mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 04:03:30 +01:00
1214 lines
33 KiB
1214 lines
33 KiB
# $Id: gen_rpc.awk,v 11.50 2002/07/02 19:26:57 sue Exp $
# Awk script for generating client/server RPC code.
# This awk script generates most of the RPC routines for DB client/server
# use. It also generates a template for server and client procedures. These
# functions must still be edited, but are highly stylized and the initial
# template gets you a fair way along the path).
# This awk script requires that these variables be set when it is called:
# major -- Major version number
# minor -- Minor version number
# xidsize -- size of GIDs
# client_file -- the C source file being created for client code
# ctmpl_file -- the C template file being created for client code
# sed_file -- the sed file created to alter server proc code
# server_file -- the C source file being created for server code
# stmpl_file -- the C template file being created for server code
# xdr_file -- the XDR message file created
# And stdin must be the input file that defines the RPC setup.
if (major == "" || minor == "" || xidsize == "" ||
client_file == "" || ctmpl_file == "" ||
sed_file == "" || server_file == "" ||
stmpl_file == "" || xdr_file == "") {
print "Usage: gen_rpc.awk requires these variables be set:"
print "\tmajor\t-- Major version number"
print "\tminor\t-- Minor version number"
print "\txidsize\t-- GID size"
print "\tclient_file\t-- the client C source file being created"
print "\tctmpl_file\t-- the client template file being created"
print "\tsed_file\t-- the sed command file being created"
print "\tserver_file\t-- the server C source file being created"
print "\tstmpl_file\t-- the server template file being created"
print "\txdr_file\t-- the XDR message file being created"
error = 1; exit
printf("/* Do not edit: automatically built by gen_rpc.awk. */\n") \
TFILE = ctmpl_file
printf("/* Do not edit: automatically built by gen_rpc.awk. */\n") \
SFILE = server_file
printf("/* Do not edit: automatically built by gen_rpc.awk. */\n") \
# Server procedure template and a sed file to massage an existing
# template source file to change args.
# SEDFILE should be same name as PFILE but .c
PFILE = stmpl_file
SEDFILE = sed_file
printf("") > SEDFILE
printf("/* Do not edit: automatically built by gen_rpc.awk. */\n") \
XFILE = xdr_file
printf("/* Do not edit: automatically built by gen_rpc.awk. */\n") \
nendlist = 1;
printf("#endif /* HAVE_RPC */\n") >> CFILE
printf("#endif /* HAVE_RPC */\n") >> TFILE
printf("program DB_RPC_SERVERPROG {\n") >> XFILE
printf("\tversion DB_RPC_SERVERVERS {\n") >> XFILE
for (i = 1; i < nendlist; ++i)
printf("\t\t%s;\n", endlist[i]) >> XFILE
printf("\t} = %d%03d;\n", major, minor) >> XFILE
printf("} = 351457;\n") >> XFILE
/^[ ]*BEGIN/ {
name = $2;
nofunc_code = 0;
funcvars = 0;
ret_code = 0;
if ($3 == "NOFUNC")
nofunc_code = 1;
if ($3 == "RETCODE")
ret_code = 1;
nvars = 0;
rvars = 0;
newvars = 0;
db_handle = 0;
env_handle = 0;
dbc_handle = 0;
txn_handle = 0;
mp_handle = 0;
dbt_handle = 0;
xdr_free = 0;
/^[ ]*ARG/ {
rpc_type[nvars] = $2;
c_type[nvars] = $3;
pr_type[nvars] = $3;
args[nvars] = $4;
func_arg[nvars] = 0;
if (rpc_type[nvars] == "LIST") {
list_type[nvars] = $5;
} else
list_type[nvars] = 0;
if (c_type[nvars] == "DBT *")
dbt_handle = 1;
if (c_type[nvars] == "DB_ENV *") {
ctp_type[nvars] = "CT_ENV";
env_handle = 1;
env_idx = nvars;
if (c_type[nvars] == "DB *") {
ctp_type[nvars] = "CT_DB";
if (db_handle != 1) {
db_handle = 1;
db_idx = nvars;
if (c_type[nvars] == "DBC *") {
ctp_type[nvars] = "CT_CURSOR";
dbc_handle = 1;
dbc_idx = nvars;
if (c_type[nvars] == "DB_TXN *") {
ctp_type[nvars] = "CT_TXN";
txn_handle = 1;
txn_idx = nvars;
if (c_type[nvars] == "DB_MPOOLFILE *") {
mp_handle = 1;
mp_idx = nvars;
/^[ ]*FUNCPROT/ {
pr_type[nvars] = $2;
/^[ ]*FUNCARG/ {
rpc_type[nvars] = "IGNORE";
c_type[nvars] = $2;
args[nvars] = sprintf("func%d", funcvars);
func_arg[nvars] = 1;
/^[ ]*RET/ {
ret_type[rvars] = $2;
retc_type[rvars] = $3;
retargs[rvars] = $4;
if (ret_type[rvars] == "LIST" || ret_type[rvars] == "DBT") {
xdr_free = 1;
if (ret_type[rvars] == "LIST") {
retlist_type[rvars] = $5;
} else
retlist_type[rvars] = 0;
/^[ ]*END/ {
# =====================================================
# File headers, if necessary.
if (first == 0) {
printf("#include \"db_config.h\"\n") >> CFILE
printf("\n") >> CFILE
printf("#ifdef HAVE_RPC\n") >> CFILE
printf("#ifndef NO_SYSTEM_INCLUDES\n") >> CFILE
printf("#include <sys/types.h>\n\n") >> CFILE
printf("#include <rpc/rpc.h>\n") >> CFILE
printf("#include <rpc/xdr.h>\n") >> CFILE
printf("\n") >> CFILE
printf("#include <string.h>\n") >> CFILE
printf("#endif\n") >> CFILE
printf("\n") >> CFILE
printf("#include \"db_int.h\"\n") >> CFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc/txn.h\"\n") >> CFILE
printf("\n") >> CFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc_auto/db_server.h\"\n") >> CFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc_auto/rpc_client_ext.h\"\n") >> CFILE
printf("\n") >> CFILE
printf("#include \"db_config.h\"\n") >> TFILE
printf("\n") >> TFILE
printf("#ifdef HAVE_RPC\n") >> TFILE
printf("#ifndef NO_SYSTEM_INCLUDES\n") >> TFILE
printf("#include <sys/types.h>\n") >> TFILE
printf("#include <rpc/rpc.h>\n") >> TFILE
printf("\n") >> TFILE
printf("#include <string.h>\n") >> TFILE
printf("#endif\n") >> TFILE
printf("#include \"db_int.h\"\n") >> TFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc_auto/db_server.h\"\n") >> TFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc/txn.h\"\n") >> TFILE
printf("\n") >> TFILE
printf("#include \"db_config.h\"\n") >> SFILE
printf("\n") >> SFILE
printf("#ifndef NO_SYSTEM_INCLUDES\n") >> SFILE
printf("#include <sys/types.h>\n") >> SFILE
printf("\n") >> SFILE
printf("#include <rpc/rpc.h>\n") >> SFILE
printf("#include <rpc/xdr.h>\n") >> SFILE
printf("\n") >> SFILE
printf("#include <string.h>\n") >> SFILE
printf("#endif\n") >> SFILE
printf("\n") >> SFILE
printf("#include \"db_int.h\"\n") >> SFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc_auto/db_server.h\"\n") >> SFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc/db_server_int.h\"\n") >> SFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc_auto/rpc_server_ext.h\"\n") >> SFILE
printf("\n") >> SFILE
printf("#include \"db_config.h\"\n") >> PFILE
printf("\n") >> PFILE
printf("#ifndef NO_SYSTEM_INCLUDES\n") >> PFILE
printf("#include <sys/types.h>\n") >> PFILE
printf("\n") >> PFILE
printf("#include <rpc/rpc.h>\n") >> PFILE
printf("\n") >> PFILE
printf("#include <string.h>\n") >> PFILE
printf("#endif\n") >> PFILE
printf("\n") >> PFILE
printf("#include \"db_int.h\"\n") >> PFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc_auto/db_server.h\"\n") >> PFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc/db_server_int.h\"\n") >> PFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc_auto/rpc_server_ext.h\"\n") >> PFILE
printf("\n") >> PFILE
first = 1;
# =====================================================
# Generate Client Nofunc code first if necessary
# NOTE: This code must be first, because we don't want any
# other code other than this function, so before we write
# out to the XDR and server files, we just generate this
# and move on if this is all we are doing.
if (nofunc_code == 1) {
# First time through, put out the general no server and
# illegal functions.
if (first_nofunc == 0) {
printf("static int __dbcl_noserver ") >> CFILE
printf("__P((DB_ENV *));\n\n") >> CFILE
printf("static int\n") >> CFILE
printf("__dbcl_noserver(dbenv)\n") >> CFILE
printf("\tDB_ENV *dbenv;\n") >> CFILE
printf("{\n\t__db_err(dbenv,") >> CFILE
printf(" \"No server environment\");\n") >> CFILE
printf("\treturn (DB_NOSERVER);\n") >> CFILE
printf("}\n\n") >> CFILE
printf("static int __dbcl_rpc_illegal ") >> CFILE
printf("__P((DB_ENV *, char *));\n\n") >> CFILE
printf("static int\n") >> CFILE
printf("__dbcl_rpc_illegal(dbenv, name)\n") >> CFILE
printf("\tDB_ENV *dbenv;\n\tchar *name;\n") >> CFILE
printf("{\n\t__db_err(dbenv,") >> CFILE
printf(" \"%%s method meaningless in an RPC") >> CFILE
printf(" environment\", name);\n") >> CFILE
printf("\treturn (__db_eopnotsup(dbenv));\n") >> CFILE
printf("}\n\n") >> CFILE
first_nofunc = 1
# Spit out PUBLIC prototypes.
pi = 1;
p[pi++] = sprintf("int __dbcl_%s __P((", name);
p[pi++] = "";
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
p[pi++] = pr_type[i];
p[pi++] = ", ";
p[pi - 1] = "";
p[pi++] = "));";
p[pi] = "";
proto_format(p, 0, CFILE);
# Spit out function name/args.
printf("int\n") >> CFILE
printf("__dbcl_%s(", name) >> CFILE
sep = "";
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
printf("%s%s", sep, args[i]) >> CFILE
sep = ", ";
printf(")\n") >> CFILE
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i)
if (func_arg[i] == 0)
printf("\t%s %s;\n", c_type[i], args[i]) \
printf("\t%s;\n", c_type[i]) >> CFILE
# Call error function and return EINVAL
printf("{\n") >> CFILE
# If we don't have a local env, set one.
if (env_handle == 0) {
printf("\tDB_ENV *dbenv;\n\n") >> CFILE
if (db_handle)
printf("\tdbenv = %s->dbenv;\n", \
args[db_idx]) >> CFILE
else if (dbc_handle)
printf("\tdbenv = %s->dbp->dbenv;\n", \
args[dbc_idx]) >> CFILE
else if (txn_handle)
printf("\tdbenv = %s->mgrp->dbenv;\n", \
args[txn_idx]) >> CFILE
else if (mp_handle)
printf("\tdbenv = %s->dbmp->dbenv;\n", \
args[mp_idx]) >> CFILE
printf("\tdbenv = NULL;\n") >> CFILE
# Quiet the compiler for all variables.
# NOTE: Index 'i' starts at 1, not 0. Our first arg is
# the handle we need to get to the env, and we do not want
# to COMPQUIET that one.
for (i = 1; i < nvars; ++i) {
if (rpc_type[i] == "CONST" || rpc_type[i] == "DBT" ||
rpc_type[i] == "LIST" || rpc_type[i] == "STRING" ||
rpc_type[i] == "GID") {
printf("\tCOMPQUIET(%s, NULL);\n", args[i]) \
if (rpc_type[i] == "INT" || rpc_type[i] == "IGNORE" ||
rpc_type[i] == "ID") {
printf("\tCOMPQUIET(%s, 0);\n", args[i]) \
if (!env_handle) {
printf("\treturn (__dbcl_rpc_illegal(dbenv, ") >> CFILE
printf("\"%s\"));\n", name) >> CFILE
} else
printf("\treturn (__dbcl_rpc_illegal(%s, \"%s\"));\n", \
args[env_idx], name) >> CFILE
printf("}\n\n") >> CFILE
# =====================================================
# XDR messages.
printf("\n") >> XFILE
printf("struct __%s_msg {\n", name) >> XFILE
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
if (rpc_type[i] == "LIST") {
if (list_type[i] == "GID") {
printf("\topaque %s<>;\n", args[i]) >> XFILE
} else {
printf("\tunsigned int %s<>;\n", args[i]) >> XFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "ID") {
printf("\tunsigned int %scl_id;\n", args[i]) >> XFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "STRING") {
printf("\tstring %s<>;\n", args[i]) >> XFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "GID") {
printf("\topaque %s[%d];\n", args[i], xidsize) >> XFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "INT") {
printf("\tunsigned int %s;\n", args[i]) >> XFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "DBT") {
printf("\tunsigned int %sdlen;\n", args[i]) >> XFILE
printf("\tunsigned int %sdoff;\n", args[i]) >> XFILE
printf("\tunsigned int %sulen;\n", args[i]) >> XFILE
printf("\tunsigned int %sflags;\n", args[i]) >> XFILE
printf("\topaque %sdata<>;\n", args[i]) >> XFILE
printf("};\n") >> XFILE
printf("\n") >> XFILE
# Generate the reply message
printf("struct __%s_reply {\n", name) >> XFILE
printf("\tint status;\n") >> XFILE
for (i = 0; i < rvars; ++i) {
if (ret_type[i] == "ID") {
printf("\tunsigned int %scl_id;\n", retargs[i]) >> XFILE
if (ret_type[i] == "STRING") {
printf("\tstring %s<>;\n", retargs[i]) >> XFILE
if (ret_type[i] == "INT") {
printf("\tunsigned int %s;\n", retargs[i]) >> XFILE
if (ret_type[i] == "DBL") {
printf("\tdouble %s;\n", retargs[i]) >> XFILE
if (ret_type[i] == "DBT") {
printf("\topaque %sdata<>;\n", retargs[i]) >> XFILE
if (ret_type[i] == "LIST") {
if (retlist_type[i] == "GID") {
printf("\topaque %s<>;\n", retargs[i]) >> XFILE
} else {
printf("\tunsigned int %s<>;\n", retargs[i]) >> XFILE
printf("};\n") >> XFILE
endlist[nendlist] = \
sprintf("__%s_reply __DB_%s(__%s_msg) = %d", \
name, name, name, nendlist);
# =====================================================
# Server functions.
# First spit out PUBLIC prototypes for server functions.
p[1] = sprintf("__%s_reply *__db_%s_%d%03d __P((__%s_msg *, struct svc_req *));",
name, name, major, minor, name);
p[2] = "";
proto_format(p, 0, SFILE);
printf("__%s_reply *\n", name) >> SFILE
printf("__db_%s_%d%03d(msg, req)\n", name, major, minor) >> SFILE
printf("\t__%s_msg *msg;\n", name) >> SFILE;
printf("\tstruct svc_req *req;\n", name) >> SFILE;
printf("{\n") >> SFILE
printf("\tstatic __%s_reply reply; /* must be static */\n", \
name) >> SFILE
if (xdr_free) {
printf("\tstatic int __%s_free = 0; /* must be static */\n\n", \
name) >> SFILE
printf("\tCOMPQUIET(req, NULL);\n", name) >> SFILE
if (xdr_free) {
printf("\tif (__%s_free)\n", name) >> SFILE
printf("\t\txdr_free((xdrproc_t)xdr___%s_reply, (void *)&reply);\n", \
name) >> SFILE
printf("\t__%s_free = 0;\n", name) >> SFILE
printf("\n\t/* Reinitialize allocated fields */\n") >> SFILE
for (i = 0; i < rvars; ++i) {
if (ret_type[i] == "LIST") {
printf("\treply.%s.%s_val = NULL;\n", \
retargs[i], retargs[i]) >> SFILE
if (ret_type[i] == "DBT") {
printf("\treply.%sdata.%sdata_val = NULL;\n", \
retargs[i], retargs[i]) >> SFILE
need_out = 0;
# Compose server proc to call. Decompose message components as args.
printf("\n\t__%s_proc(", name) >> SFILE
sep = "";
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
if (rpc_type[i] == "IGNORE") {
if (rpc_type[i] == "ID") {
printf("%smsg->%scl_id", sep, args[i]) >> SFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "STRING") {
printf("%s(*msg->%s == '\\0') ? NULL : msg->%s", \
sep, args[i], args[i]) >> SFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "GID") {
printf("%smsg->%s", sep, args[i]) >> SFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "INT") {
printf("%smsg->%s", sep, args[i]) >> SFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "LIST") {
printf("%smsg->%s.%s_val", \
sep, args[i], args[i]) >> SFILE
printf("%smsg->%s.%s_len", \
sep, args[i], args[i]) >> SFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "DBT") {
printf("%smsg->%sdlen", sep, args[i]) >> SFILE
sep = ",\n\t ";
printf("%smsg->%sdoff", sep, args[i]) >> SFILE
printf("%smsg->%sulen", sep, args[i]) >> SFILE
printf("%smsg->%sflags", sep, args[i]) >> SFILE
printf("%smsg->%sdata.%sdata_val", \
sep, args[i], args[i]) >> SFILE
printf("%smsg->%sdata.%sdata_len", \
sep, args[i], args[i]) >> SFILE
sep = ",\n\t ";
printf("%s&reply", sep) >> SFILE
if (xdr_free)
printf("%s&__%s_free);\n", sep, name) >> SFILE
printf(");\n\n") >> SFILE
if (need_out) {
printf("\nout:\n") >> SFILE
printf("\treturn (&reply);\n") >> SFILE
printf("}\n\n") >> SFILE
# =====================================================
# Generate Procedure Template Server code
# Produce SED file commands if needed at the same time
# Spit out comment, prototype, function name and arg list.
printf("/^\\/\\* BEGIN __%s_proc/,/^\\/\\* END __%s_proc/c\\\n", \
name, name) >> SEDFILE
printf("/* BEGIN __%s_proc */\n", name) >> PFILE
printf("/* BEGIN __%s_proc */\\\n", name) >> SEDFILE
pi = 1;
p[pi++] = sprintf("void __%s_proc __P((", name);
p[pi++] = "";
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
if (rpc_type[i] == "IGNORE")
if (rpc_type[i] == "ID") {
p[pi++] = "long";
p[pi++] = ", ";
if (rpc_type[i] == "STRING") {
p[pi++] = "char *";
p[pi++] = ", ";
if (rpc_type[i] == "GID") {
p[pi++] = "u_int8_t *";
p[pi++] = ", ";
if (rpc_type[i] == "INT") {
p[pi++] = "u_int32_t";
p[pi++] = ", ";
if (rpc_type[i] == "LIST" && list_type[i] == "GID") {
p[pi++] = "u_int8_t *";
p[pi++] = ", ";
p[pi++] = "u_int32_t";
p[pi++] = ", ";
if (rpc_type[i] == "LIST" && list_type[i] == "INT") {
p[pi++] = "u_int32_t *";
p[pi++] = ", ";
p[pi++] = "u_int32_t";
p[pi++] = ", ";
if (rpc_type[i] == "LIST" && list_type[i] == "ID") {
p[pi++] = "u_int32_t *";
p[pi++] = ", ";
p[pi++] = "u_int32_t";
p[pi++] = ", ";
if (rpc_type[i] == "DBT") {
p[pi++] = "u_int32_t";
p[pi++] = ", ";
p[pi++] = "u_int32_t";
p[pi++] = ", ";
p[pi++] = "u_int32_t";
p[pi++] = ", ";
p[pi++] = "u_int32_t";
p[pi++] = ", ";
p[pi++] = "void *";
p[pi++] = ", ";
p[pi++] = "u_int32_t";
p[pi++] = ", ";
p[pi++] = sprintf("__%s_reply *", name);
if (xdr_free) {
p[pi++] = ", ";
p[pi++] = "int *));";
} else {
p[pi++] = "";
p[pi++] = "));";
p[pi++] = "";
proto_format(p, 1, SEDFILE);
printf("void\n") >> PFILE
printf("void\\\n") >> SEDFILE
printf("__%s_proc(", name) >> PFILE
printf("__%s_proc(", name) >> SEDFILE
sep = "";
argcount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
if (argcount == 0) {
sep = "";
if (rpc_type[i] == "IGNORE")
if (rpc_type[i] == "ID") {
printf("%s%scl_id", sep, args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("%s%scl_id", sep, args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "STRING") {
printf("%s%s", sep, args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("%s%s", sep, args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "GID") {
printf("%s%s", sep, args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("%s%s", sep, args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "INT") {
printf("%s%s", sep, args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("%s%s", sep, args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "LIST") {
printf("%s%s", sep, args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("%s%s", sep, args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (argcount == 0) {
sep = "";
} else {
sep = ", ";
printf("%s%slen", sep, args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("%s%slen", sep, args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "DBT") {
printf("%s%sdlen", sep, args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("%s%sdlen", sep, args[i]) >> SEDFILE
sep = ", ";
if (argcount == 0) {
sep = "";
} else {
sep = ", ";
printf("%s%sdoff", sep, args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("%s%sdoff", sep, args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (argcount == 0) {
sep = "";
} else {
sep = ", ";
printf("%s%sulen", sep, args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("%s%sulen", sep, args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (argcount == 0) {
sep = "";
} else {
sep = ", ";
printf("%s%sflags", sep, args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("%s%sflags", sep, args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (argcount == 0) {
sep = "";
} else {
sep = ", ";
printf("%s%sdata", sep, args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("%s%sdata", sep, args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (argcount == 0) {
sep = "";
} else {
sep = ", ";
printf("%s%ssize", sep, args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("%s%ssize", sep, args[i]) >> SEDFILE
sep = ", ";
printf("%sreplyp",sep) >> PFILE
printf("%sreplyp",sep) >> SEDFILE
if (xdr_free) {
printf("%sfreep)\n",sep) >> PFILE
printf("%sfreep)\\\n",sep) >> SEDFILE
} else {
printf(")\n") >> PFILE
printf(")\\\n") >> SEDFILE
# Spit out arg types/names;
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
if (rpc_type[i] == "ID") {
printf("\tlong %scl_id;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\\\tlong %scl_id;\\\n", args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "STRING") {
printf("\tchar *%s;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\\\tchar *%s;\\\n", args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "GID") {
printf("\tu_int8_t *%s;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\\\tu_int8_t *%s;\\\n", args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "INT") {
printf("\tu_int32_t %s;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\\\tu_int32_t %s;\\\n", args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "LIST" && list_type[i] == "GID") {
printf("\tu_int8_t * %s;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\\\tu_int8_t * %s;\\\n", args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "LIST" && list_type[i] == "INT") {
printf("\tu_int32_t * %s;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\\\tu_int32_t * %s;\\\n", \
args[i]) >> SEDFILE
printf("\tu_int32_t %ssize;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\\\tu_int32_t %ssize;\\\n", args[i]) >> SEDFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "LIST" && list_type[i] == "ID") {
printf("\tu_int32_t * %s;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\\\tu_int32_t * %s;\\\n", args[i]) \
if (rpc_type[i] == "LIST") {
printf("\tu_int32_t %slen;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\\\tu_int32_t %slen;\\\n", args[i]) \
if (rpc_type[i] == "DBT") {
printf("\tu_int32_t %sdlen;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\\\tu_int32_t %sdlen;\\\n", args[i]) >> SEDFILE
printf("\tu_int32_t %sdoff;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\\\tu_int32_t %sdoff;\\\n", args[i]) >> SEDFILE
printf("\tu_int32_t %sulen;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\\\tu_int32_t %sulen;\\\n", args[i]) >> SEDFILE
printf("\tu_int32_t %sflags;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\\\tu_int32_t %sflags;\\\n", args[i]) >> SEDFILE
printf("\tvoid *%sdata;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\\\tvoid *%sdata;\\\n", args[i]) >> SEDFILE
printf("\tu_int32_t %ssize;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\\\tu_int32_t %ssize;\\\n", args[i]) >> SEDFILE
printf("\t__%s_reply *replyp;\n",name) >> PFILE
printf("\\\t__%s_reply *replyp;\\\n",name) >> SEDFILE
if (xdr_free) {
printf("\tint * freep;\n") >> PFILE
printf("\\\tint * freep;\\\n") >> SEDFILE
printf("/* END __%s_proc */\n", name) >> PFILE
printf("/* END __%s_proc */\n", name) >> SEDFILE
# Function body
printf("{\n") >> PFILE
printf("\tint ret;\n") >> PFILE
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
if (rpc_type[i] == "ID") {
printf("\t%s %s;\n", c_type[i], args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\tct_entry *%s_ctp;\n", args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\n") >> PFILE
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
if (rpc_type[i] == "ID") {
printf("\tACTIVATE_CTP(%s_ctp, %scl_id, %s);\n", \
args[i], args[i], ctp_type[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\t%s = (%s)%s_ctp->ct_anyp;\n", \
args[i], c_type[i], args[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\n\t/*\n\t * XXX Code goes here\n\t */\n\n") >> PFILE
printf("\treplyp->status = ret;\n") >> PFILE
printf("\treturn;\n") >> PFILE
printf("}\n\n") >> PFILE
# =====================================================
# Generate Client code
# Spit out PUBLIC prototypes.
pi = 1;
p[pi++] = sprintf("int __dbcl_%s __P((", name);
p[pi++] = "";
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
p[pi++] = pr_type[i];
p[pi++] = ", ";
p[pi - 1] = "";
p[pi++] = "));";
p[pi] = "";
proto_format(p, 0, CFILE);
# Spit out function name/args.
printf("int\n") >> CFILE
printf("__dbcl_%s(", name) >> CFILE
sep = "";
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
printf("%s%s", sep, args[i]) >> CFILE
sep = ", ";
printf(")\n") >> CFILE
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i)
if (func_arg[i] == 0)
printf("\t%s %s;\n", c_type[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\t%s;\n", c_type[i]) >> CFILE
printf("{\n") >> CFILE
printf("\tCLIENT *cl;\n") >> CFILE
printf("\t__%s_msg msg;\n", name) >> CFILE
printf("\t__%s_reply *replyp = NULL;\n", name) >> CFILE;
printf("\tint ret;\n") >> CFILE
if (!env_handle)
printf("\tDB_ENV *dbenv;\n") >> CFILE
# If we are managing a list, we need a few more vars.
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
if (rpc_type[i] == "LIST") {
printf("\t%s %sp;\n", c_type[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\tint %si;\n", args[i]) >> CFILE
if (list_type[i] == "GID")
printf("\tu_int8_t ** %sq;\n", args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\tu_int32_t * %sq;\n", args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\n") >> CFILE
printf("\tret = 0;\n") >> CFILE
if (!env_handle) {
if (db_handle)
printf("\tdbenv = %s->dbenv;\n", args[db_idx]) >> CFILE
else if (dbc_handle)
printf("\tdbenv = %s->dbp->dbenv;\n", \
args[dbc_idx]) >> CFILE
else if (txn_handle)
printf("\tdbenv = %s->mgrp->dbenv;\n", \
args[txn_idx]) >> CFILE
printf("\tdbenv = NULL;\n") >> CFILE
printf("\tif (dbenv == NULL || !RPC_ON(dbenv))\n") \
printf("\t\treturn (__dbcl_noserver(NULL));\n") >> CFILE
} else {
printf("\tif (%s == NULL || !RPC_ON(%s))\n", \
args[env_idx], args[env_idx]) >> CFILE
printf("\t\treturn (__dbcl_noserver(%s));\n", \
args[env_idx]) >> CFILE
printf("\n") >> CFILE
if (!env_handle)
printf("\tcl = (CLIENT *)dbenv->cl_handle;\n") >> CFILE
printf("\tcl = (CLIENT *)%s->cl_handle;\n", \
args[env_idx]) >> CFILE
printf("\n") >> CFILE
# If there is a function arg, check that it is NULL
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
if (func_arg[i] != 1)
printf("\tif (%s != NULL) {\n", args[i]) >> CFILE
if (!env_handle) {
printf("\t\t__db_err(dbenv, ") >> CFILE
} else {
printf("\t\t__db_err(%s, ", args[env_idx]) >> CFILE
printf("\"User functions not supported in RPC\");\n") >> CFILE
printf("\t\treturn (EINVAL);\n\t}\n") >> CFILE
# Compose message components
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
if (rpc_type[i] == "ID") {
printf("\tif (%s == NULL)\n", args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\t\tmsg.%scl_id = 0;\n\telse\n", \
args[i]) >> CFILE
if (c_type[i] == "DB_TXN *") {
printf("\t\tmsg.%scl_id = %s->txnid;\n", \
args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
} else {
printf("\t\tmsg.%scl_id = %s->cl_id;\n", \
args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "GID") {
printf("\tmemcpy(msg.%s, %s, %d);\n", \
args[i], args[i], xidsize) >> CFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "INT") {
printf("\tmsg.%s = %s;\n", args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "STRING") {
printf("\tif (%s == NULL)\n", args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\t\tmsg.%s = \"\";\n", args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\telse\n") >> CFILE
printf("\t\tmsg.%s = (char *)%s;\n", \
args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "DBT") {
printf("\tmsg.%sdlen = %s->dlen;\n", \
args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\tmsg.%sdoff = %s->doff;\n", \
args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\tmsg.%sulen = %s->ulen;\n", \
args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\tmsg.%sflags = %s->flags;\n", \
args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\tmsg.%sdata.%sdata_val = %s->data;\n", \
args[i], args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\tmsg.%sdata.%sdata_len = %s->size;\n", \
args[i], args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
if (rpc_type[i] == "LIST") {
printf("\tfor (%si = 0, %sp = %s; *%sp != 0; ", \
args[i], args[i], args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
printf(" %si++, %sp++)\n\t\t;\n", args[i], args[i]) \
# If we are an array of ints, *_len is how many
# elements. If we are a GID, *_len is total bytes.
printf("\tmsg.%s.%s_len = %si",args[i], args[i], \
args[i]) >> CFILE
if (list_type[i] == "GID")
printf(" * %d;\n", xidsize) >> CFILE
printf(";\n") >> CFILE
printf("\tif ((ret = __os_calloc(") >> CFILE
if (!env_handle)
printf("dbenv,\n") >> CFILE
printf("%s,\n", args[env_idx]) >> CFILE
printf("\t msg.%s.%s_len,", \
args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
if (list_type[i] == "GID")
printf(" 1,") >> CFILE
printf(" sizeof(u_int32_t),") >> CFILE
printf(" &msg.%s.%s_val)) != 0)\n",\
args[i], args[i], args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\t\treturn (ret);\n") >> CFILE
printf("\tfor (%sq = msg.%s.%s_val, %sp = %s; ", \
args[i], args[i], args[i], \
args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("%si--; %sq++, %sp++)\n", \
args[i], args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\t\t*%sq = ", args[i]) >> CFILE
if (list_type[i] == "GID")
printf("*%sp;\n", args[i]) >> CFILE
if (list_type[i] == "ID")
printf("(*%sp)->cl_id;\n", args[i]) >> CFILE
if (list_type[i] == "INT")
printf("*%sp;\n", args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\n") >> CFILE
printf("\treplyp = __db_%s_%d%03d(&msg, cl);\n", name, major, minor) \
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
if (rpc_type[i] == "LIST") {
printf("\t__os_free(") >> CFILE
if (!env_handle)
printf("dbenv, ") >> CFILE
printf("%s, ", args[env_idx]) >> CFILE
printf("msg.%s.%s_val);\n", args[i], args[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\tif (replyp == NULL) {\n") >> CFILE
if (!env_handle) {
printf("\t\t__db_err(dbenv, ") >> CFILE
printf("clnt_sperror(cl, \"Berkeley DB\"));\n") >> CFILE
} else {
printf("\t\t__db_err(%s, ", args[env_idx]) >> CFILE
printf("clnt_sperror(cl, \"Berkeley DB\"));\n") >> CFILE
printf("\t\tret = DB_NOSERVER;\n") >> CFILE
printf("\t\tgoto out;\n") >> CFILE
printf("\t}\n") >> CFILE
if (ret_code == 0) {
printf("\tret = replyp->status;\n") >> CFILE
} else {
printf("\tret = __dbcl_%s_ret(", name) >> CFILE
sep = "";
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
printf("%s%s", sep, args[i]) >> CFILE
sep = ", ";
printf("%sreplyp);\n", sep) >> CFILE
printf("out:\n") >> CFILE
# Free reply if there was one.
printf("\tif (replyp != NULL)\n") >> CFILE
printf("\t\txdr_free((xdrproc_t)xdr___%s_reply,",name) >> CFILE
printf(" (void *)replyp);\n") >> CFILE
printf("\treturn (ret);\n") >> CFILE
printf("}\n\n") >> CFILE
# Generate Client Template code
if (ret_code) {
# If we are doing a list, write prototypes
pi = 1;
p[pi++] = sprintf("int __dbcl_%s_ret __P((", name);
p[pi++] = "";
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
p[pi++] = pr_type[i];
p[pi++] = ", ";
p[pi++] = sprintf("__%s_reply *));", name);
p[pi++] = "";
proto_format(p, 0, TFILE);
printf("int\n") >> TFILE
printf("__dbcl_%s_ret(", name) >> TFILE
sep = "";
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) {
printf("%s%s", sep, args[i]) >> TFILE
sep = ", ";
printf("%sreplyp)\n",sep) >> TFILE
for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i)
if (func_arg[i] == 0)
printf("\t%s %s;\n", c_type[i], args[i]) \
printf("\t%s;\n", c_type[i]) >> TFILE
printf("\t__%s_reply *replyp;\n", name) >> TFILE;
printf("{\n") >> TFILE
printf("\tint ret;\n") >> TFILE
# Local vars in template
for (i = 0; i < rvars; ++i) {
if (ret_type[i] == "ID" || ret_type[i] == "STRING" ||
ret_type[i] == "INT" || ret_type[i] == "DBL") {
printf("\t%s %s;\n", \
retc_type[i], retargs[i]) >> TFILE
} else if (ret_type[i] == "LIST") {
if (retlist_type[i] == "GID")
printf("\tu_int8_t *__db_%s;\n", \
retargs[i]) >> TFILE
if (retlist_type[i] == "ID" ||
retlist_type[i] == "INT")
printf("\tu_int32_t *__db_%s;\n", \
retargs[i]) >> TFILE
} else {
printf("\t/* %s %s; */\n", \
ret_type[i], retargs[i]) >> TFILE
# Client return code
printf("\n") >> TFILE
printf("\tif (replyp->status != 0)\n") >> TFILE
printf("\t\treturn (replyp->status);\n") >> TFILE
for (i = 0; i < rvars; ++i) {
varname = "";
if (ret_type[i] == "ID") {
varname = sprintf("%scl_id", retargs[i]);
if (ret_type[i] == "STRING") {
varname = retargs[i];
if (ret_type[i] == "INT" || ret_type[i] == "DBL") {
varname = retargs[i];
if (ret_type[i] == "DBT") {
varname = sprintf("%sdata", retargs[i]);
if (ret_type[i] == "ID" || ret_type[i] == "STRING" ||
ret_type[i] == "INT" || ret_type[i] == "DBL") {
printf("\t%s = replyp->%s;\n", \
retargs[i], varname) >> TFILE
} else if (ret_type[i] == "LIST") {
printf("\n\t/*\n") >> TFILE
printf("\t * XXX Handle list\n") >> TFILE
printf("\t */\n\n") >> TFILE
} else {
printf("\t/* Handle replyp->%s; */\n", \
varname) >> TFILE
printf("\n\t/*\n\t * XXX Code goes here\n\t */\n\n") >> TFILE
printf("\treturn (replyp->status);\n") >> TFILE
printf("}\n\n") >> TFILE
# split_lines --
# Add line separators to pretty-print the output.
function split_lines() {
if (argcount > 3) {
# Reset the counter, remove any trailing whitespace from
# the separator.
argcount = 0;
sub("[ ]$", "", sep)
printf("%s\n\t\t", sep) >> PFILE
printf("%s\\\n\\\t\\\t", sep) >> SEDFILE
# proto_format --
# Pretty-print a function prototype.
function proto_format(p, sedfile, OUTPUT)
if (sedfile)
printf("/*\\\n") >> OUTPUT;
printf("/*\n") >> OUTPUT;
s = "";
for (i = 1; i in p; ++i)
s = s p[i];
if (sedfile)
t = "\\ * PUBLIC: "
t = " * PUBLIC: "
if (length(s) + length(t) < 80)
if (sedfile)
printf("%s%s", t, s) >> OUTPUT;
printf("%s%s", t, s) >> OUTPUT;
else {
split(s, p, "__P");
len = length(t) + length(p[1]);
printf("%s%s", t, p[1]) >> OUTPUT
n = split(p[2], comma, ",");
comma[1] = "__P" comma[1];
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
if (len + length(comma[i]) > 75) {
if (sedfile)
"\\\n\\ * PUBLIC: ") >> OUTPUT;
printf("\n * PUBLIC: ") >> OUTPUT;
len = 0;
printf("%s%s", comma[i], i == n ? "" : ",") >> OUTPUT;
len += length(comma[i]);
if (sedfile)
printf("\\\n\\ */\\\n") >> OUTPUT;
printf("\n */\n") >> OUTPUT;
delete p;