload":"Starta","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Problem med dubbla filer.","File size error.":"Problem med filstorlek.","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Fel: Ej godkänd filändelse.","Select files":"Välj filer","%s already present in the queue.":"%s är redan tillagd.","File: %s":"Fil: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Laddade upp %d/%d filer","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Det går bara lägga till %d filer åt gången, allt utöver detta togs bort.","%d files queued":"%d filer i kö","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Fil: %s, storlek: %d, max storlek: %d","Drag files here.":"Dra filer hit","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Slut på minne.","File count error.":"Räknefel.","File extension error.":"Problem med filändelse.","Error: File too large:":"Fel: Filen är för stor:","Add Files":"Lägg till"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/th_TH.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/th_TH.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53b995e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/th_TH.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Thai (Thailand) (th_TH)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"หยุดอัพโหลด","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"URL ของการอัพโหลดอาจจะผิดหรือไม่มีอยู่","tb":"เทราไบต์","Size":"ขนาด","Close":"ปิด","Init error.":"Init เกิดข้อผิดพลาด","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"เพิ่มไฟล์ไปยังคิวอัพโหลดและคลิกที่ปุ่มเริ่ม","Filename":"ชื่อไฟล์","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"รูปแบบรูปภาพทั้งสองผิดหรือไม่รองรับ","Status":"สถานะ","HTTP Error.":"HTTP เกิดข้อผิดพลาด","Start Upload":"เริ่มอัพโหลด","mb":"เมกะไบต์","kb":"กิโลไบต์","Duplicate file error.":"ไฟล์ที่ซ้ำกันเกิดข้อผิดพลาด","File size error.":"ขนาดไฟล์เกิดข้อผิดพลาด","N/A":"N/A","gb":"กิกะไบต์","Error: Invalid file extension:":"ข้อผิดพลาด: นามสกุลไฟล์ไม่ถูกต้อง:","Select files":"เลือกไฟล์","%s already present in the queue.":"%s อยู่ในคิวแล้ว","File: %s":"ไฟล์: %s","b":"ไบต์","Uploaded %d/%d files":"อัพโหลดแล้ว %d/%d ไฟล์","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"การอัพโหลดจะยอมรับเฉพาะ %d ไฟล์(s) ในช่วงเวลาเดียวกัน เมื่อไฟล์พิเศษถูกปลดออก","%d files queued":"%d ไฟล์ที่อยู่ในคิว","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"ไฟล์: %s, ขนาด: %d, ขนาดไฟล์สูงสุด: %d","Drag files here.":"ลากไฟล์มาที่นี่","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"รันไทม์วิ่งออกมาจากหน่วยความจำ","File count error.":"การนับไฟล์เกิดข้อผิดพลาด","File extension error.":"นามสกุลไฟล์เกิดข้อผิดพลาด","Error: File too large:":"ข้อผิดพลาด: ไฟล์ใหญ่เกินไป:","Add Files":"เพิ่มไฟล์"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/tr.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/tr.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47fec4ea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/tr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Turkish (tr)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Yüklemeyi durdur","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"URL yok ya da hatalı olabilir.","tb":"tb","Size":"Boyut","Close":"Kapat","Init error.":"Başlangıç hatası.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Dosyaları kuyruğa ekleyin ve başlatma butonuna tıklayın.","Filename":"Dosya adı","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Resim formatı yanlış ya da desteklenmiyor.","Status":"Durum","HTTP Error.":"HTTP hatası.","Start Upload":"Yüklemeyi başlat","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"Yinelenen dosya hatası.","File size error.":"Dosya boyutu hatası.","N/A":"-","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Hata: Geçersiz dosya uzantısı:","Select files":"Dosyaları seç","%s already present in the queue.":"%s kuyrukta zaten mevcut.","File: %s":"Dosya: %s","b":"bayt","Uploaded %d/%d files":"%d/%d dosya yüklendi","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Yükleme elemanı aynı anda %d dosya kabul eder. Ekstra dosyalar işleme konulmaz.","%d files queued":"Kuyrukta %d dosya var.","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Dosya: %s, boyut: %d, maksimum dosya boyutu: %d","Drag files here.":"Dosyaları buraya bırakın.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"İşlem için yeterli bellek yok.","File count error.":"Dosya sayım hatası.","File extension error.":"Dosya uzantısı hatası.","Error: File too large:":"Hata: Dosya çok büyük:","Add Files":"Dosya ekle"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/uk_UA.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/uk_UA.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..726bf94cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/uk_UA.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Ukrainian (Ukraine) (uk_UA)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"Зупинити завантаження","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"Адреса завантаження неправильна або не існує.","tb":"тб","Size":"Розмір","Close":"Закрити","Init error.":"Помилка ініціалізації.","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"Додайте файли в чергу та натисніть кнопку \"Завантажити файли\".","Filename":"Назва файлу","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"Формат картинки не правильний або не підтримується.","Status":"Статус","HTTP Error.":"Помилка HTTP.","Start Upload":"Почати завантаження","mb":"мб","kb":"кб","Duplicate file error.":"Такий файл вже присутній в черзі.","File size error.":"Неправильний розмір файлу.","N/A":"Н/Д","gb":"гб","Error: Invalid file extension:":"Помилка: У файлу неправильне розширення:","Select files":"Оберіть файли","%s already present in the queue.":"%s вже присутній у черзі.","File: %s":"Файл: %s","b":"б","Uploaded %d/%d files":"Завантажено %d/%d файлів","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"Завантажувальний елемент приймає лише %d файл(ів) одночасно. Зайві файли було відкинуто.","%d files queued":"В черзі %d файл(ів)","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"Файл: %s, розмір: %d, макс. розмір файлу: %d","Drag files here.":"Перетягніть файли сюди.","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"Робоче середовище перевищило ліміт доступної пам'яті.","File count error.":"Занадто багато файлів.","File extension error.":"Неправильне розширення файлу.","Error: File too large:":"Помилка: Файл занадто великий:","Add Files":"Додати файли"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/zh_CN.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/zh_CN.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f48e0c43e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/zh_CN.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Chinese (China) (zh_CN)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"停止上传","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"上传的URL可能是错误的或不存在。","tb":"tb","Size":"大小","Close":"关闭","Init error.":"初始化错误。","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"将文件添加到上传队列,然后点击”开始上传“按钮。","Filename":"文件名","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"图片格式错误或者不支持。","Status":"状态","HTTP Error.":"HTTP 错误。","Start Upload":"开始上传","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"重复文件错误。","File size error.":"文件大小错误。","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"错误:无效的文件扩展名:","Select files":"选择文件","%s already present in the queue.":"%s 已经在当前队列里。","File: %s":"文件: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"已上传 %d/%d 个文件","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"每次只接受同时上传 %d 个文件,多余的文件将会被删除。","%d files queued":"%d 个文件加入到队列","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"文件: %s, 大小: %d, 最大文件大小: %d","Drag files here.":"把文件拖到这里。","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"运行时已消耗所有可用内存。","File count error.":"文件数量错误。","File extension error.":"文件扩展名错误。","Error: File too large:":"错误: 文件太大:","Add Files":"增加文件"}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/zh_TW.js b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/zh_TW.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2deebe2d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/default/js/plugins/plupload/i18n/zh_TW.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW)
+plupload.addI18n({"Stop Upload":"停止上傳","Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist.":"檔案URL可能有誤或者不存在。","tb":"tb","Size":"大小","Close":"關閉","Init error.":"初始化錯誤。","Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.":"將檔案加入上傳序列,然後點選”開始上傳“按鈕。","Filename":"檔案名稱","Image format either wrong or not supported.":"圖片格式錯誤或者不支援。","Status":"狀態","HTTP Error.":"HTTP 錯誤。","Start Upload":"開始上傳","mb":"mb","kb":"kb","Duplicate file error.":"錯誤:檔案重複。","File size error.":"錯誤:檔案大小超過限制。","N/A":"N/A","gb":"gb","Error: Invalid file extension:":"錯誤:不接受的檔案格式:","Select files":"選擇檔案","%s already present in the queue.":"%s 已經存在目前的檔案序列。","File: %s":"檔案: %s","b":"b","Uploaded %d/%d files":"已上傳 %d/%d 個文件","Upload element accepts only %d file(s) at a time. Extra files were stripped.":"每次只能上傳 %d 個檔案,超過限制數量的檔案將被忽略。","%d files queued":"%d 個檔案加入到序列","File: %s, size: %d, max file size: %d":"檔案: %s, 大小: %d, 檔案大小上限: %d","Drag files here.":"把檔案拖曳到這裡。","Runtime ran out of available memory.":"執行時耗盡了所有可用的記憶體。","File count error.":"檔案數量錯誤。","File extension error.":"檔案副檔名錯誤。","Error: File too large:":"錯誤: 檔案大小太大:","Add Files":"增加檔案"}); \ No newline at end of file