REM @echo off echo Setting local path variables REM The path to the Auto Hotkeyprogram set ahk=C:\Programme\AutoHotkey REM The path to the authohotkey directory in the local svn copy set svn=. REM Just some usefull shortcuts: set scr="%svn%\Source" set fn=neo20-all-in-one echo Killing the old (AHK)Driver tskill neo20-all-in-one echo Creating a new Driver from the Source code REM The order *is* important! copy "%scr%\Warning.ahk" + "%scr%\Changelog-and-Todo.ahk" + "%scr%\Global-Part.ahk" + "%scr%\Methods-Layers.ahk" + "%scr%\Keys-Qwert-to-Neo.ahk" + "%scr%\Keys-Neo.ahk" + "%scr%\Methods-Lights.ahk" + "%scr%\Methods-Other.ahk" "%svn%\%fn%.ahk" echo Compiling the new Driver using Autohotkey "%ahk%\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe" /in "%svn%\%fn%.ahk" /out "%svn%\%fn%.exe" /icon "%svn%\neo.ico" echo Driver Update complete! You can now close this log-window. REM Start the new Driver %fn%.exe exit