diff options
authorz0rglub <z0rglub@piwigo.org>2004-06-25 20:29:51 +0000
committerz0rglub <z0rglub@piwigo.org>2004-06-25 20:29:51 +0000
commit634743c328e49073342d2d45534cdb83b6b0dc81 (patch)
parent9bd06409b2e095a5bebac771d1c498bc15060109 (diff)
thumbnails display moved to included files include/category_*.inc.php
git-svn-id: http://piwigo.org/svn/trunk@441 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 482 deletions
diff --git a/category.php b/category.php
index 66aaaa874..906082437 100644
--- a/category.php
+++ b/category.php
@@ -269,496 +269,22 @@ $template->assign_block_vars('summary', array(
'U_SUMMARY'=>add_session_id( 'about.php?'.str_replace( '&', '&amp;', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) )
-//------------------------------------------------------------------ thumbnails
-if ( isset( $page['cat'] ) && $page['cat_nb_images'] != 0 )
+//------------------------------------------------------ main part : thumbnails
+if (isset($page['cat']) and $page['cat_nb_images'] != 0)
- $array_cat_directories = array();
- $query = 'SELECT distinct(id),file,date_available,tn_ext,name,filesize';
- $query.= ',storage_category_id';
- $query.= ' FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' AS i';
- $query.=' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON id=ic.image_id';
- $query.= $page['where'];
- $query.= $conf['order_by'];
- $query.= ' LIMIT '.$page['start'].','.$page['nb_image_page'];
- $query.= ';';
- $result = mysql_query( $query );
- $template->assign_block_vars('thumbnails', array());
- // iteration counter to use a new <tr> every "$nb_image_line" pictures
- $cell_number = 0;
- // iteration counter to be sure not to create too much lines in the table
- $line_number = 0;
- $row_number = 1;
- $line_opened = false;
- $displayed_pics = 0;
- while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
- {
- // retrieving the storage dir of the picture
- if ( !isset($array_cat_directories[$row['storage_category_id']]))
- {
- $array_cat_directories[$row['storage_category_id']] =
- get_complete_dir( $row['storage_category_id'] );
- }
- $cat_directory = $array_cat_directories[$row['storage_category_id']];
- $file = get_filename_wo_extension( $row['file'] );
- // name of the picture
- if ( isset( $row['name'] ) and $row['name'] != '' ) $name = $row['name'];
- else $name = str_replace( '_', ' ', $file );
- if ( $page['cat'] == 'search' )
- {
- $name = replace_search( $name, $_GET['search'] );
- }
- // thumbnail url
- $thumbnail_url = $cat_directory;
- $thumbnail_url.= 'thumbnail/'.$conf['prefix_thumbnail'];
- $thumbnail_url.= $file.'.'.$row['tn_ext'];
- // message in title for the thumbnail
- $thumbnail_title = $row['file'];
- if ( $row['filesize'] == '' )
- $poids = floor( filesize( $cat_directory.$row['file'] ) / 1024 );
- else
- $poids = $row['filesize'];
- $thumbnail_title .= ' : '.$poids.' KB';
- // url link on picture.php page
- $url_link = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'picture.php?cat='.$page['cat'];
- $url_link.= '&amp;image_id='.$row['id'];
- if ( $page['cat'] == 'search' )
- {
- $url_link.= '&amp;search='.$_GET['search'].'&amp;mode='.$_GET['mode'];
- }
- // create a new line ?
- if ( (!$line_opened or $row_number++ == $user['nb_image_line'] )
- and $displayed_pics++ < mysql_num_rows( $result ) )
- {
- $template->assign_block_vars('thumbnails.line', array());
- $row_number = 1;
- $line_opened = true;
- }
- $template->assign_block_vars(
- 'thumbnails.line.thumbnail',
- array(
- 'IMAGE'=>$thumbnail_url,
- 'IMAGE_ALT'=>$row['file'],
- 'IMAGE_TITLE'=>$thumbnail_title,
- 'IMAGE_NAME'=>$name,
- 'IMAGE_TS'=>get_icon( $row['date_available'] ),
- 'U_IMG_LINK'=>add_session_id( $url_link )
- ));
- if ( $conf['show_comments'] and $user['show_nb_comments'] )
- {
- $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS nb_comments';
- $query.= ' FROM '.COMMENTS_TABLE.' WHERE image_id = '.$row['id'];
- $query.= " AND validated = 'true'";
- $query.= ';';
- $row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
- $template->assign_block_vars(
- 'thumbnails.line.thumbnail.nb_comments',
- array('NB_COMMENTS'=>$row['nb_comments']) );
- }
- }
+ include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/category_default.inc.php');
-//-------------------------------------------------------------------- calendar
-elseif ( isset( $page['cat'] ) and $page['cat'] == 'calendar' )
+elseif (isset($page['cat']) and $page['cat'] == 'calendar')
- // years of image availability
- $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT(YEAR(date_available)) AS year';
- $query.= $page['where'];
- $query.= ' AND id = image_id';
- $query.= ' ORDER BY year';
- $query.= ';';
- $result = mysql_query( $query );
- $calendar_years = array();
- while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
- {
- array_push( $calendar_years, $row['year'] );
- }
- if ( !isset( $page['calendar_year'] )
- or !in_array( $page['calendar_year'], $calendar_years ) )
- {
- $page['calendar_year'] = max( $calendar_years );
- }
- // years navigation bar creation
- $years_nav_bar = '';
- foreach ( $calendar_years as $calendar_year ) {
- if ( $calendar_year == $page['calendar_year'] )
- {
- $years_nav_bar.= ' <span class="selected">';
- $years_nav_bar.= $calendar_year;
- $years_nav_bar.= '</span>';
- }
- else
- {
- $url = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'category.php?cat=calendar';
- $url.= '&amp;year='.$calendar_year;
- $years_nav_bar.= ' ';
- $years_nav_bar.= '<a href="'.add_session_id( $url ).'">';
- $years_nav_bar.= $calendar_year;
- $years_nav_bar.= '</a>';
- }
- }
- $template->assign_block_vars(
- 'calendar',
- array( 'YEARS_NAV_BAR' => $years_nav_bar )
- );
- $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT(MONTH(date_available)) AS month';
- $query.= $page['where'];
- $query.= ' AND id = image_id';
- $query.= ' AND YEAR(date_available) = '.$page['calendar_year'];
- $query.= ' ORDER BY month';
- $query.= ';';
- $result = mysql_query( $query );
- $calendar_months = array();
- while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
- {
- array_push( $calendar_months, $row['month'] );
- }
- // months navigation bar creation
- $months_nav_bar = '';
- foreach ( $calendar_months as $calendar_month ) {
- if ( isset( $page['calendar_month'] )
- and $calendar_month == $page['calendar_month'] )
- {
- $months_nav_bar.= ' <span class="selected">';
- $months_nav_bar.= $lang['month'][(int)$calendar_month];
- $months_nav_bar.= '</span>';
- }
- else
- {
- $url = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'category.php?cat=calendar&amp;month=';
- $url.= $page['calendar_year'].'.';
- if ( $calendar_month < 10 )
- {
- // adding leading zero
- $url.= '0';
- }
- $url.= $calendar_month;
- $months_nav_bar.= ' ';
- $months_nav_bar.= '<a href="'.add_session_id( $url ).'">';
- $months_nav_bar.= $lang['month'][(int)$calendar_month];
- $months_nav_bar.= '</a>';
- }
- }
- $template->assign_block_vars(
- 'calendar',
- array( 'MONTHS_NAV_BAR' => $months_nav_bar )
- );
- $row_number = 1;
- $line_opened = false;
- $displayed_pics = 0;
- $template->assign_block_vars('thumbnails', array());
- if ( !isset( $page['calendar_month'] ) )
- {
- // for each month of this year, display a random picture
- foreach ( $calendar_months as $calendar_month ) {
- $query = 'SELECT COUNT(id) AS nb_picture_month';
- $query.= $page['where'];
- $query.= ' AND YEAR(date_available) = '.$page['calendar_year'];
- $query.= ' AND MONTH(date_available) = '.$calendar_month;
- $query.= ' AND id = image_id';
- $query.= ';';
- $row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
- $nb_picture_month = $row['nb_picture_month'];
- $query = 'SELECT file,tn_ext,date_available,storage_category_id';
- $query.= $page['where'];
- $query.= ' AND YEAR(date_available) = '.$page['calendar_year'];
- $query.= ' AND MONTH(date_available) = '.$calendar_month;
- $query.= ' AND id = image_id';
- $query.= ' ORDER BY RAND()';
- $query.= ' LIMIT 0,1';
- $query.= ';';
- $row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
- $file = get_filename_wo_extension( $row['file'] );
- // creating links for thumbnail and associated category
- $thumbnail_link = get_complete_dir( $row['storage_category_id'] );
- $thumbnail_link.= 'thumbnail/'.$conf['prefix_thumbnail'];
- $thumbnail_link.= $file.'.'.$row['tn_ext'];
- $name = $lang['month'][$calendar_month];
- $name.= ' '.$page['calendar_year'];
- $name.= ' ['.$nb_picture_month.']';
- $thumbnail_title = $lang['calendar_picture_hint'].$name;
- $url_link = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'category.php?cat=calendar';
- $url_link.= '&amp;month='.$page['calendar_year'].'.';
- if ( $calendar_month < 10 )
- {
- // adding leading zero
- $url_link.= '0';
- }
- $url_link.= $calendar_month;
- // create a new line ?
- if ( ( !$line_opened or $row_number++ == $user['nb_image_line'] )
- and $displayed_pics++ < count( $calendar_months ) )
- {
- $template->assign_block_vars('thumbnails.line', array());
- $row_number = 1;
- $line_opened = true;
- }
- $template->assign_block_vars(
- 'thumbnails.line.thumbnail',
- array(
- 'IMAGE'=>$thumbnail_link,
- 'IMAGE_ALT'=>$row['file'],
- 'IMAGE_TITLE'=>$thumbnail_title,
- 'IMAGE_NAME'=>$name,
- 'U_IMG_LINK'=>add_session_id( $url_link )
- )
- );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT(date_available) AS day';
- $query.= $page['where'];
- $query.= ' AND id = image_id';
- $query.= ' AND YEAR(date_available) = '.$page['calendar_year'];
- $query.= ' AND MONTH(date_available) = '.$page['calendar_month'];
- $query.= ' ORDER BY day';
- $query.= ';';
- $result = mysql_query( $query );
- $calendar_days = array();
- while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
- {
- array_push( $calendar_days, $row['day'] );
- }
- // for each month of this year, display a random picture
- foreach ( $calendar_days as $calendar_day ) {
- $query = 'SELECT COUNT(id) AS nb_picture_day';
- $query.= $page['where'];
- $query.= " AND date_available = '".$calendar_day."'";
- $query.= ' AND id = image_id';
- $query.= ';';
- $row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
- $nb_picture_day = $row['nb_picture_day'];
- $query = 'SELECT file,tn_ext,date_available,storage_category_id';
- $query.= $page['where'];
- $query.= " AND date_available = '".$calendar_day."'";
- $query.= ' AND id = image_id';
- $query.= ' ORDER BY RAND()';
- $query.= ' LIMIT 0,1';
- $query.= ';';
- $row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
- $file = get_filename_wo_extension( $row['file'] );
- // creating links for thumbnail and associated category
- $thumbnail_link = get_complete_dir( $row['storage_category_id'] );
- $thumbnail_link.= 'thumbnail/'.$conf['prefix_thumbnail'];
- $thumbnail_link.= $file.'.'.$row['tn_ext'];
- list($year,$month,$day) = explode( '-', $calendar_day );
- $unixdate = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year);
- $name = $lang['day'][date( "w", $unixdate )];
- $name.= ' '.$day;
- $name.= ' ['.$nb_picture_day.']';
- $thumbnail_title = $lang['calendar_picture_hint'].$name;
- $url_link = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'category.php?cat=search';
- // create a new line ?
- if ( ( !$line_opened or $row_number++ == $user['nb_image_line'] )
- and $displayed_pics++ <= count( $calendar_months ) )
- {
- $template->assign_block_vars('thumbnails.line', array());
- $row_number = 1;
- $line_opened = true;
- }
- $template->assign_block_vars(
- 'thumbnails.line.thumbnail',
- array(
- 'IMAGE'=>$thumbnail_link,
- 'IMAGE_ALT'=>$row['file'],
- 'IMAGE_TITLE'=>$thumbnail_title,
- 'IMAGE_NAME'=>$name,
- 'U_IMG_LINK'=>add_session_id( $url_link )
- )
- );
- }
- }
+ include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/category_calendar.inc.php');
-//------------------------------------------------- recently updated categories
-elseif ( isset( $page['cat'] ) and $page['cat'] == 'recent_cats' )
+elseif (isset($page['cat']) and $page['cat'] == 'recent_cats')
- // retrieving categories recently update, ie containing pictures added
- // recently. The calculated table field categories.date_last will be
- // easier to use
- $query = 'SELECT id AS category_id';
- $query.= ' WHERE date_last > ';
- $query.= ' SUBDATE(CURRENT_DATE,INTERVAL '.$user['short_period'].' DAY)';
- if ( $user['forbidden_categories'] != '' )
- {
- $query.= ' AND id NOT IN ('.$user['forbidden_categories'].')';
- }
- $query.= ';';
- $result = mysql_query( $query );
- $row_number = 1;
- $line_opened = false;
- $displayed_pics = 0;
- $cat_nb_images = mysql_num_rows( $result );
- $template->assign_block_vars('thumbnails', array());
- // for each category, we have to search a recent picture to display and
- // the name to display
- while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
- {
- $cat_infos = get_cat_info( $row['category_id'] );
- $name = '['.get_cat_display_name($cat_infos['name'],'<br />','',false).']';
- $query = 'SELECT id,file,tn_ext,storage_category_id';
- $query.= ' WHERE category_id = '.$row['category_id'];
- $query.= ' AND date_available > ';
- $query.= ' SUBDATE(CURRENT_DATE,INTERVAL '.$user['short_period'].' DAY)';
- $query.= ' AND id = image_id';
- $query.= ' ORDER BY RAND()';
- $query.= ' LIMIT 0,1';
- $query.= ';';
- $subrow = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
- $file = get_filename_wo_extension( $subrow['file'] );
- // creating links for thumbnail and associated category
- $thumbnail_link = get_complete_dir( $subrow['storage_category_id'] );
- $thumbnail_link.= 'thumbnail/'.$conf['prefix_thumbnail'];
- $thumbnail_link.= $file.'.'.$subrow['tn_ext'];
- $url_link = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'category.php?cat='.$row['category_id'];
- // create a new line ?
- if ( ( !$line_opened or $row_number++ == $user['nb_image_line'] )
- and $displayed_pics++ < $cat_nb_images )
- {
- $template->assign_block_vars('thumbnails.line', array());
- $row_number = 1;
- $line_opened = true;
- }
- $template->assign_block_vars(
- 'thumbnails.line.thumbnail',
- array(
- 'IMAGE' => $thumbnail_link,
- 'IMAGE_ALT' => $subrow['file'],
- 'IMAGE_TITLE' => $lang['hint_category'],
- 'IMAGE_NAME' => $name,
- 'U_IMG_LINK'=>add_session_id( $url_link )
- )
- );
- }
+ include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/category_recent_cats.inc.php');
-//-------------------------------------------------------------- empty category
- $subcats=array();
- if (isset($page['cat'])) $subcats = get_non_empty_subcat_ids( $page['cat'] );
- else $subcats = get_non_empty_subcat_ids( '' );
- $cell_number = 0;
- $i = 0;
- $template->assign_block_vars('thumbnails', array());
- foreach ( $subcats as $subcat_id => $non_empty_id )
- {
- $name = '<img src="'.$user['lien_collapsed'].'" style="border:none;"';
- $name.= ' alt="&gt;"/> ';
- $name.= '[ <span style="font-weight:bold;">';
- $name.= $page['plain_structure'][$subcat_id]['name'];
- $name.= '</span> ]';
- // searching the representative picture of the category
- $query = 'SELECT representative_picture_id';
- $query.= ' FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$non_empty_id;
- $query.= ';';
- $row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
- $query = 'SELECT file,tn_ext,storage_category_id';
- $query.= ' WHERE category_id = '.$non_empty_id;
- $query.= ' AND id = image_id';
- // if the category has a representative picture, this is its thumbnail
- // that will be displayed !
- if ( isset( $row['representative_picture_id'] ) )
- $query.= ' AND id = '.$row['representative_picture_id'];
- else
- $query.= ' ORDER BY RAND()';
- $query.= ' LIMIT 0,1';
- $query.= ';';
- $image_result = mysql_query( $query );
- $image_row = mysql_fetch_array( $image_result );
- $file = get_filename_wo_extension( $image_row['file'] );
- // creating links for thumbnail and associated category
- $thumbnail_link = get_complete_dir( $image_row['storage_category_id'] );
- $thumbnail_link.= 'thumbnail/'.$conf['prefix_thumbnail'];
- $thumbnail_link.= $file.'.'.$image_row['tn_ext'];
- $thumbnail_title = $lang['hint_category'];
- $url_link = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'category.php?cat='.$subcat_id;
- $date = $page['plain_structure'][$subcat_id]['date_last'];
- // sending vars to display
- if (!$cell_number && $i < count( $subcats ))
- {
- $template->assign_block_vars('thumbnails.line', array());
- $cell_number = 0;
- $i++;
- }
- if ( $cell_number++ == $user['nb_image_line'] -1 )
- {
- $cell_number = 0;
- }
- $template->assign_block_vars(
- 'thumbnails.line.thumbnail',
- array(
- 'IMAGE'=>$thumbnail_link,
- 'IMAGE_ALT'=>$image_row['file'],
- 'IMAGE_TITLE'=>$thumbnail_title,
- 'IMAGE_NAME'=>$name,
- 'IMAGE_TS'=>get_icon( $date ),
- 'U_IMG_LINK'=>add_session_id( $url_link )
- )
- );
- }
+ include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/category_subcats.inc.php');
//------------------------------------------------------- category informations
if ( isset ( $page['cat'] ) )