path: root/windows/neo-vars/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
6 files changed, 486 insertions, 475 deletions
diff --git a/windows/neo-vars/src/source/einhandneo.ahk b/windows/neo-vars/src/source/einhandneo.ahk
index 1434793..95ed7f5 100644
--- a/windows/neo-vars/src/source/einhandneo.ahk
+++ b/windows/neo-vars/src/source/einhandneo.ahk
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ CharProc___EH1() {
- TransformProc := "Einhand"
- TransformBSTNProc := "Einhand"
+ TransformProc := "Einhand"
+ TransformBSTProc := "Einhand"
CharProc___EH0() {
@@ -108,17 +108,18 @@ CharProc___EH0() {
- TransformProc := ""
- TransformBSTNProc := ""
+ TransformProc := ""
+ TransformBSTProc := ""
CharProc__EHSd() {
; Space im Einhandmodus gedrückt
- EHSpacePressed := 1
PRspace := "P__EHSu"
- if (useBSTN)
- BSTNUpdate()
+ if (!EHSpacePressed) {
+ EHSpacePressed := 1
+ Check_BSTUpdate(1)
+ }
CharProc__EHSu() {
@@ -130,8 +131,7 @@ CharProc__EHSu() {
EHKeyPressed := 0
EHSpacePressed := 0
- if (useBSTN)
- BSTNUpdate()
+ Check_BSTUpdate(1)
CharProc__M2LT() {
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ TransformEinhand(PhysKey) {
return PhysKey
-TransformBSTNEinhand(PhysKey) {
+TransformBSTEinhand(PhysKey) {
if (EHSpacePressed and (TKEH_%PhysKey% != "")) {
return TKEH_%PhysKey%
diff --git a/windows/neo-vars/src/source/levelfunctions.ahk b/windows/neo-vars/src/source/levelfunctions.ahk
index c7150dc..0e7a65a 100644
--- a/windows/neo-vars/src/source/levelfunctions.ahk
+++ b/windows/neo-vars/src/source/levelfunctions.ahk
@@ -20,16 +20,15 @@ NEOEbeneAktualisieren() {
Ebene7 := SubStr("00000000010100000101000000000000",ModPos,1)
Ebene8 := SubStr("00000000000001010000000000000101",ModPos,1)
- if (BSTguiErstellt) {
+ if (BSTOguiErstellt) {
if (striktesMod2Lock)
- BSTSwitch(EbeneC)
+ BSTOSwitch(EbeneC)
else if (EbeneNC != EbeneC)
- BSTSwitch(EbeneNC . "C")
+ BSTOSwitch(EbeneNC . "C")
- BSTSwitch(EbeneNC)
+ BSTOSwitch(EbeneNC)
- if (useBSTN)
- BSTNUpdate()
+ Check_BSTUpdate()
IsShiftActive() {
diff --git a/windows/neo-vars/src/source/screenkeyboard.ahk b/windows/neo-vars/src/source/screenkeyboard.ahk
index bacc3b8..0af8778 100644
--- a/windows/neo-vars/src/source/screenkeyboard.ahk
+++ b/windows/neo-vars/src/source/screenkeyboard.ahk
@@ -1,75 +1,276 @@
+; -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
BSTguiErstellt := 0
BSTalwaysOnTop := 1
-BSTcapsChars := 0
-if (FileExist("ResourceFolder")<>false) {
- FileInstall,ebene1.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene1.png,1
- FileInstall,ebene1Caps.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene1Caps.png,1
- FileInstall,ebene2.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene2.png,1
- FileInstall,ebene2Caps.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene2Caps.png,1
- FileInstall,ebene3.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene3.png,1
- FileInstall,ebene4.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene4.png,1
- FileInstall,ebene5.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene5.png,1
- FileInstall,ebene6.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene6.png,1
-CP3F1 := "P__BSTt"
-CP3F8 := "P__BSTA"
+UnZipLocalFile := ResourceFolder . "\unzip.exe"
+UnZipSourceLink := ""
+UniFontVersion := "2.30"
+UniFontFilename := "DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf"
+UniFontName := "DejaVu Sans"
+UniFontZipFilename := "dejavu-fonts-ttf-" . UniFontVersion . ".zip"
+UniFontZipLocalFile := ResourceFolder . "\" . UniFontZipFilename
+UniFontZipSourceLink := "" . UniFontVersion . "/" . UniFontZipFilename
-BSTSwitch(Eb) {
+UniFontLocalFilePath := ApplicationFolder
+UniFontLocalFile := UniFontLocalFilePath . "/" . UniFontFilename
+UniFontZipFontPath := "dejavu-fonts-ttf-" . UniFontVersion . "/ttf/" . UniFontFilename
+Check_BSTUpdate(DoBSTUpdate = 0) {
- if (Eb <> BSTEbeneAlt) {
- BSTeb := Eb
- if (BSTcapsChars) {
- if (BSTeb == "1")
- BSTeb := "1C"
- else if (BSTeb == "2C")
- BSTeb := "2"
+ if (useBST
+ and (DoBSTUpdate
+ or (Comp != BSTLastComp)
+ or (EbeneC != BSTLastEbeneC)
+ or (EbeneNC != BSTLastEbeneNC)))
+ BSTUpdate()
+BSTUpdate() {
+ global
+ static WM_SETTEXT := 0x0C
+ {
+ BSTLastComp := Comp
+ BSTLastEbeneC := EbeneC
+ BSTLastEbeneNC := EbeneNC
+ VarSetCapacity(ptrU,20)
+ loop,parse,GuiKeyList,`,
+ {
+ GuiPhysKey := A_LoopField
+ if (EbeneC<3) {
+ if (NOC%GuiPhysKey%==1) {
+ GuiEb := EbeneNC
+ } else {
+ GuiEb := EbeneC
+ }
+ } else
+ GuiEb := EbeneC
+ if (TransformBSTProc != "")
+ GuiVirtKey := TransformBST%TransformBSTProc%(GuiPhysKey)
+ else
+ GuiVirtKey := GuiPhysKey
+ CurrentComp := Comp
+ GuiComp := ""
+ GuiComp1 := CurrentComp . CP%GuiEb%%GuiVirtKey%
+ if (GSYM%GuiComp1% != "") {
+ GuiComp .= GSYM%GuiComp1%
+ } else if (CD%GuiComp1% != "") {
+ G_Sym := CD%GuiComp1%
+ if (GSYM%G_Sym% != "")
+ GuiComp .= GSYM%G_sym%
+ else
+ GuiComp .= CD%GuiComp1%
+ } else if (CM%GuiComp1% == 1) {
+ GuiComp .= "U00002AU00002A"
+ } else if (CF%CurrentComp% != "") {
+ if (IM%GuiVirtKey% != 1)
+ GuiComp .= CF%CurrentComp%
+ CurrentComp := ""
+ goto rerun_bstnupdate
+ } else if (CurrentComp == "") {
+ GuiComp .= GuiComp1
+ }
+ GuiPos := 0
+ loop {
+ if (GuiComp=="")
+ break
+ if (SubStr(GuiComp,1,1)=="U") {
+ Charcode := "0x" . Substr(GuiComp,2,6)
+ if (charCode < 0x10000) {
+ NumPut(CharCode, ptrU, GuiPos, "UShort")
+ } else {
+ ; surrogates
+ NumPut(0xD800|((charCode-0x10000)/1024) , ptrU, GuiPos, "UShort")
+ GuiPos := GuiPos + 2
+ NumPut(0xDC00|((charCode-0x10000)&0x3FF), ptrU, GuiPos, "UShort")
+ }
+ GuiPos := GuiPos + 2
+ }
+ GuiComp := SubStr(GuiComp,8)
+ }
+ NumPut(0x0 ,ptrU,GuiPos,"UShort") ; End of string
+ DllCall("SendMessageW", "UInt",GuiKey%GuiPhysKey%, "UInt",WM_SETTEXT, "UInt",0, "Uint",&ptrU)
+ }
- GuiControl,Show,Picture%BSTeb%
- GuiControl,Hide,Picture%BSTEbeneAlt%
- BSTEbeneAlt := Eb
- }
+ GuiControl,MoveDraw,Picture0
+GuiAddKeyS(sc,x,y) {
+ global
+ GuiAddKey(vksc%sc%,x,y)
+GuiAddKeySM(sc,x,y) {
+ global
+ vksc := vksc%sc%
+ IM%vksc% := 1
+ GuiAddKey(vksc,x,y)
+GuiAddKeySN(sc,x,y) {
+ global
+ GuiAddKey(vkscn1%sc%,x,y)
+GuiAddKey(key,x,y) {
+ global
+ x:=x-4
+ y:=y-10
+ Gui, Add, Text, x%x% y%y% w38 h38 Center 0x200 hwndGuiKey%key% BackgroundTrans
+ GuiKeyList := GuiKeyList . key . ","
+CharProc__BSTt() {
+ global
+ ; Bildschirmtastatur togglen
+ useBST := !(useBST)
+ if (useBST)
+ CharProc__BST1()
+ else
+ CharProc__BST0()
BSTOnClose() {
- if (BSTguiErstellt) {
- BSTguiErstellt := 0
- GuiCurrent := ""
- Gui, Destroy
- }
+ useBST := 0
+ CharProc__BST0()
-BSTToggle() {
+CharProc__BST0() {
- if (BSTguiErstellt) {
- BSTguiErstellt := 0
- GuiCurrent := ""
- Gui, Destroy
- } else {
- if (GuiCurrent!="")
- %GuiCurrent%OnClose()
- SysGet, WorkArea, MonitorWorkArea
- yPosition := WorkAreaBottom - 230
- Gui, Color, FFFFFF
- Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit x0 y0 vPicture1, % ResourceFolder . "\ebene1.png"
- Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit xp+0 yp+0 Hidden vPicture1C,% ResourceFolder . "\ebene1Caps.png"
- Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit xp+0 yp+0 Hidden vPicture2, % ResourceFolder . "\ebene2.png"
- Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit xp+0 yp+0 Hidden vPicture2C,% ResourceFolder . "\ebene2Caps.png"
- Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit xp+0 yp+0 Hidden vPicture3, % ResourceFolder . "\ebene3.png"
- Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit xp+0 yp+0 Hidden vPicture4, % ResourceFolder . "\ebene4.png"
- Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit xp+0 yp+0 Hidden vPicture5, % ResourceFolder . "\ebene5.png"
- Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit xp+0 yp+0 Hidden vPicture6, % ResourceFolder . "\ebene6.png"
- Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
- Gui, Show, y%yposition% w776 h200 NoActivate, NEO-Bildschirmtastatur
- BSTEbeneAlt := 1
- BSTguiErstellt := 1
- BSTSwitch(EbeneNC)
- BSTalwaysOnTop := 1
- GuiCurrent := "BST"
+ GuiCurrent := ""
+ Gui, Destroy
+ DllCall( "GDI32.DLL\RemoveFontResourceEx", Str, UniFontLocalFile ,UInt,(FR_PRIVATE:=0x10), Int,0)
+CharProc__BST1() {
+ global
+ if (GuiCurrent!="")
+ %GuiCurrent%OnClose()
+ if (FileExist(ResourceFolder)!="") {
+ FileInstall,ebene0.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene0.png,1
+ if (FileExist(UniFontLocalFile)=="") {
+ if (FileExist(UnZipLocalFile)=="") {
+ Progress,0,,Herunterladen des Entpack-Programms ...
+ UrlDownloadToFile,%UnZipSourceLink%,%UnZipLocalFile%
+ if (FileExist(UnZipLocalFile)=="") {
+ Msgbox,Konnte Unzip-Programm nicht finden und nicht installieren!
+ }
+ }
+ if (FileExist(UniFontZipLocalFile)=="") {
+ Progress,20,Herunterladen des Fonts ...
+ UrlDownloadToFile,%UniFontZipSourceLink%,%UniFontZipLocalFile%
+ }
+ Progress,80,Entpacken des Archivs ...
+ RunWait,% """" . UnZipLocalFile . """ -j """ . UniFontZipLocalFile . """ """ . UniFontZipFontPath . """",%UniFontLocalFilePath%,Hide
+ Progress,OFF
+ }
+ DllCall( "GDI32.DLL\AddFontResourceEx", Str, UniFontLocalFile ,UInt,(FR_PRIVATE:=0x10), Int,0)
+ SysGet, WorkArea, MonitorWorkArea
+ yPosition := WorkAreaBottom - 230
+ Gui, Color, FFFFFF
+ Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit x0 y0 vPicture0, % ResourceFolder . "\ebene0.png"
+ Gui, Font, s12 bold, %UniFontName%
+ GuiKeyList := ""
+ GuiAddKeyS("029",6,9)
+ GuiAddKeyS("002",44,9)
+ GuiAddKeyS("003",82,9)
+ GuiAddKeyS("004",120,9)
+ GuiAddKeyS("005",158,9)
+ GuiAddKeyS("006",196,9)
+ GuiAddKeyS("007",234,9)
+ GuiAddKeyS("008",272,9)
+ GuiAddKeyS("009",310,9)
+ GuiAddKeyS("00A",348,9)
+ GuiAddKeyS("00B",386,9)
+ GuiAddKeyS("00C",424,9)
+ GuiAddKeyS("00D",462,9)
+ GuiAddKey("backspace",510,9)
+ GuiAddKey("tab",10,48)
+ GuiAddKeyS("010",58,48)
+ GuiAddKeyS("011",96,48)
+ GuiAddKeyS("012",134,48)
+ GuiAddKeyS("013",172,48)
+ GuiAddKeyS("014",210,48)
+ GuiAddKeyS("015",248,48)
+ GuiAddKeyS("016",286,48)
+ GuiAddKeyS("017",324,48)
+ GuiAddKeyS("018",362,48)
+ GuiAddKeyS("019",400,48)
+ GuiAddKeyS("01A",438,48)
+ GuiAddKeyS("01B",476,48)
+ GuiAddKey("enter",526,68)
+ GuiAddKeySM("03A",18,88)
+ GuiAddKeyS("01E",75,88)
+ GuiAddKeyS("01F",113,88)
+ GuiAddKeyS("020",151,88)
+ GuiAddKeyS("021",189,88)
+ GuiAddKeyS("022",227,88)
+ GuiAddKeyS("023",265,88)
+ GuiAddKeyS("024",303,88)
+ GuiAddKeyS("025",341,88)
+ GuiAddKeyS("026",379,88)
+ GuiAddKeyS("027",417,88)
+ GuiAddKeyS("028",455,88)
+ GuiAddKeySM("02B",493,88)
+ GuiAddKeySM("02A",8,128)
+ GuiAddKeySM("056",50,128)
+ GuiAddKeyS("02C",88,128)
+ GuiAddKeyS("02D",126,128)
+ GuiAddKeyS("02E",164,128)
+ GuiAddKeyS("02F",202,128)
+ GuiAddKeyS("030",240,128)
+ GuiAddKeyS("031",278,128)
+ GuiAddKeyS("032",316,128)
+ GuiAddKeyS("033",354,128)
+ GuiAddKeyS("034",392,128)
+ GuiAddKeyS("035",430,128)
+ GuiAddKeySM("136",498,128)
+ GuiAddKey("space",264,168)
+ GuiAddKeySM("138",430,168)
+ GuiAddKeyS("145",582,9)
+ GuiAddKeyS("135",620,9)
+ GuiAddKeyS("037",658,9)
+ GuiAddKeyS("04A",696,9)
+ GuiAddKeySN("047",582,48)
+ GuiAddKeySN("048",620,48)
+ GuiAddKeySN("049",658,48)
+ GuiAddKeyS("04E",696,68)
+ GuiAddKeySN("04B",582,88)
+ GuiAddKeySN("04C",620,88)
+ GuiAddKeySN("04D",658,88)
+ GuiAddKeySN("04F",582,128)
+ GuiAddKeySN("050",620,128)
+ GuiAddKeySN("051",658,128)
+ GuiAddKey("numpadenter",696,148)
+ GuiAddKeySN("052",601,168)
+ GuiAddKeySN("053",658,168)
+ Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
+ Gui, Show, y%yposition% w729 h199 NoActivate, NEO-Bildschirmtastatur
+ BSTUpdate()
+ BSTalwaysOnTop := 1
+ GuiCurrent := "BST"
BSTToggleAlwaysOnTop() {
@@ -83,15 +284,123 @@ BSTToggleAlwaysOnTop() {
-CharProc__BSTt() {
- global
- ; Bildschirmtastatur Ein/Aus
- BSTToggle()
CharProc__BSTA() {
; Bildschirmtastatur AlwaysOnTop
if (BSTguiErstellt)
+GUISYM(sym,chars) {
+ global
+ GSYM%sym% := EncodeUniComposeA(chars)
+BSTSymbols() {
+ global
+ ; diverse Symbole für Spezialzeichen
+ GUISYM("T__cflx","◌̂")
+ GUISYM("T__cron","◌̌")
+ GUISYM("T__turn","↻")
+ GUISYM("T__abdt","◌̇")
+ GUISYM("T__hook","◌˞") ; not perfect
+ GUISYM("T__bldt",".") ; not perfect
+ GUISYM("T__grav","◌̀")
+ GUISYM("T__cedi","◌̧")
+ GUISYM("T__obrg","◌̊")
+ GUISYM("T__drss","◌̈")
+ GUISYM("T_dasia","◌῾") ; not perfect
+ GUISYM("T__mcrn","◌̄")
+ GUISYM("T__acut","â—ŒÌ")
+ GUISYM("T__tlde","◌̃")
+ GUISYM("T__strk","◌̷")
+ GUISYM("T__dbac","◌̋")
+ GUISYM("T_psili","◌᾿") ; not perfect
+ GUISYM("U0002D8","◌̆")
+ GUISYM("S__Sh_L","⇧")
+ GUISYM("S__Sh_R","⇧")
+ GUISYM("S__Caps","⇪")
+ GUISYM("S___Del","⌦")
+ GUISYM("S___Ins","⎀")
+ GUISYM("S____Up","⇡")
+ GUISYM("S__Down","⇣")
+ GUISYM("S__Rght","⇢")
+ GUISYM("S__Left","⇠")
+ GUISYM("S__PgUp","⇞")
+ GUISYM("S__PgDn","⇟")
+ GUISYM("S__Home","↸")
+ GUISYM("S___End","⇲")
+ GUISYM("S__N__0","0")
+ GUISYM("S__N__1","1")
+ GUISYM("S__N__2","2")
+ GUISYM("S__N__3","3")
+ GUISYM("S__N__4","4")
+ GUISYM("S__N__5","5")
+ GUISYM("S__N__6","6")
+ GUISYM("S__N__7","7")
+ GUISYM("S__N__8","8")
+ GUISYM("S__N__9","9")
+ GUISYM("S__NDiv","÷")
+ GUISYM("S__NMul","×")
+ GUISYM("S__NSub","-")
+ GUISYM("S__NAdd","+")
+ GUISYM("S__NDot",",")
+ GUISYM("S__NEnt","âŽ")
+ GUISYM("S__NDel","⌦")
+ GUISYM("S__NIns","⎀")
+ GUISYM("S__N_Up","⇡")
+ GUISYM("S__N_Dn","⇣")
+ GUISYM("S__N_Ri","⇢")
+ GUISYM("S__N_Le","⇠")
+ GUISYM("S__NPUp","⇞")
+ GUISYM("S__NPDn","⇟")
+ GUISYM("S__NHom","↸")
+ GUISYM("S__NEnd","⇲")
+ GUISYM("S_SNDel","⌦")
+ GUISYM("S_SNIns","⎀")
+ GUISYM("S_SN_Up","⇡")
+ GUISYM("S_SN_Dn","⇣")
+ GUISYM("S_SN_Ri","⇢")
+ GUISYM("S_SN_Le","⇠")
+ GUISYM("S_SNPUp","⇞")
+ GUISYM("S_SNPDn","⇟")
+ GUISYM("S_SNHom","↸")
+ GUISYM("S_SNEnd","⇲")
+ GUISYM("U00001B","⌧")
+ GUISYM("U000008","⌫")
+ GUISYM("U000009","↹")
+ GUISYM("U00000D","âŽ")
+ GUISYM("P__M2LD","⇧")
+ GUISYM("P__M2RD","⇧")
+ GUISYM("P__M3LD","M3")
+ GUISYM("P__M3RD","M3")
+ GUISYM("P__M4LD","M4")
+ GUISYM("P__M4RD","M4")
+ GUISYM("U000020","â£")
+ GUISYM("U0000A0","â½")
+ GUISYM("U00202F",">â½<")
+BSTRegister() {
+ global
+ CP3F1 := "P__BSTt"
+ BSTSymbols()
+ IniRead,useBST,%ini%,Global,useBST,0
+ if (useBST)
+ CharProc__BST1()
diff --git a/windows/neo-vars/src/source/screenkeyboard_new.ahk b/windows/neo-vars/src/source/screenkeyboard_new.ahk
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a2b677..0000000
--- a/windows/neo-vars/src/source/screenkeyboard_new.ahk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-; -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
-BSTNguiErstellt := 0
-BSTNalwaysOnTop := 1
-UnZipLocalFile := ResourceFolder . "\unzip.exe"
-UnZipSourceLink := ""
-UniFontVersion := "2.30"
-UniFontFilename := "DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf"
-UniFontName := "DejaVu Sans"
-UniFontZipFilename := "dejavu-fonts-ttf-" . UniFontVersion . ".zip"
-UniFontZipLocalFile := ResourceFolder . "\" . UniFontZipFilename
-UniFontZipSourceLink := "" . UniFontVersion . "/" . UniFontZipFilename
-UniFontLocalFilePath := ApplicationFolder
-UniFontLocalFile := UniFontLocalFilePath . "/" . UniFontFilename
-UniFontZipFontPath := "dejavu-fonts-ttf-" . UniFontVersion . "/ttf/" . UniFontFilename
-BSTNUpdate() {
- global
- static WM_SETTEXT := 0x0C
- {
- VarSetCapacity(ptrU,20)
- loop,parse,GuiKeyList,`,
- {
- GuiPhysKey := A_LoopField
- if (EbeneC<3) {
- if (NOC%GuiPhysKey%==1) {
- GuiEb := EbeneNC
- } else {
- GuiEb := EbeneC
- }
- } else
- GuiEb := EbeneC
- if (TransformBSTNProc != "")
- GuiVirtKey := TransformBSTN%TransformBSTNProc%(GuiPhysKey)
- else
- GuiVirtKey := GuiPhysKey
- CurrentComp := Comp
- GuiComp := ""
- GuiComp1 := CurrentComp . CP%GuiEb%%GuiVirtKey%
- if (GSYM%GuiComp1% != "") {
- GuiComp .= GSYM%GuiComp1%
- } else if (CD%GuiComp1% != "") {
- G_Sym := CD%GuiComp1%
- if (GSYM%G_Sym% != "")
- GuiComp .= GSYM%G_sym%
- else
- GuiComp .= CD%GuiComp1%
- } else if (CM%GuiComp1% == 1) {
- GuiComp .= "U00002AU00002A"
- } else if (CF%CurrentComp% != "") {
- if (IM%GuiVirtKey% != 1)
- GuiComp .= CF%CurrentComp%
- CurrentComp := ""
- goto rerun_bstnupdate
- } else if (CurrentComp == "") {
- GuiComp .= GuiComp1
- }
- GuiPos := 0
- loop {
- if (GuiComp=="")
- break
- if (SubStr(GuiComp,1,1)=="U") {
- Charcode := "0x" . Substr(GuiComp,2,6)
- if (charCode < 0x10000) {
- NumPut(CharCode, ptrU, GuiPos, "UShort")
- } else {
- ; surrogates
- NumPut(0xD800|((charCode-0x10000)/1024) , ptrU, GuiPos, "UShort")
- GuiPos := GuiPos + 2
- NumPut(0xDC00|((charCode-0x10000)&0x3FF), ptrU, GuiPos, "UShort")
- }
- GuiPos := GuiPos + 2
- }
- GuiComp := SubStr(GuiComp,8)
- }
- NumPut(0x0 ,ptrU,GuiPos,"UShort") ; End of string
- DllCall("SendMessageW", "UInt",GuiKey%GuiPhysKey%, "UInt",WM_SETTEXT, "UInt",0, "Uint",&ptrU)
- }
- }
- GuiControl,MoveDraw,Picture0
-GuiAddKeyS(sc,x,y) {
- global
- GuiAddKey(vksc%sc%,x,y)
-GuiAddKeySM(sc,x,y) {
- global
- vksc := vksc%sc%
- IM%vksc% := 1
- GuiAddKey(vksc,x,y)
-GuiAddKeySN(sc,x,y) {
- global
- GuiAddKey(vkscn1%sc%,x,y)
-GuiAddKey(key,x,y) {
- global
- x:=x-4
- y:=y-10
- Gui, Add, Text, x%x% y%y% w38 h38 Center 0x200 hwndGuiKey%key% BackgroundTrans
- GuiKeyList := GuiKeyList . key . ","
-CharProc_BSTNt() {
- global
- ; Bildschirmtastatur togglen
- useBSTN := !(useBSTN)
- if (useBSTN)
- CharProc_BSTN1()
- else
- CharProc_BSTN0()
-BSTNOnClose() {
- global
- useBSTN := 0
- CharProc_BSTN0()
-CharProc_BSTN0() {
- global
- GuiCurrent := ""
- Gui, Destroy
- DllCall( "GDI32.DLL\RemoveFontResourceEx", Str, UniFontLocalFile ,UInt,(FR_PRIVATE:=0x10), Int,0)
-CharProc_BSTN1() {
- global
- if (GuiCurrent!="")
- %GuiCurrent%OnClose()
- if (FileExist(ResourceFolder)!="") {
- FileInstall,ebene0.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene0.png,1
- }
- if (FileExist(UniFontLocalFile)=="") {
- if (FileExist(UnZipLocalFile)=="") {
- Progress,0,,Herunterladen des Entpack-Programms ...
- UrlDownloadToFile,%UnZipSourceLink%,%UnZipLocalFile%
- if (FileExist(UnZipLocalFile)=="") {
- Msgbox,Konnte Unzip-Programm nicht finden und nicht installieren!
- }
- }
- if (FileExist(UniFontZipLocalFile)=="") {
- Progress,20,Herunterladen des Fonts ...
- UrlDownloadToFile,%UniFontZipSourceLink%,%UniFontZipLocalFile%
- }
- Progress,80,Entpacken des Archivs ...
- RunWait,% """" . UnZipLocalFile . """ -j """ . UniFontZipLocalFile . """ """ . UniFontZipFontPath . """",%UniFontLocalFilePath%,Hide
- Progress,OFF
- }
- DllCall( "GDI32.DLL\AddFontResourceEx", Str, UniFontLocalFile ,UInt,(FR_PRIVATE:=0x10), Int,0)
- SysGet, WorkArea, MonitorWorkArea
- yPosition := WorkAreaBottom - 230
- Gui, Color, FFFFFF
- Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit x0 y0 vPicture0, % ResourceFolder . "\ebene0.png"
- Gui, Font, s12 bold, %UniFontName%
- GuiKeyList := ""
- GuiAddKeyS("029",6,9)
- GuiAddKeyS("002",44,9)
- GuiAddKeyS("003",82,9)
- GuiAddKeyS("004",120,9)
- GuiAddKeyS("005",158,9)
- GuiAddKeyS("006",196,9)
- GuiAddKeyS("007",234,9)
- GuiAddKeyS("008",272,9)
- GuiAddKeyS("009",310,9)
- GuiAddKeyS("00A",348,9)
- GuiAddKeyS("00B",386,9)
- GuiAddKeyS("00C",424,9)
- GuiAddKeyS("00D",462,9)
- GuiAddKey("backspace",510,9)
- GuiAddKey("tab",10,48)
- GuiAddKeyS("010",58,48)
- GuiAddKeyS("011",96,48)
- GuiAddKeyS("012",134,48)
- GuiAddKeyS("013",172,48)
- GuiAddKeyS("014",210,48)
- GuiAddKeyS("015",248,48)
- GuiAddKeyS("016",286,48)
- GuiAddKeyS("017",324,48)
- GuiAddKeyS("018",362,48)
- GuiAddKeyS("019",400,48)
- GuiAddKeyS("01A",438,48)
- GuiAddKeyS("01B",476,48)
- GuiAddKey("enter",526,68)
- GuiAddKeySM("03A",18,88)
- GuiAddKeyS("01E",75,88)
- GuiAddKeyS("01F",113,88)
- GuiAddKeyS("020",151,88)
- GuiAddKeyS("021",189,88)
- GuiAddKeyS("022",227,88)
- GuiAddKeyS("023",265,88)
- GuiAddKeyS("024",303,88)
- GuiAddKeyS("025",341,88)
- GuiAddKeyS("026",379,88)
- GuiAddKeyS("027",417,88)
- GuiAddKeyS("028",455,88)
- GuiAddKeySM("02B",493,88)
- GuiAddKeySM("02A",8,128)
- GuiAddKeySM("056",50,128)
- GuiAddKeyS("02C",88,128)
- GuiAddKeyS("02D",126,128)
- GuiAddKeyS("02E",164,128)
- GuiAddKeyS("02F",202,128)
- GuiAddKeyS("030",240,128)
- GuiAddKeyS("031",278,128)
- GuiAddKeyS("032",316,128)
- GuiAddKeyS("033",354,128)
- GuiAddKeyS("034",392,128)
- GuiAddKeyS("035",430,128)
- GuiAddKeySM("136",498,128)
- GuiAddKey("space",264,168)
- GuiAddKeySM("138",430,168)
- GuiAddKeyS("145",582,9)
- GuiAddKeyS("135",620,9)
- GuiAddKeyS("037",658,9)
- GuiAddKeyS("04A",696,9)
- GuiAddKeySN("047",582,48)
- GuiAddKeySN("048",620,48)
- GuiAddKeySN("049",658,48)
- GuiAddKeyS("04E",696,68)
- GuiAddKeySN("04B",582,88)
- GuiAddKeySN("04C",620,88)
- GuiAddKeySN("04D",658,88)
- GuiAddKeySN("04F",582,128)
- GuiAddKeySN("050",620,128)
- GuiAddKeySN("051",658,128)
- GuiAddKey("numpadenter",696,148)
- GuiAddKeySN("052",601,168)
- GuiAddKeySN("053",658,168)
- Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
- Gui, Show, y%yposition% w729 h199 NoActivate, NEO-Bildschirmtastatur (neu!)
- BSTNUpdate()
- BSTNalwaysOnTop := 1
- GuiCurrent := "BSTN"
-BSTNToggleAlwaysOnTop() {
- global
- if (BSTNalwaysOnTop) {
- Gui, -AlwaysOnTop
- BSTNalwaysOnTop := 0
- } else {
- Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
- BSTNalwaysOnTop := 1
- }
-CharProc_BSTNA() {
- global
- ; Bildschirmtastatur AlwaysOnTop
- if (BSTNguiErstellt)
- BSTNToggleAlwaysOnTop()
-GUISYM(sym,chars) {
- global
- GSYM%sym% := EncodeUniComposeA(chars)
-BSTNSymbols() {
- global
- ; diverse Symbole für Spezialzeichen
- GUISYM("T__cflx","◌̂")
- GUISYM("T__cron","◌̌")
- GUISYM("T__turn","↻")
- GUISYM("T__abdt","◌̇")
- GUISYM("T__hook","◌˞") ; not perfect
- GUISYM("T__bldt",".") ; not perfect
- GUISYM("T__grav","◌̀")
- GUISYM("T__cedi","◌̧")
- GUISYM("T__obrg","◌̊")
- GUISYM("T__drss","◌̈")
- GUISYM("T_dasia","◌῾") ; not perfect
- GUISYM("T__mcrn","◌̄")
- GUISYM("T__acut","â—ŒÌ")
- GUISYM("T__tlde","◌̃")
- GUISYM("T__strk","◌̷")
- GUISYM("T__dbac","◌̋")
- GUISYM("T_psili","◌᾿") ; not perfect
- GUISYM("U0002D8","◌̆")
- GUISYM("S__Sh_L","⇧")
- GUISYM("S__Sh_R","⇧")
- GUISYM("S__Caps","⇪")
- GUISYM("S___Del","⌦")
- GUISYM("S___Ins","⎀")
- GUISYM("S____Up","⇡")
- GUISYM("S__Down","⇣")
- GUISYM("S__Rght","⇢")
- GUISYM("S__Left","⇠")
- GUISYM("S__PgUp","⇞")
- GUISYM("S__PgDn","⇟")
- GUISYM("S__Home","↸")
- GUISYM("S___End","⇲")
- GUISYM("S__N__0","0")
- GUISYM("S__N__1","1")
- GUISYM("S__N__2","2")
- GUISYM("S__N__3","3")
- GUISYM("S__N__4","4")
- GUISYM("S__N__5","5")
- GUISYM("S__N__6","6")
- GUISYM("S__N__7","7")
- GUISYM("S__N__8","8")
- GUISYM("S__N__9","9")
- GUISYM("S__NDiv","÷")
- GUISYM("S__NMul","×")
- GUISYM("S__NSub","-")
- GUISYM("S__NAdd","+")
- GUISYM("S__NDot",",")
- GUISYM("S__NEnt","âŽ")
- GUISYM("S__NDel","⌦")
- GUISYM("S__NIns","⎀")
- GUISYM("S__N_Up","⇡")
- GUISYM("S__N_Dn","⇣")
- GUISYM("S__N_Ri","⇢")
- GUISYM("S__N_Le","⇠")
- GUISYM("S__NPUp","⇞")
- GUISYM("S__NPDn","⇟")
- GUISYM("S__NHom","↸")
- GUISYM("S__NEnd","⇲")
- GUISYM("S_SNDel","⌦")
- GUISYM("S_SNIns","⎀")
- GUISYM("S_SN_Up","⇡")
- GUISYM("S_SN_Dn","⇣")
- GUISYM("S_SN_Ri","⇢")
- GUISYM("S_SN_Le","⇠")
- GUISYM("S_SNPUp","⇞")
- GUISYM("S_SNPDn","⇟")
- GUISYM("S_SNHom","↸")
- GUISYM("S_SNEnd","⇲")
- GUISYM("U00001B","⌧")
- GUISYM("U000008","⌫")
- GUISYM("U000009","↹")
- GUISYM("U00000D","âŽ")
- GUISYM("P__M2LD","⇧")
- GUISYM("P__M2RD","⇧")
- GUISYM("P__M3LD","M3")
- GUISYM("P__M3RD","M3")
- GUISYM("P__M4LD","M4")
- GUISYM("P__M4RD","M4")
- GUISYM("U000020","â£")
- GUISYM("U0000A0","â½")
- GUISYM("U00202F",">â½<")
-BSTNRegister() {
- global
- CP3F2 := "P_BSTNt"
- BSTNSymbols()
- IniRead,useBSTN,%ini%,Global,useBSTN,0
- if (useBSTN)
- CharProc_BSTN1()
diff --git a/windows/neo-vars/src/source/screenkeyboard_old.ahk b/windows/neo-vars/src/source/screenkeyboard_old.ahk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9f7513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/windows/neo-vars/src/source/screenkeyboard_old.ahk
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+BSTOguiErstellt := 0
+BSTOalwaysOnTop := 1
+BSTOcapsChars := 0
+if (FileExist("ResourceFolder")<>false) {
+ FileInstall,ebene1.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene1.png,1
+ FileInstall,ebene1Caps.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene1Caps.png,1
+ FileInstall,ebene2.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene2.png,1
+ FileInstall,ebene2Caps.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene2Caps.png,1
+ FileInstall,ebene3.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene3.png,1
+ FileInstall,ebene4.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene4.png,1
+ FileInstall,ebene5.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene5.png,1
+ FileInstall,ebene6.png,%ResourceFolder%\ebene6.png,1
+CP3F2 := "P_BSTOt"
+CP3F8 := "P_BSTOA"
+BSTOSwitch(Eb) {
+ global
+ if (Eb <> BSTOEbeneAlt) {
+ BSTOeb := Eb
+ if (BSTOcapsChars) {
+ if (BSTOeb == "1")
+ BSTOeb := "1C"
+ else if (BSTOeb == "2C")
+ BSTOeb := "2"
+ }
+ GuiControl,Show,Picture%BSTOeb%
+ GuiControl,Hide,Picture%BSTOEbeneAlt%
+ BSTOEbeneAlt := Eb
+ }
+BSTOOnClose() {
+ global
+ if (BSTOguiErstellt) {
+ BSTOguiErstellt := 0
+ GuiCurrent := ""
+ Gui, Destroy
+ }
+BSTOToggle() {
+ global
+ if (BSTOguiErstellt) {
+ BSTOguiErstellt := 0
+ GuiCurrent := ""
+ Gui, Destroy
+ } else {
+ if (GuiCurrent!="")
+ %GuiCurrent%OnClose()
+ SysGet, WorkArea, MonitorWorkArea
+ yPosition := WorkAreaBottom - 230
+ Gui, Color, FFFFFF
+ Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit x0 y0 vPicture1, % ResourceFolder . "\ebene1.png"
+ Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit xp+0 yp+0 Hidden vPicture1C,% ResourceFolder . "\ebene1Caps.png"
+ Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit xp+0 yp+0 Hidden vPicture2, % ResourceFolder . "\ebene2.png"
+ Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit xp+0 yp+0 Hidden vPicture2C,% ResourceFolder . "\ebene2Caps.png"
+ Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit xp+0 yp+0 Hidden vPicture3, % ResourceFolder . "\ebene3.png"
+ Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit xp+0 yp+0 Hidden vPicture4, % ResourceFolder . "\ebene4.png"
+ Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit xp+0 yp+0 Hidden vPicture5, % ResourceFolder . "\ebene5.png"
+ Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit xp+0 yp+0 Hidden vPicture6, % ResourceFolder . "\ebene6.png"
+ Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
+ Gui, Show, y%yposition% w776 h200 NoActivate, NEO-Bildschirmtastatur (statisch)
+ BSTOEbeneAlt := 1
+ BSTOguiErstellt := 1
+ BSTOSwitch(EbeneNC)
+ BSTOalwaysOnTop := 1
+ GuiCurrent := "BSTO"
+ }
+BSTOToggleAlwaysOnTop() {
+ global
+ if (BSTOalwaysOnTop) {
+ Gui, -AlwaysOnTop
+ BSTOalwaysOnTop := 0
+ } else {
+ Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
+ BSTOalwaysOnTop := 1
+ }
+CharProc_BSTOt() {
+ global
+ ; Bildschirmtastatur Ein/Aus
+ BSTOToggle()
+CharProc_BSTOA() {
+ global
+ ; Bildschirmtastatur AlwaysOnTop
+ if (BSTOguiErstellt)
+ BSTOToggleAlwaysOnTop()
diff --git a/windows/neo-vars/src/source/varsfunctions.ahk b/windows/neo-vars/src/source/varsfunctions.ahk
index 5d05505..04cdeda 100644
--- a/windows/neo-vars/src/source/varsfunctions.ahk
+++ b/windows/neo-vars/src/source/varsfunctions.ahk
@@ -124,8 +124,7 @@ rerun:
PR%PhysKey% := ""
- if (useBSTN)
- BSTNUpdate()
+ Check_BSTUpdate()
CharStarUp(PhysKey) {