path: root/template-common/lib/growfield/jquery.growfield.js
diff options
authorrub <rub@piwigo.org>2008-09-27 00:07:06 +0000
committerrub <rub@piwigo.org>2008-09-27 00:07:06 +0000
commit4e444f1e89a9501ffebaf93dc85e5b9ce7df0a0a (patch)
tree15c7fbd26874f0e115b6f3db947ec6fd084fa9e6 /template-common/lib/growfield/jquery.growfield.js
parent9698c80fcff3ca34de0b7bacaaeaec245e264d98 (diff)
Change growfield directory.
Use of packed file. Add growfield option (animate false) git-svn-id: http://piwigo.org/svn/trunk@2606 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
Diffstat (limited to 'template-common/lib/growfield/jquery.growfield.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 330 deletions
diff --git a/template-common/lib/growfield/jquery.growfield.js b/template-common/lib/growfield/jquery.growfield.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c8d35468..000000000
--- a/template-common/lib/growfield/jquery.growfield.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-/** jQuery textarea autogrow plugin
- * jQuery.1.2.6 required
- *
- * optional parameters: // $(elem).growfield( options )
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- * auto - bool // default = true // if false, ctrl + up/down are enabled
- * animate - bool // default = true
- * before(jEvent), after(jEvent) - callbacks // 'this' will be the dom object
- * min - integer - height in pixels // default = min-height ? css.min-height || initial height
- * max - integer - height in pixels // maximum size // default = css.max-height || none
- * restore - bool - restore original size on blur (and back to growed on focus) // default = false
- * speed - integer - animation speed. not a jquery parameter // default = 300 (ms)
- * offset - integer - bottom offset // default is calculated for each textarea separately // i don't recommend to touch it :)
- *
- * additional functions (public interface):
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- * $(..).increase( [step] ), decrease( [step] ), growTo( height ), growToggleAuto( bool ), growToggleRestore( bool ),
- * growSetMin( integer ), growSetMax( integer )
- *
- * notes
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- * parameters may be set in html attributes // tag attributes have priority
- * <textarea autogrow=1/0 animate=1/0 speed='' line='' min='' max='' restore='' step=''></textarea>
- *
- * increase and decrease functions are working only in auto mode
- *
- * opera:
- * in opera, if you don't have border style for textarea, plugin will set it (opera hides borders in overflow:hidden mode).
- * in auto mode it won't work at all. More than that, opera returns border:2px solid #00000 even if you don't set it. :(
- *
- * known problems:
- * after restore (onfocus) with animation textarea sometimes looses cursor. :( // ff2, ie7xp
- * when reached maximum height, opera will jitter on every keydown :( // opera < 9.5
- *
- * ctrl + up/down:
- * in opera and ie this shortcut doesn't work properly. But you may use ctrl + whatever + up/down.
- *
- * three things that make possible scrollHeight update in opera < 9.5:
- * (actually, we don't need scrollHeight in opera < 9.5, but we need something to be updated when typing)
- * height: auto, toggle overflow to hidden and back to auto, and (!!!) padding >= 4px (am i crazy?!)
- * we need textarea because only in this way we can calculate height with all inherited styles
- *
- * @author: johann kuindji (www.kuindji.com, www.stuffedguys.com, www.stuffedtracker.com) jk@kuindji.com
- * @version 1.1
- *
- * example:
- * $('textarea').growfield();
- */
-$.fn.growfield = function( options ) {
- this.each( function() {
- this._growField = true;
- var txt = $(this);
- if (this.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'textarea') return false;
- if (!options) options = {};
- var th = this;
- this.gf = {
- auto: (typeof(options.auto) != 'undefined' ? options.auto : true),
- animate: (typeof(options.animate) != 'undefined' ? options.animate : true),
- hOffset: (typeof(options.offset) != 'undefined' ? options.offset : 0),
- before: (options.before || null), after: (options.after || null),
- min: (options.min || false), max: (options.max || false), restore: (options.restore || false), initialH:0,
- busy: false, keysEnabled: false, dummy: null, queue: 0, speed: 300, ms: 15, timeout: false, opera9: false, impossible: false
- };
- this._growInit = function() {
- if (this.gf.before) this._growCallbackBefore = this.gf.before;
- if (this.gf.after) this._growCallbackAfter = this.gf.after;
- this.gf.initialH = txt.get(0).offsetHeight;
- if (typeof(txt.attr('autogrow')) != 'undefined') this.gf.auto = parseInt(txt.attr('autogrow'));
- if (typeof(txt.attr('animate')) != 'undefined') this.gf.animate = parseInt(txt.attr('animate'));
- if (typeof(txt.attr('min')) != 'undefined') this.gf.min = parseInt(txt.attr('min'));
- if (typeof(txt.attr('max')) != 'undefined') this.gf.max = parseInt(txt.attr('max'));
- if (typeof(txt.attr('restore')) != 'undefined') this.gf.restore = parseInt(txt.attr('restore'));
- if (typeof(txt.attr('speed')) != 'undefined') this.gf.speed = parseInt(txt.attr('speed'));
- if (!this.gf.min) this.gf.min = parseInt(txt.css('min-height'));
- if (!this.gf.min) this.gf.min = this.gf.initialH;
- if (!this.gf.max) this.gf.max = parseInt(txt.css('max-height'));
- this.gf.opera9 = ($.browser.opera && $.browser.version < 9.5);
- if (this.gf.restore) { this.gf.restore = false; this._toggleRestore( true );}
- if (this.gf.auto) {
- if (this.gf.initialH == 0) { txt.bind('keyup.growinit', this._afterShowInit); }
- else { this.gf.auto = false; this._toggleAuto( true ); }
- }
- else this._toggleKeys( true );
- return true;
- };
- this._afterShowInit = function() {
- this.gf.initialH = txt.get(0).offsetHeight;
- if (!this.gf.initialH) return true;
- if (!this.gf.min) this.gf.min = this.gf.initialH;
- txt.unbind('.growinit');
- this.gf.auto = false;
- this._toggleAuto( true );
- txt.focus();
- return true;
- };
- this._toggleKeys = function( on ) {
- if ( on ) {
- if (this.gf.keysEnabled) return false;
- txt.bind( ($.browser.msie? 'keyup':'keydown')+'.autogrow', function( event ) {
- if (!event.ctrlKey || $.inArray(event.keyCode,[38,40])==-1) return true;
- txt[ event.keyCode==38 ? 'decrease':'increase' ]( false, event );
- if ($.browser.opera) txt.focus(); // !!
- if ($.browser.msie || $.browser.opera) return false;
- return true;
- });
- this.gf.keysEnabled = true;
- } else {
- if (!this.gf.keysEnabled) return false;
- txt.unbind(($.browser.msie? 'keyup':'keydown')+'.autogrow');
- this.gf.keysEnabled = false;
- }
- };
- this._toggleAuto = function( on ) {
- if ($.browser.opera || on ) {
- txt.css('overflow', 'hidden');
- if ($.browser.opera && txt.attr('style') && txt.attr('style').indexOf('border') == -1) txt.css('border', '1px solid #ccc'); // see notes
- }
- if ( on ) {
- if (this.gf.auto) return false;
- this._toggleKeys( false );
- this._createDummy();
- if (this.gf.impossible) { this._growField = false; return false; }
- txt.css('overflow', 'hidden');
- txt.bind('keyup.autogrow', function( event ) {
- if (!txt.val()) this._changeSize(this.gf.min, event );
- else return this._changeSize(this._textHeight(), event );
- });
- if ( txt.val() ) txt.keyup();
- $(window).bind('resize.autogrow', function( event ) { th.gf.dummy.width( txt.width() );});
- this.gf.auto = true;
- } else {
- if (!this.gf.auto) return false;
- this.gf.dummy.remove();
- this.gf.dummy = null;
- txt.unbind('keyup.autogrow');
- $(window).unbind('resize.autogrow');
- txt.css('overflow', 'auto');
- this.gf.auto = false;
- this._toggleKeys( true );
- }
- return true;
- };
- this._toggleRestore = function( on ) {
- if ( on ) {
- if (this.gf.restore) return false;
- this.gf.restore = true;
- txt.bind('focus.autogrow', function( event, noChange ) {
- if (!this.gf.auto || noChange || !txt.val()) return true;
- else return this._changeSize(this._textHeight(), event );
- });
- txt.bind('blur.autogrow', function( event ) { return this.gf.auto ? this._changeSize( this.gf.min, event ) : true; });
- } else {
- if (!this.gf.restore) return false;
- this.gf.restore = false;
- txt.unbind('focus.autogrow').unbind('blur.autogrow');
- txt.keyup();
- }
- };
- this._changeSize = function( to, event ) {
- if (this.gf.busy) return true;
- if (!event) event = {};
- this._growBefore( event );
- var ovr = txt.css('overflow');
- if (this.gf.max > 0 && to >= this.gf.max) { // if we have reached the maximum height
- to = this.gf.max;
- if (ovr == 'hidden') { // if overflow is still hidden, we need to switch it to auto so that user could see the text
- txt.css('overflow', 'auto');
- if (event.type=='keyup') txt.focus();
- if (event.type=='focus' && this.gf.animate && this.gf.auto) txt.trigger('focus', true);
- }
- }
- else if (ovr=='auto' && this.gf.auto) { // if there is a space left (or no maximum is defined)
- txt.css('overflow', 'hidden'); // we need to switch overflow back to hidden
- if (event.type=='keyup') txt.focus(); // focus event is neccessary
- }
- if (this.gf.min > 0 && to <= this.gf.min) to = this.gf.min; // if we have minimum height
- if (to == txt.get(0).offsetHeight) {this.gf.busy=false; return true;}
- return this._animate( txt.get(0).offsetHeight, to, event, ovr);
- };
- this._animate = function( from, to, event, ovr ) {
- if (!this.gf.animate || (ovr == 'auto' && this.gf.auto) || event.type == 'init' ) {
- txt.height( to );
- return this._growAfter( event );
- }
- this.gf.queue = Math.floor((this.gf.speed / this.gf.ms) * ( to < from ? -1 : 1));
- this._timeout( from, to );
- return true;
- };
- this._timeout = function( from, to ) {
- if (th.gf.queue==0) return th._growAfter();
- th.gf.queue += (th.gf.queue > 0 ? -1 : 1);
- if ( Math.abs(to-from)<3 ) {
- txt.height( to );
- return th._growAfter();
- }
- from = th.gf.queue == 0 ? to : from + Math.ceil( (to-from) /2);
- txt.height( from );
- th.gf.timeout = window.setTimeout(function(){ th._timeout(from, to) }, th.gf.ms);
- };
- this._textHeight = function() {
- var val = txt.val();
- if ($.browser.safari && val.substr(-2) == "\n\n") val = val.substring(0,val.length-2)+"\n11"; // empty row fix for safari
- if ($.browser.safari) this.gf.dummy.val(''); // another fix for safari
- this.gf.dummy.val(val);
- if (this.gf.opera9) this.gf.dummy.css('overflow', 'hidden').css('overflow', 'auto');
- var d = this.gf.dummy.get(0);
- if (this.gf.opera9) return d.clientHeight + this.gf.hOffset;
- if ((d.scrollHeight + ($.browser.safari ? 1 : 0)) > d.clientHeight) {
- return d.scrollHeight +( d.offsetHeight-d.clientHeight) + this.gf.hOffset + ($.browser.safari ? this.gf.hOffset : 0);
- }
- else {
- if ( !txt.val()) return this.gf.min;
- else return d.offsetHeight + this.gf.hOffset;
- }
- };
- this._createDummy = function() {
- if (this.gf.dummy) { this.gf.dummy.remove(); this.gf.dummy = false; }
- var i = true; var tryPadding = false;
- while (i) {
- this.gf.dummy = txt.clone().css({position:'absolute', left:-9999, top:0, visibility: 'hidden', width: txt.get(0).offsetWidth}).attr('tabindex', -9999);
- // in hidden mode opera < 9.5 doesn't update scrollHeight, but if we change overflow every time, it almost works
- if (this.gf.opera9) {
- this.gf.dummy.css({overflow:'auto', height:'auto'});
- var padding = txt.css('padding');
- if ((padding && padding< 4) || tryPadding) this.gf.dummy.css({padding: '4px'}); // !!!! only with padding textarea will update scrollHeight
- }
- this.gf.dummy.get(0)._growField = false;
- txt.after(this.gf.dummy);
- this.gf.dummy.val('').height(10);
- this.gf.dummy.val("11");
- if (this.gf.opera9) this.gf.dummy.css('overflow', 'hidden').css('overflow', 'auto');
- var s1 = this.gf.dummy.get(0).scrollHeight;
- this.gf.dummy.val("11\n11");
- if (this.gf.opera9) this.gf.dummy.css('overflow', 'hidden').css('overflow', 'auto');
- var s2 = this.gf.dummy.get(0).scrollHeight;
- if (!this.gf.hOffset) {
- this.gf.hOffset = s2-s1;
- if ($.browser.opera && !this.gf.opera9) this.gf.hOffset += this.gf.dummy.get(0).offsetHeight - this.gf.dummy.height();
- }
- if (this.gf.opera9 && this.gf.hOffset==0) {
- if (tryPadding) i=false;
- else { tryPadding=true; this.gf.dummy.remove(); continue; }
- }
- else i=false;
- }
- };
- this._growBefore = function( event ) { this.gf.busy = true; this._growCallbackBefore( event ); };
- this._growAfter = function( event ) {
- if (this.gf.timeout) {
- window.clearTimeout(this.gf.timeout);
- this.gf.timeout = false;
- }
- this.gf.busy = false;
- this._growCallbackAfter( event );
- return true;
- };
- this._growCallbackBefore = function() {};
- this._growCallbackAfter = function() {};
- $(function() { th._growInit(); });
- });
-$.fn.increase = function( step, event ) { this.each( function() {
- if (!this._growField || this.gf.auto) return true;
- this._changeSize( this.offsetHeight + (step ? parseInt(step) : this.gf.hOffset), event);
-$.fn.decrease = function( step, event ) { this.each( function() {
- if (!this._growField || this.gf.auto) return true;
- this._changeSize( this.offsetHeight - (step ? parseInt(step) : this.gf.hOffset), event);
-$.fn.growToggleAuto = function( bool ) {
- if (bool && bool != true && bool != false && bool.toLowerCase() != 'on' && bool.toLowerCase() != 'off') delete(bool);
- if (bool && typeof(bool)=='string') bool = bool.toLowerCase()=='on' ? true: false;
- this.each( function() {
- if (!this._growField) return true;
- this._toggleAuto(bool);
-$.fn.growToggleAnimation = function( bool ) {
- if (bool && bool != true && bool != false && bool.toLowerCase() != 'on' && bool.toLowerCase() != 'off') delete(bool);
- if (bool && typeof(bool)=='string') bool = bool.toLowerCase()=='on' ? true: false;
- this.each( function() {
- if (!this._growField) return true;
- this.gf.animate = bool;
-$.fn.growTo = function( h ) { this.each( function() {
- if (!this._growField) return true;
- this._changeSize(h);
-$.fn.growSetMin = function( h ) { this.each( function() {
- if (!this._growField) return true;
- h = parseInt(h);
- if (h < 10 && this.gf.initialH) h = this.gf.initialH;
- if (h < 10) return true;
- this.gf.min = parseInt(h);
- if (this.offsetHeight < this.gf.min) $(this).growTo(this.gf.min);
-$.fn.growSetMax = function( h ) { this.each( function() {
- if (!this._growField) return true;
- this.gf.max = parseInt(h);
- if (this.offsetHeight > this.gf.max) $(this).growTo(this.gf.max);
-$.fn.growToggleRestore = function( bool ) {
- if (bool && bool != true && bool != false && bool.toLowerCase() != 'on' && bool.toLowerCase() != 'off') delete(bool);
- if (bool && typeof(bool)=='string') bool = bool.toLowerCase()=='on' ? true: false;
- this.each( function() {
- if (!this._growField) return true;
- this._toggleRestore( bool );
-$.fn.growRenewDummy = function() { this.each(function(){
- if (!this._growField) return true;
- this._createDummy();
-})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file