path: root/windows/kbdneo2/Treiber/AHK_für_kbdneo2/ahk_kbdneo2.ahk
diff options
authorflorian <florian@b9310e46-f624-0410-8ea1-cfbb3a30dc96>2009-01-23 10:56:55 +0000
committerflorian <florian@b9310e46-f624-0410-8ea1-cfbb3a30dc96>2009-01-23 10:56:55 +0000
commit8ccce6e3a8565d0a99163c93ff93976f6137de48 (patch)
treed743ca7594ee8fa69e3c62bae5eb77dedce22f3a /windows/kbdneo2/Treiber/AHK_für_kbdneo2/ahk_kbdneo2.ahk
parent84996dc074dfefce99b74d08c3ce65bef78fce7a (diff)
AHK-Treiber für kbdneo2.ahk erweitert
git-svn-id: b9310e46-f624-0410-8ea1-cfbb3a30dc96
Diffstat (limited to 'windows/kbdneo2/Treiber/AHK_für_kbdneo2/ahk_kbdneo2.ahk')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 460 deletions
diff --git a/windows/kbdneo2/Treiber/AHK_für_kbdneo2/ahk_kbdneo2.ahk b/windows/kbdneo2/Treiber/AHK_für_kbdneo2/ahk_kbdneo2.ahk
deleted file mode 100644
index e3db33d..0000000
--- a/windows/kbdneo2/Treiber/AHK_für_kbdneo2/ahk_kbdneo2.ahk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-; Anfangsbedingungen *
-name=Neo 2.0 (Erweiterung für nativen Treiber)
-enable=Aktiviere %name%
-disable=Deaktiviere %name%
-#usehook on
-; Benutze Bilder wennsie im aktuellen Verzeichnis vorhanden sind
-if (FileExist("ebene1.png")&&FileExist("ebene2.png")&&FileExist("ebene3.png")&&FileExist("ebene4.png")&&FileExist("ebene5.png")&&FileExist("ebene6.png"))
- zeigeBildschirmTastatur = 1
-if (FileExist("neo_enabled.ico")&&FileExist("neo_disabled.ico"))
- iconBenutzen=1
-; Menü des Systray-Icons *
-if (iconBenutzen)
- menu,tray,icon,neo_enabled.ico,,1
-menu,tray,add,AHK öffnen,open
- menu,helpmenu,add,Info,about
- menu,helpmenu,add
- menu,helpmenu,add,,autohotkey
- menu,helpmenu,add,,neo
-menu,tray,add,Skript Bearbeiten,edit
-menu,tray,add,Neu Laden,reload
-menu,tray,add,Nicht im Systray anzeigen,hide
-menu,tray,add,%name% beenden,exitprogram
-; Initialisierung *
-isShiftRPressed := 0
-isShiftLPressed := 0
-isShiftPressed := 0
-isMod2Locked := 0
-isMod3RPressed := 0
-isMod3LPressed := 0
-isMod3Pressed := 0
-isMod4RPressed := 0
-isMod4LPressed := 0
-isMod4Pressed := 0
-isMod4Locked := 0
-isMod4Active := 0
-; benötigte Modifier werden gehookt
- if (isShiftLPressed and !isShiftRPressed)
- ToggleMod2Lock()
- isShiftRPressed := 1
- isShiftPressed := 1
-~*SC136 up::
- isShiftRPressed := 0
- isShiftPressed := isShiftLPressed
- if (isShiftRPressed and !isShiftLPressed)
- ToggleMod2Lock()
- isShiftLPressed := 1
- isShiftPressed := 1
-~*SC02A up::
- isShiftLPressed := 0
- isShiftPressed := isShiftRPressed
- isMod3RPressed := 1
- isMod3Pressed := 1
-~*SC02B up::
- isMod3RPressed := 0
- isMod3Pressed := isMod3LPressed
- isMod3LPressed := 1
- isMod3Pressed := 1
-~*SC03A up::
- isMod3LPressed := 0
- isMod3Pressed := isMod3RPressed
- if (isMod4LPressed and !isMod4RPressed)
- ToggleMod4Lock()
- isMod4RPressed := 1
- isMod4Pressed := 1
- doMod4()
-~*SC138 up::
- isMod4RPressed := 0
- isMod4Pressed := isMod4LPressed
- doMod4()
- if (isMod4RPressed and !isMod4LPressed)
- ToggleMod4Lock()
- isMod4LPressed := 1
- isMod4Pressed := 1
- doMod4()
-~*SC056 up::
- isMod4LPressed := 0
- isMod4Pressed := isMod4RPressed
- doMod4()
-;Welcher Modifier ist aktiv und CapsLock und Mod4Lock
-ToggleMod2Lock() {
- global
- if (isMod2Locked)
- {
- isMod2Locked := 0
- SetCapslockState off
- }
- else
- {
- isMod2Locked := 1
- SetCapslockState on
- }
-ToggleMod4Lock() {
- global
- if (isMod4Locked)
- isMod4Locked := 0
- else
- isMod4Locked := 1
-doMod4() {
- global
- if (isMod4Locked)
- {
- if (isMod4Pressed)
- isMod4Active := 0
- else
- isMod4Active := 1
- }
- else
- {
- if (isMod4Pressed)
- isMod4Active := 1
- else
- isMod4Active := 0
- }
-if (isMod4Active and !isMod3Pressed)
-Sendinput {Blind}{PGUP}
-if (isMod4Active and !isMod3Pressed)
-Ifwinactive ahk_class Notepad++
-Sendinput {Blind}{BACKSPACE}{BACKSPACE}
-if (isMod4Active and !isMod3Pressed)
-Sendinput {Blind}{UP}
-if (isMod4Active and !isMod3Pressed)
-Sendinput {Blind}{DEL}
-if (isMod4Active and !isMod3Pressed)
-Sendinput {Blind}{INS}
-if (isMod4Active and !isMod3Pressed)
-Sendinput {Blind}{HOME}
-if (isMod4Active and !isMod3Pressed)
-Sendinput {Blind}{LEFT}
-if (isMod4Active and !isMod3Pressed)
-Sendinput {Blind}{DOWN}
-if (isMod4Active and !isMod3Pressed)
-Sendinput {Blind}{RIGHT}
-if (isMod4Active and !isMod3Pressed)
-Sendinput {Blind}{END}
-if (isMod4Active and !isMod3Pressed)
-Ifwinactive ahk_class Notepad++
-Sendinput {Blind}{BACKSPACE}{TAB}
-if (isMod4Active and !isMod3Pressed)
-Sendinput {Blind}{PGDN}
-if (isMod4Active and !isMod3Pressed)
-Ifwinactive ahk_class Notepad++
-Sendinput {Blind}{BACKSPACE}{ENTER}
-; Menüfunktionen *
- if A_IsSuspended {
- menu,tray,rename,%enable%,%disable%
- menu,tray,tip,%name%
- if (iconBenutzen)
- menu,tray,icon,neo_enabled.ico,,1
- suspend,off ; Schaltet Suspend aus
- } else {
- menu,tray,rename,%disable%, %enable%
- menu,tray,tip,%name% : Deaktiviert
- if (iconBenutzen)
- menu,tray,icon,neo_disabled.ico,,1
- suspend,on ; Schaltet Suspend ein
- } return
- msgbox, 64, NEO 2.0 – Ergonomische Tastaturbelegung,
- (
- %name%
- `nDas Neo-Layout ist ein alternatives deutsches Tastaturlayout
- Näheres finden Sie unter
- `nDieses Skript erweitert den nativen Tastaturtreiber um
- einige fehlende Funktionen.
- )
- run
- run
- ListLines ; shows the Autohotkey window
- edit
- Reload
- menu, tray, noicon
- exitapp
-; BildschirmTastatur *
-guiErstellt = 0
-alwaysOnTop = 1
- if (isMod4Pressed&&zeigeBildschirmTastatur)
- goto Switch1
- else send {blind}{F1}
- if (isMod4Pressed&&zeigeBildschirmTastatur)
- goto Switch2
- else send {blind}{F2}
- if (isMod4Pressed&&zeigeBildschirmTastatur)
- goto Switch3
- else send {blind}{F3}
- if (isMod4Pressed&&zeigeBildschirmTastatur)
- goto Switch4
- else send {blind}{F4}
- if (isMod4Pressed&&zeigeBildschirmTastatur)
- goto Switch5
- else send {blind}{F5}
- if (isMod4Pressed&&zeigeBildschirmTastatur)
- goto Switch6
- else send {blind}{F6}
- if (isMod4Pressed&&zeigeBildschirmTastatur)
- goto Show
- else send {blind}{F7}
- if (isMod4Pressed&&zeigeBildschirmTastatur)
- goto ToggleAlwaysOnTop
- else send {blind}{F8}
- tImage := "ebene1.png"
- goto Switch
- tImage := "ebene2.png"
- goto Switch
- tImage := "ebene3.png"
- goto Switch
- tImage := "ebene4.png"
- goto Switch
- tImage := "ebene5.png"
- goto Switch
- tImage := "ebene6.png"
- goto Switch
- if guiErstellt {
- if (Image = tImage)
- goto Close
- else {
- Image := tImage
- SetTimer, Refresh
- }
- } else {
- Image := tImage
- goto Show
- }
- if guiErstellt {
- goto Close
- } else {
- if (Image = "") {
- Image := "ebene1.png"
- }
- yPosition := A_ScreenHeight -270
- Gui,Color,FFFFFF
- Gui,Add,Button,xm+5 gSwitch1,F1
- Gui,Add,Button,xm+5 gSwitch2,F2
- Gui,Add,Button,xm+5 gSwitch3,F3
- Gui,Add,Button,xm+5 gSwitch4,F4
- Gui,Add,Button,xm+5 gSwitch5,F5
- Gui,Add,Button,xm+5 gSwitch6,F6
- Gui,Add,Button,xm+5 gShow,F7
- Gui,Add,Text,x+5,An /
- Gui,Add,Text,y+3,Aus
- Gui,Add,Button,x+10 y+-30 gShow,F8
- Gui,Add,Text,x+5,OnTop
- Gui,Add,Picture,AltSubmit ys w729 h199 vPicture,%Image%
- Gui,+AlwaysOnTop
- Gui,Show,y%yposition% Autosize
- guiErstellt = 1
- }
- guiErstellt = 0
- Gui,Destroy
- If (Image != OldImage) {
- GuiControl,,Picture,%Image%
- OldImage := Image
- }
- if alwaysOnTop {
- Gui, -AlwaysOnTop
- alwaysOnTop = 0
- } else {
- Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
- alwaysOnTop = 1
- }
-Return \ No newline at end of file